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Thread: fem xcite wipes

  1. #31
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    Damn it. I guess I got some of

    the last batch before they went bye-bye. Used two, gave four away to a female friend that I had promised to hook up

    with some mones.

    Didn't realize that they had all run out between the time I ordered and the time I

    received them. Now, I'm down to one friggin' wipe!

    Better make good use of it!

  2. #32
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    No more XCITE WIPES on love


    R.I.P XCITE WIPES.......

  3. #33
    PheroWizard oscar's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by CATPYCO

    bronzie...listen.. Can't I just buy a bottle of Pheromol Factor and call it a day?

    Same thing

    Quote Originally Posted by bronzie
    Go for it, same maker apparently, but not same product or


    I'm not exactly sure I get what you're saying here.

    When the

    original men's Xcite wipes were released, the tag-line was that they were the exact same pheromone formula as

    Pheromol Factor, and from the same manufacturer as well. (Kiotech during the "Dodd-direct involvement, pre-fish lure


    So why would Pheromol Factor not provide the same effect?
    Has the formula changed in the newest

    incarnation of the wipes? Weren't the pheromone formulae the same between the men's and women's PF and Xcite

    lines? Who's making the most recent batch of wipes? Is it NA, HPS Inc., or a subsidiary, or is it being licensed

    out? Why would they resurrect the women's wipes and not the men's?
    (I don't actually expect you to be able

    answer ALL these questions. )

    At any rate, rather than stinking myself up with a female fragrance, I would

    prefer to use the nice, crisp, masculine-smelling scent of men's Pheromol Factor.

    While the bottled version

    of PF won't fit in your wallet like the wipes will, the bottle is small enough to be carried inconspicuously in

    one's pocket.
    Additionally, unlike many other phero products, the PF bottle looks quite simply like a

    mainstream cologne miniature. (I recently took a bottle of NPA-spiked Pheromol Factor on an international trip, and

    had no fear about it arousing suspicions at Customs stops.)

    PF has always been one of the best bargains on

    LS, and with the current "PF/NPA/4 Gels Super

    going on it's practically FREE!

    Why would I go rubbing a bubble gum flavored women's wipe on


    I don't get it.


  4. #34
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    Quote Originally Posted by oscar

    I'm not exactly sure I get what you're saying here.

    When the original men's

    Xcite wipes were released, the tag-line was that they were the exact same pheromone formula as Pheromol Factor, and

    from the same manufacturer as well. (Kiotech during the "Dodd-direct involvement, pre-fish lure era".)

    So why

    would Pheromol Factor not provide the same effect?
    Has the formula changed in the newest incarnation of the

    wipes? Weren't the pheromone formulae the same between the men's and women's PF and Xcite lines? Who's making

    the most recent batch of wipes? Is it NA, HPS Inc., or a subsidiary, or is it being licensed out? Why would they

    resurrect the women's wipes and not the men's?
    (I don't actually expect you to be able answer ALL these

    questions. )

    At any rate, rather than stinking myself up with a female fragrance, I would prefer to use the

    nice, crisp, masculine-smelling scent of men's Pheromol Factor.

    While the bottled version of PF won't fit

    in your wallet like the wipes will, the bottle is small enough to be carried inconspicuously in one's pocket.

    Additionally, unlike many other phero products, the PF bottle looks quite simply like a mainstream cologne

    miniature. (I recently took a bottle of NPA-spiked Pheromol Factor on an international trip, and had no fear about

    it arousing suspicions at Customs stops.)

    PF has always been one of the best bargains on LS, and with the

    current "PF/NPA/4 Gels Super Combo" going

    on it's practically FREE!

    Why would I go rubbing a bubble gum flavored women's wipe on myself?


    don't get it.


    Oscar, I see your point, I will reply fully in my next post, as im

    a Xcite wipe, Dr Dodd groupie, as you probably have already guessed, I bought Pheromol Factor in the new combo

    offered at l-s, what can I say, I kind of missed the stuff and enjoyed it, havnt used it in a couple of years, I

    used it the other night with some interesting results....

  5. #35
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    The smell to me of PF is the same

    as the wipes if I remember correctly. I think that the wipes had basically 10% of a PF bottle in them. It was a lot.

    I loved them. I was going to see if I could make my own wipes out of the PF, but it would take a lot of bottles to

    match the wipes.

  6. #36
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    From the research I've done,

    the pheromone signature and scent were the same in PF as in the original men's wipes. At one point, the scent to

    the wipes was changed so as to differentiate it from PF.

    I prefer even girlie smelling wipes to dropable

    and overdosable bottles. That being said, I'm going to make PF part of my next order.

  7. #37
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    With the Chem set, is it possible

    to make my own PF mix? Scent too (some other way)?

  8. #38
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    PF has twenty to thirty

    different pheromones, many of them variants of androstenol. I don't think the chem set is capable of replicating


    Back in the day, I ordered PF repeatedly. Always had good effects from it. For some reason, I've

    forsaken the tried and true for the new and intriguing. I've also read that SoE amps up PF to new heights.

  9. #39
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    Oscar, when Pheromol Factor was

    released, yes that was the marketing tag, that it was the exact formula as the Xcite Wipes, however, after

    considerable research on this product, and correspondence with the creator, Xcite Wipes were a second generation

    product. That is the reason, the effects are not the same, nor is the Scent, Pheromol Factor has a totally different

    scent to Xcite Wipes, the wipes were a lot more refined, with a very deep complex scent, Pheromol Factor has a

    rather flat alcohol induced aroma.

    The reason, and just my wild guess why love-scent only sold the female

    version of the wipes is two fold, the wipes Generally have been discontinued, kaput, finished! The male version of

    these wipes were the ones that sold out very quickly through the various stores that handled them, also the people

    and suppliers that do own the male variety wont let them go, because they understand this product is defunct, and

    keep them as a kind of collection.

    Now, the female wipes were a surplus line in this range, (most guys

    purchased the men’s version) and obviously they were not popular with women. Therefore, even after the company

    ceased in production, their were quite a few of the fem version of the wipes left over, hence the reason, why you

    will see them from time to time available on the internet, at a rather inflated price. It’s a case of demand and

    supply, the supply is limited, the demand is high.

    Xcite wipes as a product exist, both in male and female

    version, however, Kiotech do not make them, and the formula has nothing to do with what kiotech produced, I was told

    this from the horses mouth so to speak, the new wipes, are made from a company called captain condom, the scent of

    these new wipes is rather poor, actually a pungent lemon, the pheromone formula in these new wipes? Well, I have no

    clue, however the effects in no way resemble the original Xcite wipes.

    I have discovered, a rather

    interesting point (might create a new thread on this) the female version of the Xcite Wipes were actually more

    effective on young girls than the male version of the scent, reason is, female scents create an air of familiarity

    to girls, they are non threatening and a female scent reflects a girls sense of narcissim.

    I have met girls

    that wear men’s colognes only and never buy women’s scents for this reason.

  10. #40
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    That said, Pheromol Factor is

    still a decent product, alot more complex and much better than alot of other pheromone products on the market,

    Pheromol Factor is also a product that has ceased in production, its also a product that is not produced anymore,

    and to my knowledge , only love scent stocks it, so when love scent runs out of this range, thats it!

  11. #41
    Journeyman CrystalMoon's Avatar
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    Looks like I'm very lucky

    then, because I have hundreds of Xcite Wipes for women - all manufactured by Kiotech, and all bought here in the UK.

    The smell of these is nothing like lemon. It is a soft, almost skin-lotion fragrance, and that is the same as it

    always has been, in all the time I have been purchasing them. Almost identical to that of Pherofragrance For Women

    (for obvious reasons), in fact. I get excellent results using these - every time.

    There are still loads of

    suppliers over here, so I don't honestly know what the story behind this "mystery" is..

    FYI bronzie - not all

    women are narcissistic. Sweeping generalisations like that, are NOT going to win you many female friends..


    Eight Words The Wiccan Rede Fulfill: 'An Ye Harm None, Do What Ye Will )O(

  12. #42
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    Quote Originally Posted by CrystalMoon
    Looks like I'm

    very lucky then, because I have hundreds of Xcite Wipes for women - all manufactured by Kiotech, and all bought here

    in the UK.
    Yeah, you are fortunate, I too have a major supply of both the female wipes and male wipes

    that will last me a life time, however, the wipes are not necessary to achieve the desired effect from this

    particular product, the exact formula and exact scent is produced in liquid form and can be purchased directly from

    the creator of the original wipes, I would not have mentioned this product here out of courtesy to love scent, since

    love scent does not stock this product, however since you already mentioned it, yes it's called "pherofragrance", I

    hope love scent would sell it some day.

    Quote Originally Posted by CrystalMoon
    The smell of these is nothing like lemon. It

    is a soft, almost skin-lotion fragrance, and that is the same as it always has been, in all the time I have been

    purchasing them. Almost identical to that of Pherofragrance For Women (for obvious reasons), in fact. I get

    excellent results using these - every time.
    Perhaps you misread my previous post, I said the new

    Xcite wipes that are distributed and marketed under the name "Captain Condom" are the wipes that contain a pungent

    lemon scent and probably also contain a rather inferior pheromone signiture.

    Quote Originally Posted by CrystalMoon
    There are

    still loads of suppliers over here, so I don't honestly know what the story behind this "mystery"

    To my knowledge, the Original Mens formula of the Xcite wipes are pretty much non existent

    in the market place, the product has ceased in production for some years now, and supplies have pretty much dried

    up, if they were that easy to get hold of, I bet Bruce would have sold them here, as he did with the Female Wipes.

    Like I mentioned in my previous post, the Original Female version of the wipes are still available, although at

    a rather inflated price, much more than what love-scent sold them for.

    However, if you have a good source of

    the Original Fem wipes, maybe you can share it with the forum? I for one would like to


    Quote Originally Posted by CrystalMoon
    FYI bronzie - not all women are narcissistic.

    All women, in

    fact everyone has a level of narcissism, both genders possess this, however, it seems alot more Prevalent amongst

    females or feminine gender, hence the reason why women adorn themselves so much, wear make up, and generally adjust

    themselves aesthetically to their own liking. I’m not speaking in general terms, this is universal. Could women that

    own hundreds of female xcite wipes be called narcissistic? Or does she “only” own them for the pleasure of their

    partner? hmmm I wonder…

    Quote Originally Posted by CrystalMoon
    Sweeping generalisations like that,are NOT going to win

    you many female friends..

    Ail :-)
    The fact why I have so many female friends is because I

    understand this very fact, amongst other things in female behaviour, however, I prefer the sex to the friendship

    anyway or gain thier friendship then have the sex, whatever comes first.

  13. #43
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    Default confused here

    Okay, I went and

    bought some Xcite Wipes from LS. It says manufactured by Kiotech in the UK on it. The scent is unusual (not buble

    gum or lemon as described here). So what did I get? Whatever the case- this stuff works on me at the very least.

  14. #44
    PheroWizard oscar's Avatar
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    This thread has been trimmed back to

    the point where it departed from the originally posted topic.


  15. #45
    King of the coupons!
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    Quote Originally Posted by oscar
    This thread has

    been trimmed back to the point where it departed from the originally posted topic.


    Big O!

    Anyone else playing with the fem excite wipes?
    Never argue with ignorant people! They pull you down to THEIR level, and then they BEAT YOU with experience. Who said that!? I don't know, but tis gold I tell'ya!!

  16. #46
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    Does anyone here know what PF

    woman (pheromol factor) smells like?

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