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Thread: Results so far

  1. #1
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    Smile Results so far

    Well I just

    recieved my Chikara and Npa on tuesday and have been testing it out for 2 days at the office. Unfortunatly I'm not

    in contact with people for more than 10 sec encounters so I can't tell if I need to up the dosage or not hopefully

    tomorrow i'll hit up some coffee shops and test it out there. Would Chikara and npa be an alright combo for work?

    or would it be best to leave the npa outta the mix? I have some liquid trust coming in a day or two and will test

    that out and keep everyone updated.
    In case anyone is wondering im 5'9" medium build, mixed with portugese,

    chinese, french, 21 yr old male, not bad looking either

  2. #2
    Full Member Spiderweb's Avatar
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    who knows, give it a try and

    see what happens and let us know..npa mixed with anything is bound to get some type of reaction...might offset the

    soft vibe of chikara
    Last edited by Spiderweb; 09-14-2006 at 03:28 PM.

  3. #3
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    today tried 3 sprays of

    chikara 1 each side of my neck and one on my shirt, 3 sparys of liquid trust 1 one each bicep and 1 on chest.

    Interacted with a few people today but nothing outta the ordinary. I have a 2 gel packs each of soe and TE im

    thinking I may try those out next week but as for coffee tonight i'll stick with the chikara, LT, NPA and hopefully

    be able to get some reactions from that. If not can anyone recommend anything for me to try?

  4. #4
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    Try Liquid Trust standalone on

    shirt .. It should work!

  5. #5
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    friday nights plans got

    canceled so I stayed home. Saturday I went to a mall packed with gorgeous women and i wore 3 sprays chikara, 3 of

    LT, and 3 drops npa smiled said hi to bunch of girls, stood close to them but nothing at all. Later on i went for

    coffee with a friend and decided to put on 1/3 pack of SOE did the same thing at coffee house but no hits what so

    ever so after an hour there i went to my buddys girlfriends house and another couple was there, i sat nice and close

    to both girls but nothing outta the ordinary. So its 2am and im feeling pretty depressed about today =( and to top

    it all off my ex called me and she was out with another guy having dinner when she told me she couldnt see me today

    since she would be busy studying!

  6. #6
    Moderator belgareth's Avatar
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    You ODed. Start with small

    amounts of single products.
    To compel a man to subsidize with his taxes the propagation of ideas which he disbelieves and abhors is sinful and tyrannical.

    Thomas Jefferson

  7. #7
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    Sorry I should have said in

    one of my firsts posts that I tried 1 spray of chikara and when that had no effect I went up to 2 sprays chikara and

    1 drop npa. Right now I'm worried that i'll be one of the guys that chikara dosen't work for an also I bought 2

    bottles of it.

    Should I stick to 1 spray chikara for a week and see if that does anything?

  8. #8
    Moderator belgareth's Avatar
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    Work with a single product and

    keep increasing the dose until you figure out if it works or not. Then go onto another product and do the same

    thing. If something had happened yesterday, would you have had any idea which product had generated the response?

    That many mones in that high a concentration was too much for the vast majority of people.
    To compel a man to subsidize with his taxes the propagation of ideas which he disbelieves and abhors is sinful and tyrannical.

    Thomas Jefferson

  9. #9
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    Thanks belgareth I'm just

    anxious for these mones to work as I started a new job in a small office and where im situated is kinda outta the

    way from everyone else, once and awhile they come to my office to get things and wanted the mones to make them wanna

    come back more often. Me and my ex are drifting further and further away due to her and even though she treated me

    like shit our entire relationship shes all i have left pretty much so i dont wanna loose her.

  10. #10
    Moderator belgareth's Avatar
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    Having been through the ex

    routine I can ony advise you to forget her and get on with your life. Not easy but not as hard as it seems when you

    are there. There are literally millions of great women out here. Stop lettng your former relationship drag down your

    sense of self worth. Get on with your life. Mones aren't going to solve your problem but realizing that there is a

    lot more to life and living than your ex is going to do you a world of good. You may even find, like me, that

    splitting up was the best thing that could have happened to you..
    To compel a man to subsidize with his taxes the propagation of ideas which he disbelieves and abhors is sinful and tyrannical.

    Thomas Jefferson

  11. #11
    Full Member The Real FTR's Avatar
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    Hey, try some Primal

    Instinct for Women. It's excellent quality -nol and just the tiniest smidge of copulins - don't worry that it

    says it's for women. I promise you it will make people hang out at your desk! If it doesn't, I'll buy it from


    Sorry about your girlfriend. ((hugs))

  12. #12
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    I'm trying my best

    belgareth. I know it'd be best for me to just sever all ties with my ex but at this point I can't, since we broke

    up I feel a hell of alot better and less stressed but at the same time I find myself depressed since I'm a very

    physical person and going from getting held and kissed to nothing at all is quite rough on me.

    Once I do a few

    more weeks of testing then I'll try Primal Instinct for women and possibly xcite wipes since bronzie has had

    success with that. Thank you for the hug FTR

  13. #13
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    Primal Instinct for WOMEN to be

    used by GUYS??? Are u serious???

    Who is going to hang out at my DESK? U mean the gurls around or all the guys


    I can't imagine all guys getting horny around me .... wondering where the copulins coming from ...

    Quote Originally Posted by The Real FTR
    Hey, try some Primal Instinct for Women. It's excellent quality -nol and just the

    tiniest smidge of copulins - don't worry that it says it's for women. I promise you it will make people hang out

    at your desk! If it doesn't, I'll buy it from you.

    Sorry about your girlfriend. ((hugs))

  14. #14
    Moderator Mtnjim's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sherid
    Primal Instinct for

    WOMEN to be used by GUYS??? Are u serious???

    Who is going to hang out at my DESK? U mean the gurls around or all

    the guys around???

    I can't imagine all guys getting horny around me .... wondering where the copulins coming

    from ...
    A lot of the "Women's" products can be used by guys. Except for copulins, men and women produce

    the same ~mones, just in different amounts and ratios. And no the cops won't be getting the guys horney for you,

    you don't "look right" for that to happen.
    Freedom begins when you tell Mrs. Grundy to go fly a kite.
    --Lazarus Long

  15. #15
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    I'm starting over today

    wore 1 spray chikara so nothing outta the ordinary. Was in my bosses office about 2 feet away from him and no effect

    then again he did have a head cold and a bad stuffy nose so maybe that affected it. My other boss was cheery today

    when I talked to him for a few mins but hes normally like that. I ordered some gel packs of AE and xcite wipes plus

    the free sample of perception and will try those out in a few weeks time.

    Last week when I sprayed the chikara I

    sprayed overtop of that with liquid trust and I'm wondering now if it changed it chemically and was why it had no

    effect on anyone.

  16. #16
    Moderator belgareth's Avatar
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    You are mostly interested in

    women's reactions, right?

    Go a few days and watch for reactions from women. If none make it two sprays for a

    while and watch. If still no reactions try three then four. Sooner or later you are bound to get some kind of

    reactions. Chikara is pretty safe though. My experience seems to show that Chikara wears off in about 4 hours so

    keep that in mind.
    To compel a man to subsidize with his taxes the propagation of ideas which he disbelieves and abhors is sinful and tyrannical.

    Thomas Jefferson

  17. #17
    Phero Enthusiast
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    I use 1 spray of chik

    combined with SOE for good results. I add -none if I want to heat things up.

    I now have the opposite problem you

    are describing. I had the free time but I now have enough active women in my life that it is starting to cause me

    stress. Or it may just be the lastest one added on board last night. I think she is looking for more serious than

    I am and I don't want her to get torn up. The rest all know I'm play time guy.

    Anyway-- I've read more than

    one post that talked about using Chik working better with other products. SOE + Chik + a small amount of -none =

    the bomb for me. I feel upbeat, everyone smiles at me. At the end, I just feel tired without a crash. I think I

    may crash from -none.

  18. #18
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    how old are you maxo-texas?

    and how much SOE do you apply and where?

  19. #19
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    I'm 46 and 6'5, 252 pounds.

    I'd say I am an "8".

    I apply 6" back of neck, 3-4" on each wrist. For a while I was putting a small strip on

    my chest but now I use that for -none. I was observing that when I wore -none there, some women seemed to want to

    just smell my chest almost in a daze. They would open the top button and just zone out.

    SoE smells like dirty

    socks when I apply it to my chin line.

  20. #20
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    Try Chikara + A314 .

    It does

    wonders for me.

    A314 gives the attention grabbing/respect/mature/confident VIBE to yourself and to others

    around you.

    Chikara adds the fun/sexy aspect without giving u too much =none that u come across as a WWF


    I used to OD on Chikara with 4-6 sprays and I gave up on it, as I thought it didn't work. But

    overspray Chikara and you'll find that it negates all effects as if you've got no mones on. It's a soft product

    , yes. And it has a little none in it, yes. However, there's other mones in Chikara that really blank everything

    else out if you OD . You won't be OD'ing on the none in chikara, but you'll OD on the other stuff.


    this is my dosage for clubs. I haven't seen anyone use this combo yet, so I urge you guys to try it, as it is

    consistent as hell for me.

    1-2 drops A314 to front of neck and back.

    1 spray to left & 1 spray to the

    right of neck. Half spritz at the back of neck ( chikara ).


    This combo doesn't give u the

    friendly vibe but it's attractive and it will grab attention. So you'll have to approach girls yourself and come

    across friendly. They'll be very receptive to you due to the A314 in there. But if you aren't a naturally outgoing

    person, and u're a bit on the shy or lone-wolf side, add a bit of SOE to your WRISTS. Don't put too much on or

    you'll come across as a bit too soft. Tension builds sexual attraction. You don't want to lose that aspect of what

    Chikara is doing. Just maybe a 1 inch stripe on each wrist will do.

    I don't use SOE here, as I have another

    androstenol product , but even then, I hardly use it too. I enjoy approaching girls so it's not a big issue for


    I hope this helps. PM me if I can be of assistance.



  21. #21
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    thnx nfs and maxo-texas and

    everyone else.

    once i gather enough money up and pay off my bills i'll buy some a314 and test that combo out.

    today I tried 1 spray of chikara on each shoulder, 1 drop of npa smeared down my chest in a line, and half a

    spray chikara covering it. I wasnt in much contact with others today but it had a huge effect on me, I was super

    hyper from about 8am-12pm and was pretty confident and carefree and I know it must have been the mones since I was

    feeling pretty crappy when I woke up.

    I'll keep testing and in the future i'll post any hits I come across

    this way I wont clutter up the board talking about my unsuccessful atempts

  22. #22
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    Hey man.

    Don't use Chikara as a

    cover. It's too weak for that ( light and powdery )..and it's got no longevity in terms of scent.

    And u're

    adding more pheros when u use it as cover. Keep it to 2 sprays for a while.. maybe a week. Get a good cologne that

    smells attractive to women, and that has longevity ( ie Issey Miyake or Gucci Envy ) and spray 2 times over the area

    u spread your NPA.

    It's very very easy to OD on Chikara. It's not a -none OD like i said. It's a " something

    else " OD. And once u OD with chikara, it won't have the same push-away effect as NPA, instead won't see

    any reactions from anyone. It flat-out negates everything . I don't know why but it just is.

    Magic dose on most

    people here at the forum is usually 1 - 2 sprays. Don't be worried that people won't be able to smell chikara on 1

    or 2 sprays, ... they will.

  23. #23
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    thank you nfs


    stick to 1 spray chikara each shoulder and i'll cover the npa with my axe phoenix deodorant stick until the cologne

    I ordered comes (op juice).

  24. #24
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    use your deo stick? heheh

    Ok be

    careful bout the NPA stink then. Let us know how u go

  25. #25
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    Hi Everyone!
    I'm a new

    member but was observing the forum discussion lately. I'm 41 yrs old living in Malaysia. My first phero was the

    Pherlure. Tried it but didn't notice any reaction from women around me. But I'm not saying that Pherlure doesn't

    work bcoz I believe on the factors such as body chemistry,age,social background etc can have effects on the results.

    Few days ago I purchase the Lure For Him from Singapore. At the same time a 21 yr old girl who walk out from my room

    6 mths ago after a quarrel asked whether she can come back to stay with me and I welcome her back. So I thought this

    is a good opportunity for me to see any results. I put on Lure F.Him 1 dab each on my neck. The girl who is in

    nature was a very quiet type was very talcative and we talked till tomorrow morning for two nights until I had to

    call my boss and told him that I wud like to take a leave due to my car brokedown. Of course I had to find a reason

    to tell my boss bcoz this girl didn't stop chatting and telling me her stories. You might be wondering do we only

    chat or do something else but believe me we only chat bcoz this girl see me as her brother. I read that the a-nol

    which contained in Lure induce conversations but I do not know for sure. She told me that she felt relax with me and

    I have changed a lot. (This is bcoz 6 mths ago we quarrelled all the time). Is this a pheromone effect or not? Could

    someone comment on this? I wud like to mix Pherlure with Lure F.Him. Can someone out there advice me on the ratio or

    on anything regarding this. Your advice/efforts are highly appreciated.
    Thank you.

    Last edited by Mohammad Shah; 09-20-2006 at 01:56 AM. Reason: left a word out

  26. #26
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    Hi Shah,

    Ok. I've used Lure

    before as well,.. it has a very very low concentration of NOL in it. It smells damn strong, but I kinda like it

    myself. I really feel relaxed when I apply it on myself.

    I think yer girl is definitely reacting to the nol.

    But if u want things to get sexual beyond this point, you're either gonna have to start flirting with her and being

    the more aggressive male , or you'll have to get some androstenone on your body somewhere.

    So I would

    advise you, to get some chikara or some TE ( the edge ), as these have some none in there and it's not too strong

    for asian girls. I'm asian myself so trust me on this one. Don't go for the NPA for msian girls. Most of them

    don't react well to it. Apply a very small amount of chikara or TE and that'll be enough ( along with your Lure



  27. #27
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    How abt AE for the Asian gurls?

    have u tried this and got any response?

    Quote Originally Posted by nfs
    Hi Shah,

    Ok. I've used Lure before as well,.. it has a

    very very low concentration of NOL in it. It smells damn strong, but I kinda like it myself. I really feel relaxed

    when I apply it on myself.

    I think yer girl is definitely reacting to the nol. But if u want things to get

    sexual beyond this point, you're either gonna have to start flirting with her and being the more aggressive male ,

    or you'll have to get some androstenone on your body somewhere.

    So I would advise you, to get some chikara or

    some TE ( the edge ), as these have some none in there and it's not too strong for asian girls. I'm asian myself

    so trust me on this one. Don't go for the NPA for msian girls. Most of them don't react well to it. Apply a very

    small amount of chikara or TE and that'll be enough ( along with your Lure ).


  28. #28
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    I'll tell you, Lure was a big

    surprise for me on how well it worked. Good stuff in my opinion. I did not care for the scent of Lure, so that was a

    downside for me. However, I used to mix it with a couple of body lotions from Bath and Body and used it in

    conjuction with the Edge and bammo, the you smell good and other things became more frequent.

    had a

    bottle of Pherlure and had it reversed engineered by a friend of mine who's an assistant Chemistry Prof at the

    local Uni. I'm not going to get too detailed because of possible legal ramifications for Bruce, but it is basically

    scented water. One of the bigger Pheromone scams in my opinion. And as far as its fragrance, to me it smelled like

    of of those Dollar Store knockoff fragrances.

  29. #29
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    Quote Originally Posted by nfs
    Hi Shah,

    Ok. I've used Lure before as well,.. it has a very very low concentration of NOL in it. It smells damn strong,

    but I kinda like it myself. I really feel relaxed when I apply it on myself.

    I think yer girl is definitely

    reacting to the nol. But if u want things to get sexual beyond this point, you're either gonna have to start

    flirting with her and being the more aggressive male , or you'll have to get some androstenone on your body


    So I would advise you, to get some chikara or some TE ( the edge ), as these have some none in there

    and it's not too strong for asian girls. I'm asian myself so trust me on this one. Don't go for the NPA for msian

    girls. Most of them don't react well to it. Apply a very small amount of chikara or TE and that'll be enough (

    along with your Lure ).

    Hi NFS!

    Thanks a lot. I think I'm just going to do as what you have

    adviced. Since our relation was based on trust, (she was a runaway girl, brought her home and cared for her) I have

    to take a 'slow approch' on her if you know what I mean. But please don't get me wrong, I like her very much.

    Hope that the TE or Chikara will give me some good results.

    Thanks again, Sir!


  30. #30
    Phero Enthusiast
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    I use unscented chik to


    I use Sandlewood as the scent.

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