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  1. #1

    Default Have SOE, Will Test Today!

    Hello everyone,
    I recieved my SOE Saturday and will be testing it today. I\'m going to the mall with some ladies that I\'ve never met before. I\'m gonna use my SOE and see what happens.

    BTW, I have noticed something about the smell of SOE. While I can smell the musky citrus type scent (it smells really good), there is something else there that I can\'t quite describe. I want to say it smells like a men\'s bathroom but that isn\'t quite it. I only notice the smell after about 20 minutes of wearing the stuff. It reminds me of the smell ofBourbon Street in New Orleans (I\'m for Louisiana). Lots of people piss in the street on Bourbon but as i said before, it isn\'t that repulsive. Could this be the RONE that I\'m smelling?

  2. #2
    PheroWizard oscar's Avatar
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    Default Re: Have SOE, Will Test Today!


    Sounds like you can detect the smell of A-Rone as readily as I can. When I first smelled the 1mg/ml Rone in the Chem-Set, the first thing that came to my mind was urinal mint! A slightly minty, camphor-like aroma. The association with piss may just be a conditioned response. Unlesss that\'s the A-Nol\'s scent.

    Oscar [img]images/icons/wink.gif[/img]

  3. #3

    Default Re: Have SOE, Will Test Today!

    Well, I just got back from my trip to the mall and I must say SOE is tha sh!t!!! Although the people I was supposed to be going with didn\'t end up coming, I noticed a lot of glances from other ladies in the stores, especially the ones that were crowded. I also ran into a friend of mine and she had another one of her friends with her. She couldn\'t stop smiling! This stuff works. I\'ll use it over the Alter-Ego I have any day!

    About the smell, I agree with Oscar about the urinal puck smell. I knew it somehow made me think of a restroom, but I couldn\'t put my finger on what the smell was. I guess I can pickup the RONE easily unless its the NOL turned to NONE. I\'m not exactly sure what NONE smells like because the only product I have thats got it in it is my AE and it\'s fragrance covers it well in my opinion. I\'ve never noticed my AE smelling like the SOE does after awhile.


  4. #4

    Default Re: Have SOE, Will Test Today!

    Can everyone post their SOE dosage in inches of roll on for now? We\'ll have to figure out how many mg of phero this translates to later.

  5. #5
    Administrator Bruce's Avatar
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    Default Re: Have SOE, Will Test Today!

    I guess there is something there smellwise that is beyond the NONE smell. I always thought that NONE is all that you would smell after the fragrance fades with AE, but the NONE may be masking something more subtle that we don\'t usually notice.
    Try the pit trick though, if you really want to see some transformation in a hurry. I put some AE on my pits for comparison, and there is a major difference. Make sure to shower up very well before trying this.

  6. #6

    Default Re: Have SOE, Will Test Today!

    I used roughly 18 inches of roll on when I tried my SOE today. Since it was my first run, I don\'t know if thats optimal yet. This coming week I will test it in my classes at achool and see how the people react. I don\'t know any of the people in my classes yet, as we just started the spring semester, so it will be interesting to see if anyone introduces theirself to me...


  7. #7

    Default Re: Have SOE, Will Test Today!

    Good! Actually according to Scientist, 30 inches of roll is approximately .015 mg pheromone, so your application would be less than .01 mg. Most of us think he\'s over-estimating the amount of roll. Nevertheless, if he\'s right, your 10 ml SOE bottle should last about 500 applications!

  8. #8
    Phero Enthusiast
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    Default Re: Have SOE, Will Test Today!


    I agree with you, there is something with SOE. I myself could not believe it, last night I was at Round Table Pizza and this girl sitting across me is making an eye contact to me.....SHIT !! if she was not with another guy I could have gotten her name and phone number.

    Same thing what happened when I was a the grocery store. Mostly my hits are teens and early 30\'s. I do not see any response to women in 40\'s and above. I\'d like to tell more about my experience with SOE but I have to go somewhere in a few minutes.

    Travis [img]images/icons/smile.gif[/img]

  9. #9
    Banned User jvkohl's Avatar
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    Default Re: Have SOE, Will Test Today!

    I\'m happy to see that only a few people in this forum are RONE supersmellers, which tends to give them the urinous tone typically associated more with NONE. However, about 1 in 100 people that I exposed to 1mg/ml of RONE in mineral oil, found it to be aversive, and reported the urinous tone. In every case, pregnant women found the odor of RONE to be offensive--which is what could be expected from animal studies. Pregnant females don\'t have any use for males, or for the odor of males. With 2mg/ml many more people reported RONE to be aversive/urinous, so I didn\'t experiment much with 2mg/ml.

    For those who do perceive a urinous tone to SOE, it might be best to try it out on a few female friends who will almost undoubtedly report that it smells very pleasant. I don\'t think it\'s a good idea to wear SOE until you are convinced that -- at least to the vast majority of women -- it has very attractive properties. Personally, if I detected the urinous tone, I would be very inhibited when wearing SOE. Still, conscious detection is not so important as unconscious affects with pheromones.

    The \"roll on\" use measurements interest me. Some of you folks definitely have very sharp scientific minds; I never thought to measure how much was distributed per inches of role. But someone mentioned a 5 inch neck be used as a guide. So, here\'s some fun stuff.

    I promptly discovered that--from the tip of my earlobe to my collar bone is only 3 inches. This is startling! I think I\'m developing no-neck syndrome. Especially after measuring circumferance at 17 inches. Jeeze, I\'m only 5\'6\" tall and 165 lbs with 18% bodyfat. Maybe that\'s why I unknowingly used 1ml of SOE (also distributed amoung friends) on my first night out with it. Since I\'m getting no-neck syndrome, I probably just rolled SOE on and on; because I have less neck exposure than others, therefore I need more pheromones per inch of neck.

    Okay, so I\'m attempting to inject some humor here. The roll on measurement is a great idea with regard to determining how much SOE to use. Still, I can\'t help but wonder how we could standardize the pheromones per inch of neck (which would effect distribution).

    Tricky business; this science of pheromones. Great ideas; this Forum.

  10. #10
    Administrator Bruce's Avatar
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    Default Re: Have SOE, Will Test Today!

    I am guessing that Joboo is not used to the familiar NONE smell and that is what he is discribing. I find it is produced on the body quite quickly presumably from the NOL mixed with body heat and bacteria. If you roll SOE on your arm pits it happens like crazy and is really quite interesting.

  11. #11

    Default Re: Have SOE, Will Test Today!

    This stuff sounds like its going to have a bit of an impact and also yeah alter ego is good as well that has none nol and rone for those looking for a three phero combo add NPA as well and youve got five (one i find effective is AE and attraction with a little bit of NPA added to the attraction i got some interesting results with that one.

  12. #12
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    Default Re: Have SOE, Will Test Today!

    Thanks James,
    This morning I helped one of my employees catch up at her workstation. I worked by her back there for over an hour and afterward she responded like I was from Planet Cat-Litter Box. Further thought revealed
    a) She\'s only 23 yo.
    b) She\'s six months along.
    Your insightful information puts added meaning into these encounters...

    wingrider [img]images/icons/laugh.gif[/img]

  13. #13
    Banned User jvkohl's Avatar
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    Default Re: Have SOE, Will Test Today!

    You\'re welcome. Glad I mentioned it in time for you to make the not so friendly connection. Guys, watch out for those pregnant ladies, they will hate the way you smell when wearing SOE and probably most other products.

    I talked with the perfumer responsible for the excellent smell of SOE (at least to most non-pregnant females). He brought home the point that the musky fragrance of SOE is made up of approximatly 87 different types of musk. In addition, he pointed out that if anyone was supersensitive to only one of these types of musk, he might also associate it negatively--as in the urinous tone.

    Of course this would be uncommon. In an olfactory compendium-type book, I read that 80% of cosmetic fragrances (either for men or for women) contain musk in some form. So, the odds of being a supersmeller who is offended by any particular form of a musky compound are limited. That\'s why musk is such a favorite among perfumers, whether it\'s a musky RONE; NONE or OL --or any other fragrant compound.

  14. #14

    Default Re: Have SOE, Will Test Today!

    Concerning the pregnant ladies, isn\'t there a risk that women who are on the pill might react similarly?

  15. #15

    Default Re: Have SOE, Will Test Today!

    Ok thats it my order is going in ASAP im getting me some SOE sounds like this stuff will really work, anyhow couple of points

    *This stuff sounds like it will last a long time.

    *The breakdown on the body of the nol and rone into other compounds including none but obvisouly there are many other compounds in human sweat which havent been discovered or put into pheromone products.

    * THe above might mention the NPA mystery seeing as though theyve got something in there but arent saying what (the edge to) it may be one of these compounds in which case that would explain why the stuff works very well. (And why the NPA AE mix as well as all of jambats mixes - looks like hes disappeared)

    *Glad to see it working i realise now that if james kohl has put it out then youve probably done youre research for a long time and when putting this out obviously knew that it would have one hell of an impact

    *Hey james have you got any mystery compounds in this here product that you are keeping secret [img]images/icons/laugh.gif[/img] or could it be the musk thats in it that boosts it . Ok only teasing but hey we gotta have some secrets.

    *Just as long as it works

    *Also avoid pregnant women lol well cant have it all our own way right.

  16. #16
    Phero Enthusiast
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    Default Re: Have SOE, Will Test Today!

    Hello Guys,

    I\'d like to share what happened to me last night when I went to my friends house.


    Last night I called up my friend and asked her if I could come by at her house. She told me that her friend that she introduced to me couple of years a ago was there. I said cool I want to see her. I told her not to tell her that I\'m coming over. That friend of her HATES me very much and I do not know why. Maybe at that time when I was using \"None\" it is to offensive for her. But anyway, I thought SOE might change her attitude. Before going to my friends house I ordered Pizza and brought it.

    When I got to her house her friend saw me and has that fricking big smile on her face. I made joke to her saying \"You must be in a good mood\". She just smiled and did not answer.

    To make the story short, we had dinner, joking around, and she\'s giving me an eye contact signalling me of something. As the night fades I offered her a ride home and she said \"ok\". So in short we left and I drove her home. Before she steped out the car she kissed me not on the chick but in the lips [img]images/icons/shocked.gif[/img] her lips stayed in my lips maybe 3 seconds and waiting for me to respond, so I responded back we were kissing each other very good 5 to 8 minutes in the car. Our hands were just crowling everywhere because we were so hot already we ended up in her bedroom. And you know what happened after that.


  17. #17
    Banned User jvkohl's Avatar
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    Default Re: Have SOE, Will Test Today!

    Good question, since women on the pill are basically tricking their body into thinking its pregnant. But the physiology involved when on the pill makes things a bit different. Everything I\'ve seen, read, or experienced points to lack of the cyclical estrogen increase (which prompts a luteinizing hormone surge and causes testosterone to peak in women) also dulls the sense of smell, perhaps even specifically to some pheromones. So, with women on the pill, there is even more reason to use pheromone products. Adding pheromones might jump start their hormones--especially since George Preti et al., recently showed that men\'s axillary secretions increased luteinizing hormone levels in women. Granted, these women were not on the pill, but women who are on the pill can be expected to need the boost. They are very unlikely to find the musky odor of SOE to be unpleasant. Instead, they are most likely to react in a very positive manner.

    Nice reporting and good to hear you\'re enjoying some extra action. Hope you don\'t
    use and abuse...

  18. #18

    Default Re: Have SOE, Will Test Today!

    Now i want to get my own SoE too! [img]images/icons/laugh.gif[/img]
    I\'ve been waiting for good SoE stories b4 i buy it. Looks like its one of the real sh**!

  19. #19
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    Default Re: Have SOE, Will Test Today!

    wheres that credit card... [img]images/icons/laugh.gif[/img]

  20. #20
    Carpal Tunnel Whitehall's Avatar
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    Default Re: Have SOE, Will Test Today!

    Got my SOE last night and tried a touch to the neck with no obvious reactions.

    This morning, working at my computer, I rolled out 1.0 to 1.5 inches to the back of one hand and rubbed both hand backs together. After a few minutes. the smell was so intense that I had to go to the rest room and wash it off! Note that my hands are directly below my nose while on the computer. The soap and hot water cut the odor but did not eliminate it.

    The smell was something like NPA or TE but still different. It was like it had the \'none component but I guess the \'rone was coming through, as of yet unconverted.

    Scarry - I\'ll treat this stuff with respect and moderation.

  21. #21

    Default Re: Have SOE, Will Test Today!

    Hey Travis can u tell us how much SOE you used? [img]images/icons/laugh.gif[/img]

  22. #22

    Default Re: Have SOE, Will Test Today!

    I have used SOE in class now for three times.

    Today and also monday a female classmate that was sÃtting near me just couldnt stop talking. It was like something pulled the trigger and then it was just unbelievable, I mean she was hyperactive. It also seemed everybody in the room got a little buzz and got more active and chatty.

    I keep you posted about my SOE-experiences.

  23. #23

    Default Re: Have SOE, Will Test Today!

    Hello Everyone,

    I am considering buying some SOE, but I am hearing a lot of people say that it has a bad odor. James advises against using colonge with SOE. If I were to roll on a few rolls of SOE and then spray colonge over top of it, does anyone think that would affect the SOE in anyway ?

    Milk Man [img]images/icons/cool.gif[/img]

  24. #24

    Default Re: Have SOE, Will Test Today!

    I don\'t think the cologne will effect it. I am one of the people who notices the smell (some don\'t, i guess I can just smell RONE really easy) and even though I know others might not be able to smell it, I have gotten to the point where I don\'t want to leave home unless I\'m happy with the way I smell. Today I tried a combination of SOE and AE and it worked wonders. I put about 18 inches of SOE on and the added 3 DABS of AE: 1 kinda spread in my hair, 1 on my chin, and 1 on my wrist rubbed together with my other wrist. I put a stripe of SOE on my wrist in the same spot as the AE, some on my chest under my shirt, and the rest on my neck spread around front and back. I then applied 2 sprays of \"Hugo\" to my chest and one to my neck and wrist as a cover so that I\'d feel comfortable walking out the house.

    At work today, I noticed the pheros working big time. A girl that works in the same office as I do actually spoke to me today, asking me if I had any food because she was hungry. She was acting reallt giddy and strange. She is usually really quiet. In the 2 years I\'ve been working in this office, she has only spoken to me for about 5 minutes total. It was totally out of the blue! Isn\'t sharing food one of those primal instincts too? Just look around at dating/married couples. I\'ll be willing to bet if you watch them long enough, you will eventually see them share some food.

    Anyway, on to case #2 for today. This happend about an hour ago. I have a night class on Wednesdays. I got to class early and found the most secluded seat I could find, closest to the door so that people entering the room could get a whiff of me. By the time class started, not a single guy was sitting next to me. ALL WOMEN! And the chick sitting behind me couldn\'t stop fidgiting. She was laughing at stupid jokes the teacher made (they weren\'t funny at all) and she kept kicking the back of my desk. I sat back in my chair for a little while and before I knew it, she had her head propped up close to the back of my neck. I could tell by how loud she sounded when she giggled at the tasteless jokes the teacher made. And I felt her breathing on my neck a little. Her mood was definately elevated and I think it might be because of the pheros.

    Well thats my story... [img]images/icons/cool.gif[/img]

  25. #25
    Banned User jvkohl's Avatar
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    Default Re: Have SOE, Will Test Today!

    You guys are keeping me busy reading the latest news on SOE, and I enjoy the reading.
    Still, it\'s hard to keep up with everyone, so if I leave someone out, I apologize in advance.

    DD: Back to those pregnant women... another reason to avoid them is research that shows the following: the spouses of women who are pregnant experience a drop in their testosterone levels that continues throughout pregnancy and testosterone levels reach their lowest as she comes to term and delivers. That\'s some very negative chemical communication that the ladies are directing back to us when they\'re pregnant. But it makes sense given reports that a progesteronic pheromone causes LH and testosterone levels to drop in men. The dynamics of pregnancy contribute to the drop, most likely to ensure that the man sticks around to help support the newborn--at least from an animal perspective on paternal investment.

    No mystery compounds; pheromones are mysterious enough without me playing scientific roulette with them. Better to go with a relatively sure thing, and tell people what it is, and why it works.

    Whitehall: that\'s the strongest reaction I\'ve heard of; how would you describe your typical ability to smell different compounds? If I keep getting reports like yours, I might have to do a formal study on supersmellers. Honest, the tissue samples won\'t hurt that much, and you probably won\'t even notice the missing pieces.

    Frankie; I really like the classroom experiences.

    Milkman: more people have commented on the pleasant odor of SOE than on the bad odor that only supersmellers will experience. Honestly, there are not that many supersmellers out there--despite what seems to be more than a few in this Forum. In all probability, some of these guys are so sensitized to the odors of OL; NONE; and RONE, that they have many more receptors for these compounds than you or I. Their receptor content is determined both by genetics and by exposure to different pheromones. And a typical sensitive male will find the odor aversive. That may work to your advantage however--as long as you don\'t worry about offending other guys with your pheromone enhanced natural body odor. Trust me, the vast majority of women will love it. You saw what JOBOO wrote, right? Michael Kirk-Smith did some early studies on seating choice when pheromones were present or absent. The women come and stay; the men go away. Recently, he and I planned (with others) to co-author a Neuroendocrinology Letters article on pheromones and sexual orientation. However, I couldn\'t reach an agreement with regard to my contribution to the article, so the article was split. Not sure I\'ll get my neuroscientific perspective included, but the ethology approach Michael and others took is well worth reading on the Neuroendocrinology Letters website (December issue). Last I heard a review of \"The Scent of Eros: Mysteries of Odor in Human Sexuality\" is scheduled to appear in the February issue, and it should include some mention of content in an epilogue (no one else has seen this, and won\'t until the book is re-released in paperback.) It will be interesting to me, and perhaps to others to see what the review says.

    JOBOO: felt her breathing on the back of your neck? That\'s a great come on! Why didn\'t you check her out further, after class? If you ever do, be sure to let us know what happens.

  26. #26

    Default Re: Have SOE, Will Test Today!

    James - Well youre right on the sensitivity thing after 4 years of being exposed to the various products out there and Oding quite a bit in part sometimes to get myself sensitised to these things, i am probably turned into some sort of super smeller plus, i can pick up on androgen smells and make the difference between none nol and rone which helps when talking to people along with the NLP training the ability to guage peoples natural levels gives me an extra insight into how different people think based on their natural phero imprint but also having friends etc using pheromones and some strangers (small amounts still) it changes things but still no negative reactions from me anymore seeing i know what they are up to [img]images/icons/laugh.gif[/img] i just give em a big smile and really step everything up lol. Good to team up with pheros in bars with mates to get better group results (freaky experiences)

  27. #27
    Carpal Tunnel Whitehall's Avatar
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    Default Re: Have SOE, Will Test Today!

    I\'ve never considered myself a \"supersmeller\" but I have been concentrating the last year on training my facilities through essential oils, colognes, and now, pheromones.

    The odor I reported from the back of the hand trick this morning was not necessarily bad but it was so intense that I was worried about my office neighbors complaining. (See my topic on \"A Bad Workplace Hit.\")

    I think the heat generated from the rubbing may have activated the SoE and increased the release rate; that with the configurationof hands and nose over the keyboard definitely increased the intensity.

    Tested SoE tonight at a science night at my daughters\' school. Big room filled with elementary school kids and parents doing science activities - noisy and chaotic. Many of the mothers seemed much more friendly, chatty, and approachable than usual. The cute female organizer from the local museum was especially so, volunteering her life story and was eager for me to come by the museum at my first chance. Too bad my wife was there.

  28. #28

    Default Re: Have SOE, Will Test Today!

    Hmm... So, is the fragrance of SOE so strong that mixing it with a cologne would be a problem? I don\'t want a pickle. =P.

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