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  1. #1
    Join Date
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    Default Introduction...and I badly need some help!!

    hi all,
    I am new to this pheromone thingy so I need a lil help.
    First lemme describe myself, I am six

    feet, fair, not thin
    not fat(just right) and posses a french cut beard and
    slightly unshaven on the cheeks to

    get the rough look.I
    come from south east India and currently reside in sydney,
    AUstralia.I can be easily be

    mistaken for an Arab since I
    am tall fair....and dont have a Indian look.
    People tell me (example:- freinds and

    family) that I am
    good looking but the problem is I still suffer from
    inferiority complex and am very shy, but

    whenever I try to
    act confident(i.e fake it)...I feel self concious and I
    think I am making a fool of

    I have been browsing this forum for week for any pointers
    that could help me...but nothing informative

    regarding my
    problems.I find the people here very intersting, and hope
    to be an active member of this

    Now comes the sensitive part...there is this girl at
    work,she is 21 and from Arab origin. She is outright

    gorgeous and very humble.She is very nice to me...but we
    hardly get to talk, but whenever we talk..I cant seem

    take the authority...just the other day I gave her some
    chocolates and she said "Am I special?" I couldn't

    say a
    I need some confidence.....or I want her to take the
    I have just order the

    scented chikara and NPA....would
    this be a good start? Should this combo trigger her


  2. #2
    Phero Guru
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    Default none

    "..I cant seem to

    the authority...just the other day I gave her some
    chocolates and she said "Am I special?"

    you could

    write her a note that says, "yes, you are special". She's perhaps as shy as you are and sometimes it's easier for

    some to write instead of speak. It does sound like she is special to you, so - you just have to tell her in words

    or print!!! Best of Luck to you!!!
    There is a cure for electile dysfuntion!!!!

  3. #3
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    Hi...I'm really new to

    pheromones (I've just ordered my first product) so I can't tell you what will work best for you, but I can give

    you my opinion...The way I see pheromones is that they improve your chances with girls for let's say 10-20% which

    in my opinion is great..However, imo they are not magic potions which will make that one special girl fall in love

    with you...You should first build some confidence, try not be so shy 'cause it's not attractive to girls, and

    maybe buy some book which explains how to be more successfull with girls. Good luck with a girl, I wish you best!

  4. #4
    Phero Enthusiast
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    The hardest thing to overcome

    is "one girlitis".

    There are *lots* of girls in the world that you can be very happy with and that would be happy

    to be with you.

    Your friend is one. She is not "the most special girl in the entire universe" and if you treat

    her like that, you are probably going to lose her.

    If you *do* something then the situation will be resolved

    quickly. Either she will be receptive and you get to move forward or she will make a decision now that it is "real"

    and you will know it is not going to go anywhere.

    You need to start by smiling and saying something nice to every

    single female you meet (pretty, old, young, not pretty). Always remember to include the word "YOU" in complements

    to females. (Yes... YOU are special would have been good.).

    To me- it sounds like you are in and it is for you

    to blow. Or for you to stand to the side dithering until an alpha comes along and swoops her away.

    With few

    exceptions- women are not as attracted to wussy men and they sure as hell cannot be foward with guys (and MOST guys

    are scared by a girl who IS forward).

    You will be doing her a *big* favor if you say something like.. "You

    know- I was thinking about it and you are special" the next time you see her.

    From a phermone basis- assuming

    that there are no wierd issues with arab types- I would go with SOE (or Wagg) plus a very tiny amount of none.

    SOE will make BOTH of you feel a lot more like talking. It is very relaxing and very conducive to intimate (as in

    intimate- not sexual) conversations.

    I have no clue about what cover scent to suggest tho. She's probably too

    young for musk tho.

  5. #5
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    You need some more inner help to

    fix your problems. I would ignore mones until you got your personal issues handled. I came into pheromones the same

    way (not as bad) looking for the quick fix. It was interesting to play with, but the best thing I got out of mones

    was learning about people like David DeAngelo. I've spent over 2 years learning material like that, and I tell you

    what: confidence from that is much more powerfull than any mone in the world.

    There are no quick fixes for what

    you need. I really advise working on your "inner game". It will make you a better person; a better man. Something

    that a potion in a bottle could never do.

  6. #6
    Administrator Bruce's Avatar
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    I would practise for that next time

    a beautiful woman asks you that question. You don't have to "fake" confidence or be quick or witty or anything.

    Take your time, relax, take a breath, look her in the eye, smile and say "absolutely".

    To enjoy good health, to bring true happiness to one's family, to bring peace to all, one must first discipline and control one's own mind. If a man can control his mind he can find the way to Enlightenment, and all wisdom and virtue will naturally come to him.

    - Buddha

    Yoga in Eugene
    Fair Trade crafts from Peru

  7. #7
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    Default thanks

    I salute all you guys for

    giving me such good advice!!

    Like Fatal has said something very fundamental, like developing my inner

    game...but Fatal my friend I've got one question, "When you really like someone and u r head over heels for her you

    cant act normal and always feel shaky " what I mean is she is someone I would like to spend my life with

    ....whenever I talk to her I am thinking of creating a positive impact..but I just cant do it., but I'll try my


    Now a little update....just the other day she was talking to one of her co-workers and was saying "I

    like this guy and I wanna ask him out....but I cant
    I just overheard the entire conversation.

    I find

    this information a bit it me or some other guy?
    And another thing I wanna add, I asked her for coffee

    after work twice and both the times she bailed out with good excuses (fathers day, Cousins Birthday) ..... and she

    also gave me an itenary that she would be busy for the next 2 weeks, the last week of her itenary is her birthday(I

    need to give her a perfect gift).

    I am sorry guys if you are getting overwhelmed by all the information I've

    given. I just need to ventilate my feelings.

    I think I will order SOE like maxo-texas suggested....

    by the

    way I use CK Eternity and COntradiction as my two primary colognes!

    thank you guys once again


  8. #8
    Journeyman live4themusic's Avatar
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    dragnov, 3 things:


    she liked you, she would find time for you even if she was busy for 2 weeks. She would find some time, or if she

    truthfully had none, she would make it known that she would like to meet with you for coffee in 2 weeks when she

    does have time. If she didn't say anything like she 'does want to go for coffee with you, but can't right now,

    but will be able to at this future time' then she probably doesn't want to go for coffee with you. Definitely not

    as badly as you want to take her out for coffee.

    -If she discussed liking a guy and wanting to ask him out within

    earshot of you, she probably was not talking about you. Did she keep looking at you suggestively while talking about

    this? My guess is not, or you would have noticed. Sometimes all the signs point to 'no' and us guys ignore them

    desperate to hang on to a glimmer of hope. I know, I've been there.

    -One of my favorite phrases is "If you feel

    like you have something to lose, you've already lost." when it comes to women. Confidence is probably the #1

    sexiest trait to women, moreso than pheromones or good looks. Not that pheromones and good looks won't help (others

    reportedly have great success with women from both or just one of the two, although I have yet to benefit from the

    pheromones and don't have perfect looks).

    If you are so smitten by a woman you can barely formulate sentences

    around her, she probably regards you as a pretty lame guy and terrible conversationalist. Also, people can smell

    fear and nervousness and unfortunately, no pheromone can neutralize whatever chemical it is we emit when we're

    feeling afraid or nervous. Anyone, feel free to correct me on this and I will be adding a product to my collection


    Technically, I guess you could say whatever we emit when we feel afraid or nervous is a 'pheromone'

    because it influences the behavior of others, but it sure as hell can't possibly attract them.

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by live4themusic
    dragnov, 3


    -If she liked you, she would find time for you even if she was busy for 2 weeks. She would find some

    time, or if she truthfully had none, she would make it known that she would like to meet with you for coffee in 2

    weeks when she does have time. If she didn't say anything like she 'does want to go for coffee with you, but

    can't right now, but will be able to at this future time' then she probably doesn't want to go for coffee with

    you. Definitely not as badly as you want to take her out for coffee.

    -If she discussed liking a guy and wanting

    to ask him out within earshot of you, she probably was not talking about you. Did she keep looking at you

    suggestively while talking about this? My guess is not, or you would have noticed. Sometimes all the signs point to

    'no' and us guys ignore them desperate to hang on to a glimmer of hope. I know, I've been there.

    -One of my

    favorite phrases is "If you feel like you have something to lose, you've already lost." when it comes to women.

    Confidence is probably the #1 sexiest trait to women, moreso than pheromones or good looks. Not that pheromones and

    good looks won't help (others reportedly have great success with women from both or just one of the two, although I

    have yet to benefit from the pheromones and don't have perfect looks).

    If you are so smitten by a woman you can

    barely formulate sentences around her, she probably regards you as a pretty lame guy and terrible conversationalist.

    Also, people can smell fear and nervousness and unfortunately, no pheromone can neutralize whatever chemical it is

    we emit when we're feeling afraid or nervous. Anyone, feel free to correct me on this and I will be adding a

    product to my collection ASAP.

    Technically, I guess you could say whatever we emit when we feel afraid or

    nervous is a 'pheromone' because it influences the behavior of others, but it sure as hell can't possibly attract

    maybe u r right.....maybe too right thats what I fear!

    I will give a good effort next time and

    come up with updates!

    u have given me a boost in confidence.....if I 've lost her already.....I will make it

    clear to her of my intentions....what have I got to lose(when I've already lost)

    thanks again




  10. #10
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    live has it spot on.

    If you're

    a mess around her, it's not happening bro. I know the feeling you're talking about, and it's horrible/wonderfull

    at the same time. I'll assume you don't have a huge success with women (myself as well before) and you find one

    you really like you just want to hold on. Makes sense right? Of course, but dating doesn't make logical


    "she's special, the one, I want to spend my life with her" - those are very very very bad signs that

    indicate you're not all together. This is usually the case with lower value (value as in, social value in an

    interaction) people in a dating scene. I could go a lot deeper, but the main point I'm trying to make is: if

    you're the one feeling that way, she's in control, and is more than likely not nearly as (if at all) attracted to


    It doesn't sound like you know this girl for very long, so talking like you do scares me, and if the girl

    heard, would scare her too. Get all your "feelings" out and express yourself here and get it out of your system, get

    rid of it. Better us than your girl.

    I don't want to turn this into a non-phero topic, but I highly suggest you

    look up some inner game information from the 'seduction community'. Don't go for the pickup lines, go for the

    deep stuff, that's what makes a difference. If there's a mone that can do that, hook me and l4tm up

  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by Fatal
    live has it spot


    If you're a mess around her, it's not happening bro. I know the feeling you're talking about, and it's

    horrible/wonderfull at the same time. I'll assume you don't have a huge success with women (myself as well before)

    and you find one you really like you just want to hold on. Makes sense right? Of course, but dating doesn't make

    logical sense.
    ditto....just the feeling I've been going through!!


  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by dragnov
    maybe u r

    right.....maybe too right thats what I fear!

    I will give a good effort next time and come up with updates!


    have given me a boost in confidence.....if I 've lost her already.....I will make it clear to her of my

    intentions....what have I got to lose(when I've already lost)

    thanks again

    Best regards

    No, don't 'tell her your intentions' or 'tell her how you really feel'. I don't care if

    you lost it or not, I've done it 2 times, and totally ruined my chances and friendship. It's nothing good except

    letting it out. THOUGH! One of the girls that I did, felt the same way back but she had a boyfriend, and it was a

    bloody mess. But 2 years later, I have her literally, asking me for sex and fantacizing about me when I come home to

    visit. No mones involved in that my friend, just the new and improved me.

    That's an exception to the rule.

    Don't go trying to learn this stuff to get a girl back or anything, that's not the point. Learning to move on

    quickly(and unattached to the outcome) is key into not getting that "she's the one" feeling so soon.

  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by Fatal
    live has it spot


    If you're a mess around her, it's not happening bro. I know the feeling you're talking about, and it's

    horrible/wonderfull at the same time. I'll assume you don't have a huge success with women (myself as well before)

    and you find one you really like you just want to hold on. Makes sense right? Of course, but dating doesn't make

    logical sense.
    ditto....just the feeling I've been going through!!

    When I read the form for a

    week.what I realized that Chikara make the opposite sex freindly, chatty and respectful towards u.

    I know

    pheromone will not work if u r a wuss(kind of state which I am in...but not for long).This forum guided me that if u

    have pheromones on.... u have the edge....and if I know will boost my morale. I am pretty sure pheromone

    acts as psychological thing also.....!!!

  14. #14
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    That's true as well. They can

    give you a boost like that, but it's only a temporary, slight boost. (depending on how much/what you're sensitive

    to of course, but you get my point)

  15. #15
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    to think what you would want her to say to you, and then say it to her, aim your conversation about her, talk

    about the things you like in her, smile, softly look into her eyes, not a stare, just a soft loving look, touch her

    hand or arm, note her reaction, if she seems comfortable with your touching, gently hold her hands, try to get into

    her space, if she becomes comfortable with you there, confidents will build in both of you, just remember talk about

    her, its there favourite subject.

  16. #16
    Phero Enthusiast
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    Quote Originally Posted by dragnov
    ditto....just the

    feeling I've been going through!!

    When I read the form for a week.what I realized that Chikara make the

    opposite sex freindly, chatty and respectful towards u.

    I know pheromone will not work if u r a wuss(kind of

    state which I am in...but not for long).This forum guided me that if u have pheromones on.... u have the edge....and

    if I know will boost my morale. I am pretty sure pheromone acts as psychological thing

    care to hear a lady's point of view?
    alot of attention here is being given to the

    situation with this girl.
    experience with anything is what gives you confidence in that area....
    you might

    consider dating ...alot.
    not every girl has to make your heart feel squishy to have a good time.
    see a movie- take

    a girl, play some pool - take a girl,have some dinner - take a girl. acting like everday is your last and you mind

    as well have fun is extremely attractive if it is genuine.
    the best thing to practice is rejection. how do I know?

    well,consider how awkward it would be for the girl to ask someone out when it is not their role to do so, and risk

    getting rejected/turned down/brushed off whatever. that was me.
    imagine being able to approach anyone at all and

    not care what the outcome is..... you may not get the gal you targeted, but that confidence is attractive to

    everyone else.
    by the time you reach this gal you adore, she will see you as someone who has it going on... which

    you were in the beginning... but only now are able to show.
    advice is great, but if your not yourself people know

    it. the only way around that is by experience.

  17. #17
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    Lor is completely


    To paraphrase the matrix...

    You need girls, lots of girls.

    Get on matchmaker or craigslist or

    whatever and go on dates to things you enjoy. In a year when the next Ms. Right comes along, you'll be ready.


    think you will like the effect of SOE.

    I used it last night at my new dance lessons and was everyone's best


  18. #18
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    u guys are right!!
    Well, the

    last time I dated was years back, now that may sound wierd to u.uh oh..its sound wierd to me now as I write it

    The problem with me is....I am really really picky when it comes to girls....maybe 1 in 1000 I find the girl

    that I really like.So usually I am not intimidated by the girls that dont attract me...I can talk to them as freely

    as I want. SInce I know I am very shy in front of attractive girls...I project a moody image...and play a

    "not-interested look"...and in my University days when gals were pining for me...the were scared to ask me out..if

    they wanted to!!

    You might think I am very primitve in my thinking.....but the girls that I like....r the ones

    that I want to spend my life with...and so far 2 girls came to my life. One of them asked me out....we dated for 2

    years at the end I lost interest in her. The 2nd one I had the courage to ask out after waitng 5yrs....and she said

    no....obviously.Now 5 years is bit long in the tooth....I know....I asked her out suddenly becoz..I heard she was

    getting married...and then I got a hit in the brain....WTF....why didn't I ask her out b4!!!

    anywaz...I need a

    boost in my life..bcoz suddenly I realized I wasted a few yrs of my life for not having fun with


    Lor...thanks for ur tip.


  19. #19
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    well max0-texas suggested I

    should go for SOE.....but no one commented whether chikara+ NPA, or chikira would suit me....I am 28 .if u didn't


    My playing field would be my work place....I work part time as a retail sales officer 2 days,usually

    weekends . All my coworkers are between 20-28. The girls are usually between 20-21.

    thanks again


  20. #20
    Moderator Mtnjim's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by dragnov
    (I need to give her

    a perfect gift)
    NO! you don't. You haven't even been out for

    coffee with her, you have no reason to be giving her a gift!!

    ....I asked her out suddenly

    becoz..I heard she was getting married...
    She was getting married what did you expect her to say?

    Yes she wanted to go out on a date with you, I'm sure the guy she was marrying would have been really happy about


    Listen to these guys and work on yourself a bit, then, and only then worry about ~mones. And remember even

    that 1 in a million girl, based on the world population, there are a couple of hundred of 'em.
    Freedom begins when you tell Mrs. Grundy to go fly a kite.
    --Lazarus Long

  21. #21
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mtnjim

    [size=5][size=2]you don't. You haven't even been out for coffee with her, you have no reason to be

    giving her a gift!!

    She was getting married what did you expect her to say? Yes she wanted to go out

    on a date with you, I'm sure the guy she was marring would have been really happy about that.

    Listen to these

    guys and work on yourself a bit, then, and only then worry about ~mones. And remember even that 1 in a million girl,

    based on the world population, there are a couple of hundred of 'em.

    oops......the 2 girls that I

    talked abt are past tense.

    The one in concern...the primary focus of the thread is a new one..lets call it


    sorry for all the confusion!!

  22. #22
    Moderator Mtnjim's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by dragnov
    oops......the 2

    girls that I talked abt are past tense.

    The one in concern...the primary focus of the thread is a new one..lets

    call it number3.

    sorry for all the confusion!!
    I wasn't confused, I knew that the two were in

    the past and the one you want to get a gift for is present. They all point to the need for you to work on yourself.

    Lissten to what the guys (and gals) here are telling you. Don't be a "wussy nice guy" (nor an a$$hole either). Work

    on yourself, gain some self confidence. Become the "Prize". Then, and only then concider ~mones. They only

    enhance what is already there, and you still need to get "it" to enhance "it".
    Freedom begins when you tell Mrs. Grundy to go fly a kite.
    --Lazarus Long

  23. #23
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    Why does this post faintly

    remind me of a scene from a Jerry Springer show?....

  24. #24
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    i love you guys

  25. #25
    Phero Master terry0400-40's Avatar
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    Default Masters Pheromones is an interesting formulation

    Quote Originally Posted by dragnov
    hi all,
    I am new to this pheromone thingy so I need a lil help.

    lemme describe myself, I am six feet, fair, not thin
    not fat(just right) and posses a french cut beard and

    slightly unshaven on the cheeks to get the rough look.I
    come from south east India and currently reside in

    AUstralia.I can be easily be mistaken for an Arab since I
    am tall fair....and dont have a Indian

    People tell me (example:- freinds and family) that I am
    good looking but the problem is I still suffer from

    inferiority complex and am very shy, but whenever I try to
    act confident(i.e fake it)...I feel self concious and

    think I am making a fool of myself!!!
    I have been browsing this forum for week for any pointers
    that could

    help me...but nothing informative regarding my
    problems.I find the people here very intersting, and hope
    to be

    an active member of this forum.
    Now comes the sensitive part...there is this girl at
    work,she is 21 and from Arab

    origin. She is outright
    gorgeous and very humble.She is very nice to me...but we
    hardly get to talk, but

    whenever we talk..I cant seem to
    take the authority...just the other day I gave her some
    chocolates and she said

    "Am I special?" I couldn't say a
    I need some confidence.....or I want her to take the

    I have just order the scented chikara and NPA....would
    this be a good start? Should this combo

    trigger her
    plz Advise
    Better late than never i suppose but i have just spotted your

    article and i would like you to try out a pheromone product that you may obtain from love-scent it is called Master

    Pheromones for Men, you will need to apply Masters along your chin line with just a little going on to the hair on

    your cheeks and dont start off using more than is necessary as this is a concentrated and potient Pheromone product,

    if you have already purchased your SOE you may try using a roll of it around the front of your neck, and when you

    are talking to a girl that has attracted your attention and she has your attention because you are asking her

    questions about herself now is the time to inch in a little closer, not to much at first, if she is giving you a

    little bit of her space that is a good way of guaging if she is interested and likes you so play the game from there

    and remember as well as your own great personality you have the best edge going for you with your Magic Mix applied,

    man i really feel this is going to put you in the drivers seat, one thing though, It is going to be of benefit to us

    all is your Feedback, so good on you buddy and good luck
    Last edited by terry0400-40; 09-12-2006 at 10:39 PM. Reason: correction spelling

  26. #26
    Phero Enthusiast
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    But do you love us because of

    who we are or just because of the phermones we are wearing?


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