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  1. #1
    Join Date
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    Default Noob with first experience/questions


    first of all let me just say that this is as you all know the best phero site on the web and thank you to all the

    posts in the forum that have made me a lot better informed. First of all i have a few questions then ill get into my

    first experiences with the Noob kit.

    question 1 - ive read many times that humans produce trace amounts of pheros

    that have no effect on other people. There is, however much talk on these forums about natural phero production. My

    question is, how could such trace amounts affect what products and how much of a certain product is best to use? i

    thought natural pheros were irrelevant.

    question 2 - i know that age definately plays a role in how pheros will

    affect those people around me especially when it comes to none products, but why is this? is it simply because older

    people tend to be more attracted to alpha types or is it because older people are biologically predisposed to none

    in a way different from younger people? is age a factor because of taste or because of the way our bodies


    question 3 - there is much posting on the forum about ODs. Some say that one spray or one drop too many

    can have very bad effects. Well what about some kind of super OD? What if you were to dump a whole bottle of PI on

    yourself? Would people run and hide? What if you used a whole bottle of SoE? Would people have some kind of odd

    euphoria around you? What about a super OD of a balanced mix like SoE/NPA or AE? Obviously you would reek but what

    reactions would you get from people? I wish somebody would sacrifice themself to such an experiment.

    im also

    wondering what the ratio is between the volume of a spray from the TE spray bottle and the volume of a spray from

    the pocket atomizer that comes with the Noob kit. I'm curious because i got the Noob kit with an atomizer but my TE

    came with a cap instead of a spray.

    OK now for my early experiences. Everybody posting their experiences has been

    very helpful to me and i hope i can help the other noobs searching the forum.
    First of all ill let you know that im

    an average sized pretty good looking high school senior and people generally like me when they meet me (not to sound

    conceited lol). The products i have are the Noobie kit (TE, SPMO), 8 AE gel packs, 1 TE gel pack, 1 SoE gel pack and

    4 perception gel packs.

    Alright the first time i used pheros was on vacation with my family. I used 2 sprays of

    TE/SPMO (1:1) but did not notice any obvious hits. I did not expect any however because this was a purely

    experimental getting my feet wet stage and being at a family resort i didnt get a lot of chances for any good


    First night home i went out with some friends. One girl i was out with was very touchy feely and a lil all

    over me but shes been like this before. Never to such an extreme but it didnt really seem out of the ordinary. I

    dont even remember what, if anything, i was wearing that night tho. this is a possible hit but i actually dont

    remember lol.
    Next time out with pheros i was wearing two atomizer sprays of TE with a packet of AE. I didnt

    realize when i put it on tho that i would just end up goign to the movies and coming home. My brother said i was

    wearing too much cologne when i actually wasnt wearing any, only the pheros. Take that for what it is i guess.

    experiment was a boring sat night. 2-3 sprays of TE. My brother commented on too much cologne before i left the

    house again. I went out to a cafe with some friends. Not a lot of chances for any hits here, but i did get a lil

    something. One girl we ran into seemed to be paying a lot of attention to me but maybe she was just being friendly

    idk. later, leaving the cafe i noticed one girl that i stopped next to full out staring at me checking me out. I

    dont know if this was the famous DIHL that i keep hearing about but it was def a hit, from the phros i dont know.

    Not a great night for a hit as i said before, plus i was a lil under the influence so it was all kind of a

    Next time out was with my friend (a guy) at the same cafe. Two shots of TE (from atomizer) with half an SoE

    gel pack. Absolutely nothing at the cafe. We went to a pool hall after (dont ask me why the hell i was in a pool

    hall). I actually ran into a girl i knew from last summer here (funny to run into someone i know in Queens). The

    girl was very talkative and a lil touchy feely. We exchanged numbers and she invited me to a party but this is def

    not out of the ordinary cause shes a friend. What was out of the ordinary was what my friend mentioned in the car.

    The girl was very talkative and cut my friend off a million times. She seemed kind of nervous/excited and kept

    touching her stomach for some reason. Maybe this was the SoE working i donno. She was with some guys that my friend

    noted "got intimidated when I(my friend) stood up" and that "i (my friend) never intimiadate anybody" maybe this was

    the none from my TE working its magic?

    Next experiment i was with some friends, two guys and three girls. 2-3

    sprays of TE from atomizer. The girls were a lil under the influence tho, so they were acting irregularly without

    the mones anyway. Later we took them home and i went back out with the friends i was with at the cafe the first

    time. No special hits here, however two of these girls commented on how good i smell. Maybe this was because i was

    wearing 3 sprays of curve tho. I always get comments on my curve but you never know.

    Well, these are my first

    experiences. Looking back now there were definately some possible hits but they could be coincidences or possibly me

    just looking too hard for something thats not htere. thiis should be a good weekend tho so ill def keep posting my

    results. Theres definately something to these products but to what extent they work im not too sure yet.


    to LS and its posters for all the help thus far.

  2. #2
    Moderator Mtnjim's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Method
    question 1 - ive read

    many times that humans produce trace amounts of pheros that have no effect on other people. There is, however much

    talk on these forums about natural phero production. My question is, how could such trace amounts affect what

    products and how much of a certain product is best to use? i thought natural pheros were irrelevant.

    natural ~mones do have an effect on people. The synthetic ~mones are, even at the smallest applications, many times

    the volume of what we naturally produce. We need to try "enhance" and adjust the synthetics to our natural


    Quote Originally Posted by Method
    question 2 - i know that age definately plays a role in how pheros will affect those

    people around me especially when it comes to none products, but why is this? is it simply because older people tend

    to be more attracted to alpha types or is it because older people are biologically predisposed to none in a way

    different from younger people? is age a factor because of taste or because of the way our bodies react?

    one side of it, as we age, we produce less, and our sense of smell deminishes. Another part of it is where some

    mentioning getting hits from "older" women at high levels. As we get older, we gain self confidence and self

    awareness, so something that frightens or confuses "younger" women will be a non issue to "older"


    Quote Originally Posted by Method
    question 3 - there is much posting on the forum about ODs. Some say that one spray or one

    drop too many can have very bad effects. Well what about some kind of super OD? What if you were to dump a whole

    bottle of PI on yourself? Would people run and hide? What if you used a whole bottle of SoE? Would people have some

    kind of odd euphoria around you? What about a super OD of a balanced mix like SoE/NPA or AE? Obviously you would

    reek but what reactions would you get from people? I wish somebody would sacrifice themself to such an

    For a "super OD", you would so overwelm the senses, that you would get no reaction, nothing,


    AND, remember "hits" are , for the most part, going to be subtle, none of the "ripping off her clothes

    and humping your leg" type reactions. They simply "amplify" what you've already got.

    By the way
    Freedom begins when you tell Mrs. Grundy to go fly a kite.
    --Lazarus Long

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    haha thanks for the info and the


    so, nothing really new to post as i have not had the chance to try much out lately..some hits here or

    there, mostly just some looks..this stuff definately least to some extent as i have seen some effects. I

    do have a question though...

    can somebody please define a dab and a drop..ive searched the forum and can't find

    any real good definition of how much is in a dab and drop. when you apply a drop, what is it dropped from?..and what

    exactly is a dab?
    haha this might sound like a dumb question but im very curious

  4. #4
    Moderator Mtnjim's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Method
    ...can somebody

    please define a dab and a drop..
    They are defined all over the place. A drop is where you take the

    dropper top off the AE and squeeze the bulb until a drop lands on your finger. A dab is where you take the

    dropper top off your AE and set it down then put your finger over the mouth of the bottle and turn it upside down

    then right side up then take the wet spot on your finger and dab it on your (whatever, neck, chin

    Freedom begins when you tell Mrs. Grundy to go fly a kite.
    --Lazarus Long

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Sep 2006
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    It's an honor to finally

    post with the mone guru's, you guys have helped me so much.Anyway I'm brand new to the good pheromones i purchased

    Chikara gel packs, AE/gel and NPA from this site and have have nothing but good things to say about the site and the

    forums (genius idea). l'm 33 yrs old, 6 3" 225lbs.(down from 283lbs four months ago),average build but getting

    toned and have a new lease on life. I'm outgoing after a few beers. My results : 1/3 pack AE on my neck and behind

    ears and about 1/2 pack of chak. on my wrists and chest under my shirt also covering areas of AE. I dont think I'm

    ready for the NPA just yet im having pretty good luck with the others for now. I received my first dihl at the

    grocery store it was an awesome feeling having that kind of power. She was about 36 yrs with two kids 1 about 7 and

    the other about 13 it lasted about 10 seconds and was very entertaining.She proceeded to follow me throughout the

    store for the next 20 mins. I know this because I jumped around to different isles.Also my ex girlfriend (that I

    dont get along with and has a boyfriend) was being extra nice and standing real close the whole time I was trying to

    pick up my son she usually avoids me at all costs he he he. This is more fun that I could have imagined. Today at

    the bank same combo the teller whom is normally real collected with not much to say was talkative and asking all

    kinds of questions about me and giving lots of eye contact and smiles. What would normally take 2 mins for the

    transaction took about 10. Did I forget to tell you that she is really hot about a 9.5 on my stringent scale of

    hotness. She's about 5 7" petite blond about 21 yrs old. I agree that you need to have game for this stuff to

    really work to potential. In my case anyway once the conversation starts im pretty good with the cocky/funny routine

    thanks to david deangelo ( this is not an advert) just a student and a firm believer. To wrap up I've been using

    for about a week with two dates under my belt and two more in the works. Thanks alot for the great insight and the

    products you offer! P.S. pherlure is skunky and over priced with only negative effects with a 1/2 spray (not a big


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