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  1. #1
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    Default ew smell horrible !

    in live from paris, i

    have just received my ew with copulins, my god i have put 2 drops on my neck , the smell is horrible! someone has

    already tried this product?

    -France - Paris

  2. #2
    Moderator Mtnjim's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by remy
    in live from paris, i

    have just received my ew with copulins, my god i have put 2 drops on my neck , the smell is horrible! someone has

    already tried this product?

    You need to check out the threads dealing with EW, both here and

    elsewhere. You need to delute it!
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  3. #3
    Administrator Bruce's Avatar
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    Dilute it, cover with fragrance, and

    keep it away from your head. Like Jim says, search for info in this forum about EW. It is an analog of chemicals

    found in ovulating females down yonder regions. You gotta know what you are doing with it.
    To enjoy good health, to bring true happiness to one's family, to bring peace to all, one must first discipline and control one's own mind. If a man can control his mind he can find the way to Enlightenment, and all wisdom and virtue will naturally come to him.

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    Yoga in Eugene
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  4. #4
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    Thanks mtn, thanks bruce but how

    can i dilut it? with water? i suppose one drop is good..2 is too much
    -France - Paris

  5. #5
    Kodachrome Forever! Gegogi's Avatar
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    Dilute at least 10:1 and cover

    with a strong scent. Don't premix with colognes or perfumes as it tends to eat them alive. Also, EW is highly

    acidic and melts rubber and some plastics. My rubber eye dropper bulbs turned to goo in a matter of


    It is an analog of chemicals found in ovulating females down yonder regions.

    description is way cool!
    "I'm just a dirty hornytoad" -Gegogi

  6. #6
    Journeyman CrystalMoon's Avatar
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    Like about three other reg

    female posters here at LS, I NEVER dilute EW, apply it neat then cover with either Pink Sugar or Boudoir ten minutes

    after application, or I mix it directly with fragrances andor/fragrance oils.

    It has also never melted any

    dropper lid I have had, and I have had EW as a constant weapon in my arsenal due to its extreme efficacy, for 18

    months now.

    Is it the original beta-test EW you have, Gegogi?

    Perhaps EW works VERY differently when worn by

    women - but since it WAS designed for us to use to attract men in the first place, I guess that would


    Some women do still dilute it, but there are a good few of us here who never do, and never


    After 5 minutes of neat EW being applied directly to the skin, it simply fades to an almost fruity scent -

    simple to cover, but yes, you DO need to know what you are doing with it. It needs tailoring to suit the user.


    is literally a woman's "Sex-Bomb."

    Ail :-)
    Eight Words The Wiccan Rede Fulfill: 'An Ye Harm None, Do What Ye Will )O(

  7. #7
    Phero Pro
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    Quote Originally Posted by remy
    in live from paris,

    i have just received my ew with copulins, my god i have put 2 drops on my neck , the smell is horrible! someone has

    already tried this product?

    remy, your parisian? french? no wonder you hate the smell/ or

    sensitive to scents, the french take colognes and scents very seriously!! 99% of the worlds commercial colognes are

    from french fashion houses.

  8. #8
    Kodachrome Forever! Gegogi's Avatar
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    Crystal, my EW is about 2 years

    old. I mixed in small amounts with my fav colognes and none could survive intact more than a day or two. They were

    basically neutralized and became sour and almost vinegar like. I eventually gave up and decided EW is best left to

    the girls, although I wouldn't mind being a test subject. I've always wondered if I'd lose my mind and be reduced

    to a love slave...
    "I'm just a dirty hornytoad" -Gegogi

  9. #9
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    true bronzie i come from paris but

    honestly i have never smelt a phero so horrible lol! my girlfriend told me : "are you ill?" so crytsalmoon question?

    for you one drop? two drop? i 'm interested. my god after 2 drops i'm a full trash ..
    -France - Paris

  10. #10
    Journeyman CrystalMoon's Avatar
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    I wear one drop split

    between my wrists, one drop split between the frontal pulses on the neck, and one drop in my cleavage, then I cover

    it all ten minutes later with my chosen fragrance - but I would NOT recommend that for anybody just starting off

    with EW.

    EW works best with vanillic or sweet fragrances, and diffuses best (IF you decide you need to dilute it)

    in an oil base. Try it therefore, with a couple of mls of one or more of the oils with -nol from LS - the amber,

    musk and vanilla ones make a good blend, which you can then decant into a 10 ml roller-ball applicator bottle and

    simply add a drop or two of your EW.

    You then have a portable product, and can apply as need be, but EW needs a

    LOT of tweaking, so start off just rolling some of this mix along the wrist and on the neck.

    The thing to

    remember is, if a woman is wearing it, EW is VERY potent and things can turn very animalistic very quickly, so

    unless you are prepared for that, be careful how you go.

    As said before here, unless I am with "The Man" on a

    one-on-one situation, or in a club WITH him, I will never wear EW out and about, as it really does garner a lot of

    male attention, and that is not someting I either want, or need.

    Another thing you could try, is to buy a bottle

    of PCC, use a tissue to remove the little roller-ball and then add a couple of drops of EW to "spike" the PCC. This

    works very well, and in fact I now have a 10 ml roller-bal applicator which contains a full bottle of PCC and a full

    bottle of EW which works brilliantly, but to start off with, make yourself a lightly spiked PCC/EW mixture and try

    using it a few different ways, gauging your results each time, until you have finally tailored what works best for


    Remy is generally a man's name in France, so I am assuming you ARE male, and if so, I would ask why you are

    even using EW in the first place?

    It definitely works VERY differently when worn by women than it does when worn

    by men, and as it was in fact designed for WOMEN to use, perhaps your girlfriend should be the one testing it on


    There are a few men I know of who wear copulins, but almost to a man (heh) they report hits wth bi women,

    NOT heterosexual women, but of course, it is up to you to experiment to see what results you get.

    I just feel

    that there are many, MANY pheromone products sold by LS that are proven as much better for men to use when

    attracting women, than EW - and let's face it, it's expensive enough to start regularly using 'mones without

    splashing out on a product which just may never work the way you want it to.

    I have never for example, nor will I

    ever, experimen(t)ed with any 'mones specifically targetting males wishing to attract females, but we are all on a

    learning curve in the pheromone world after all, so ultimately you make the decisions as to what you use.

    if you

    DO decide you want to try copulins, I would recommend Cleo, which is now in the LS store and was recommended to

    Bruce by me, as it really works fantastically well, but does NOT have any odour whatsoever.

    Ail :-)
    Eight Words The Wiccan Rede Fulfill: 'An Ye Harm None, Do What Ye Will )O(

  11. #11
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    thanks crystal for your long

    message. quickly, my god 3 drops on your body, yesterday i had 2 drops and its was already one drop,

    that's better. yes remy is french and i'm a men 34 years. to tell my story, i 'm not a newbie with phero. by the

    past i bought npa, alteraego, scent of heroes and my result was correct but not one day, i have

    read an article about the pick up artist communauty (seduction communauty) . In this article, people talked about

    some mens who wear some flagrance feminal to attract some girls..i can't explain in english..a man here on

    lovescent have explained why a women is attracted by a man, who wear some flagrance feminal..woman says herself in

    her subconsicous :"this man smells woman, hes very attractive cause he has some sexual relation with another girl

    and he become more attractive, he has some success (competition) . thats why i want to try this zoologie concept.

    thanks for cleo but too much expansive for me...ew is affordable
    -France - Paris

  12. #12
    Journeyman CrystalMoon's Avatar
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    I am very scathing

    of all these so-called "Pick-Up Artist" techniques, as I have mentioned before.

    Probably because if you tried ANY

    of these "moves" here in straight-talking Scotland, you would be far more liable to end up with a Glesgae (Glasgow)

    Kiss, than a French Kiss, and let me tell you that is NOT as pleasant as it sounds - Google it and you'll see.


    Being yourself and being kind and warm at the same time, plays a far more important part in the art of

    seduction, than so-called "kino" (oh please..) or "getting the moves right" (The Gods help me..) and is a HUGE part

    of what makes a woman have ANY interest in a man whatsoever. Forget trying to be "cool." We women laugh at you all

    for trying that, as soon as we have our Girlie nights in, or out - seriously!

    Applying these "methodologies"

    pioneered by these "experts," when trying to seduce or form a connection with a woman, is about as sensible as "The

    Rules" for women - and we all know what a load of garbage THOSE are!

    However, many, MANY men fail to understand

    this, and when in fact they think they are laying on the charm and moving in for a kill, very often we women are

    looking at our watches wondering how quickly we can extricate ourselves, without appearing rude!

    Also: I can

    honestly, hand on heart say, if MY SO came to me smelling anything LIKE another woman, he would get his lights

    panned in - followed by several Glesgae Kisses. Again, Google it.

    Attract me? You have got to be joking. It would

    do precisely the opposite.

    Just try being yourself - or maybe just a better version of yourself, using 'mones to

    help you - NOT as a crutch, and trust me, you will reap the benefits. ^_^

    Ail :-)
    Eight Words The Wiccan Rede Fulfill: 'An Ye Harm None, Do What Ye Will )O(

  13. #13
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    true i'm a player, member of the

    pick up artist for 5 years in paris..i know the feminine communication..phero is just a small weapon really a

    little..communication is the best, confidence, smill, body langage...if phero can help me just 1% why not! i like to

    progress always and always
    -France - Paris

  14. #14
    Journeyman CrystalMoon's Avatar
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    Whatever works but always

    remember, shallow false behaviour is liable to attract equally shallow people - of both sexes..

    If you want

    someone with about as much depth as a saucer, then fine, use these "Player" techniques, but if you want someone a

    bit more substantial - who like a fine wine, just gets better and better and more and more interesting, the more

    you get to know them, then just be yourself - only better.

    Ail :-)
    Eight Words The Wiccan Rede Fulfill: 'An Ye Harm None, Do What Ye Will )O(

  15. #15
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    im agree with you crystal.

    -France - Paris

  16. #16
    Journeyman CrystalMoon's Avatar
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    Thank you - it's nice that

    some people DO realise the tried and tested "scoring techniques" of many of these so-called experts are just as

    substantial as dust on the wind, when it comes to the art of seduction.. ^_^

    PMA does it every time, and always

    will. Positive Mental Attitude.

    if you believe in something strongly enough, we Wiccans believe it Will come to

    pass, try it..and see

    Ail :-)
    Eight Words The Wiccan Rede Fulfill: 'An Ye Harm None, Do What Ye Will )O(

  17. #17
    Phero Enthusiast
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    Talking to smell or not to smell.....


    there remy
    i have a whole lot to say about EW.
    crystalmoon said most of it,lol.
    some of us have played

    with it enough to know how to wear it straight, others will get fab results diluting it because they havent learned

    a good strategy.
    men on the other hand, only want to come across as "playa" , NOT transexual .

    wearing EW straight (with any cover) for a man is sending out an "im female" vibe, and wearing three drops says "im

    even more female than YOU"
    if you want to catch that "im messing around with many" vibe, id wear it diluted

    and sparingly..... like one drop in lavender/orangeblossom water and use a dab of that. you ought to get alot of

    bi-girl attention.
    hope i was helpful

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