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  1. #31
    Banned User jvkohl's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by live4themusic
    LOL @ Bronzie

    It boggles my mind how so many people can see such a blatant example of how pheromones work in a fictional

    setting, and not take the time to check into whether they have legitimate uses among humans, or if they don't

    disbelieve their effectiveness, don't decide to give them a try to see if they would be useful for

    My friend the science fiction book author, Greg Bear, incorporated the concept of human

    pheromones into "Darwin's Radio" and "Darwin's Children," after monitoring and sometimes contributing to a

    listserver of scientifically-minded specialists to which I subscribe. He took the concept (and other biological

    speculation) far beyond the data available at the time, but most of what he included in his books has since been

    supported by scientific evidence. For those of you who would rather read than watch, I recommend anything he's


    With specific regards to snake pheromones: there are male garter snakes that smell like females

    and distract other males while the "she-males" mate--an interesting breeding strategy/opportunity. From a more

    scientific perspective, this is an example of how genetic diversity and pheromones can play the primary role in

    species survival.


  2. #32
    Journeyman live4themusic's Avatar
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    My problem with

    pheromones, is that I can never seem to attribute a hit to them. Whenever a girl looks at me, I convince myself

    she's checking me out because I am looking good at the moment, or she caught me under good lighting or something. I

    think I'm going to take a more scientific approach and wear the EXACT same mix every day for a while. Then I'll

    write down every time I get the impression a girl is looking at me. I'm not sure how to use the results from this

    in a useful way though.

    Part of my problem with attributing hits to pheromones is that I believe in this obscure

    science (which many may regard as a pseudoscience) called aromachology, which is roughly similar to aromatherapy,

    but deals with how fragrances influence the mind rather than the body.

    So when I smell good, if I see a girl

    checking me out in a situation which I gather she normally would not (which is a hard enough distinction for me to

    make to begin with) I have no way of knowing whether she's checking me out because the SCENT itself is having an

    effect on her mind, and she's digging it, or if it's the pheromones getting to her.

    The only way for me to test

    this would be to use odorless pheromones on some days, and go without pheromones on others, but all the ones I have

    are scented, except for 2 perception gelpacks I have, and that's not enough for me get significant results for

    observational purposes.

    ASIDE: If anyone sees this and would like to trade Perception gelpacks of theirs for SOE

    gelpacks of mine, at a ratio of 3:5 SOE:Perception, for up to 12 of my SOE gelpacks, let me know.

  3. #33
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    yo , do you find soe gels stink of

    musk? I've had a few complaints with that when I wear it. It's an obvious musk but it's not repelling nor is it



  4. #34
    Journeyman live4themusic's Avatar
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    I wouldn't say SOE smells

    like musk, at least nothing like the Super Primal Musk Oil I have as a reference of what musk smells like.


    personally think SOE has a nice smell I can't quite place but that I also wouldn't consider offensive as a top

    note. As it matures, it takes on a note that doesn't quite agree with me, but I wouldn't say it smells anything

    like SPMO.

    I'm still going to keep trying SOE definitely. Given the amount of praise it's given on this board,

    I can only hope to get the kinds of effects commonly attributed to it, but so far I've had the opposite of what's

    been described. As someone who has naturally variable levels of social anxiety, it could just be coincidence, but

    the days I have worn SOE so far have coincided with elevated anxiety levels. Time will tell I guess.

  5. #35
    Phero Dude
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    Aromachology may be alittle bit

    on the fringe,but so were pheromones for a long time.In fact,almost anything including the idea that the earth is

    round rather than flat has spent its time way out on the edge.It may not have its feet underneath it yet,but the

    idea has its merits.Something that was studied years ago was low birth rates in towns with pulp mills(I live in

    Washington state where Port Angeles was studied.)The only thing that came up as having an impact on birth rates was

    the foul odor of the pulp mills reducing the sex drive of women.Since the smell of the mills is almost impossible to

    escape it was the only thing that anybody could point to as a cause,it was eventualy concluded that smells could

    have a profound impact on human behavior.But thats where the idea died.Scientists are a tough bunch when it comes to

    embracing new ideas and the scentific community had a realy tough time swallowing that one.

    Enter the marketing

    gurus...the nice folks that work at places like S.C. Johnson and the like take stuff like that and run with it and

    have opend an absolutly HUGE market in the field of making your home smell nice with various products.Scented

    candles,incense,soaps,oils,lotions,sprays,powders, etc. have become a huge consumer product line in recent years and

    have always had some significance in scociety.Just watch daytime T.V. for a while and count the number of things

    that are designed to make you or your home or your car smell good.

    Nice smelling stuff(frankinsence and myrh)

    was presented as a gift by the three wise men to the baby Jesus.Nice smelling stuff was always a staple item in

    royal households(lavender and rose hips.)Potporie goes back a long time for improving the smell of a wardrobe.

    J.V. Kohl could probably point you toward stdies done on smells being one of the strongest triggers of memory(I

    read about it in the news paper years ago.)Scientists discovered that specific smells had a very powerful impact on

    recalling distant memories.So the idea of aromachology isnt as far out there as many would like to just

    needs more time to find its way in the world.
    "The wages of sin is death.But after taxes it's just sort of a tired feeling realy." -Ellen DeGeneres

  6. #36
    Kodachrome Forever! Gegogi's Avatar
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    I think the 'rone in SOE is

    responsible for much of the mild phero stink at first. As it ages on your skin, the 'nol converts to 'none and

    gets a little more funky.
    "I'm just a dirty hornytoad" -Gegogi

  7. #37
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gegogi
    I think the 'rone

    in SOE is responsible for much of the mild phero stink at first. As it ages on your skin, the 'nol converts to

    'none and gets a little more funky.
    but does it really convert to .none?

  8. #38
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    Actually I think it is

    the nol that smells musky man. Not the rone. I have a bottle of pure Androstenol spray.. heavy in content.

    When I spray it, my gal picks up on it right away and says I smell funny. Not offensive, but just


    When I put on SOE, she says the same thing. It's definitely the Nol.

    Livethemusic, how much

    of a gel pack do you use per application?


  9. #39
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    OH, by the way,

    Everytime I

    put SOE on, I feel mildy depressed. I don't wanna chat to anyone, just wanna be by myself, and things just seem

    slightly gloomy. Sometimes I feel a bit drowsy too. It's great as a sleeping aid.


  10. #40
    Phero Dude
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    Quote Originally Posted by nfs
    OH, by the way,

    Everytime I put SOE on, I feel mildy depressed. I don't wanna chat to anyone, just wanna be by myself, and things

    just seem slightly gloomy. Sometimes I feel a bit drowsy too. It's great as a sleeping aid.


    Pheromones effect people in very different ways. While alpha nol is great at uplifting moods and opening people

    up, there are some who react the way you described.

  11. #41
    Phero Dude
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sigma
    Pheromones effect

    people in very different ways. While alpha nol is great at uplifting moods and opening people up, there are some

    who react the way you described.
    Yep, I'm one of those too.
    I get very tired....
    early 40's white male or or

  12. #42
    Journeyman live4themusic's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by nfs

    Livethemusic, how much of a gel pack do you use per application?

    I've tried everything from 1/8

    of a pack to a full pack. In all instances I felt more anxiety than usual. Like I said I can't be positive it was

    the SOE and I'll keep trying it until I have more definitive results. I'm not really sure if the days I put more

    SOE I felt more anxious than the days I put very little. It's hard to tell with something like that, but I do know

    that pretty much every day I've worn SOE my anxiety levels have gone up.

    It may be the -nol, but I'm guessing

    its the -rone, because I don't mind SPMO, although I generally don't use more than two drops and I've heard it's

    low -nol content to begin with, so this might not answer anything.

  13. #43
    Banned User jvkohl's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by tim929
    J.V. Kohl could

    probably point you toward stdies done on smells being one of the strongest triggers of memory(I read about it in the

    news paper years ago.)Scientists discovered that specific smells had a very powerful impact on recalling distant

    memories.So the idea of aromachology isnt as far out there as many would like to just needs more time

    to find its way in the world.
    Several reports and several studies were cited in "The Scent of Eros:

    Mysteries of Odor in Human Sexuality." Rachel Herz is one author of a subsequent study that showed natural body odor

    is the primary factor for a woman chosing a man. Simply put, if he doesn't smell right, he's not chosen.


  14. #44
    Banned User jvkohl's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gegogi
    I think the 'rone in

    SOE is responsible for much of the mild phero stink at first. As it ages on your skin, the 'nol converts to 'none

    and gets a little more funky.
    You are correct. However, at 1 mg/ml only pregnant women found -rone

    offensive, all others' descriptions could be summarized as "it smells like fresh male sweat," somewhat appealing to

    women, and somewhat aversive to men. The -nol conversion to -none can be avoided by "freshening up" as most people

    (especially women) would do when wearing any fragrance product for more than a few hours. At the same time a man is

    wondering whether there has been too much conversion, he should be thinking about washing the orginal application

    site(s) with a bit of water, drying with a towel, and reapplying. Barring the opportunity to do this, reapply the

    original product as its own cover scent.

    Overall, listen to what Gegogi has to say; he



  15. #45
    Banned User jvkohl's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by nfs

    Actually I

    think it is the nol that smells musky man. Not the rone. I have a bottle of pure Androstenol spray.. heavy in


    When I spray it, my gal picks up on it right away and says I smell funny. Not offensive, but just


    When I put on SOE, she says the same thing. It's definitely the Nol.

    Livethemusic, how much

    of a gel pack do you use per application?

    -nol = musky
    -rone = fresh sweat
    -none =


    It seems somewhat obvious to me that the right combination of -nol and -rone would be effective for

    the majority of men--as has been the case. However, as indicated in previous posts, -rone is somewhat aversive for

    men. If a man is acutely sensitive to the -rone, even at 1 mg/ml concentration, it would tend to evoke the same

    reaction he might have to the presence of a dominant male (and increase anxiety levels as a result), as has been

    noted in this thread.


  16. #46
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    I agree with all the basic

    thrusts of the parent posts logic. I'm very sceptical by nature to the point of being irritating until I learned

    to mask it from true believers of various kinds and instead celebrate that whatever they believed in made them happy

    and try to see what about it made them happy. I don't always believe in what other people believe, but I believe

    in having good relationships with them so there is nothing to be gained from antagonizing them.

    I came to

    phermones on a whim. It was the contents of *this* board that convinced me there was something real here. I saw

    rational posts by people with hundreds of posts and long analytical discussions of the various products.

    All that

    being said, my experiences have been spookily real. A long term sex partner has become a complete animal, I've had

    random strangers come up and talk to me about very intimate things such as their artificial leg sweating in the

    humidity, and gotten flashes of flesh from females in my social group that I have known for years who were not

    interested in me physically only a few months ago. There is a scary addictive quality on the ladies part. I've

    gotten many comments about how the ladies miss me and think about me when I'm not there.

    There is nothing

    scientific here. Nothing I can measure. But my theories are:

    1) Affects on me. I know they effect me because

    my eyes would get puffy and I would feel tired. My mood would be unusually positive.

    2) Affects on others of all

    sexes. Seriously- I've never had this many complete strangers who *touched* me and wanted to tell me their life

    stories. Men, women, young ,old.

    3) Affects on women- Some seem intoxicated- some get very giddy and giggly-

    others seem completely unaffected. My jokes are funnier, my "just for fun" petting and tickles are positively


    The one thing I've never seen yet is "DIHL". I've only seen one negative hit. And I did have one

    lady bring up that she was definately *not* going to have sex with me even tho I hadn't said a thing about it. And

    she continues to flirt and came over for dinner (and happily accepted a foot rub).

    My main concern is to avoid

    being an ass and ruining everything by picking up too many women from the same social circle at the same time. So

    for most I focus on the flirting and touching but that's it- just for fun.


    All that being said, except

    for the two long term ladies- it could just be a lucky "wet spot".

    There's not an easy way to test it, to start

    with, I'd think you would need to be in a country like china where the people are fairly homogeneous.

    I think

    in a country like america, you choose your mix, and accept that "X" percent are going to like that mix and the rest

    are going to ignore it or dislike it.

    The seven ladies in my life have definate noticable effects from -

    Sandlewood over SOE+Chikara+4.2 (Which i mistakenly sometimes call andro7 I realize now).

    Great post- good

    points. We need to keep our mental filters on and do a reality check of our perceptions once in a while.

  17. #47
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    Quote Originally Posted by jvkohl
    -nol = musky

    = fresh sweat
    -none = urinous

    It seems somewhat obvious to me that the right combination of -nol and -rone

    would be effective for the majority of men--as has been the case. However, as indicated in previous posts, -rone is

    somewhat aversive for men. If a man is acutely sensitive to the -rone, even at 1 mg/ml concentration, it would tend

    to evoke the same reaction he might have to the presence of a dominant male (and increase anxiety levels as a

    result), as has been noted in this thread.


    Hmm very

    interesting stuff indeed Doc! Yes I think it is the RONE that's causing the slight depression. I have pure nol

    spray and it doesn't seem to do that to me. Perhaps I am sensitive to the Rone indeed!

    I know that it's SOE

    for sure , because every single time I use it, I feel this way. I could be really happy and uplifted to start with,

    but half an hr after application, i suddenly feel withdrawn, and don't want to talk to anyone. Like a real wet


    Sometimes I wish SOE would work on me like it works on people like Gegogi. *sigh*.... It does smell

    really nice to me.


  18. #48
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    Part of my problem with

    attributing hits to pheromones is that I believe in this obscure science (which many may regard as a pseudoscience)

    called aromachology, which is roughly similar to aromatherapy, but deals with how fragrances influence the mind

    rather than the body.

    So when I smell good, if I see a girl checking me out in a situation which I gather she

    normally would not (which is a hard enough distinction for me to make to begin with) I have no way of knowing

    whether she's checking me out because the SCENT itself is having an effect on her mind, and she's digging it, or

    if it's the pheromones getting to her.
    heres what:
    the only thing i can agree with is that

    pheromones will not force someone to behave against their will. HOWEVER-
    i do infact disagree with "pheromones will

    not get you laid".
    a girl is checking you out. you are unsure WHY. i can tell you that pheromones have not caused

    her to find you overwhelmingly attractive when you werent before, but that maybe you werent on the radar yet and the

    'mones brought you to her attention. the 'mones enahance what you got going on, so rest assured that if a girl is

    giving you attention its YOU, and the 'mones may have been a neon sign pointing " <---- this way".
    i wasnt going

    to post but i couldnt help it when you wrote:
    So when I smell good, if I see a girl checking me out in a

    situation which I gather she normally would not (which is a hard enough distinction for me to make to begin

    so, if normally she would NOT be checking you out,its not because she wouldnt have been attracted

    ('mones wont get you laid implies its more than just scent) but because maybe 'mones brought you to her

    i myself have a hard time accepting a hit. i begin to dissect it and think its in my head.
    i know

    'mones can make or break an opportunity, ive had this friend for 2 years that never hit on me and one 'monee day

    he decided i wasnt just a friend anymore. go figure!

  19. #49
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    Default " do infact disagree with "pheromones will not get you laid".

    I agree, Pheromones can get you laid. Although I don't quite use them

    for that purpose, I have been literally jumped on twice over the past 5-6 years, once by a really good looking 30

    something woman and another time by a 50 something woman who went so far as to tempt me with her girlfriend (she

    wasn't there) with an implied 3-some down the road a piece. Rare occurances certainly, but it can happen. I

    declined both as I get what I want from/with Sue.
    There is a cure for electile dysfuntion!!!!

  20. #50
    Journeyman CrystalMoon's Avatar
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    Totally in agreement wth

    both Lor and Koolking.

    Ail :-)
    Eight Words The Wiccan Rede Fulfill: 'An Ye Harm None, Do What Ye Will )O(

  21. #51
    Journeyman live4themusic's Avatar
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    Thumbs up

    So I set up my blog at: and updated it with my first post


    The pheromones are a small part of it, it's basically a blog written mainly for my own use with

    focus on improving my interactions with people in general and my success with women.

    So if ya wanna read it, go

    ahead, but I will say my first post is long as hell and you probably won't understand much of it unless you have

    studied some seduction materials and poetic analysis

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