Yes, ive noticed this

too with SOE, some times it works great, sometimes, i feel like it doesnt do anything, it is inconsistant, its a

good product, but a strange one, maybe its the .rone doing this?

.rone in my experience tends to make this a

unpredictable, like AE, one day, it works like a charm, the next, nothing.

they say .rone is the masculine,

stabilizer pheromone that makes all other .mones more pronounced, im not sure about that..

I've been using pheromones for several years now. I'm a kind of "big dad" type fella and rone tends to play to

that strength more for me. I am currently reading J. V. Kohl's book "The scent of Eros" that is sold here at


The problem with your pheromone products being "inconsistant" (as you state) is not that they don't

work, there are just factors that are being overlooked.

First of all, the "big dad" thing can be a good thing

itself, but it doesn't always get me laid either. My experience is that women tend to think of me in the "long

term" trend. I guess it all depends on what you are looking for. I've even been told that I've been that "too

good to be true" guy, which can accually SCARE women away (meaning THEY don't know what to do, if you can believe


Plain and simple, if you are looking to get laid, where is she on her cycle (menstral)? That alone

sometimes is enough to make her more responsive to pheromones. (Ladies, am I wrong here?) Remember, there is no

"magic sex potion," but pheromones are the closest thing we have. I do believe they work because I've experienced

it, on many occasions.

You guys have to remember that this industry and study of pheromones in general is still

very young, and there is still a lot to be discovered. I recomend anyone reading this forum to read Mr. Kohl's

book because it is well written and very well researched. A lot of other people are just trying to make money in

this industry, and he actually did his homework.

I hope that helps...