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  1. #31
    Phero Guru
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    You'll never see a "Girls

    of Maine" video.
    There is a cure for electile dysfuntion!!!!

  2. #32
    Phero Dude DCW's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by belgareth
    Here in the Dallas

    area too
    Dallas I'm told is the fast food capital of the world.


  3. #33
    Moderator belgareth's Avatar
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    It wouldn't surprise me though

    it should be the FRIED fast food capitol.
    To compel a man to subsidize with his taxes the propagation of ideas which he disbelieves and abhors is sinful and tyrannical.

    Thomas Jefferson

  4. #34
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    Quote Originally Posted by belgareth
    Gegogi, Well

    put! The claims in Bronzie's post of toxicity are pure tripe. For instance they eat blowfish in Japan. Food from

    the sea is no less toxic than from the land. In some ways probably more due to heavy metal content. I know there are

    a lot of warnings about fish caught in certain areas. Pork and chicken both are extremely likely to poison you if

    you don't cook them thoroughly. And people do eat primate, monkey is rather good actually. Carnivore eats carnivore

    every day. All the claims made are actually excuses for social mores that have no rational basis.

    I agree

    about the forcing of viewpoints on others and what it has brought us. It's sad but is what our narrow minded self

    rightous behavoir has brought us. More acceptance and less condemation of others' habits and beliefs would solve a

    lot of problems.
    Toxicity is a very real issue in meat consumption, and im talking about toxins and

    bacteria that live in the animal, this is a real issue, and the mad cow episode a few years ago was a wake up call

    to the the world with regards to this. Most domesticated animals bred for meat consumption have high level of toxins

    (especially in countries that have a low standard of health regulation in thier meat industries and a polluted

    enviroment), and most game meats, ( dog, kangaroo, pheasent etc) have a high level of bad bacteria in the flesh of

    the animal. Red meat is also catalist for alot of cancers, including colon cancer.

    Sea creatures caught in

    clean waters are clean to eat and have low toxins, heavy metals etc, again this depends on species and the age of

    the animal. But most fishermen and consumers that have an eye for a good catch can pick out what is best in a fish

    (im not talking frozen fish fingers or a fillet of fish from Mcdonalds)

    I dont force my views on other

    peoples eating habits, they do what they choose in thier kitchens and in thier countries, however im glad I live in

    a country with fresh produce, and the cultural and the ideological view of the collective accepted cuisine reflects

    my beliefs.

    I follow a strict Mediteranean diet, which includes alot of vegetables, sea creatures, and little

    red meat, and is reputed, (from scientific studies) to be the best diet for overall health.

  5. #35
    Phero Dude DCW's Avatar
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    I'm starting to have alot of

    fondness for sushi.
    It doesn't leave me bloated and is quite flavorful.
    If I wasn't so lazy maybe Id try and

    make it at home.


  6. #36
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    Sushi, and the Japanese cusine

    in general has alot in common with Greek cuisine, Japanese eat alot of fresh fish and vegetables, so do Greeks. Only

    potential problem I hear about with Japanese cuisine is that some fish species they use in thier meals are actually

    poisinos, and it takes a master chef to cut up the fish/fleshy part which is safe, and I have heard this takes some

    real skill to achieve.

    Sushi is a standard amongst athletes and bodybuilders as a clean food with low fat,

    only thing about fish which has its "downside" is that its energy value is not as high as red meat, and alot of

    people are not tolerant of fish, in the stomach sense.

    I bet some of the forum members here that advocate

    eating anything that moves or walks, wouldnt think twice in eating Whale. Japanese catch/harpon Whale for

    "scientific" purposes, but its funny how it somehow ends up in thier resturants for scientific reasons!?!

    Most civilized countries have banned the killing of Whales for consumption etc, but its interesting the

    Japanese continue to defy this international ban in the name of science, but in fact the end product ends up in

    thier resturants as a rather expensive meal.

  7. #37
    Phero Dude DCW's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by bronzie
    Sushi, and the

    Japanese cusine in general has alot in common with Greek cuisine, Japanese eat alot of fresh fish and vegetables, so

    do Greeks. Only potential problem I hear about with Japanese cuisine is that some fish species they use in thier

    meals are actually poisinos, and it takes a master chef to cut up the fish/fleshy part which is safe, and I have

    heard this takes some real skill to achieve.

    Sushi is a standard amongst athletes and bodybuilders as a

    clean food with low fat, only thing about fish which has its "downside" is that its energy value is not as high as

    red meat, and alot of people are not tolerant of fish, in the stomach sense.

    I bet some of the forum members

    here that advocate eating anything that moves or walks, wouldnt think twice in eating Whale. Japanese catch/harpon

    Whale for "scientific" purposes, but its funny how it somehow ends up in thier resturants for scientific reasons!?!

    Most civilized countries have banned the killing of Whales for consumption etc, but its interesting the

    Japanese continue to defy this international ban in the name of science, but in fact the end product ends up in

    thier resturants as a rather expensive meal.
    That may be so, but I'm not a fan of growth hormone

    laced beef , chicken and pork on my dinner table.


  8. #38
    Moderator belgareth's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by bronzie
    Toxicity is a

    very real issue in meat consumption, and im talking about toxins and bacteria that live in the animal, this is a

    real issue, and the mad cow episode a few years ago was a wake up call to the the world with regards to this. Mad

    cow disease is a viral infection of the brain. It has nothing to do with toxins or bacteria.

    bacteria is an issue but not necessarily related to the specific animals you referred to. Pork can be bad because so

    many diseases that like pork like man (Trichinosis comes to mind) but most that like cows don't like man. It is

    dependent on the particular creature's biological make up and similarity to man's. Chicken meat and eggs are

    famous for several types of food poisoning (ptomain and salmonella among others) and if well cooked are not a

    problem unless the particular bacteria leave a toxin that doesn't breakdown under temperature extremes. Almost all

    seafood has the same issue.

    Assuming seafood is safe because it comes from the sea is dangerous. Dangerous

    levels of mercury have been detected in deep sea fish and shellfish time and again. The seas are badly polluted,

    worse in some areas than others. Fish with strange growths and tumors are rejected by inspectors all the time.

    Similarily, many are rejected for high heavy metal levels. Bacteria is also an issue with fish.

    Quote Originally Posted by bronzie
    Most domesticated animals bred for meat consumption have high level of toxins (especially in

    countries that have a low standard of health regulation in thier meat industries and a polluted enviroment), and

    most game meats, ( dog, kangaroo, pheasent etc) have a high level of bad bacteria in the flesh of the animal. Red

    meat is also catalist for alot of cancers, including colon cancer.
    I assume you can support those claims?

    Although I do wonder how they are related to your claims I was responding too.
    Quote Originally Posted by bronzie
    Sea creatures

    caught in clean waters are clean to eat and have low toxins, heavy metals etc, again this depends on species and the

    age of the animal. But most fishermen and consumers that have an eye for a good catch can pick out what is best in a

    fish (im not talking frozen fish fingers or a fillet of fish from Mcdonalds)
    You can support that, right?


    Quote Originally Posted by bronzie
    I dont force my views on other peoples eating habits, they do what they choose in thier

    kitchens and in thier countries, however im glad I live in a country with fresh produce, and the cultural and the

    ideological view of the collective accepted cuisine reflects my beliefs.

    I follow a strict Mediteranean diet,

    which includes alot of vegetables, sea creatures, and little red meat, and is reputed, (from scientific studies) to

    be the best diet for overall health.
    Last edited by belgareth; 08-16-2006 at 07:23 AM.
    To compel a man to subsidize with his taxes the propagation of ideas which he disbelieves and abhors is sinful and tyrannical.

    Thomas Jefferson

  9. #39
    Phero Guru
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    Default "Dallas I'm told is the fast food capital of the world."

    DCW, after just visiting Memphis, I think Dallas has a serious contender, nothing

    but fried food everywhere and tons of fat people.
    There is a cure for electile dysfuntion!!!!

  10. #40
    Kodachrome Forever! Gegogi's Avatar
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    The Bronz states" I follow

    a strict Mediteranean diet, which includes alot of vegetables, sea creatures, and little red meat, and is reputed,

    (from scientific studies) to be the best diet for overall health.
    I don't doubt certain Mediteranean

    cuisines are healthier than a typical North American diet. Monosaturated fats, red wine, less red meats, etc., have

    obvious health benefits. Nevertheless, any scientific study that proclaims a particular Mediteranean cuisine to be

    the "best diet for overall health" is ethnocentric at best and reads like pseudo-science from a woman's beauty

    magazine. Incidentally there are scientific studies that demonstrate the health benefits of the Atkins diet and we

    all know what happen to those poor folk...
    "I'm just a dirty hornytoad" -Gegogi

  11. #41
    Bad Motha Holmes's Avatar
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    Does anyone here subscribe to the

    eating-for-your-blood-type philosophy?
    If a guy's a cocksucker in his life, when he dies, he don't become a saint. - Morris Levy, Hitmen

    Holmes' Theme Song

  12. #42
    Phero Dude DCW's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Holmes
    Does anyone here

    subscribe to the eating-for-your-blood-type philosophy?
    What is that?


  13. #43
    Bad Motha Holmes's Avatar
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    Basically a theory, started by

    this guy, which posits that there is an optimal nutrition plan for each of the

    blood types (i.e. a vegetarian diet isn't necessarily best suited for everyone's individual chemistry, type Os in

    particular, etc. etc.).

    I have no idea if it's a valid argument, but the idea is interesting. Someone

    recently recommended that I read Eat Right 4 Your Type, hence my wondering if anyone else has either read the

    book or followed the protocol...
    If a guy's a cocksucker in his life, when he dies, he don't become a saint. - Morris Levy, Hitmen

    Holmes' Theme Song

  14. #44
    Phero Guru
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    Default Holmes....

    "Does anyone here

    subscribe to the eating-for-your-blood-type philosophy?"

    Sue's cousin out in Seattle follows it religiously.

    He's 62 and looks about 52 and in great shape. He's also good with the ladies and has a sorta cocky/funny

    routine going, we watched him in action at a restaurant breakfast one morning.

    One thing I tend to do is to

    eat what I feel like eating. Somehow I think that my mind knows what my body needs and my appetite is what I'll

    follow. Luckily, it's not often I crave a Big Mac. However, given my weed smokin ways - yeah, sure, I could

    stand to lose a few pounds, all from one place too!!!
    There is a cure for electile dysfuntion!!!!

  15. #45
    Moderator belgareth's Avatar
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    I think your body tells you

    what it needs. Most people are not in contact with their bodies, they don't pay attention to what it tells them.
    To compel a man to subsidize with his taxes the propagation of ideas which he disbelieves and abhors is sinful and tyrannical.

    Thomas Jefferson

  16. #46
    Phero Dude
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    Quote Originally Posted by belgareth
    Pork can be bad

    because so many diseases that like pork like man (Trichinosis comes to mind) but most that like cows don't like

    On a side note,
    the pidgin english (PNG) name for white men is "long long pig"

    thought I'd add that.

    early 40's white male or or

  17. #47
    Phero Enthusiast
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    Sort of subscribe to the

    blood type thing- would layer on that historical diet of your bloodline.

    Can't trust your body with regard to

    processed foods- the corps have figured out food additives to make it want things that it shouldn't (high fructose

    corn syrup for example). Otherwise, agree.

  18. #48
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    Belgareth, when im refering to

    toxins in a particular animal, im talking about the toxins present in the animal while the animal is alive, not

    toxins and bacteria that develop once the meat has been sitting around "dead" unrefrigerated on a hot day for a few

    hours. A simple google search brings up literally thousands of web sites with reference to meats toxicity,

    especially with regard to red meat. In all due respect, I understand why you feel the need for me to support my

    claims, however, I come to this forum to chill out, and not write a term paper full of citations, quotes and


    Gegogi, I dont know what a North American diet is, but I pressume its one that is very high in

    simple sugars, just going by north American popular culture, also North Americans do have a very high incidence of

    diabetes and obesity and other diet related problems. As for the mediteranean diet bieng "ethnocentric", I dont

    believe this to be true, Scientific Studies have proven the mediteranean diet to be probably the best diet for

    overall health from any way you view it, bieng of Chinese origin, Australian or Thai, and the low incidence of diet

    related problems and issues with people that follow this diet proves this.

    As for this diet bieng as you put

    it "pseudo-science from a woman's beauty magazine" or a fad is pure nonesense, this diet has been around for

    thousands of years and is documented in respected science journals to be very good.

  19. #49
    Full Member The Real FTR's Avatar
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    See what happens when

    you don't eat meat?!

  20. #50
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    one can only hope that he

    gets to have a lot of meat in him in prison and plenty of protein shakes as well.
    There is a cure for electile dysfuntion!!!!

  21. #51
    Kodachrome Forever! Gegogi's Avatar
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    Lots of big talk there Bronz, but

    where's these scientific studies you rage about? Mediteranean tourist brouchures? I've heard of many diet studies

    and exactly zero have heralded the Mediteranean as the greatest among the world. Here's a study that indicates

    Mediterranean promotes longevity and is an excellent and healthy choice. However it does not state that

    Mediterranean is the best or better than other healthly



    If your were

    referring to the In the early 1960s World Health Organization study of the dietary habits of people from seven

    different countries, Greece, Italy, Yugoslavia, Holland, Finland, USA and Japan, the data is now decades out of

    date. Things have changed, especially in Japan. Plus there are many other disease causing factors they didn't

    consider, e.g., industrial pollution, atomic fallout, etc. In the 50s and early 60s Japan suffered from a terrible

    tuberculosis pandemic.

    The nation with the highest average longevity is now Japan (81.15 years), not Italy

    (79.25) or the Greek Isles (78.6). And this is despite a terrible trend towards tobacco use. What the hell, even

    Australia does better than most Mediteranean countries at 80 years. Of course it is not as simple as a good diet as

    lifestyle and medical care comes into play. However the typical Japan diet of low fat proteins, lots of veggies and

    rice is largely credited for their longevity. And these trends have been observed in studies at the University of

    Hawaii of American-Japanese living in Hawaii and the West Coast. They live longer than most other ethnic groups

    mainly because of their diet. Within the Japanese, Okinawans live the longest: There are about 35 centenarians for

    every 100,000 people, a rate that is three times higher than in Europe or the United States.
    "I'm just a dirty hornytoad" -Gegogi

  22. #52
    Full Member The Real FTR's Avatar
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    That seems arguable, too,

    from what I can Google - although I suppose anything's arguable. But, for

    example: &dopt=Abstract


    read an article the other day theorizing that the differences are also because people in the US work longer hours

    and take fewer vacations than anyone else in the world, plus the value in this country of individualism vs the more

    traditional model of working well as a team places more stress on
    the worker. The idea of success as an individual

    is increasingly taking hold in Asian countries as they push for greater productivity.

    I would bet it's not

    just diet. It's lifestyle. Any culture is less stressed and takes more vacation time than the US. No surprise we

    die faster.

  23. #53
    Moderator Mtnjim's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by The Real FTR
    I would bet

    it's not just diet. It's lifestyle. Any culture is less stressed and takes more vacation time than the US. No

    surprise we die faster.
    I mostly agree with you, however (there's always a "however, isn't there?), I

    think that the amount of "crap" in our diets that other countries won't allow is a major contributor. Look at all

    of the High Fructose corn syrup in things (KFC used to give honey, now it's "honey sauce", first ingredient listed?

    High Fructose corn syrup, then honey!)
    Then there are trans fats in everything, worse than saturated fat found in

    whole milk and red meat. Now the "fresh salmon" lists red dye added!

    Blech!!! (where's that pukeing

    "smilie" when you need it?)
    Freedom begins when you tell Mrs. Grundy to go fly a kite.
    --Lazarus Long

  24. #54
    Full Member The Real FTR's Avatar
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    That's true about the

    sugars and the hydrogenated fats.

    Food coloring in salmon is a new one on me. Bad news!

  25. #55
    Phero Enthusiast
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    Default The unbearable nastyness of excess fried meat fats

    it is unclear to me whether it is the origin of the fat itself, or the fat how it is modified by

    high heat cooking... one cannot but notice that among women especially the eating of excess fried fatty foods lead

    to an uneaven, lumpy face... this "rotting orange" texture is seen over and over again where there is a high (long

    chain, as with pork or marbled beef, especially sausage eating people) heat, fat fried in fat, dense meat eating....

    so many otherwise beautiful women have been rendered puffy and disfigured... sometimes I ask them, avoiding the

    subject of their appearance, and they often tell me that they are "addicted to the taste" of fatty meats prepared in

    this way, greasy ribs, kielbasa, and such... where, on the other hand, people who eat diets rich in seed oils, most

    particularly olive, AND (critical point) avoid too much fried fatty meat often have a firm, youthful, and radiant

    complexion that shiows good underlying circulation in the capillaries.... often too, you seen elderly people in the

    American midwest who have high burned or heated fat diets, and their skin has a yellowish, near waxy pallor of

    capillaries that can barely deliver any oxygen or remove any metabolic wastes... this accumulation of metabolic

    wastes which leads to a waxy yellowing of the skin can be seen in extreme form with end stage cancers as the tumors

    throw off more waste than the liver can detoxify... often the patient actually expires from "tumor poisoning"...

    these observations if you are in a position to see them for yourself are sobering indeed... my diet now is a high

    proportion of yoghurt, olive oil, beans, salads, and berries....

  26. #56
    Phero Enthusiast
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    Quote Originally Posted by The Real FTR
    That's true

    about the sugars and the hydrogenated fats.

    Food coloring in salmon is a new one on me. Bad

    Thic, actually and most surprisingly, is a case where the food coloring in question has been

    discover to be especially GOOD for you... this coloring agent is astaxanthin , a nontoxic retinoid

    derived from algae, that appears to be remarkably protective of human tissue, and lowers free radical injury,

    arthritic swelling, and age related macular degeneration.... so much so that I take a 4 milligram capsule of very

    fishy smelling Astaxanthin every night and have less stiffness in the morning when I wake up... in nature it is what

    makes lobsters red too...

  27. #57
    Phero Dude
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    Quote Originally Posted by surfs_up
    so much so that I

    take a 4 milligram capsule of very fishy smelling Astaxanthin every night and have less stiffness in the morning

    when I wake up... in nature it is what makes lobsters red too...
    umm, you do mean creaky bones rather

    then "morning wood" ?
    early 40's white male or or

  28. #58
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    Default My dick works fine, thank you

    more than fine.... usually have sex with two women sequentially... wear the poor things out ya know... not bad for

    a 50 year old guy.... supposedly penile circulation is a major indicator of vascular health... and that's curuious

    because my blood chemistry is bad, cholesterols and triglycerides, LDL/HDL ratios.... so they CAT scanned my heart

    to see if there was a physical risk in my coronary arteries and nothing out of the ordinary... so the doc is

    wondering... I ought to be manifesting cardiovascular issues with my lousy blood chems but I'm not.... OTOH, I

    consume a fair amount of high quality olive oil daily, 15 milligrams of Lycopene twice daily, that's the red stuff

    in tomatos, about the equivalent of eating 6 ripe tomatos per day (lycopene is especially protective of the prostate

    gland, and my PSA scores are way low and NO prostate enlargement, also very unusual for a 50 year old male, and now

    they think lycopene also protects the vascular system.... eat your damn tomatos willya ? Or take 30 mg. of lycopene

    daily in two doses..)... a mixed tocopherol that is high in Gamma-Tocopherol... and 4 mg. of Astaxanthin..... really

    felt that in my hands and knees when I first wake up....

  29. #59
    Bad Motha Holmes's Avatar
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    Do you take (or have you taken)

    If a guy's a cocksucker in his life, when he dies, he don't become a saint. - Morris Levy, Hitmen

    Holmes' Theme Song

  30. #60
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    In addition to virgin olive oil,

    virgin coconut oil aids metabolism greatly (immediately too). Top 3 oils : olive, coconut, palm... although I have

    no idea on how to choose premium olive oil. Any tips?

    Been having good "perk me ups" with combo of

    Gynostemma, Pregnenolone, Cordyceps & Schisandra. I've gone through numerous brain & CNS herbs, exhausted many of

    them throughout the years (reishi, ginseng, royal jelly etc). One good way is to cycle the supplements every 2


    Gynostemma acts similarly to Panax Ginseng, there are more saponins in Gynostemma. Cordyceps for

    sustaining libido, non-taxing & without the aggressiveness of Tongkat Ali (testosterone aid). Schisandra for the

    added genital sensitivity, extra elixir juices & longer orgasms, works on females too.

    A chi discipline (qi

    gong, tai chi, specialised yoga) helps greatly with libido, erection & general well being. A nice way to de-stress

    from the strains of the day.

    Tomatoes - Lycopene... any recommended brands? Is it a standardised extract?


    Everything begins with an attitude.

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