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  1. #1
    Phero Pro
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    Default Space Ship Alpha 7 & Alpha A314 calling

    Recieved these 2 products today in the mail, I just want to say, on first impressions, they smell like

    no other pheromone I have ever had in the past.

    Alpha 7 does not have that potent androstenone cat piss stink

    that Primal posseses, and its almost like the Love Scent ad says, smells like human body odor. I assume there is

    androstenone in this product right? because if there is I cant smell it, and im very sensitive to the .none in

    Primal Instict.

    A314, is a class in its own, I cannot pin-point any pheromone scent, and as the rather

    "stupid and b-grade" A314 web page says, "has a complex formula", well he may be right and frank, because all I can

    smell is a very fine musk combined with alot of other scents I cant work out, and never come across that type of

    scent before.

    I have yet to try these two products in real life, so I cant contribute anymore.


    the way, just a little observation with SOE, I have been buying this product for years now, I love it I must say,

    but I wish the manufacturer beefed up the quality of the label on the bottle, perhaps aluminium/metal based, mine

    has already began to smear away from finger use just after a few days from new.

  2. #2
    Journeyman CrystalMoon's Avatar
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    I don't know what

    "web-page" you are looking at for A314, but MANY of us here at LS are also members of the official forum for the

    makers of A314, and the creator doesn't make ANY false claims, as you have been told several times before by

    several of the members here - a couple of whom got so fed up trying to justify their use of pheromones NOT available

    here at LS, that they just stopped posting here..

    It is very shortsighted to think that the ONLY effective,

    quality pheromones can be found at LS.

    Yes, there are a great many scam merchants out there who ARE out to take

    your money, supply you "snake-oil" and run, but by the same token, there are several very professional, very

    efficient websites who DO supply quality pheromone products and being rude and derogatory about them when you don't

    have firsthand knowledge of them or their products, is frankly, completely unfair.

    I certainly do not purchase

    all my groceries from one store, so why then should it be any different when it comes to purchasing pheromones? LS

    indeed has some fantastic products, so too do at least three other sites I regularly purchase from.

    Look outside

    the box a bit. Acting jaded and dismissive of that of which you have no experience, goes nowhere with people


    Perhaps if you had shown a bit more wlling to listen when previous members of BOTH forums tried to guide you by

    giving you TRUTHFUL reports on how A314 works for them, WITHOUT the addition of -none, you would have a much better

    idea of what to expect as you start using it.

    Something to think about..

    Ail )O(
    Eight Words The Wiccan Rede Fulfill: 'An Ye Harm None, Do What Ye Will )O(

  3. #3
    Phero Enthusiast
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    I've had good response with

    a7 + soe + chik from women that already knew me.

    Also had three so far start touching me and talking to me out

    of the blue at concerts.

    I know *nothing* about a314 and so I'm looking forward to your experience with it.

    decided to go with npa and lt over a314 this time.

    Man.. I could so easily drop another couple hundred bucks

    before i try everything out at least once.

  4. #4
    Phero Pro
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    Quote Originally Posted by CrystalMoon
    I don't know

    what "web-page" you are looking at for A314,
    I am "looking" at the web site that promotes the product

    directly and is solely devoted to its marketing. And if you do a search on A314, you may come across a post written

    by me, spelling out why I think that web site is manipulative and b-grade.

    Quote Originally Posted by CrystalMoon
    but MANY of

    us here at LS are also members of the official forum for the makers of A314, and the creator doesn't make ANY false


    My post does not mention anything with regards to another forum dedicated to promoting

    this product (A314) or any claims he may or may not make.

    Quote Originally Posted by CrystalMoon
    as you have been told

    several times before by several of the members here - a couple of whom got so fed up trying to justify their use of

    pheromones NOT available here at LS, that they just stopped posting here..

    I dont recall

    being told several times by several members anything about pheromones available on other sites not being effective,

    nor do I know who stops posting or starts posting, I dont keep a tally on peoples posts or


    Quote Originally Posted by CrystalMoon
    It is very shortsighted to think that the ONLY effective, quality

    pheromones can be found at LS.

    Am I missing something here? No where have I mentioned this,

    especially with regards to this post.

    Quote Originally Posted by CrystalMoon
    Yes, there are a great many scam

    merchants out there who ARE out to take your money, supply you "snake-oil" and run, but by the same token, there are

    several very professional, very efficient websites who DO supply quality pheromone products and being rude and

    derogatory about them when you don't have firsthand knowledge of them or their products, is frankly, completely

    Again, who said I was rude or derogatory? Please read my post again


    Quote Originally Posted by CrystalMoon
    I certainly do not purchase all my groceries from one store, so why

    then should it be any different when it comes to purchasing pheromones? LS indeed has some fantastic products, so

    too do at least three other sites I regularly purchase from.

    Look outside the box a bit. Acting jaded and

    dismissive of that of which you have no experience, goes nowhere with people .

    Perhaps if you had shown a bit

    more wlling to listen when previous members of BOTH forums tried to guide you by giving you TRUTHFUL reports on how

    A314 works for them, WITHOUT the addition of -none, you would have a much better idea of what to expect as you start

    using it.

    Something to think about..

    Ail )O(

    This post is in regards to my first

    impressions on the "scent" "smell" of these products and I make no account of thier effectivness or how they work on

    the field.
    Therefore, I have no clue what you are on about.

  5. #5
    Phero Pro
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    Quote Originally Posted by maxo-texas
    I've had good

    response with a7 + soe + chik from women that already knew me.

    Also had three so far start touching me and

    talking to me out of the blue at concerts.

    I know *nothing* about a314 and so I'm looking forward to your

    experience with it.
    I decided to go with npa and lt over a314 this time.

    Man.. I could so easily drop

    another couple hundred bucks before i try everything out at least once.
    Maxo, I mainly buy from love

    scent, and have spent probably over a couple of grand over the years in pheromone products, if I took his advice and

    tried and bought every pheromone product on the market, I would probabl end up bieng a very poor man, with alot of

    useless products.

    Stick with love-scent, Bruce and this site have a big following and a reputation to keep,

    thus my guess is they pick the best products available on the market.

  6. #6
    Administrator Bruce's Avatar
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    I have to step in here.

    Whether A314 is a good product or a bad one, isn't the main issue here in my mind. The company that makes it plays

    very dirty pool businesswise, or least they did with us and we can't do business with them any longer. They got

    themselves banned from the forum for such unsportsmanlike conduct and that is what started the whole mess. Nothing

    more and nothing less. Such behavior sheds doubt on the products too of course, but other than that, I have no

    reason to consider the product less than top quality.

    Myself, I have a life to lead, kids to hug. I want to just

    put this chapter behind me, but it keeps coming back to haunt me. I very much appreciate all the emails and PMs of

    support I get from you all, but let's just let it go.

    To enjoy good health, to bring true happiness to one's family, to bring peace to all, one must first discipline and control one's own mind. If a man can control his mind he can find the way to Enlightenment, and all wisdom and virtue will naturally come to him.

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    Yoga in Eugene
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