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  1. #1
    Phero Dude slickracer's Avatar
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    Talking My MONES ROCKS!! (long story)

    alright, alittle background story (probablly going to turn into a life story, read it anyway, i know your boerd,

    you'll love it) latelly i havn't been useing mones as much as i used to. sence i havn't been very socially active

    ( my situation consist of court & falony, job, and my dad wnats me to get new friends, because of court & falony) so

    the only time i wear my mones is at work. sence i work about 15 days a month (but 12 hrs day ) i been useing

    considerblly less mones. and have had thoughs about quiting mones..... and the reason is in the following


    so before abuch of shit went down in my life (and i mean alot, i can make a movie and a sequal about

    my last 3 months of my life) i have started changing abit. like i said in my ohter post that i have started being

    not as socially greaceful as i once was, and thinking back it all started around the time of my ex. we fell inlove

    and i spend pretty muhc everyday with her and lost many connections then after we broke up, it shot my confadance to

    hell. didn't notice it then but looking back, i can def tell. so i started being less active, lost my spot light

    (wasn't in the spot light) at parties, didn't want to do shit,(EVEN WITH MONES ON) when i mack on girls, i get to

    the point where they were basically bagging me to bang them, and i dont even want to follow througe with it.


    you can see, everything started turning shit. other factors i think migh have contributed to my downfall are

    withdraw from ecstasy (the drug, did it about 5 times in a 2 month period then quit) compatative jobs (first time

    being fired) and periods of unemployment. anyway im probeblly think these are part contributing by associaction with

    the time period. they may or may not be, im not a psycologist (even tho i study many psycology shit)

    lol im

    getting carried away, lets get to point shall we? i have decited im that i was going to get everything back to

    normal. last month or so, when i went to a party, i made sure i have a fun time, when i force myself to have fun and

    get back in the spot light, i was able to easilly, after 2-5 mins and everything started flowing again. i loved it,

    i think i remember saying "slick is back" . then i got a job. very n ice job, and the money is starting to stack up

    dont even know what to spend it on. and it always feels so good to have many resourses that you can flaunt around

    (damn this capatalist socity that have tainted me haha )

    so i have realized acoupple of things latelly. i need

    to quit being a little bitch acting like a pussy, and i need to "man up" again. and nothing can help me except

    myself. and i can do it. i did it for many many years with out mones or what not and i was the shit! i have became "

    too dependant on it" that i have let other parts of my life sliped away. and started felling sorry for my self,

    which didn't help at all.

    so all this shit been going througe my mind latelly but when ever i go out i always

    end up putting mones on, just as a clutch, somehting to fall back on, incase something happens i can blame it on the

    mones. my safty net! but yesterday i went to work but was in a hurry and with lack of sleep made me forget to put

    some on. so this will be the first time i went to work with out mones.
    keep in mind that i work 12 hrs shifts.

    was going to work when half way througe i realize that i wasn't wearing any mones. and i was kind of like, uh oh.

    gets to work, going to put my shit away and notice that some of the guys didn't say hi, or made an effort to

    acknolage my present. so at that point i was like aww. well it was time to get to my station so i started

    walking........ then guess what! i get approached by a girl...we talked for about 5-7 mins but i had to cut her off

    cause i was 5-7 min late now! haha. i get to my station i work with all women but a guy boss. i notice they were

    acting weird. one keeps eyeballing me the other keeps licking her lips at me another keeps makeing puffy lips at me.

    other girls from other lines/ areas started comeing around me. helping me with my work. anther girl started bring me

    papers.... one sheet at a time untill i started talking to her. at this time i have realized what was going on. so i

    started conciouslly flirting with every girl. started talking, makeing more convasations with people. this one told

    me that i was short (i get that all the time ) but then she started saying that i have big feet ..... haha so i had

    to explane to her how my feet are not big, but just really the same time im trying to make the convasation

    provacative as i can . then antoher girl asked me if i had kids... lol thats the first time i been asked that. i

    said no... she said, oh...then i said "i though i was going to have one once tho" she goes oh really grinded and

    licked her thinking (i think i passed her little mind game test). even tho the guys were less then

    friendlly, i could care less cause i was so busy flirting with the girls.

    oh shit i'll continue this thread

    someother time im late for something.

  2. #2
    Phero Pro
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    dude, can I ask where you live?

    I mean as in city? you seem a little stressed buddy.

  3. #3
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    Barring the spelling that

    was a good read.

  4. #4
    Phero Dude slickracer's Avatar
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    well i have only been useing

    English for about 8 years or so. so im pretty bad at spelling.

    i think the reason i migh sound stressed is

    because i am. i havn't seen my friends in 3-4 months, havn't been laid for about 2 and havn't really done alot of

    fun things for a while cause im out on bail right now. like i said, i can make a movie and a sequal about the last

    couple months of my life. but i live in Ft. Wayne, IN.

  5. #5
    Phero Pro
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    buddy, maybe you need to go see

    a therapist or someone to talk too about all this stuff, not sayin that in a derogatory way either, even a life

    couch that can steer you in the right direction.. theres plenty of these dudes that work in civic centres and

    community centres at no charge to the citizen, dont fret theres a solution to everything, you just have to work it


    hey, im a english native speaker and i cant spell to save my life, so dont worry about that

  6. #6
    Journeyman live4themusic's Avatar
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    A couple


    -The day you got all these good results, you weren't using pheromones. So why is the thread titled


    Are you meaning to say, pheromones helped you break out of this self-defeating mindset you had

    until recently? Or are you thinking it was the buildup that got you the good results? Maybe I am misunderstanding


    -Do you mind my asking, what did you get a felony conviction for and was it in the U.S.? If you read

    my prison story thread, you know I am dealing

    with a similar situation to what you are dealing with, and actually right next door, in IL.

    Also, I am not a

    citizen of the U.S. because I was born in Canada and never applied for citizenship. If, as you say, you have only

    been speaking English for 8 years, then I'm guessing neither are you. Which means you might be dealing with the

    same possibilities of deportation for a felony conviction that I am. Let me know more about that, if you are


    In response to Bronzie's suggestion that you see a therapist, I would like to add, that it has to

    be the right therapist, and that you have to be receptive to it (but not too receptive in case you get the

    wrong one). I am seeing a therapist because it will help my court situation, but I don't feel it is helping with my

    life situation as much as the right one might.

    Anyway, I would like to hear from you about this because it

    seems we are in very similar situations. I can even relate to the girlfriend thing, although the break-up that

    destroyed my confidence occurred 3 years ago.

  7. #7
    Kodachrome Forever! Gegogi's Avatar
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    I can even relate to the

    girlfriend thing, although the break-up that destroyed my confidence occurred 3 years ago.
    Guys don't

    like to admit to such things, but I have read statistically breakups are harder on guys and they need longer

    recovery times than women. It takes me at least 2 years to get over a breakup and build myself backup to. Although

    I'm pretty good at faking self confidence in the meantime, the lost of motivation and confidence is really tough.
    "I'm just a dirty hornytoad" -Gegogi

  8. #8
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    This was quite a depressing read.

    But thanks for sharing. I did enjoy reading it

  9. #9
    Journeyman live4themusic's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gegogi
    Guys don't

    like to admit to such things, but I have read statistically breakups are harder on guys and they need longer

    recovery times than women. It takes me at least 2 years to get over a breakup and build myself backup to. Although

    I'm pretty good at faking self confidence in the meantime, the lost of motivation and confidence is really

    You're right, I've heard that too. Statistically, men are more likely to commit suicide when

    dumped (or at the close of a relationship, don't remember exactly how the study went) then women.

    I think it's

    because relationship men who don't take the alpha male role in a relationship get used and walked on by the women

    they date. At the same time, they rationalize this as them being nice guys which is good, and fool themselves into

    thinking they are alpha because they are with this woman. But really they are just getting used, while the woman is

    looking for something better. Then, when they are dumped, it all hits them, and is too much for some.

  10. #10
    Journeyman live4themusic's Avatar
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    Interestingly, I've also

    read that women are MUCH more likely than men to cheat in a committed relationship, but LESS likely to get caught or

    ever tell anyone.

    I don't know about that one, but I guess I wouldn't.

  11. #11
    Kodachrome Forever! Gegogi's Avatar
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    I've also read that women

    are MUCH more likely than men to cheat in a committed relationship, but LESS likely to get caught or ever tell

    Judging from the amount of married women that comeon to me, it just may be true. One told me

    she was separated from her husband and was free to date, so I stupidly hooked up with her. A few months later her

    husband shows up from an overseas military deployment! And she acted like nothing happened! Damn she was smooth:

    great liar and extremely stealthy. She wanted to continue the affair after he came back but, after a period of

    confusion, I grabed my balls and bailed.
    "I'm just a dirty hornytoad" -Gegogi

  12. #12
    Kodachrome Forever! Gegogi's Avatar
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    I think it's because

    relationship men who don't take the alpha male role in a relationship get used and walked on by the women they

    date. At the same time, they rationalize this as them being nice guys which is good, and fool themselves into

    thinking they are alpha because they are with this woman. But really they are just getting used, while the woman is

    looking for something better. Then, when they are dumped, it all hits them, and is too much for

    That maybe true in your case. However, everyone is different. Most of my breakups were mutual

    decisions. The relationship simply runs its course, you grow apart, you have different goals or your job takes you

    away. I've been dumped a few times but, more often than not, I did the "dumping." The most common problem I've had

    is women want to get married and start making babies, and that's not my space right now. Regardless of the reason

    the relationship ends, it is still a painful process and that pain has absolutely nothing to do with being a nice

    guy or an alpha ass.
    "I'm just a dirty hornytoad" -Gegogi

  13. #13
    Full Member BizmanJoe's Avatar
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    Red face Yep. it's true.

    Quote Originally Posted by Gegogi
    Guys don't like to admit to such things, but I have read statistically breakups are harder on guys

    and they need longer recovery times than women. It takes me at least 2 years to get over a breakup and build myself

    backup to. Although I'm pretty good at faking self confidence in the meantime, the lost of motivation and

    confidence is really tough.

    Yep, it's true. The last survey consisting of more than 250 (?)couples

    who broke up showed results that it was men, not the women who had a difficuly recovering from the break-up. It

    takes me a good year to get back to my normal self after a break-up in a relationship that lasted a year or more. My

    last break-up was just over a year ago, and although I recovered faster (I initiated the break-up) and had many

    opportunities to flirt and date, my heart was not in the "game." I guess I used the opportunities to verify tha my

    "mojo" was still there even though I didn't really want to "play." My 2 cents...

  14. #14
    Phero Dude slickracer's Avatar
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    thanks for your conserns

    guys. but i think i dont need a theripist. lol my life isn't as fucked up as it sounds. im just a really good story


    oh and i named the thread "my mones rocks" as refrence to the natual mones that my body produces. and i

    been going out with out mones and even tho its alittle different everything seems to be going really good.


    my felony, they have charged me with buglary but im trying to drop it down to misdamenor because all i did was

    kicked a door down at a golf course, at like 2 in the morning. i was drunk and it was a really stupid thing to do.

    and with my girlfriend, it was a really crazy situation. cause i started seeing her just to fuck around with

    her. just like many before her. but then i started really really falling for her for many reasons but after awhile i

    started getting freaked out because of how closed we were getting. then the next thing i know i started thinking

    about cheating on her. (many situations arrised at just the wrong time, that made our relationship too much for me,

    such as her parents getting a devorse that made her not trust men that much or what not and many more i wont list

    cause its personal for her). after i started "thinking" about cheating i think my whole mind set changed and things

    started getting worst so i just cut it off.

    to quote bizman joe
    Yep, it's true. The last survey

    consisting of more than 250 (?)couples who broke up showed results that it was men, not the women who had a

    difficuly recovering from the break-up. It takes me a good year to get back to my normal self after a break-up in a

    relationship that lasted a year or more. My last break-up was just over a year ago, and although I recovered faster

    (I initiated the break-up) and had many opportunities to flirt and date, my heart was not in the "game." I guess I

    used the opportunities to verify tha my "mojo" was still there even though I didn't really want to "play." My 2

    yeah i would flirt with girls and get numbers with no intention to doing nothing about it just

    to let myself know that i can do it.

    thats all for today, and dont worry guys, im alright.

  15. #15
    Full Member BizmanJoe's Avatar
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    Wink Knocking the door at 2 AM


    we've all done some stupid things in our days. The important thing is to learn from the mistake and not to repeat


    In the meanwhile, get out of the funk you're in brother. It took a while for me too, but I've reclaimed

    what I had lost (my sense of self and balance) and now,I'm just focusing on more important issues such as my

    personal goals.

    P.S. This hotti from NY has been coming after me (Bobbi) and would you believe I've turned down

    two date offers from her already? Both times I was wearing AE/m 2 drops + 1/3 SOE.

  16. #16
    Phero Dude slickracer's Avatar
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    i think im going to make some

    goals for myself, as all of you as a witness.

    goal one: im going to start dateing again, get me atleast one

    date no later then 2 weeks from now. (sence 2/3 of that time is going to consist of working and sleep, i need

    atleast 2 weeks to achive this.

    goal two: im going to fuck someone ether by this friday or next friday.

    alittle bit more about my dateing life:which migh explane why i made those 2 goals insted of just saying im going

    to get me some. i have a reputation for and been called many times "player" "tease" "a flirt" etc. and my firends

    would keep an eye out when they are with thier girlfirend. because i been known to flirt with them right in front of

    them. in the beginning they used to freak out abit, but i told them that i would never think about doing anything to

    get in between someone else's relationships. they have kind of chilled abit now but still sometiems its alittle too

    much for them. but even tho i am a "playa" and love and enjoy flirting with females playas and enjoy that whole

    sceen, i perfear, shy submissive good bookworm types. im a nice guy at heart, been also call " sensative" "

    passionat" etc. i know what you are thinking "what a perfect guy" well sorry ladies, i dont date over the internet.

    so as you can see, this creates a dalema, where as, the girls that i want are not at the places that i do my

    social outings. and the girls at such places , even tho i love them i can never see my self dateing one of them. i

    beleive in LOVE (just the way i was brough up and my mom and dad's love story that has shaped me that way) and i

    like deep, meaningful show-me-a-simple-perspective-expending kind of girl and instead of the let-go-look

    for-the-next-thrill kind of girls cuase they can get really tirering to keep up with. thats why i had to make

    different goals, for both of my egos. haha

    i'll keep you guys posted with these goals, and if i fail, feel free

    to flame and critiuq me. but i doute i'll fail tho, cause i always get everything i want, the only thing that i

    can't control is how long it takes to get that.

  17. #17
    Phero Enthusiast
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    Here is my theory.

    around women and thinking you have a shot with them raises your teste levels (by up to 50% short term).

    I think

    breaking up with a woman may shoot your teste levels too hell. This would explain the loss of confidence,


    It might explain why many women are more attracted to men who already have women than to solo


    Teste blood tests are pretty cheap so it would be something to get checked to validate the


    It's good to go out and act like all is well, because partially how you act is how you feel and how you

    feel is how you act. Put it out in the universe and that is what will come to you.

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