Hey there

everyone, Im new, dont poke the newbie, anyway.

I cant remember how I stumbled across love-scent.com, but as

everyone I came thinking it was a bunch of toss, however with some short reserch and a little spare cash I thought I

would give something a go, that something was the Chikara gel packs, about 7 I think.

Ive used it in various

places, mostly work and in the local pub however and my findings were as follows.

I found the scent of chikara

very pleasent, and definatly not overpowering which is a huge bonus (the bottled version smells the same I hope?)

and the gel packs made it very easy to quickly & easily apply if in a rush.

While useing Chikara at work I found

myself alone feeling a little more upbeat than usual (which is good for a 6am start), and to much surprise work

colleges seemed much more chatty and comfortable around me, I also seemed to get more of a feel of respect from the

male workmates.
No 'hits' as its described here ever happend in such a situation, but what I described above is

quite a welcome thing.

The other use, down the local pub it as much the same, a much more comfortable feeling for

everyone associated.
Sadly, I found Chikara seemed to have little effect to gain a more sexual response which I

would have hoped for.

In closeing, for me Chikara is brilliant for social use, but if Im looking to bring someone

hope it does not give any more advantage than usual.

So with that in mind, what would y`all reccomend to gain a

more sexual response from women?
Im a little skint at the moment so I cant really afford to experiment that much,

especially regarding the bottled versions of some products.

Thanks for reading.