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  1. #1
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    Default My First Post - Why I'm Here... + A Question

    Hi everyone,

    I just joined LS within the last 24 hours, after

    stumbling upon it accidentally. I’ve always been curious about pheromones but never had the courage/desire to

    purchase one over the internet – abundant stories of fakes, and the large number of ‘suspicious’ products on offer,

    put me off. However, after several hours reading various forum posts and sections of LS, I felt confident enough to

    make my first purchase without any hesitation (SOE unscented and NPA should be with me very soon!) – the return

    policy provided great reassurance too.

    Why am I interested in pheromones now? Well, firstly,

    I’ll set the record straight: I’m not looking for a quick sexual fix – the reality is, I’m looking for a tool or an

    aid. I’m a 32 year-old heterosexual black man, and would describe myself as tall, slim, lean and reasonably

    muscular. I’m not your typical macho guy, so I have a sensitive nature that is reflected in my personality (which

    many women like). Ten years ago, I had zero confidence but have learnt to overcome this over the years (to such a

    point where I feel more confident than most of the men around me, in social settings), so that is not my reason for

    purchasing pheromones. In addition, I have no problem in finding women who are attracted to me (especially when

    abroad). Also, I dress well, look after my appearance, possess sufficient charisma and have a steady job. Therefore,

    my reason for being interested in pheromones has nothing to do with the usual stereotypes or clichés.

    However, I do have one problem, which has been bothering me for a long time. As I mentioned before, I

    have no problem getting attention from women (there’s also been numerous occasions when I’ve achieved the DIHL

    effect without any real effort). However, whenever I’m close to a woman who’s attracted to me, one of two things


    1) They are too shy or intimidated to approach me, regardless of my occasional

    efforts to break the ice (and by the way, I consider myself to be a very approachable and laidback guy);

    2) It never gets beyond the flirting stage – there’s always something that stops them from wanting to

    take things further (leaving me with the feeling that I’ve been ‘messed around with’).


    I’m not saying that I’ve never had any success but the frequency in which I find myself, in the above two

    situations, is very concerning (and I usually stay true to myself, am not a predator and am not one for playing mind

    games). I have to admit that people tend to perceive me very differently to your average guy (I even receive

    frequent and puzzling stares, from completely heterosexual men, for no reason at all!), so I was thinking that it’s

    something to do with my body’s pheromones (an imbalance, possibly?) – that’s my personal reason for deciding to

    ‘invest’ in pheromones.

    The potential to experiment with people’s perception of you

    (especially women’s) in a social situation intrigues me, and if this helps my dilemma then that’s great. I’m not

    expecting pheromones to be the miracle cure, but I’m hoping that they will help increase, not my level of

    attractiveness but, my chances of greater sexual (and social) success. I’m really looking forward to ‘playing’ with

    SOE and NPA, when they arrive. I hope they’ll aid me to better understand the human (and feminine) psyche a great

    deal more.

    Thanks for reading.


    P.S. Could you please recommend an ideal third phoromone product to compliment SOE and NPA.

    The ones I've read that have received rave reviews include AE, PI and A314. Could you also give reasons for your

    personal preference. Cheers.

  2. #2
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    Given your situation I'd skip

    the NPA initially and go with the SOE. It seems like you have no problem with attraction - rather closeness and

    follow through. SOE is a masculine comfort pheromone and will likely help you. You may also want to consider A1 as

    its a very powerful pheromone that make women very confortable around you. NPA can create great arousal and

    attraction, but you must be careful as it can easliy intimidate women - a problem you have already described.

  3. #3
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    Thanks paulman, for that.

    However, I have the sneaking suspicion that the intimidation factor may have something to do with my physical

    appearance, rather than my body's pheromones (hence my reason for purchasing NPA).


  4. #4
    Bad Motha Holmes's Avatar
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    Try WAGG-N.

    And I agree

    that SOE and A1 would be good choices.
    If a guy's a cocksucker in his life, when he dies, he don't become a saint. - Morris Levy, Hitmen

    Holmes' Theme Song

  5. #5
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    But doesn't A1 have negative

    side-effects on the wearer?


  6. #6
    Bad Motha Holmes's Avatar
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    For some, yes. For others, no.

    Just wear it away from your nose.

    I have to wear most of these products (including SOE) away from the schnozz

    because I don't like the way they affect me.
    If a guy's a cocksucker in his life, when he dies, he don't become a saint. - Morris Levy, Hitmen

    Holmes' Theme Song

  7. #7
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    I have to add that I'm not a

    'lone wolf' in any way (and women, although intimidated by my looks, usually feel comfortable around me). I think

    a lot of women would consider me to be gay (whenever I've asked, the usual response was 'Because you look like you

    look after yourself'!) - the fact that I'm in no way effeminate confounds me even more. So, I'm pretty sure that

    it's more to do with my appearance. Personally I have no intention of changing my identity to 'fit in', but I

    think a pheromone product that can make a woman think 'Yeah, I'm intimidated by your looks but I don't give a

    f*** because you really turn me on' is what I'm looking for - hence my decision to purchase NPA. Maybe that may

    help to eliminate/reduce the suspicion that I'm gay.

    What do you think?

  8. #8
    Full Member The Real FTR's Avatar
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    I'm confused. Women

    suspect you're gay, but they're intimidated by you?

  9. #9
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    It's quite simple - it all boils

    down to physical appearance: Good looking + Looks after himself + Self-confidence = Must be gay.

    When I

    originally mentioned intimidation, it was in terms of them maybe feeling that either:

    1) I take care of myself

    better than they do, or

    2) They can't 'get me' like other typical men and are unnerved by it.


  10. #10
    Full Member The Real FTR's Avatar
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    Oh, now I see!

  11. #11
    Newbie InvisibleEdge's Avatar
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    Thumbs up A1

    Quote Originally Posted by Trebor

    doesn't A1 have negative side-effects on the wearer?

    I don't notice any

    negative side-effects with A1. And I SOE-NPA-A1 is great combo for me.

  12. #12
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    I just see the possibility of

    pheromones aiding me in helping to diffuse the situation.

    For example, last month, I flew to Madrid and Paris

    for holidays. On each of the four flights, I sat next to an attractive woman and started a conversation with them

    (they were flying alone, of course). I was successful on 3 of the 4 flights (the unsuccessful one was a Spanish

    businesswoman p***ed off because she had to attend a meeting in England). Out of those three successes (all of which

    were very pleasant encounters), one had a boyfriend and the other two were single. I'm still in touch with two of

    them via e-mail, and it's great getting to know them more, but I didn't get a 'hit'. The one that didn't

    contact me was the one that was most into me (with DIHL at the boarding lounge), but she lives in Mexico.


    maybe now you can understand my need to obtain that edge that seems to be missing in my 'adventures'.


  13. #13
    Phero Dude
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    Quote Originally Posted by Trebor
    It's quite simple -

    it all boils down to physical appearance: Good looking + Looks after himself + Self-confidence = Must be gay.

    When I originally mentioned intimidation, it was in terms of them maybe feeling that either:
    1) I take care of

    myself better than they do, or
    2) They can't 'get me' like other typical men and are unnerved by it.

    I feel for you as I have the same problem , Often I'm mistaken for being gay because of the

    reasons you stated...
    #2 seems to be the main reason I think , I seem to be able to pick on a woman

    flirting with me with ease now. If I'm feeling playfull I have a bit of fun and it just confuses the hell out of

    them, especially when they realise I like woman...
    The odd thing I realised the other day was that when meeting

    woman in a work situation they are often a bit standoffish, but In a social environment (+ alcohol) they can be

    flirting like crazy.
    early 40's white male or or

  14. #14
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    It seems to be all

    down to personal perception, as well as the way women are conditioned to perceive heterosexual men in general.

    That's why I feel NPA may help me in this department.

    gaf, have you tried NPA? If yes, what results did you get

    from using it?


  15. #15
    Phero Dude
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    But I've found even one

    drop of PI turns me into the hulk and everyone
    wants to pick a fight with me!
    AE is great or 1-2 sprays

    chikara or wagg-n , all work good in a different way. Soe makes me sleepy so I don't tend to to there...
    I made

    a mix up that seems to have a great response in woman my age and older , also the "darker" the woman the stronger

    the response generally... But then, for some reason not many europeans tend to be attracted to me anyway and thats

    ok by me. (even though I am euro myself)
    Here's my new magic formula
    in a 20ml bottle:
    (approx 5mls each)

    1 part AE, 1 part WAGG+N, 1 part SOE, 3 drops PI
    In other words , the leftovers from other


    apply 2-4 drops depending on the situation , more for a club, less for work. YMMV

    early 40's white male or or

  16. #16
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    Hi gaf,

    Thanks for your

    helpful advice.

    I'm getting a bit concerned, as a newbie, by the lack of input from the more experienced

    useres of this forum. I know it early days yet, with my introduction to pheromones, but I'm really feeling a lack

    of support at the moment. Anyway, I just wanted to get that point off my chest.

    As for PI, based on what I've

    been reading over the last 24 hours, it's definitely one I should avoid! NPA seems boarderline, so I'll see when I

    get it. AE and A314 are potential next buys, but I'm going to wait until I've tested SOE and NPA (I may even

    replace NPA with AE, if NPA has a largely negative effect on me). As for WAGG, I don't think I'll be needing it as

    I have no problem breaking the ice (and I'm not a 'lone wolf').

    In terms of women, I'm only interested in

    white European women - black and Asian women do not interest me in the slightest. I can't explain why, it's just

    something in my genes...


  17. #17
    Phero Guru
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    My recommendation would be

    SOE, A1, LT, AE/M.

    It would be difficult I think for some of the long term gurus on here to address your

    problem as most of them are from the USA and we have a sorta different sense of style and way of dressing than

    Europeans. I sometimes am in contact with Europeans at auctions here in the USA and they can come across as having

    a bit too much flair in their clothing and body language. It's all very subtle though and difficult to define. I

    think, but I may be wrong, that given your stylish clothing and European accent, that you'd freak out most USA

    women. They'd find you attractive, sophisticated, and alluring but not what they envision having as a long-term

    lover/mate. I can't speak for Europe but feel that most women here in the USA do not want someone who dresses

    better, acts more stylish, or looks better than they do. Also, if other guys are giving you the eye any woman with

    you is going to notice that and that fact would just add to their anxiety, no? Although your questions are posed in

    the men's forum, it might do well to have some women comment on your dilemna, after all - they would know better

    than we guys what they want in a man.

    Just wondering though, do you have a bunch of guys that you hang out

    with from time to time. For some reason, I suspect you don't. Is that correct or ?
    There is a cure for electile dysfuntion!!!!

  18. #18
    Full Member The Real FTR's Avatar
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    Here's what I see.


    said you were "successful" on 3 of the 4 flights. 3 outta 4 ain't bad.

    The breakdown:
    1 had a boyfriend

    lives in Mexico
    2 are single and presently corresponding with you

    I don't see anything wrong with you or your

    game, at least not from this anecdote. You are comfortable approaching, you're comfortable getting the contact

    information, they like you well enough to talk with you and give you their contact information ... so I guess I have

    two questions:

    1. What did you expect?

    2. What, if anything, are you doing to close the deal with the

    two women you're emailing with?

    IMO, women who peg you as a homosexual because you're well-groomed and

    well-dressed are not going to be compatible partners for you anyway, so they're doing you a favor to rule you


  19. #19
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    Hi all,

    koolking1 -

    thanks for your views. No, I don't hang out with a bunch of guys from time to time, simply because it gets too

    macho for my tastes (although, once in a while, will entertain this possibility if I can see it working). I prefer

    going out with one friend or a small group (preferrably mixed, to balance things out).

    As for American women,

    I'm more into Latin American women than those from the US. However, I do understand your point and have long been

    aware of it.

    Yeah, maybe I will try the women's forum on this subject - good idea!

    The Real FTR -

    No, I wasn't expecting anything, just simply trying to go with the flow (I treated these situations merely as an

    adventure with no heavy expectations). As for the two that I'm still in contact with, one does have a boyfriend. I

    already dated the one that was single, but (don't laugh) she didn't realize we were on a date! A bit of a daddy's

    girl, in retrospect, but still cute...

    Your last comment about the women who perceive me the wrong way was spot

    on. It's just a pity some of them are fit...


  20. #20
    Phero Guru
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    Trebor: I guess I suspected

    correctly about your social life with other males (not that I think it's wrong, not at all). I suspect then that

    women see you as a sort of "lone wolf" type and it's generally recommended that they stay away from .none heavy

    products but I'm going to go out on a limb and suggest you try AE/m with SOE. A1, and liquid trust. I also think as

    FTRreal pointed out that you have fared pretty well in spite of what you think, not bad and congrats!!!

    I do

    get around a bit, both here and abroad, and I find that very few European men are interested in American women save

    the Irish and British (green card factor might be there too). You really just don't see many marriages here anymore

    with Europeans. I really would think you'd have good luck with the Latin Americans though. They do seem to have

    heavier European roots/leanings than we Americans do. I'm also, going out again on a limb, thinking that what you

    will see is more American women hooking up with Asian men.

    I've always had great luck on airplanes when

    wearing mones. I think the enclosed space has a lot to do with it. Did you make any impressions on any good looking

    airline hostesses?
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  21. #21
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    Hi koolking1,

    Could you

    define a 'lone wolf', because I've always understood it to be an aggressive man or a predator (which I'm not).

    American women hooking up with Asian men - in London and Paris I've seen more of the opposite. Any reason why

    white American men have a thing for Asian women?

    Airline hostesses - I flew with easyJet (a European airline)

    and there have never been any attractive ones on any of their flights (and I've used this airline quite a lot).

    BTBH, they're usually white English women and I simply can't stand that type of woman! However, Air France has

    some nice babes, but haven't used them (the airline, that is) for 7 years.

    What about A314?


  22. #22
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    hmmm I think my

    definition of Lone Wolf is a little different perhaps. Although you are right, Lone Wolf on this forum tends to

    mean aggressive I also take it to mean "I'm on my own and have no need for company"; "I'm not the needy type" - a

    person who may seem to be a bit "stand-offish". Hope that makes sense, it is a little awkward trying to explain it.

    American men and Asian women. Well, geez, part of it has to be the enormous amount of young American men

    who spent a year or so in Vietnam and also were able to travel to places like Hong Kong and Bangkok while there.

    There must have been at least 2-3 million guys who passed thru there during the war. But, that being said, I have

    spent a lot of time in Thailand and I feel that you see more European men with Asians now rather than Americans.

    Another factor is likely weight. Not that American men are any better, but there sure are a whole lot of fat people

    here these days and it seems to be getting worse. It's a, pardon the pun, gigantic problem. On my last trip to

    Thailand I noticed that there are a lot of women travelling there now alone and in groups. Those Thai guys at the

    beaches look pretty good physically and they can charm. Also, just looking around at college campuses here you see

    a lot of Asian guys and they tend to study harder and have better financial futures ahead of them, women tend to

    notice things like that.

    Air France, yes!!! I had the pleasant experience of flying with them many years

    ago on a 747 for the Bangkok to Manila leg of their round the world flight. There were 6 passenger and 18 hostesses

    (everyone of them a looker) and they just partied on the plane with us as they had nothing else to do - it was

    great!!! Pre-mones though.

    I cannot stand London. Anywhere but there!! Let us know how you make out with

    the mones!
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  23. #23
    Bad Motha Holmes's Avatar
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    A314 projects "importance" more

    than anything. Liquid presence.

    "Lone wolf" can mean different things. What it always meant to me was an

    independent-bordering-on-insular-and-antisocial vibe..."stay away from me...I don't need you for anything...hi ho

    Silver, away" kind of thing. More of a brooding, "fuck off" type of aura than a predatory one.

    Why can't you

    stand London, koolking? (Yes, Air France is great, btw.)
    If a guy's a cocksucker in his life, when he dies, he don't become a saint. - Morris Levy, Hitmen

    Holmes' Theme Song

  24. #24
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    Yeah koolking1, what's wrong

    with London (not that I've taken any offence)?

    I have to be honest with you, as much as I love socializing,

    people have mentioned in the past that I can come across as someone who has self-confidence but also appears insular

    (but not anti-social). However, socializing is something that I can take or leave - sometimes doing something (like

    going to the cinema alone) can be as rewarding as hanging out with others in a bar or at a concert. It really

    depends on what I'm in the mood for at the time. And, yes, I'm not a needy person (except for when I'm deeply in

    love with someone).

    Air France, yes!!! I had the pleasant experience of flying with them many years ago

    on a 747 for the Bangkok to Manila leg of their round the world flight. There were 6 passenger and 18 hostesses

    (everyone of them a looker) and they just partied on the plane with us as they had nothing else to do - it was

    great!!! Pre-mones though.
    Lucky bas***d! Yeah, when I last flew with Air France, I was still working on

    my self-confidence. One of the hostesses took a bit of a shine to me and I only realized as I left the plane (she

    was really checking me out as I approached her, to leave the plane). Once again, there were less than 10 passengers

    on the 747 flight.

    I'll have to find a way to fly with them again (wearing pheromones, of course!).


  25. #25
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    Well, I've just ordered a bottle

    of AE (it was on my top 3 list of next buys, anyway), in order to compare and contrast it against NPA. If I have to

    return one of them then so be it, but I think I'm going to have a lot of fun (for better or worse)!


    planning to experiment with these in public places (during the day), such as parks and on the underground. At least

    if I have a bad experience, I can escape (as opposed to being in an office or in a club).

    Holmes - is A314 only

    good for wearing at the workplace? It seems that the jury's still out on this product (from what I've been



  26. #26
    Phero Dude
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    This is scary,
    I'm reading posts

    from someone that could be me...
    Well, apart from the fact that I'm white and from downunder!
    early 40's white male or or

  27. #27
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    Hey gaf, stop trying to feak me


    So how about telling me something about your experiences (if this is the case)?


  28. #28
    Phero Pro
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    NPA is a good

    product, but since it has no cover scent it is best mixed with cologne or other scented pheromone products. AE has

    a balance of rone, -none, and -nol. Hasn't worked for me in the past, but there are a lot of people here that

    swear by it.

    As for A314 it is good social as well as for business, but you really have to know what you are

    doing with it. As Holmes mentioned it projects "importance". WAGG is along the same lines as this, but in my

    experience it screams it out louder than A314. I have found that if you are able to do something that proves your

    "importance", the women will sometimes take the initiative in chasing you.

    For example, one of the places

    that I first tested out WAGG was at the Balboa class that I was taking at the time. Balboa is a swing dance that

    was developed in the 1930s in responce to dance floors that were too crowded for a swingout. Pure Balboa is done

    strictly in closed position with lead and follow "sandwiched" to each other. How close is this? In my first class,

    my teacher corrected me saying, "No Swinger, you are not pulling her in close enough. You should be able to feel

    your follow's right boob in the middle of your chest."

    Anyhow before the class, I put on about 2 drops of

    WAGG (one behind each ear). First time around, there was this cute brunette, Tina, that almost immediately after we

    got into closed position, leaned back into my arm as far as she could. It seemed as if she really didn't like the

    smell of WAGG and that she was trying to push away from me as much as she could without losing contact with the

    inside of my right hand. About 1/2 way through the class my instructor, praised me in front of the entire class for

    hitting a stop in the music saying, ". . .that was so awesome that you able to do that Swinger."

    The next

    time that Tina rotated to me she pulled me in really close, rested her cheek against mine, and started to sniff

    around my neck. She also refused to rotate to anyone else after that.

    Hope this helps.

    It Don't Mean a Thing if it ain't got that swing. . . . -Duke Ellington

  29. #29
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    Hi SwingerMD,

    Thaks very much

    for your contribution. I've always been weary about getting WAGG, so I'll pass on it for now (unless AE AND

    NPA have negative effects on me regardless). A314 is the next one I have in my sights, but need to test out AE, NPA

    and SOE thoroughly first. However, your experiences with them have been taken on board.

    Previous threads contain

    a wealth of information, which can often be overwhelming. However, I'm slowly getting a better understanding of

    what I should be doing with the products once I get them - it's getting easier day by day...

    Once again, many



  30. #30
    Phero Guru
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    Swinger MD, he's really

    got it down and more single guys could do well by emulating him by learning how to dance (guys - women just love it,

    if I wasn't with Sue I think I'd do what he does). I think only Geogi is better positioned to be around lots of

    women all the time.

    Trebor, I don't like London as I can be a cheapskate at times and you just do not get

    your money's worth there and the people are downright rude. Also, conversely, I just am not a bus/subway kind of

    person and always take cabs instead - the last time I was there, 2 months ago, I spent more on cabfare than I did on

    airfare. And then, I had to listen non-stop to the cabdriver telling me how bad/worthless the New York City

    cabdrivers are. Well, NYC cabdrivers may have little in the way of English speaking skills, but they ALWAYS go the

    right way and it doesn't cost that much. I also find the English to be way too opinionated about most things and,

    in particular, they are very casual about using racist language. And, their soccer thugs - nothing like being in a

    bar overseas someplace when they walk in shirtless and totally drunk by noon. Time to leave then. I do know some

    very nice English people though and I really hate to have said the above when I think about how nice these people

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