Quote Originally Posted by Holmes
Does Instant Shine work?
Yeaaar holmes ive had this juice 4 nine days and so far i would give

it say a 3 star rating, i havent noticed effects with every application because of my mix variations, but when it

kicks in it does so with class and i mean it makes me feel just so smooth and right here right now right with it , i

had one sp IS on today and two dr A314 and man these go together very well, and i am getting a conviction that IS is

effecting those around me as well and i am noticing that i dont have to be swimming in the stuff to get a reaction,

i can wear it and enjoy it but not too concentrated near my nose because it can cause a little stiffness of neck and

a little head tiredness, i am getting used to it now and a spray on the lower neck can produce a very nice

comfortable smooth effect. IF i was clubbing then i would have a spray on the lower neck and another 2 on the outer

shoulder fronts and 4 drops A314 on sides of neck and rear hair, a good dab of NPA on the chin and a shot of LT on

each shoulder top and a few sprays of vetiver hombre cologne a sweet little shit load yeaar , real nice. i think i

will call it the stinger.