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  1. #121
    Phero Enthusiast gabe1970's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by tounge
    Gabe,then use

    just two dabs of NPA with the plastic insert in. Put one dab on on your left breast area and one on your right. Use

    the A314, like I told you...Give it at least two weeks to a month. Try to journal anything unusual. Also on your

    days off don't use the mones...
    I was not around very many women today, and was not around any of

    the fun women I worked with yesterday.

    Nothing extraordinary happened concerning the alpha-males I've been

    working with today, except that one of them kept apologizing to me every time I told him he needed to step aside

    for me to do my job. Telling people to move is a normal part of many of the medical procedures we do - there is no

    need to apologize before you move.

    He could just be a bit of a wuss, and that was my impression of him. He was

    both the smallest and the skinniest man in the group, so that probably has something to do with it.

    There is no

    way for me to tell if his behavior or my assessment of him was influenced by the pheromones I wore.

    As for the

    effects on me, right after I applied the pheromones I drove like a Nascar driver cutting through New York Traffic

    on the way to an anger management class... and I enjoyed it. I also made a few off-color, innapropriate

    jokes about overweight patients. This is out of character for me, but that was as bad as I got.

    I wore

    1 drop of A314 on each sideburn (2 total), 1 drop of NPA on each PEC (they're not breasts/man-boobs, tounge!) and

    4 sprays of Instant Shine on my surgical cap.

    Tomorrow I hope to be with the fun women I worked with


  2. #122
    Phero Pro
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    Quote Originally Posted by gabe1970
    I was not around

    very many women today, and was not around any of the fun women I worked with yesterday.


    extraordinary happened concerning the alpha-males I've been working with today, except that one of them kept

    apologizing to me every time I told him he needed to step aside for me to do my job. Telling people to move is a

    normal part of many of the medical procedures we do - there is no need to apologize before you move.


    could just be a bit of a wuss, and that was my impression of him. He was both the smallest and the skinniest man in

    the group, so that probably has something to do with it.

    There is no way for me to tell if his behavior or

    my assessment of him was influenced by the pheromones I wore.

    As for the effects on me, right after I

    applied the pheromones I drove like a Nascar driver cutting through New York Traffic on the way to an anger

    management class... and I enjoyed it. I also made a few off-color, innapropriate jokes about overweight

    patients. This is out of character for me, but that was as bad as I got.

    I wore 1 drop of A314 on

    each sideburn (2 total), 1 drop of NPA on each PEC (they're not breasts/man-boobs, tounge!) and 4 sprays of

    Instant Shine on my surgical cap.

    Tomorrow I hope to be with the fun women I worked with


    Too much NPA. I said dabs, not drops! And if you ever get cancer in

    that region, it will be called breast cancer. Sorry.

  3. #123
    Phero Enthusiast gabe1970's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by tounge
    Too much NPA. I

    said dabs, not drops! .
    I used two "dispersals" of whatever came out of the bottle cap. call it whatever

    the fark you want to call it.

  4. #124
    Phero Enthusiast gabe1970's Avatar
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    Exclamation Offline for 2+ weeks

    I wore the

    NPA/A314/Instant S combo Again, yet I was not around very many women today. Only one female hindi nurse, late

    twenties, flirted with me but she was also the only woman who I had any close contact with. I wasn't the least bit

    interested, but she clearly was.

    Noticed no unusual treatment or interactions with male coworkers.

    Next week I

    will be in the same work environment but working closely with a very catty, gossiping female in her 40's who I

    would prefer to keep socially distanced from.

    I might be playing some mind games, including "spiking" her

    chair or clothing with Instant H. Too bad I don't have very many other toys to experiment with.

    The week

    after that I will be in a predominantly female environment made up of both senior staff and a few female

    students. Hopefully I won't be working with that same %$#@&^! gossip.

    Nothing else to report except that

    I am finally moving into my new apartment this weekend and will not be online or on this forum for at least two


    I will be able to read my email at work, but no IM's, posts, or reading of the forum. So this

    little experiment is on hold again until I get settled.

    I'll try to keep a two week log and will

    post it in it's entirety when I come back online, but I won't have much time and energy for anything other than

    my expanded fitness routine.

  5. #125
    Phero Enthusiast gabe1970's Avatar
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    Unhappy I'm Baaaaaaaaaaaaa-ack!

    26-27 August
    Weekend move into my new apartment, along with numerous trips to Ikea, Target,

    and Wal Mart.

    Week of 28 August - 1 September.
    This is the week I was supposed to train

    under the 40-something female gossip in a department similar to a surgical suite doing what I will call sterile

    procedures. I resolved to continue using 2 drops of A314, one applied to each sideburn, and 2 drops of NPA - one on

    each PEC for as long as I could stand it.

    Monday, 28 August.
    The (alleged) gossip called

    in sick. I worked on and off with a 20 something black male instead. An uneventful day, other than some "male

    bonding" and being briefed on hospital politics. The guys standing policy: Avoid all the women in the department...

    except for the ultra-hot ones.

    Tuesday, 29 August.
    The gossip called in sick again. I was

    almost late for work so I skipped my shower. Instead, I just shaved and sprayed myself all over with Tag Body Spray

    "Midnight" fragrance and I forgot to apply pheromones. Today was a big ego-booster for me. Got two "eyelocks" from

    two females I worked with - you know, where you lock eyes and "everything stops", and you just can't tear yourself

    away? One was with a spanish female physician in her late twenties - from 10-12 feet across the room - when we tore

    each other away she just shook her head violently and smiled - she literally "shook me off". The other was a very

    petite, sexy little Filipino nurse who was standing very close to me. When I was finally able to tear myself away

    from the gaze of that Spanish Hottie,
    I turned my head to the left and immediately locked eyes with that nurse.

    She stood there looking into my eyes for a few seconds and almost fell over backwards. She then looked down and went

    back to work, and I turned to see the physician staring at me in silence, either spaced out or deep in thought.

    There were two other females and one male in the room, busy doing other work and seemingly oblivious to what was

    going on. Then another physician walked in, and we all began to work.

    Less than a minute later I got a DIHL

    from that same RN!
    She had left the room and was coming back in as I left to answer a page-- and, just like all

    the other "DIHL's" I've gotten in my life, we ran right into each other while going through the doorway, I grabbed

    her by her hips instinctively as she slammed in to me... (nice flat belly and tiny little pelvis. Mmmmm...) and -

    unlke the other DIHL's - she actually MOANED quietly and leaned back, pushing her pelvis into mine and exposing her

    neck ( I threw that in there for all you body language fanboys out there.) Then she smiled, blushed, ducked her

    head, grabbed one of my arms, and eased herself around me, brushing her head against my
    chest/shoulder area as she

    squeezed by. She might as well have grabbed me by the balls and led me around the room, because I was totally

    smitten. For the rest of that procedure she was very touchy- feely, rubbing her (tiny) breasts up against me when

    she passed, or resting her hand on my shoulder for balance, and leaning over/ reaching aound me constantly to get

    things (looking into my eyes and smiling the entire time) but after that procedure was done, she seemed to avoid eye

    contact for the rest of the day as I came in and out of her work area. I noticed that she was very "touchy-feely"

    with the other males in her area, but not as blatantly, and the guys kept their hands to themselves OR didn't

    notice. Those guys were much taller than me and because of her height (about 4' 6"- 4' 9") they may not have been

    as attracted to her as I was. I missed my opportunity to capitalize on this combined "DIHL" / instant-attraction

    phenomenon, but she will be at the top of my list when I finally start dating again. (If I were divorced and

    financially solvent, I would have asked her out.) I just hope that she wasn't too embarrassed by our little

    exchange or upset/insulted that I didn't ask her out. The female MD began using my name in every sentence when we

    spoke, and has done so ever since. One of my male coworkers has noticed this next fact, and I think he was not the

    only one -- she doesn't use anyone elses name as often when she addresses them and everytime that she DOES use my

    name, it seems to perturb a female british nurse who sometimes works with her. This british nurse avoids being

    around me, stays close to the male physicians, and avoids speaking with me and with any other women who are not her

    suboordinates. She's more than "professional" or formal - she's uptight. Anyhow, the (Tiger-Woods-esque) male

    physician in charge that morning went out of his way to stop me as I was leaving
    the room and said...
    "You are

    very, VERY good at what you do."
    SO should I stop taking showers in the mornings and start wearing my

    pheromones every other day, or what?
    The rest of the day went well but was not as "over the top" as that group of

    events in that room. Flirted with a few more nurses, but nothing else notable happened.

    Wednesday, 30


    Normal morning routine but didn't shave today. Gossip was sick again, and I had another good

    but hectic
    day. Apparently a lot of people called out sick today, and the hospital was very busy. Ended up doing

    twice as much work with
    half as many people, I had two co-workers alternating between helping me and putting out

    other fires, while I worked with the "fun
    group of women" I worked with last week. Got two backrubs and many

    flirtatious phonecalls to my cellphone for no reason
    whatsoever. Lots of subtle sexual innuendo in those calls, 2

    passing backrubs (from two different nurses), and one wierd "arm stroking incident" wherein one of those nurses -

    who was standing directly in front of me -reached out with both hands, grabbed
    ahold of the middle of both of my

    forearms, and started rubbing/stroking them up and down from elbow to wrist while looking up into my eyes and

    thanking me "for not leaving (her) all alone" (?!). If that doesn't have some kind of Freudian connotation to it,

    then I don't know WHAT would. Both of the nurses who flirted with / hit on me were petite/thin caucasians in

    their thirties. Other nurses and female "bystanders" laughed at us all day and several jumped in to our tit-for-tat

    exchanges, and the running joke was
    about me "getting lucky today if any of us catch you all alone, by yourself.",

    while all of the male physicians seemed a surprised by
    their behavior and remarks. It seems like all it takes is

    for one female to break the ice, and then I'll suddenly get ambushed. Their flirtatiousness is contagious and they

    like to gang up on me. I noticed today that the female spanish physician acts much more reserved while her male

    peers are around and did not 'partake" in the flirty behavior towards me at all, and she seems to get quieter and

    quieter the more the other women become vocal. My male co-workers seemed surprised by their behavior also - "Why

    do they like YOU so much? They NEVER act like that." The males were also colder, more professional/formal and less

    chummy towards me today. It could have been the fact that these two guys were over-worked and forced into assisting

    me and running all over the hospital, "putting out fires". Could also have been some minor jealousy or

    And Yeah. I know, I know... some of you are pulling out your hair and practically screaming "Dammit!

    It's the pheromones, Gabe! that's what they DO to people! Open your EYES, man!"
    Calm down, LADIES... based on

    prior experiences, I'm used to this kind of behavior in this kind of a work environment - I initiated some of the

    flirting and kept it up as the day went on and as I came across willing participants. The (much younger,

    inexperienced, and less traveled) male coworkers and male physicians have probably been taught that such behavior is

    innappropriate in a work
    environment. They're fresh out of school and brainwashed into being politically correct.

    They seemed confused, expressed surprise, and were - as best as I can tell - shocked that this kind of behavior goes

    on. The only women who did not flirt with me were the young twenty-something assistants who were in the procedures

    with us - and I didn't initiate anything with them because of the "vibe" I got from them... (The vibe: "Why is

    everyone flirting with this short, fat, old guy? I don't want him even TALKING to me. Yuck! Ew!") I imagine they

    were also just out of school AND this led me to another observation / pet theory... People in their early twenties -

    I hesitate to call them kids - have different social/sexual outlets while the thirty something nurses i've

    flirting with are probably in the same social-phantom-zone that I am in -- that is, my job IS my social life and the

    best place for me to meet people, make friends, and have fun. I/we don't go to bars and clubs. We don't

    participate in a "nightlife" like people in their twenties. We don't connect with many people outside of work, and

    we have children and families that take up our time on the
    weekends and evenings. If I/we don't meet someone at

    work, it's unlikely to happen at all because our social lives and ways of approaching the opposite sex are just

    DIFFERENT. SO, I think that our behavior confuses the younger people - it seems innappropriate because it's not how

    they behave (or are taught to behave) at work and because it would never occur to them to behave that way - because

    that part of their life is seperate, compartmentalized. I could go on and on and refine this or explain it more in

    depth, but that's my basic theory: many of us thirtysomethings are in our element at work while many of the

    twentysomethings and younger physicians are shackled by the rules that have been forced down their throats. They

    might say
    "You don't know how to have fun", while I say "You don't know how to have fun AT WORK." And yes, it

    could have been the pheromones today, but yesterday - a day I wore cheap body spray and did not wear any pheromones

    at all - is more of the kind of day I've been hoping to have as the result of wearing pheromones and (somewhat)

    expensive cologne. I wish I could remember when I took my shower on monday and exactly what time I had those great

    effects" (?) on tuesday.

    Here's a sample phonecall (today, wednseday)... and if I remember correctly,

    I got 5 similar calls today but this was the longest....
    Nurse: "Gabe, where ARE you, I need you now."
    Me: "I'm

    busy right now. I can be there in 5 or 10 minutes."
    Nurse: "So you'll come in 5 minutes?"
    Me: "Yes... (thinking

    and then playing along...) just for you, I'll come in 5 minutes."
    Nurse: "OK, but you're going to have to spend

    more than just 5 minutes with ME, honey. Once you're with ME, I guarantee you'll
    work at least 2 hours."

    "Hey, you know EVERYONE wants me. I'll come now, but if someone else wants me to come too, you're just going to

    have to
    Nurse: "Well _I_ need you NOW."
    Me: "I'm coming now."
    Nurse: "Say that again... (husky voice)

    Me: "I, ah, I charge extra for that."
    Nurse: "Oh... Mmmm... (ha!) I have to go before I get into

    Me: "Tell everyone I'm coming in five minutes."
    Nurse: "(To everyone in the area) Hey, Gabe says it

    will only take 5 minutes for him to come."
    (Muffled words and laughter in the background...)

    Nurse: "Bye, honey."
    Thursday, 31 August
    "You know, I called in sick all week because I didn't want to work

    with you."
    "Yeah, I figured that. SOooo... why'd you stop calling in?"
    She was taken aback by my flip

    answer. You see, I've heard in two psychology classes that when someone insults you in a
    humorous way, they

    really mean what they're saying. So she really DID call in sick because she didn't want to work with me, or it was

    at least a contributing factor. And I would have been content if she kept calling in. I gave her the cold shoulder

    and did not
    help her in any way all day. Today was uneventful other than my initial confrontation and subsequent,

    obvious avoidance of the
    gossip. The guys I work with helped me out, and she ended up working mostly without me as

    they ran interference and I conveniently disappeared when possible. Also I was told early in the morning (by a male)

    that I "...must have spilled that bottle of cologne on yourself this morning - you got that slick Rick thing goin'

    on with the cologne and hairgel." Nothing like being cut down politely by a friend. I really do need a haircut and I

    did overdo it with the Armani, but figured it would fade by the time I got to work. Apparently I was wrong.

    really tired of wearing the same thing all the time so next week I'm buying some sample bottles of some pheromones,

    a bottle
    of Liquid Trust from Love Scent
    and also a variety of Tag & Axe body sprays......and getting a frickin

    haircut so I can cut back on the hairgel. As of right now I throw on a ballcap the minute I leave the hospital,

    cover up my Afro. I look like $%#@$ Albert Einstein right now.

    Does anyone know a good website where I can buy a

    variety of decants, inexpensively? I'd like to spend less than $50 on at least 4 colognes.

    I'm going to try

    adding an extra drop of NPA on my pubic hair right now (8pm) and skip the shower tomorrow morning before work. I'll

    also skip the cologne and go with Tag Body Spray.

    Friday, September 1st
    ... was uneventful

    other than me getting to know a few more female coworkers on another shift.

    Tuesday September


    I worked over the three day labor day weekend and each day was unremarkable. I also took a break

    from wearing pheromones over the weekend, but wore them on monday.

    Today, Tuesday, I wore 2 drops/dabs/whatever

    of NPA on my chest and 2 drops of A314 - one behind each ear. Sick of my routine,
    I also sprayed 1 spray of

    Instant Shine on each side of my neck and 1 spray of Instant Honesty on each forearm. I noticed throughout the day

    that the closer I stood to one of my coworkers, the friendlier and more talkative he became. He was overly

    friendly. I also noticed that a hot, petite brunette ER nurse who I've seen several times would flip her hair in

    my direction whenever she walked by me. She did this twice, and apparently just had her hair styled. I should have

    said something (about the new haircut) but I was too busy observing what was going on around me. I imagine that

    habit could become an issue when I "get back in the game", but I'll cross that bridge when I come to it. Right now

    I'm just throwing that info out there for those of you who think that all body language is meaningful, but without

    more context, I'm uncomfotable judging her behavior. I did have the chance to observe her interacting with 6 other

    men in the course of ten minutes while I was waiting to see a patient -- I counted one smile, 5
    nods, and no other

    hair flips. There were no other guys similar to me around, so I couldn't observe her behavior with other short

    30-something guys or guys with black hair. Interesting. Hmmm... I have a few male coworkers who are also

    (relatively) short with black hair, so I'll try to watch her around them in the future. The day was otherwise

    uneventful until I spent some time alone with "The Gossip" about 7 hours later.

    I wanted to see if I could get

    her to talk but also wanted to steer the conversation away from myself. So when we were standing off
    to the sides

    by ourselves, I leaned one arm against a wall that the gossip had her back to, putting my Instant-Honesty-soaked-arm

    was within 2 feet of her face. Then I started counting... one mississipi, two mississipi... and when I hit twenty

    Mississipi, she started talking shit about every doctor within 50 miles. She didn't stop for twenty minutes, and

    then stepped away to work. When she came back to my spot 4 minutes later, she was silent for a few minutes, but

    another "twenty mississipis" after I worked my arm
    back into position, she started talking again. 35 minutes

    later, and with just a little encouragement, I knew all about her family issues and which surgeons not to use. So

    here's the question, the one some of you are getting tired of seeing me write down...
    "But was it the

    Keep in mind, she IS a gossip. That's what she is known for. And I was egging her on, asking many

    questions because I did not want to end up as the subject of our discussion. To me it was all BS, but I played along

    as if I was hanging on her every word - so I
    don't know if it was JUST the pheromones or if they were even part

    of the equation. The pheromones may have helped, and they may not have. They may have served as an extra bit of

    motivation, but then again they may not have. I tried to encourage feelings of comraderie by purposefully leaning

    towards her and nodding whenever she said something I thought was meaningful to her. I
    touched her whenever I

    asked a question, and raised my voice whenever I agreed with her... I played her like a fiddle -- but again, I

    don't know 100% if IH helped. All I know is that everything I did was successful, and I know IH makes me Gabby as

    hell so I kept my hands away from my face all day. Bottom line: my own reactions to IH and the ease I had in working

    this woman makes me think that IH gave me an edge but it is impossible to quantify or pin down exactly how much of

    an edge it gave me. I should also
    mention the fact that I wore IS on my neck and stood very close to her could

    ALSO have been part of the equation, but since it doesn't effect me positively, I'm uncomfortable in judging how

    or if it effected her.

    Wednesday, September 6th
    Today was an insane day at work as far as

    technical and scheduling issues went. I spent the day putting out fires and did not do much observing or have any

    time for social interactions / observation, but it did not matter. I noticed some dramatic effects on

    today, and I think it was from Instant Shine. I wore the same combo as I did yesterday -- 2 drops/dabs/whatever of

    NPA on
    my chest, 2 drops of A314 - one behind each ear, 1 spray of Instant Shine on each side of my neck and 1

    spray of Instant Honesty on each forearm. Again I noticed that the closer I stood to one of my coworkers, the

    friendlier and more talkative he became. Today I also noticed he is a whiney little SOB, and I will be keeping my

    distance from now on. Why do people constantly complain
    to me? Don't tell me it's the frickin pheromones...

    As far as the effects of Instant Shine on me, I didn't not like them and I'm assuming Instant Shine was the

    culprit based on other peoples reports of its effects. I found myself climbing stairs or walking hallways alone and

    laughing aloud for no reason at all. I had to constantly contain myself all morning, or I would have spent half the

    day laughing like a little girl - for no frickin reason at all. I found myself smiling at people I didn't know,

    again for no particular reason whatsoever. The effect was contagious, as you would
    expect, but I felt like a

    damned candy-assed idiot. My name wasn't Gabe or Gabby today - just call me "P. Giddy".

    I resented the loss of

    control, and then spent all evening depressed and contemplating odd - make that VERY odd, SCARY things like whether

    or not I should consider dating short fat women instead of dieting and exercising... so I'm swearing off Instant

    Shine forever. I have a (HOT) friend who I'm sure will appreciate my pheromone-laden package which will be shipped

    out at the end of this week. If you hadn't noticed, resenting this feeling of loss of control is a recurring theme

    for me. I hate Instant Honesty and now that I finally know Instant Shine works on me too, I hate it also... in

    exactly the same way that I hate the drunk feeling that too much alcohol give me. And "drunk" is a close

    approximation to how it made me feel. Why? The ultimate reason is one for the psychologists, but I'm willing to go

    so far as to say it's because I like to keep a close reign on both my feelings and actions. My reasons are just

    that - MY reasons... it's personal and I won't discuss it. So todays verdict: Instant Shine works if you

    give it time.
    It took - what? THREE weeks for me to notice the effects? And I had to clear my system of

    the effects of stimulants before i noticed anything. It makes me think that The Gossip could have been reacting

    both IH and IS yesterday (not to mention the A314 & NPA) Anyhow, I'm now through with IS. That part of my little

    experiment is complete and I don't intend to revisit it, no matter how bored I get. For now I'm going back to NPA

    and A314 and I'm actually
    skipping NPA altogether tomorrow due to the high stress/ insane expectations of

    tomorrows work schedule. It's going to be pretty
    whacked to begin with, so why encourage more wackiness?

    can't sleep so I am brainstorming here -- I'm still leaning towards a purchase of Liquid Trust from Love Scent

    next week. I was going to buy my pheromones friday evening but have decided to wait on y'alls input and to do some

    serious reading up on
    pheromones this weekend. I am switching to an old-school 1950's style, back-to-basics diet

    and Powerlifting program this month
    along with refocusing on bicycling. I will be spending a lot of time on my

    exercise bike, watching TV while getting away from the depressing "skinless chicken breast - centric" diet and

    staying away from supplements that alter my mood and metabolism.

    I'm undecided on what to buy
    next. I think

    A314 + NPA is a keeper (until my supply runs out) and I need to see what else is available. I also need to actually

    do some research for once, and see if Liquid Trust and IO
    would be redundant purchases.


    September 7th.

    I only wore A314 today and work was insane. Got a look of total, complete, 100%

    unadulterated disdain when I said hello to the RN who DIHL'd the other day. If she had a weapon, I got the

    impression she would have used it on me. Otherwise, an uneventful day.

    Friday September


    I was supposed to start work at 8am and got a freaked out phonecall at 7:50 am asking me where

    the F--- I was, things were going all to hell. I didn't leave until 13 hrs later. The ER was frickin insane. Other,

    let's say "related" departments were completely
    unhinged by noon.The hospital network crashed completely, too

    after 8pm. When I left work it was obvious why the day went so badly... Full, Blood-Red Moon. I'd like to forget

    today. As a matter of fact the day was so insane that I almost forgot todays single, solitary "semi-hit". I had been

    in the ER talking to two cute nurses. An asian one was particularly friendly and i hadn't met her before. i walked

    around the corner and then stopped to write something down. I was no more than 15 feet away when i heard...

    wouldn't -murmur-mumble-blah-blah- if he wasn't so FAT."
    followed by,
    "Yeah, he IS cute."

    damn! maybe I'll skip my pheromone purchase month completely, and put the $$$ into some extra weights or another

    bottle of fat burners.
    Last edited by gabe1970; 09-09-2006 at 07:34 PM. Reason: formatting

  6. #126
    Phero Enthusiast gabe1970's Avatar
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    Sorry about the formatting

    issues, ladies.

  7. #127
    Phero Dude
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    don't worry about the

    Also, what is "instant shine" you refer to? I tried rereading old posts but got lost...
    early 40's white male or or

  8. #128
    King of the coupons!
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    So, Gabe ... your conclusion ...

    does mones work or not?

    Annnd, does fat burners really work?
    Never argue with ignorant people! They pull you down to THEIR level, and then they BEAT YOU with experience. Who said that!? I don't know, but tis gold I tell'ya!!

  9. #129
    Phero Enthusiast gabe1970's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MOBLEYC57
    So, Gabe ...

    your conclusion ... does mones work or not?

    Annnd, does fat burners really work?

    pheromones work... subtely, at the right times, on receptive people, in appropriate situations, and at close

    range... they give you a slight advantage. I've noticed and logged the effects of all the pheromones I've used,

    and have stopped using many of them because of their effects on ME or because I simply ran out and wanted to try

    other pheromones. If i could tolerate certain smells and shrug off the effects on me, I would be using them much

    more extensively. My budget is also an issue.
    Soon I will begin including a summary of their effects in my


    Yes, SOME fat Burners work, for awhile, for many people. They are unhealthy to use, though, and

    possibly dangerous depending on many factors. Some fat burners do not work at all for some people, too. There are

    many variables that go into whether or not a specific fat burner will work - including but not limited to type of

    diet, activity level, age, health, types and frequency of exercise, your GI tract, and what other

    supplements/nutrients are being injested + when. Note that I haven't even touched upon the ingredients and effects

    of the specific fat burners themselves.

  10. #130
    Phero Enthusiast gabe1970's Avatar
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    Will edit / reformat my long

    post later tonight. It looks bugly.

  11. #131
    Phero Enthusiast gabe1970's Avatar
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    Red face

    Quote Originally Posted by gaf
    don't worry about

    the formatting...
    Also, what is "instant shine" you refer to? I tried rereading old posts but got

    It's a pheromone product obviously not sold on this site. Google.

  12. #132
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    Quote Originally Posted by gabe1970
    It's a pheromone

    product obviously not sold on this site. Google.
    OK, like I said.
    I got lost following the

    posts back and didn't understand what the product was. ie: was it a home made mix or what.
    BTW: I now have a

    shit load of links for shoe shine if you need them!
    early 40's white male or or

  13. #133
    Phero Enthusiast gabe1970's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by gaf
    BTW: I now have a

    shit load of links for shoe shine if you need them!
    I'm good, but thanks. I use 1/8 KWS- Black

    (Kiwi Shoe Polish, yet another fine product not sold on Love Scent...) , 1 Old Pantyhose Applicator, 30 strokes

    ISS ("Instant Shine Sponge") and cover with 50 wax circles / shoe-tip. The number of ounces, strokes, and circles

    likely correlates with your natural -none output.

    When searching on Google, try capitalizing the

    first letter of each word and/or putting the name of the product in quotes

  14. #134
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    I did find what you were refering

    too, looks like an interesting product.
    You must have a huge stash of 'mones judging from the combos you make

    up... Anyway, glad it's all working for you !
    early 40's white male or or

  15. #135
    Phero Enthusiast gabe1970's Avatar
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    Actually, quite the

    I bought a bunch of sample gel packs which i burned through very fast, a small bottle of APC/PI, a

    bottle of NPA, a bottle of A314, IS and IH. Mailing the IH and IS to a friend who can put them to better use, so my

    stash will now just be A314 and NPA. I am thinking of buying one or two more small bottles of pheromones and that's

    it. So my daily pheromone stack will be "only" 3-4 pheromones and I will be able to modulate the effects by changing

    the dose based on my work schedule and/or the personnel roster for the day.

    Here's a new summary of my results,

    which I've been keeping a log of:

    APC/PI- 2 drops in hair= +/- hits. repulsed 30-40something MILFS from 5 yards

    away. BBW Black girl said YO, I stank, YO.

    1 NPA+ 1/3 pack of AE+ 1/2 SOE gel pack= I stink. Makes women horny

    but not necessarily towards the person wearing the pheromones. 10 foot range.

    3NPA+ 1 pack SOE gel + 2 drops AE

    = 1 ultra-horny jessica alba look alike. Not horny towards ME. Effects only noted at less than ten feet. Makes me

    REALLY stink. Deer Lure smell noted. Possibly marketable as Sasquatch attractant.

    NPA should be renamed

    "NBGAF"... New Beer Goggles for Alpha Females. Neck=best application point. 2 drops. Induces a fight or flight

    response in weak females. Elevates your status in any high testosterone environment. 5-10 YARD radius.

    "Unobtainable" women dug me on NPA. I dig NPA.

    A314. Undecided, as I am "high value" at work. 1


    IH= Liquid Truth Serum. 1 drop/Forearm or wrist only. Keep your hands away from your own face or

    you will eventually regret it. Turns me from "Gabe" to "Gabby".

    IS Makes me GIDDY first, depressed later.

    Makes straight males more talkative around you. 1 spray/either side of neck, hair, or hat... if that's what you're

    looking for. 3-5 foot range. NO effect on me when I am on high doses of stimulants like caffeine and/or

    ephedrine/ephedra analogs.

    2 A314+ 2 IS = touchy feely nurses. 1-2 yard(s) distance.

    2 A314 +2 NPA + 4 IS= I

    became more raunchy and less patient. That was the only noticed effect, so maybe i was also less observant and/or

    less sensitive to others around me.

    2 A314 + 2 NPA = 1 DIHl, prolonged gazing from females, more attentiveness

    to you in general. 1-3 yards radius?

    2 a314 + 2 NPA + 2 IH + 2 IS = generalized friendliness, no negatives. 5

    yards range.

    Those are the results of my experiment in a nutshell.
    Last edited by gabe1970; 09-09-2006 at 08:47 PM. Reason: More detail

  16. #136
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    I'm going to begin ramping up

    my doses of A314 and NPA next. I'll also play with the ratios of application. Right now I'm using (2) drops A314

    - one on/rubbed into each sideburn -and (2) drops NPA - one on each side of my neck, specifically applied/smeared

    as a streak/line that runs from my jawline down to my collar.

  17. #137
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    I've just this minute brought some

    NPA as I've been reading some good things about it... will let you all know how that goes.
    I posted a (new

    thread) mix new mix , on the board a week or so ago, check it out as it does have a great response , but these days

    I'm on the AE or chikara depending on my mood.
    AE: LOTS of hits from black/polynesian woman , 2-3 drops

    friendly chat from the guys "i'm the man" , young white girls seem a bit intimidated , others love me. 2 sprays.
    early 40's white male or or

  18. #138
    Phero Enthusiast gabe1970's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by gaf
    I've just this

    minute brought some NPA as I've been reading some good things about it... will let you all know how that goes.

    posted a (new thread) mix on the board a week or so ago, check it out as it does have a great response , but these

    days I'm on the AE or chikara depending on my mood.
    AE: LOTS of hits from black/polynesian woman , 2-3

    Chik: friendly chat from the guys "i'm the man" , young white girls seem a bit intimidated , others love me.

    2 sprays.
    Do you think these "hits" are from women who would normally be attracted to you without

    pheromones, at least somewhat? I think NPA really does act like beer goggles for type-A,

    unobtainable/unapproachable women. Women who wouldn't normally give me the time of day - DO give me the time of

    day when I wear NPA. When I combine NPA with the other -mones it seems to effect non-alpha women more than

    alpha-females... women who might find me slightly attractive or interesting find me more attractive than usual,

    while the alpha-chicks are uneffected or at least not overtly effected.

  19. #139
    Phero Enthusiast gabe1970's Avatar
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    I was just wondering if you had

    observed that pheromones effect women who would already be attracted to you vs. women who would not be attracted to


    My experience has been that NPA in particular is an attention getter for alpha women (what you do with

    that attention is up to you) while NPA causes a distinct reaction in non-alphas. Other pheromone mixes I've worn

    seem to turn women on or off, but if their attention is not focused on you (ie their boyfriend is with them or they

    have their eye on someone else - or they think you're too short, too fat, etc...) then the effect of the

    pheromones will not be directed towards you. My best experiences have been with women who I think would have been

    attracted to me if i was not wearing pheromones, and I think this is normal but also normally not mentioned by

    people in their posts. I'm going to repost this on an NPA thread that i noticed last night.

  20. #140
    Phero Enthusiast gabe1970's Avatar
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    Lightbulb Haircut + (1) NPA + (2) A314


    haven't been posting as regularly as I used to, because I was considering not updating this blog at all anymore.

    Using pheromones has become part of my daily routine - I just don't think about it anymore - and tonight I

    realized that I also hadn't been paying as close attention to the people around me as when I was actively

    "experimenting" with different mixes.

    If I hadn't been hit over the head with these next few "hits", I

    wouldn't be posting right now. So I'll post this update tonight and will probably begin posting weekly, once I

    receive more pheromones. I ordered IFM and Ammo, and I'm expecting a free, experimental pack from another

    company. I'm ordering Chikara from Love-Scent in the morning and may also order some more NPA.

    I had been

    wearing 2-3 drops of A314 and 2 drops of NPA to work up until the beginning of this week. Then I noticed that the

    younger women I sometimes work with have ALL been avoiding me or at least keeping their distance. NO women under 25

    would come near me or initiate any kind of interaction. So I stopped using NPA for a couple of days and then began

    using 1 drop of NPA and 2 drops of A314 applied to the back of my head and sprayed with 1 big spray of Armani Black

    Code. Suddenly I had no more problems with younger women and I've been taken off guard several times this week by

    women reacting to the combination of less NPA and a new application point.

    I have a new military haircut and

    decided to apply all of my pheromones to the back of my head. I apply them, spray on the cologne, and rub it all

    into the fuzz on the back of my head.

    I had four dramatic hits this week.
    #1: A drop dead gorgeous redhead - a

    miniature Nicole Kidman clone - has been eyeballing and non-verbally flirting with me for the past 2 weeks, and

    I've been avoiding talking to her. She is way out of my league and I'm sure that I can't live up to her

    pheromone-inspired expectations. There are several other reasons why I'm not only not pursuing this, but also

    running the other way - but to make a long story short, I can't run any more. Last night I was leaning over a

    secretary, signing a chart, when she walked up behind me, put her hand on my shoulder, leaned against me, put her

    fricking goddess lips against my ear and whispered "I just have to tell you, you smell so F---ING good." I stood

    up, in shock, and turned around to see her grinning from ear-to-ear, and then she backed off, turned, and

    walked away - still grinning -- luckily for me, she did all of this before I could ruin everything by strategically

    placing my foot in my mouth.
    She's either a psychologist or social worker who works with psych patients. She's

    also engaged and has a ring the size of Texas.

    Waaaaaaayy out of my league. She had been standing 5 feet

    away, talking to a doctor and smiling at me when I walked by. To recap: 2 drops of A314 and 1 drop of NPA, 1 shot

    of Armani black code, all rubbed into the back of my miltary-haircutted dumbass head. Not to mention Axe body spray

    everywhere else.

    #2: Cute blonde student. 32, looks 18. Says she can't show me all her tattoos when we're at


    Yesterday while showing her something on a vertical computer workstation, I felt her breathing down

    the back of my neck. Her nose and lips brushed against the back/base of my skull when I jumped/arched my back in

    reaction to her breath on my neck. She just smiled but was otherwise very professional - acted like nothing had


    #3: Red-hot Irish brunette nurse in the ER. She looks like a cross between Dolores O'Riordan and

    Shannon Doherty and hardly ever smiles. But when she does, I swear that time STOPS.
    I think she's about

    my age. I haven't said ten words to this woman, but we eyeball each other constantly from across the room, when

    talking to other people. She's always busy, I'm always running around, I have no reason to talk to her. But Damn

    she's one of the main reasons I can't wait until I'm divorced...
    Today I ran into her in the ER, and said

    Hello. Me, being Mr. All-Business-like-a-jackass, I didn't realize how idiotic I was until "everything was said

    and done". When I said hello, she stopped everything she was doing and smiled her perfect smile, and said "Hey!",

    with very wide eyes. Without thinking or blinking, I immediately asked her about the identity of a patient, and

    she looked very disappointed, downcast for a second, before answering my question and walking away. What was she

    EXPECTING me to say or do? (Duh, anything but what I did ask her.) I can't afford to do that again. I

    can't keep my eyes off of her, and want to explore whatever possibilities there are with her sometime in the


    #4: 28 year old sweetheart that works night shift was very flirtatious, said she was "very

    impressed by you" and interested in my photography, portraits, and artwork. I noticed her staring at me three

    seperate times, and - without thinking - asked her (each time) why she was "looking at me like that." She never

    answered, seemed kind of distracted (she WAS very tired). I think she's married but know for a fact that

    she has a 12 year old daughter. She expressed great interest in the fact that i also have a daughter. We sat

    around talking for awhile, and I was reading my email, when I noticed she had pushed her chair up behind me, and

    was leaning the back of her head against the top of the back of my chair - she was very casual, used me as a

    backrest. More group conversation, more staring, then she blurted out "you have gorgeous eyes and the looongest

    eyelashes". I love her cute Minnie-Mouse like voice and slight lisp. It's sexy as hell. So Idiot /

    still-married-moron mode kicked in AGAIN, and I said - literally -- "Uuuhhhh, thanks."


    go get a military haircut and rub your pheromones into the back of your head. It works like magic at 3-5 feet.

    I imagine it works even better if you HAVE some charm - that and half a brain.

  21. #141
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    Dolores O'Riordan...
    Attached Images Attached Images

  22. #142
    Phero Master terry0400-40's Avatar
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    Default I tried some of that APC -PI- oil

    Quote Originally Posted by gabe1970
    Nada, Nil, ZILCH at work today.

    Rubbed some more pheromone oil into my hair after

    work, and went to the grocery store. Got quite a few evil eyes from guys walking around with women, but no unusal

    reaction from single women. Got one major reaction from a fity-ish looking man walking around with a twenty-ish

    looking young girl. The dude seemed very nervous, watched me very closely - I passed them twice in the store, she

    said Hi to me, and he kept eyeballing me when I checked out two aisles away AND watched me get into my car (kept

    looking over his shoulder and they were three cars away).
    So either I just discovered the amount I need to use, or

    it only gets the obvious attention of protective males. I'm guessing I somehow triggered aggression, but didn't

    notice anything other type of reaction. I also suppose the girl saying hello could have been a reaction, but it

    seemed pretty innocuous.

    I was wearing jeans and an untucked button-down shirt with the sleeves rolled up, so

    it's not like I was dressed like a thug.

    I've also considered that i might be getting these reactions because

    I've been observing people very closely, but I don't think i'm being obvious about it. For example I listen

    closely to all of the conversations going on around me, but I'm not looking at people as they speak in the

    background. I'm also paying attention to peoples body language a bit more than i usually do, but I don't think

    that's it.

    I think this stuff does work, but you have to wear a ton of it because it's such a low

    concentration compared to the PI & APC sold on THIs site.
    I also did purchase some of that pheromoneoil a

    few months ago and i was surprised at the very short time an amount of the concentrate was stated to last for so it

    really is not even fit to be called a consentrate when you stand it beside PI or NPA , I recall that say 5 mls of

    the pheromonoil concentrate was advertised on the site to last about a week, so the strength of it can be compared

    to one night stand for example which does work in certain situations but who can afford to use 2mls per day or even

    one for that matter ? and if you are using Anone product alone then it is going to be hard going to come into

    contact with enough positive receptors for this pheromone, so you are going to be more successfull with some warm

    friendly product, and if you want to use a little Anone I would recomend some NPA as it is the best value 4 your $ ,

    BUT you definately dont splash this shit on, you can use 2 small dabs of this juice in a combo every day and it will

    last for months, the bottle i mean, sometimes i am getting hits even after 5 hours, this stuff really surprises me.

    NPA and SOE is a basic effective good value combo that works 4 me and also many who post on this forum
    Last edited by terry0400-40; 09-22-2006 at 04:10 AM. Reason: bad spelling

  23. #143
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    Quote Originally Posted by gabe1970
    I imagine it works

    even better if you HAVE some charm - that and half a brain.
    gabe, stuff-ups and pheromones make

    us realise something .. We need to actually pay attention.

    Try this .. in the examples you mentioned, you

    regularly reacted with a 'closing', like, Thank You, Right, Very nice, etc ..

    Instead, try an open reply, like

    a question, or something that she needs replying to .. For ex, say, "Why you like long lashes on a man ?", or "I

    can't keep using this perfume, it is expensive, unless you convince me".

    You get the idea, say something that

    makes her reply, talk to you.

    You'd be surprised by the result, so do not come blame me !.

  24. #144
    Moderator Mtnjim's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by gabe1970
    I So Idiot /

    still-married-moron mode kicked in AGAIN, ...
    I thought you had said you had separated and had filed the

    papers. If that's the case, you're not still married.
    Freedom begins when you tell Mrs. Grundy to go fly a kite.
    --Lazarus Long

  25. #145
    Phero Enthusiast gabe1970's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mak
    gabe, stuff-ups and

    pheromones make us realise something .. We need to actually pay attention.

    Try this .. in the examples you

    mentioned, you regularly reacted with a 'closing', like, Thank You, Right, Very nice, etc ..

    Instead, try an

    open reply, like a question, or something that she needs replying to .. For ex, say, "Why you like long lashes on a

    man ?", or "I can't keep using this perfume, it is expensive, unless you convince me".

    You get the idea, say

    something that makes her reply, talk to you.

    You'd be surprised by the result, so do not come blame me

    Those were just knee-jerk reactions. I was "hard at work" and focused on what I was doing. I will

    have to try VERY hard not to react that way in the future. I honestly don't know if I can pull it off, since

    they're engrained, automatic reactions for me when I'm focused on work.

    Some food for thought: I also met all

    of my previous girlfriends and my wife at work. My ex- says that watching me work always turned her on, and that

    she and her girlfriends would always find reasons to be around me when I was working.

  26. #146
    Phero Enthusiast gabe1970's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mtnjim
    I thought you had

    said you had separated and had filed the papers. If that's the case, you're not still married.

    depends on the state laws and the circumstances of the divorce. I am "still married" as long as I am considering

    going after her for infidelity during the first few months of our seperation and after her "man" and his family for

    "alienation of affection".
    Last edited by gabe1970; 09-22-2006 at 10:14 AM. Reason: details

  27. #147
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    Quote Originally Posted by gabe1970

    things should come with instructions.
    They do, just not very good ones. by the way,

    that double take that guys keep doing, that's called the Lone Wolf effect or something like that, who knows but the

    pheros are working. My first hit with TE was from a guy (that doesn't sound right) but guys where going out of

    their way to do things for me (grabbing a tray for me, saying please and thank you, being very polite out of

    nowhere). You are getting hits. Massive dose of APC worked for me at a club but as has been mentioned you may not

    need more A-none.
    Quote Originally Posted by gabe1970
    That depends on the state laws and the circumstances of the divorce. I am

    "still married" as long as I am considering going after her for infidelity during the first few months of our

    seperation and after her "man" and his family for "alienation of affection".
    Can you go after a

    whole family for AOE?
    Quote Originally Posted by tounge
    Be wary of all these dudes who are mix gurus, many are just on ego


    -The Bat
    Last edited by jambat; 09-23-2006 at 12:03 AM.

  28. #148
    Phero Enthusiast gabe1970's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jambat
    Can you go

    after a whole family for AOE?-The Bat
    In certain states, yes you can. It depends upon the circumstances

    of their involvement and the states laws. In my case, hell yes I *can* go after them and win for very specific,

    well documented reasons. But does it make sense to do it in the long run, and do I want to do it? Yes to the first

    question, and I'm not sure about the second.

  29. #149
    Phero Enthusiast gabe1970's Avatar
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    Something that I noticed

    tonight is that once people get to know me, there's little to no effect from my current NPA/A314 combo . Theres

    even a bit of a backlash or rebound effect - specifically, women who were originally interested seem to reverse

    their interest pretty quickly. It could have something to do with the fact that I'm not pursuing them and they may

    think i've rejected them or dropped the ball, but their reactions have been more extreme than one would expect if

    that were the case. I've seen (and written about) this behavior before, but it takes time to establish or observe

    a pattern. And that's what has happened.

    I'm talking about complete derision, barely disguised looks of

    disdain and disgust. Women who expressed immediate interest and warmth, and guys who deferred to me or instantly

    treated me like their bro' - they stop doing that, and they rarely do it after more than 2 weeks. Again, just so

    that nobody accuses me of being unfair, I admit that I have not used the A314/NPA effect to try to get dates. I

    don't know if women will dump you fast after the effect wears off in around 2 weeks, but personally I wouldn't

    want to find out.

    I also haven't quite seen the "James Bond effect" - but what I have seen has been fun. At

    least at first. Then I thnk they wake up to the fact that "Hey, wait a second, he's just an ordinary guy, and

    I've been treating him with respect that he hasn't earned."

    So I'm scratching YET ANOTHER pheromone combo off

    my list.

    Luckily, I'm expecting a shipment of new pheromones to experiment with on wednedsay. And my mail

    comes just before I have to go to work. This gives me one day to get rid of the NPA/A314 that's still left on my


  30. #150
    Phero Enthusiast gabe1970's Avatar
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    Conclusion - wearing some

    pheromone mixes(A314/NPA) is like walking around with a mask or disguise on, while wearing others is like having a

    sign that says "Hey, look at me, I'm over here!" (example: NPA)

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