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  1. #1
    Phero Enthusiast gabe1970's Avatar
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    Exclamation The Short Fat Guy Experiment

    I'm new to this forum and I'm sorry but this is a LONG post. Trying to get a nice thread going here.


    found this forum after making an "impulse buy" of an APC/Primal Instinct Combo that I found on another site. Yes, I

    saw another thread on this combo, but it was more like a notice of availability than a discussion thread. Anywho,

    It's described as "100% Pheromone Oil (Incredible APC/Primal Instinct Combo) - Roll-on bottle". After reading

    through some reviews on this site, I'm wondering if I wasted my money on an ineffective or possibly negative

    combination of pheromones and I have a few questions....

    First, Any thoughts on how much to apply? I've

    read about bad OD's and negative reactions, so I've 100% ruled out wearing it to work and will probably only wear

    it in the evenings (after work and in public) as a kind of a social experiment.

    I'm new to my job and

    the area and don't know many people, so I am going to buy Alpha A314 for the supposed "James Bond Effect", soon. I

    work with a few type-A men but mostly women, in a high-stress, close-quarters operating-room type of an environment

    --and I don't want to risk a single OD or significant negative reaction in that environment. But I didn't know

    about the downside to pheromones until I started to seriously explore this forum, and I've already made my whopping

    $12 purchase (which won't be worth my time to return). So right now I just want to experiment on the usual

    random-stranger-in-the-aisle and cute-girl-at-the-checkout-counter and see how they react to a short fat guy armed

    with pheromones. I'll document my experiments here, so be sure to check back in the next week or two.


    I've read through hundreds of posts and know y'all will ask about my physical characteristics and I'll get to

    that in a second - I'm most interested in how the pheromones will mix with my biochemistry since I'm a "Heinz 57"

    mix of many races... caucasian(anglo-saxon,slavic and gypsy)/spanish/middle-eastern/miskito indian/black and

    possibly part chinese.

    I'd say I'm about 3/4 white and 1/32 black if I had to break it down in order for you

    guys to get a handle on my biochem (every other ethnicity is somewhere in between - let me know if I need to be more

    detailed). As for my natural pheromone output, this might be a problem. Dark skinned black women have always

    seemed to be attracted to me (though i'm generally not attracted to them), and asian girls are straight up

    repulsed. (Hey, I'm being honest.) The fit or skinny artsy/hippy girls I'm most interested in have always seemed

    non-plussed when I've approached them, and I think that's an image/wardrobe problem. Back to that in a


    Physically, Let's just assume I'm a solid 5 on a rating of 1 to 10. I was rated a 3 on "hot or not",

    though I think a "friend" of mine had a lot to do with that, as my rating abruptly spiraled down from an 8

    immediately after I showed her the photo.

    But I digress... I'm 35, 5'6", 189lbs and 30% bodyfat. The

    weight won't be an issue for long - I am a former bodybuilder. I started dieting/working out again a month ago,

    have already dropped 10 lbs + I know what I'm doing. I'll be muscular and down to 170 lbs by October but i'm not

    sure how lean I'll be.

    Last of all, I'm on the rebound from a divorce and though I'm not exactly shy, I've

    recently realized that I also "ain't got no game" with the typical nice guy deal. Since nobody knows me here,

    this is my chance to completely remake myself, if i can pull it off. I'm thinking of cultivating a bit of an

    edgier pseudo-bad-boy image as I get back into shape (oh and I'm doing that to get back into the martial arts -

    forgot to mention that). I'm new in town and I'll need a new wardrobe anyhow, once I lose the spare tire. So why

    not? I've been told that my closet "looks like a LL Bean catalog". Arghh! So I'm short, fat, AND a fashion

    disaster! First step: I've already tossed out all of the khakis and I've decided that Eddie Bauer stores are

    off-limits. Any other suggestions? (Be nice folks.)

    Thanks in advance for your time and any information you

    provide, this should be fun.
    aka "a short fat guy armed with pheromones."

  2. #2
    Bodhi Satva CptKipling's Avatar
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    Cool post, I have a lot of

    respect for someone about to remake themselves.

    I'd definitely focus on cutting the body fat down (you say you

    know what you're doing so I'll leave that be) and improving your look. With fashion its important to know what you

    are aiming at, otherwise you end up with a weird mish-mash of different things. Start to pay attention to what YOU

    think looks cool on other people (preferably guys, but I'm not judging ), and then try to emulate it. If you get

    stuck, make some female friends and ask them for help! I've never had a girl turn that down.

    As far as "game"

    goes, again it's important to decide what you want.

    Same deal with pheromones, but there is no danger in

    getting that free sample gels available from LS. It would help to describe how things go when you are talking to

    women you are interested in and what specific problems you think you have.

    Information about pheromones: Pheromone Information Library

  3. #3
    Phero Pro
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    I do not know your individual

    body type or needs, a dietien or doctor should tailor you a diet and work out regime based on your individual needs,

    but in my experience, cut the carbs way down if you want to slim up, but see your doc, just to be sure.


    of my friends have divorced, guess that is why im staying a batchelor until im 50 and a millionaire, and then I will

    marry some nice little asian woman that will walk behind me and fetch my slippers.

    Dont fret, thier are alot

    of support groups out there for guys just comming out of this often traumatic experience, and mate, just go out

    there and try to enjoy yourself, talk to as many people about it, you will discover that alot of people, even

    strangers, are very supportive, and it get better each day.

  4. #4
    Phero Enthusiast gabe1970's Avatar
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    Thanks for the encouragement

    and support, guys. I don't know about support group, bronzie - but once I get through my initial 90 day

    orientation and training period here, I'll be a little more free to express my feelings and frustrations with the

    people around me.

    The fitness/health thing is just a matter of time. Been there, done that, it's a


    I'm looking for image-improvement and obviously pheromone advice.

  5. #5
    Livin' the life of Riley
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    The best pheromone advice has

    certainly been mentioned before, but it goes a little something like this:

    Start with one product at a time

    -- I know if you ordered more than one, the temptation to try to mix and match is strong, but resist.


    with that product, start with one drop/dab/whatever, and work your way up over a period of days, to see what that

    pheromone does for you, and what your ideal amount is.

    Then try your second product, and repeat. I know this

    seems like a long tedious process, and you are anxious to start hooking up, but it's worth it.

    Once you know

    how each product works for you, you'll have a better idea of what you will get when you start to mix.



    Let us know how it goes.

  6. #6
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    Hey Gabe,


    working on my shape as well, and I'm also a newcomer. So, keep us (or at least me ) informed.

    ~ Kev

  7. #7
    Moderator belgareth's Avatar
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    Riley's advice is

    sound. Do it one product at a time, work up from very low dose until you hit would gives you OD type reactions and

    keep a log of your results. Once you've done that with a few products, combined with the product table in the

    reference library, you'll have all the data needed to mix intelligently and effectively. You'll also be able to

    judge when a mix is a waste of time.

    I got divorced a while back and understand your position. Instead of

    screwing around with the normal dating thing I got very involved in growing my small business and, through my work,

    ended up meeting some great people and eventually a wonderful woman. In the end, divorce was more an opportunity

    than anything else. Enjoy yourself, get out and meet people and have fun.
    To compel a man to subsidize with his taxes the propagation of ideas which he disbelieves and abhors is sinful and tyrannical.

    Thomas Jefferson

  8. #8
    Phero Enthusiast gabe1970's Avatar
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    Default Todays Grooming Experiment


    wont receive my pheromones until the end of the week, so I'm going to try something "natural" this morning.


    showered this morning as usual, but did it before exercising and before work. My usual stuff: Dial Soap for Men,

    Garnier Fructis Shampoo/Conditioner (smells like fruit), and Axe shower gel (Phoenix scent). I'll put on my Sure

    deodorant (and clean underwear) just before leaving for work, but won't wash off the sweat from my morning cycling

    session. I can still smell all of those products on my skin right now, even after exercising and I leave for work

    in 20-30 minutes.

    I've also started taking an oral Androstenediol supplement which I saved from before the ban

    on these supplements in the USA. I only have a 10 day supply.

    Any predictions or comments/suggestions? Time for

    breakfast... I'll update y'all tonight.

    -gabe -

  9. #9
    Kodachrome Forever! Gegogi's Avatar
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    "Dark skinned black women

    have always seemed to be attracted to me...and asian girls are straight up repulsed."
    I'm speculating

    you may have a naturally high output of 'none, especially since you're a former bodybuilder and have been working

    out again. Probably you should avoid or go easy on 'none rich products like NPA/TE/PI. 'Nol infested products like

    SOE are probably the best place to start.

    I too suffered a divorce and have been dating a couple years but trying

    to avoid serious commitments. I found the transition easy and, like Bel, looked at it as an opportunity and an

    adventure. The extra life experience made me more comfortable with myself and confident with women than my college

    days. I kept in shape and have always been a stylish dresser so I didn't have to remake myself. My main problem has

    been staying away from "bad girls," e.g., married women on the prowl, strippers, and the like, and keeping my

    emotions in check. They can really get away from you if you're not used to the powerful pull and urgency of new

    love. You can do amazingly foolish things...
    "I'm just a dirty hornytoad" -Gegogi

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gegogi
    My main problem

    has been staying away from "bad girls," e.g., married women on the prowl, strippers, and the


    Learn to detach like a buddist monk, have your fun, but approach these type of women as

    commodities and objects, otherwise be ready for some real pain and suffering if you fall for them, they dont give a

    f*** about you emotionally, so why should you about them. I am not a masoganist, and I respect all human biengs,

    however, there are people that dont care about you and look at you only for gain, so treat them


    There are decent amazing women out there, just be ready to sift through all the rubbish and dirt

    to find the gems.

    There is an age old saying, it goes something like this ; recite poetry to a poet, for

    everyone else , be ready to draw your sword.

  11. #11
    Phero Enthusiast gabe1970's Avatar
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    RE:Todays Grooming


    (Overheard whisper from a sweet, cure blonde...)"He's a nice guy but I'm standing over HERE


    SO I swung by my apartment to shower before I hit the local B & N, and I just got my APC/PI, so I'll

    have more to report later. Smells good to me, can't quite place the scent.

  12. #12
    Phero Enthusiast gabe1970's Avatar
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    B&N was practically deserted

    and I didn't know how much to use. Tore off the roll-on applicator since it didn't seem to work, and put one

    drop of the oil behind each ear + 1/wrist and 1 each side of my jawline for a total of 6 drops/dabs/applications

    whatever. waited 1 hour after application to go out. I got nothing, no unusual "hits", but there were hardly any

    women there today. Again, after reading through this site and checking the details on the site I purchased this

    from, I think I've wasted my money on a useless vial of oil - so I have to admit that i didn't exactly try very

    hard tonight. I'll try a local art store tomorrow - they're normally filled with women. ANY ideas on how much of

    this stuff to use?

  13. #13
    Kodachrome Forever! Gegogi's Avatar
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    "Learn to detach like a

    buddist monk, have your fun..."
    Actually I've found my stride after a couple years of trial and

    error. I have good social skills and no problem attracting nice women, I just wasn't use to the resulting strong

    emotions, emotions I hadn't experienced for many years. I figured they didn't exist in me anymore (a school boy

    thing), but such was not the case. So I learned to do the walk 'n talk but be like a stone Buddha inside. The trick

    is to walk the line between not giving a crap and being sensitive enough to recognize a good thing when it bites you

    in the ass. As young buck I was pretty good at it. After nearly 20 years of marriage I needed a quick course in the

    school of hard knocks.
    "I'm just a dirty hornytoad" -Gegogi

  14. #14
    Phero Enthusiast
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    Thumbs up

    Good post, Gegogi.

  15. #15
    Phero Enthusiast gabe1970's Avatar
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    The art store was closed so I

    went to Target for the paper I needed. I was wearing the PI/APC oil combo - just smeared a little across my chest

    and wore it just like any other cologne, as the directions say. I know that's unusual compared to the

    instructions for other products, which are sold on THIS site. Anyhow, I dressed casually and didn't expect

    anything unusual. I wore an old beat-up Abercrombie T-shirt, Khaki shorts, and leather flip-flops, so nothing

    unusual. So why am I bothering to write this down? Well, here's a funny "hit" for you, from two cute

    twenty-something blondes walking by the software section, which I had wandered into...

    Blonde 1: "Mmmmm... too

    bad he went in the geek section."
    Blonde 2: "Yeah, too bad."


  16. #16
    Livin' the life of Riley
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    Man you must have good hearing...

    twice you overheard women talking about you. Maybe I just don't pay enough attention to their conversations

    Oh, and be careful... if I remember right, that -diol you're taking converts into testosterone, meaning

    your 'mone signature will be boosted just by that alone.

    As mentioned earlier, start with a small amount,

    and slowly work your way up over time. There is no real "right amount", as everyone is different.

  17. #17
    Bad Motha Holmes's Avatar
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    Too bad he went into the geek

    section? Is that a quote?
    If a guy's a cocksucker in his life, when he dies, he don't become a saint. - Morris Levy, Hitmen

    Holmes' Theme Song

  18. #18
    Phero Enthusiast gabe1970's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Holmes
    Too bad he went

    into the geek section? Is that a quote?
    Yes, it is.

    In both cases the women I was listening to were

    the only women around, and they were not more than 5 yards away. People are careless when they don't think

    you're paying attention to them, or (in the last case) when they don't think you've noticed them.

  19. #19
    Phero Enthusiast gabe1970's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Riley
    ... if I remember

    right, that -diol you're taking converts into testosterone, meaning your 'mone signature will be boosted just by

    that alone.
    Yes, it converts to Test and I can definitely feel it working. I mentioned it because I

    *thought* it might boost my pheromone output, and I was hoping on some ideas on how quickly that happens/how long

    it lasts. The -diol is out of my system within 8 hours, and I take a fat burner at that time (Biotest Hotrox).

  20. #20
    Phero Enthusiast gabe1970's Avatar
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    I've worn the

    supposed pheromone to work for the past two days. No noticeable hits or

    effects whatsoever, male or female, stranger or co-worker.
    Nada, Nil, ZILCH.

    Smells ok, though.

  21. #21
    Phero Enthusiast gabe1970's Avatar
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    Nada, Nil, ZILCH at work


    Rubbed some more pheromone oil into my hair after work, and went to the grocery store. Got quite a few

    evil eyes from guys walking around with women, but no unusal reaction from single women. Got one major reaction

    from a fity-ish looking man walking around with a twenty-ish looking young girl. The dude seemed very nervous,

    watched me very closely - I passed them twice in the store, she said Hi to me, and he kept eyeballing me when I

    checked out two aisles away AND watched me get into my car (kept looking over his shoulder and they were three cars

    So either I just discovered the amount I need to use, or it only gets the obvious attention of protective

    males. I'm guessing I somehow triggered aggression, but didn't notice anything other type of reaction. I also

    suppose the girl saying hello could have been a reaction, but it seemed pretty innocuous.

    I was wearing jeans

    and an untucked button-down shirt with the sleeves rolled up, so it's not like I was dressed like a thug.


    also considered that i might be getting these reactions because I've been observing people very closely, but I

    don't think i'm being obvious about it. For example I listen closely to all of the conversations going on around

    me, but I'm not looking at people as they speak in the background. I'm also paying attention to peoples body

    language a bit more than i usually do, but I don't think that's it.

    I think this stuff does work, but you

    have to wear a ton of it because it's such a low concentration compared to the PI & APC sold on THIs site.

  22. #22
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    it sounds like you have problems

    with the mones staying on your skin. Applying mones in the hair has always worked well for me maybe you should try

    again tommorow except use a little less and see what type of results you get.

  23. #23
    Phero Dude
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    Alot of times less is more.I have

    a nasty habit of over doing things alittle bit and the hits become very sporadic.

    Alittle advice on clothes from

    a girlfriend of mine..."wear what you feel at home in.If you dont feel confident and at home in your clothes it

    shows." Puting on a realy nice suit doesnt do much for you if you live in coveralls.And I have seen alot of guys who

    try to pull that off and they realy look like they are out of place.Guys that live in jeans and when they wear a

    suit they look like they had to be held at gunpoint to put it on and cant wait to get out of it.That sort of thing

    can realy make you look silly.
    "The wages of sin is death.But after taxes it's just sort of a tired feeling realy." -Ellen DeGeneres

  24. #24
    Phero Enthusiast gabe1970's Avatar
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    Won't be going out this

    weekend. Studying.
    Will continue the "experiment" next wek.

  25. #25
    Phero Enthusiast gabe1970's Avatar
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    Default New Products, Advice Needed, and a Misfire

    Hi Guys,
    I spent time with a woman who is extremly sensitive, allergic to most fragrances today. I

    forgot about her allergies - I was wearing the PI/APC oil combo (1 drop/wrist and some on each side of my neck).

    She smelled it from about 5-10 feet away and it made her sneeze. After about 10 minutes she stopped sneezing and

    seemed to be warming up to me when I left. Nothing else to report, but I would like advice on how you guys

    would blend any combination of the following products
    , which I just bought:

    New Pheromone Additive for

    4 Perception sample packets
    SOE gel packs for men
    Alter Ego gel packs for men
    Edge gel packs for


    Oh, and I've started reading, looking for an unusual cover scent. Leaning towards

    M7 by Yves Saint Laurent. I'm going to have to order M7 online, can't find it at Hechts or

    Nordstroms. Where do you guys buy your cologne? I haven't bought any in years - but if I remember right,

    Escada smelled pretty good on me. Anyhow - I'm also soliciting suggestions on what else I could mix with NPA,

    or a ratio of cologne to NPA
    - other than Gegogi's 5:1 concoction? I plan on trying that first. Anyone


  26. #26
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    Great resource I found can

    be looked at



    It's the 3rd chapter and lists the milligram per milliliter ratio and combos. Great resource guide for


    For NPA and SOE gel, it lists:

    1 dab of NPA to half a gel packet of SoE. Another NPA/SOE (roll-on)

    ratio is 7/1 SOE/NPA. As for the other gels, I'm not sure.

  27. #27
    Phero Enthusiast gabe1970's Avatar
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    Thanks, I did read through the

    cookbook but must have overlooked that combo. Anyone have their own "recipes" for the products I listed?

  28. #28
    Phero Pro
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    Gabe I think M7 would be a terrific

    cologne for a guy your age. I own it and save it for fall,winter and early spring. Of course, I have over two

    hundred fragrances in my collection. Basenotes is an excellent place to learn and study.

    As far as combos,

    there are NO shortcuts. You have to do the experiments yourself. Mixes that work for Joe Blow may not work at all

    for you, and can even make matters worse. Be wary of all these dudes who are mix gurus, many are just on ego trips.

    You will be much better off doing your own trial and error, both with mones and fragrance.

  29. #29
    Phero Enthusiast gabe1970's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by tounge
    Be wary of all

    these dudes who are mix gurus, many are just on ego trips.

    Thanks, I just recently figured that

    out but there are little pearls of wisdom here and there, and I'm looking for useful advice - if I don't

    believe it, I'll just disregard (or test) what I've read. And I'll post my results as accurately as possible

    here, so that nobody else will have to repeat my mistakes. Having said that, I'm going for the "Full-Monty"

    tomorrow, when I get the pheromones....

    I am going to stay away from this damned computer monitor, and go out for

    the evening - I'll try:
    1 dab of NPA
    1/3 pack of AE
    1/2 SOE gel pack

    I think that's the cookbook ratio of

    NPA to AE combined with the recipe for an AE/SOE combo. I'll start there and make my usual "rounds" around town

    and try to start a few conversations just to see if people respond in an unusual fashion.

    Since I don't have

    the M7 yet and don't want to invest in something ordinary, I'll have to go with my cheap axe spray as a cover

    tomorrow but will try the M7 next week.

  30. #30
    Phero Enthusiast gabe1970's Avatar
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    Oh, and I'm holding off on

    using the Edge since reviews seem to be polarized and sporadic, while Perception gel seems to have gotten a

    unanimous "two thumbs down" reputation on this forum. I'll try the edge towards the end of NEXT week.

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