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  1. #1
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    Default Success!....finally

    Hi, I have only used

    mones for about 3 weeks now but I was about to give up! I had'nt had any advances from women in that time and was

    beginning to get discouraged. I tried NPA/SOE..Chikara...WAGG..and combo's of all of those.
    Finally last night

    after reading a post about a guy who TRIES to OD on NPA and SOE and I tried to OD as well since nothing else worked!

    WELL! Last night was INCREDIBLE! I used WAGG NPA and Liquid Trust last night and I smeared at least 5 drops of each

    with 3 sprays of the liquid trust on the back of my neck. WOW Women were staring at me all night. The waitress at

    this fancy bar/resturaunt came by so often that it was annoying. 1 40+ woman was staring at me from about 12 feet

    away so hard that I felt uncomfortable and at the end a 21 year old (hottie) walked up and asked if SHE could buy me

    a beer! woohoo. I NEVER get attention from women as Im rather boring looking and 34 years of age (7yrs and havent

    had a woman look twice at me). Finally im excited about mones again and cant wait to try the same combo again.

    BTW the whole Liquid Trust and the "having to go pee" thing seemed to be in effect also as I distinctly remember

    her mentioning that she hasnt had to pee that much in 1 night in a long time. wierd. Anyway thx Love-scent! as you

    all can tell im a tad more excited about mones now! woohoo!

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    awesome man, I've got SOE

    and A314, next time i go to the bars, think i'll try a little od'ing

  3. #3
    Full Member luxveritas's Avatar
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    I have found that OD'ing at

    the bars has worked for me (maybe the smoke interferes with the mones) but I have to initate the conversation more

    often now that I have quit using SOE. 2 drops of a314 + 1 drop of a7 or NPA and people start off shy then I can't

    shut them up.
    24 year old, good looking, white guy SOE+NPA works like a charm
    Chikara no results nice scent
    Pherlure cant wear it; strong scent headache
    AA314 good stuff
    NPA girls get frisky, stinks
    A7 almost as good as NPA
    SOE legit

  4. #4
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    Default My OD at a club

    I used 2 heavy

    dabs of NPA, 6' of SOE, 2 sprays of LT, cover was Burberry. I'm early 30's, slightly overweight, tall, handsome

    face and easy conversationalist. I have no game however since I've been off-market for well over a decade.


    crap did I ever get hit on! Easy chatting and getting looks, dances (until the boyfriends/husbands moved in!)... The

    best hit of the night is when this one chick in a party of 3 (all in 20's) pulled me down to sit next to her,

    called me her new boyfriend to her other friends, started heavy massaging me and then planted 2 big kisses (on the

    mouth) just as I had to leave for my ride (and insist on my cell #, I didn't have my cell phone on me for me to get

    hers). I was in a bit of shock to be honest.

    I swear I solicited none of this other than start engaging in

    conversation (you have to initiate! they'll help with the rest). Her friends were friendly too, one who her friend

    said was there with her boyfriend told me that he was just a "friend" and she just used that as a coverstory for the

    guys hitting on her.

    I'll definitely be trying that combo again.

  5. #5
    Phero Pro
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    I never take to the less is best

    philosophy, I always OD on .mones, but then again im an extremist.

    I want sexual hits when I wear them and

    DIHL, and do not care too much about chattiness, I can chat to girls without pheromones without a problem, so I

    apply alot of different products at the same time when I wear them. Then again, im no lone wolf.


    experience is cool.

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by bronzie
    I never take to

    the less is best philosophy, I always OD on .mones, but then again im an extremist.

    I want sexual hits when I

    wear them and DIHL, and do not care too much about chattiness, I can chat to girls without pheromones without a

    problem, so I apply alot of different products at the same time when I wear them. Then again, im no lone


    Your experience is cool.
    If you OD on none (NPA, TE or what?) often you must have a really good

    cover scent. What do you use to cover the catpiss?

  7. #7
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    just curious

    how did initiate the conversation?

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by smoothflowing

    just curious how did initiate the conversation?
    It was truly non-creative. My friends and I were just

    outside the club after dancing like crazy and getting sweaty (I forgot to mention my natural STANK was getting

    pretty high at this point). I noticed they were fanning themselves and just remarked to both our group and theirs

    how hot it was in there and they were all "oh my god, isn't it?!?" and you are off to the races.

    Seriously, if

    women are interested in you they help you the rest of the way. They started talking a bit about what else they had

    done that night and I just paid close attention to what each one was saying and make coherent remarks or questions

    about it. Don't mess your head up by trying to think hard about what to say next (and therefore not paying close

    enough attention to what they are talking about), because they will give you plenty of hints about what to ask them


    Women love guys who are attentive and listen carefully and can demostrate it by asking interesting


    I wish I had more time to chat with the whole group, but the super-aggressive one got her hooks into

    me early (no complaints). I think my super-STANK + mones were pretty overwhelming for her because she looked at me

    like she wanted to eat me alive to get at the source of whatever it was that driving her crazy.

  9. #9
    Join Date
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    Good advice man, just go

    with the flow

  10. #10
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    WhoIsGC That was my experience

    also! I HAVE NO GAME haha, but I toasted this cute girl on her chugging ability and it was like from that moment on

    she was infatuated with me! CANT wait to try again..and now Im a believer in mones because like I said..34 yrs old

    and have NEVER had that happen to me..try mones and..*poof* ..too much of a coinsidence if you ask me!

  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by Slaak
    WhoIsGC That was

    my experience also! I HAVE NO GAME haha, but I toasted this cute girl on her chugging ability and it was like from

    that moment on she was infatuated with me! CANT wait to try again..and now Im a believer in mones because like I

    said..34 yrs old and have NEVER had that happen to me..try mones and..*poof* ..too much of a coinsidence if you ask

    Nice! BTW, I really recommend learning the dark art of The STANK. Search for STANK in the forums to

    find a couple good threads on how to enhance your natural pheromones (bathing, diet, vitamins, etc..,) and the

    results (it's hilarious).

  12. #12
    Join Date
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    Try this, put on a whole

    packet of soe all over your arms and neck... for some reason, it makes me almost nervous. But damn, its the halo

    effect... every girl looks at you like WTF.

  13. #13
    Phero Dude
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    I too find that its best to go

    into OD ranges when in a bar or club...people seem highly responsive to that when alcohol is introduced. One thing

    to consider though...pheromone OD's can have a pretty profound, negative effect on you, as the wearer. If you plan

    to OD on a particular mone, apply them areas that aren't too close to your nose. Back of the neck and head are

    good choices.

  14. #14
    Join Date
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    Good point Sigma. I did this

    about a week ago... put like 10 dabs of NPA on the side of my neck, back of neck, hair, and arms along with like 2

    packs of SOE... I got looks from all the women in the place... however, my hair was pretty F-ed up so girls would

    look at me like WTF but then look away. I had a group of 3 girls just sit there and keep on looking over at me...

    Advice: Always look your best so girls have a reason why they are looking at you like that... I find that girls

    usually need to rationalize why they feel so strongly for me and if I am looking good, they just say "oh you were

    just so damn cute."

  15. #15
    Livin' the life of Riley
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    This post sounds like one more

    hole in the "less is best theory"... but Sigma once again revisited the truth that it all depends on where you


    I have to agree on the "giving them a reason" so they are more comfortable with their own

    I have gotten a ton of "damn you smell good" responses from women when wearing the mones with a good

    cologne...and you'd think it would be counter-productive for them to think it was your cologne driving them crazy

    and not you, but they do come to realize that you smell sooo much tastier with that cologne on than other dudes do

    who wear the same cologne... and that's when they really start appreciating your 'scent'.


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