Hi, I have only used

mones for about 3 weeks now but I was about to give up! I had'nt had any advances from women in that time and was

beginning to get discouraged. I tried NPA/SOE..Chikara...WAGG..and combo's of all of those.
Finally last night

after reading a post about a guy who TRIES to OD on NPA and SOE and I tried to OD as well since nothing else worked!

WELL! Last night was INCREDIBLE! I used WAGG NPA and Liquid Trust last night and I smeared at least 5 drops of each

with 3 sprays of the liquid trust on the back of my neck. WOW Women were staring at me all night. The waitress at

this fancy bar/resturaunt came by so often that it was annoying. 1 40+ woman was staring at me from about 12 feet

away so hard that I felt uncomfortable and at the end a 21 year old (hottie) walked up and asked if SHE could buy me

a beer! woohoo. I NEVER get attention from women as Im rather boring looking and 34 years of age (7yrs and havent

had a woman look twice at me). Finally im excited about mones again and cant wait to try the same combo again.

BTW the whole Liquid Trust and the "having to go pee" thing seemed to be in effect also as I distinctly remember

her mentioning that she hasnt had to pee that much in 1 night in a long time. wierd. Anyway thx Love-scent! as you

all can tell im a tad more excited about mones now! woohoo!