
of you have read my postings on the forum before and i gotta tell you i have playing around with different mones for

alomst a year now and i am learning to love SOE & NPA together. It's harder to dose right but if you do, you are a

superstar with women. I wore about 10-11 inches of SOE on my wrists, neck and arms and 2 full dabs of NPA on my neck

and covered with Drakkar. Wow it seems to be the winning combination for me. The ladies at work love me when i wear

it. They look at me almost in awe. You can see they lust me in their eyes, and in there actions. They talk me up a

storm and find reasons to touch me (kino) alot. Sometimes when in conversation they make sexual comments (so i know

the secret ingrediants are working) they are seriously getting turned on. The men respect me too and look to me as

an alpha male. I want to add a1 to the mix but don't want to mess up a good thing. I have heard good things about

A1 and i want to try to add it to the mix.