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  1. #1
    Banned User jvkohl's Avatar
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    Default Scent of Eros: My first test

    It\'s early Saturday morning, and I\'ve decided to relay my experience from earlier this evening, when I went out wearing SOE for the first time. (I\'ve experimented many times with androsterone alone, but this was the first time I was able to test the SOE product). Granted, everyone who reads this should know that I am very biased about my own product, so I will try to get one of the ladies I met for the first time tonight to post to this forum, once she contacts me tomorrow. For now, I can only say that I had more intimate contact with women (not sexual) than I have ever had before in a similar setting. I was asked to dance by 5 different women, in a bar where only about 3 of the 15 women were single. A few husbands got mildly jealous, but I explained a little about pheromones to them--and allowed them to use my bottle to add to their own natural scent. The men, as well as their wives and girlfriends were impressed with the effect attributed to SOE. Since I\'ve been actively involved in research, I can get away with much more than most men can in a barroom/dance hall situation without getting into a fight over improper behavior (a woman\'s or my own). I am also comfortable about asking either women or men what they thing of SOE. All the women loved it, though, initially it was too strong a scent for two of the women. These two were convinced by a very agressive young lady to again sample the scent after their respective lovers had worn it for a few minutes, and then found it was not too strong--rather, it was just right.
    I observed more overt displays of sexual behavior between men and women in this bar than I\'ve ever seen before. If this had been a clothing optional event, it could well have turned into an orgy.
    One woman kept insisting that she was going home with me; her daughter asked me if I wanted to have her instead. Another woman said she would definitely be having a good time with her husband later, because the SOE he tried made him even more arousing to her. The most interesting comment, however, came from a woman who was passing by while someone else was trying SOE. She said the scent was very relaxing in a come \"f_ _k\" me way, and commented that she always has been known to be blunt.
    Of course I am pleased with this first outing, and will have a few more chances to experiment in different settings during the next few weeks. But, unless I get something really unusal to happen by wearing SOE, I\'ll leave it to others to report their own experiences in this forum.
    So, some of you may ask, if you got all this attention, why are you on the computer now, rather than in bed with a newly acquired lover? Simple, I\'m new in town and don\'t know who the \"players\" are. Since I\'m not desparate for sex, I\'ll be content to wait and meet someone who\'s interested in more than just immediate sexual gratification. Besides, I find it hard to relate to most women when they (or I) have been drinking alcohol. I never have more than a couple beers, at most. But the barroom women often seem to have a problem knowing when to quit. Drunken women are not appealing to me, even though the SOE mix seemed to maintain its effect on making me more appealing to them.
    Truthfully, I was embarrassed by one woman who insisted that she was going home with me, even after \"last call\" and despite my protests that I was going home to sleep. The woman who owned the bar, managed to convince her that she had to take a ride home from her--and several other people escorted her to waiting car. If this woman remembers anything tomorrow, she will probably be totally humiliated by her behavior, much of wish I must conclude was due to the pheromones, since I\'ve talked with her several times before in different settings.
    I hope that all your experiences with SOE are rewarding. One final comment: several women said that they wanted SOE to wear themselves--they liked it so much, and could care less that it was designed to attract women.

  2. #2

    Default Re: Scent of Eros: My first test

    OK, James, this was an incredible experience for you, but how much of this treatment do you think arose because you told them that you do research in sexual behavior and have created a love potion called Scent of Eros?!

  3. #3
    Banned User jvkohl's Avatar
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    Default Re: Scent of Eros: My first test

    It\'s hard to estimate what percentage of the behavior exhibited towards me was simply due to my general mannerisms and talk about my research. Typically, I don\'t do too badly picking up single women. But the behavior in the bar last night was not directed only to me, and not only by single women. Besides, the music was loud, so I didn\'t talk much. On the other hand, the most agressive women from last night had been somewhat agressive before--so her interest in me might well have been with or without SOE. Last night, though, she was too agressive--really driven to get me to take her home with me.
    When other men tried SOE their wives/girlfriends/women they were trying to pick up --all seemed to express much more interest. Granted, the SOE fragrance is great, but I think the pheromones also were at work. I\'ve never seen anything like this before, in any situation, and I have been to this bar about 5 or 6 times before--including for a New Year\'s party.
    The bottom line is that anecdotal evidence, like from last night, usually doesn\'t mean much on its own. But, if enough people have similar experiences, even such anecdotal evidence is worth looking at more closely to try and determine whether it\'s the pheromones or merely phenomenon.

  4. #4

    Default Re: Scent of Eros: My first test

    How much of SOE did you wear?

  5. #5

    Default Re: Scent of Eros: My first test

    Yea I\'d like to know how much of it did you wear and where did you apply it? Oh and is it a spray bottle or open mouth bottle?

  6. #6
    Phero Pharaoh a.k.a.'s Avatar
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    Default Re: Scent of Eros: My first test

    <BLOCKQUOTE><font size=\"1\" face=\"Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif\">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by James V. Kohl:
    The bottom line is that anecdotal evidence, like from last night, usually doesn\'t mean much on its own.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

    Wow! [img]images/icons/shocked.gif[/img]

    Actually anecdotal evidence means more to me than talk of lipids, androgens, and scent preferences. So would you say the effects were subtle or dramatic? Did women respond immediately, or did the effects seem to accumulate the more time you spent with a woman?

  7. #7

    Default Re: Scent of Eros: My first test

    James Kohl wrote:

    When other men tried SOE their wives/girlfriends/women they were trying to pick up --all seemed to express much more interest... I\'ve never seen anything like this before, in any situation, and I have been to this bar about 5 or 6 times before--including for a New Year\'s party.


    Correct me if I\'m wrong, but I thought most, if not all, of these men and women were aware of the pheromones (?). I wouldn\'t be too surprised if you told a room full of people that there are pheromones in the room designed to arouse them that they would behave differently. I\'d like to hear more andecdotal observations from people who don\'t announce the pheromones.

  8. #8
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    Default Re: Scent of Eros: My first test


    I got my SOE that I ordered Tuesday yesterday Wenesday via Federal Express the delivery wasn\'t too bad (can\'t bit that) but it cost me almost half the purchased price thats ok at least my curiosity about SOE was over. I test drive the product of James Kolh and I would say something is in it. I have noticed behaviors, mine as well as women.

    First, let me say what I think about the product. The idea of having it in roll on is much better than spray, you have control on the amount you use. As to the scent it is very mild w/c I love it because it does not hurt my nose when I smell it. It is something that when you smell the cologne you just wanted to smell it, smell it, smell it and ask yourself and think what kind a scent is that. You tend to think of a smilarity but its just hard to compare.

    As far as behavior is concern, first,I\'ve noticed it to myself. I am not extrovert person maybe because I\'m in different country and english is my second language. [img]images/icons/crazy.gif[/img] But when I tried using SOE something has changed in me, when I was around women I was confidently talking to them, why? [img]images/icons/crazy.gif[/img] I don\'t care if my grammar is correct or wrong I\'ll just say anything that comes into my mind. That is good right? But, when I\'m alone I just feel normal. And for the women\'s behavior, everyday when I drop the daugther of my friend at school parents have to wait at the hall way of the build before bringing the children inside the classroom. I thought of using SOE no other cologne or what so ever before taking my friends daugther to school and see how it works. Before, when I go there I just get some looks no smiles but this time I was just getting smiles everywhere in the building [img]images/icons/wink.gif[/img] then, I just found myself talking to the parents, whats going on here? I something is in the air inside the building that made the people pleasant. [img]images/icons/laugh.gif[/img] I\'ll let you know more about my experience with SOE.

    I followed James advised applying to the skin and I guess it worked darn well.

    travis [img]images/icons/wink.gif[/img]

  9. #9

    Default Re: Scent of Eros: My first test

    Good job travis. Im really interested in buying SOE too. On the english thing I understand too since I come a Latin American Country but I just watched a lot of american t.v. and that helped me learn the language because I didn\'t just watch the television show passively and contend myself w/ understanding the overall picture. I studied the way they talked english and tried to always make it part of my english. Now I haven\'t lost any of my culture but gained a second language which I speak so well people sometimes don\'t believe me that I was born in a latin country. Oh and getting jobs is very easy because of this fact.
    Do that and it will help.

  10. #10
    Banned User jvkohl's Avatar
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    Default Re: Scent of Eros: My first test

    I covered the topic of how much SOE to use and how to apply it in a recent thread--still available if you have questions.

    Glad to hear from travis on his experiences. I thoroughly agree that anecdotal evidence means more that scientific data.

    When I first tried SOE in a social/barroom situation, I didn\'t spend enough time with any particular woman to see if the effect built up over time, and must conclude that the effect was fairly immediate. But there were several women who keep coming back to smell my neck (and one who bit me twice on the neck in the process--very annoying).

    And I didn\'t announce to everyone that I had pheromones--though I didn\'t try to conceal the fact that I was experimenting, either. It probably was about 50/50 in the bar the first night, and more like 30% knew and 70% didn\'t on the second night, where I had similar effects.

    Was doing some shopping at various small storefront places earlier that Saturday, after initial experiences on Friday night. Lots of helpful young ladies; all smiles. Could have been just the small town atmosphere and the fact that I was new to the town--about 20 miles from where I live. But, then again, I\'m 50 years old which makes any attention from young girls somewhat unusual. Women my own age are usually courteous, with a few usually showing interest whether or not I\'ve been wearing a fragrance. But, the young girls are different--usually not a second glance and rarely a smile. I think the SOE made a difference.

    Best reports will come from others, though. Anything I say will be biased, despite trying to portray an accurate picture of results.

  11. #11

    Default Re: Scent of Eros: My first test

    So, how much did you use, Travis? Maybe, we should have Scientist determine how many ml per inch of roll is applied. :-).

  12. #12
    Phero Enthusiast
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    Default Re: Scent of Eros: My first test


    I just slide the SOE behind my ears three times, two at the left side and one at the right side of my ear and I would say I\'d two inches long.


    Yesterday I went to the bank and deposit money at the ATM machine. But before living the house I applied SOE again three times with cologne \"Polo\". On my way to the bank my cell phone rang, it was my 5 year old dauther crying on the because I left without her knowledge. Her mother is with her at the house. She was terrebly upset at the phone, I thought of bribing her for an ice cream just to clam her down.

    When I was at inside the ice cream house and looking at the flavors of the ice creams I could not decide what kind of ice cream I will give my dauther, and then, I remembered that her favorite is Jamoca shake. The only person inside the store is the sales lady who is a middle easterner, she look like shes\' from India, slim with long hair beautiful eyes with manicured thick eyebrow maybe shes in her 20\'s. She asked me if I am ready to order and I said yes. I ordered a large Jamoca shake and I said to her to split the shake into two cups, I will just share with my dauther.

    While she was scooping the ice cream she was glancing at me so I smiled at her. She asked me if my dauther is in the car I said no shes at home and then, she said that she will make extra one for my dauther I told her that I have no extra money for the other shake, she said to me not to worry because the second one is from the house. I go What? then she said yeah from the house. Ok. After she was done with the shake I paid one large Jamoca shake and a free regular size. More to come.


  13. #13

    Default Re: Scent of Eros: My first test

    It\'s always nice to get something for free isn\'t it? [img]images/icons/laugh.gif[/img]
    Travis, do you have any other pheromone products that just never worked for you? Or other combos that seem to be non-existent when you wear it? Coz I was wondering maybe if the other products didn\'t work for me, maybe the SoE will.

  14. #14

    Default Re: Scent of Eros: My first test

    This is really rough, but I measured about .01ml per 10 inches or so. This is HIGHLY variable, due to the roller ball sticking, surface friction (more goes down on dry skin that skin you\'ve already treated), etc. Anyway, since it\'s 5mg in 10ml, that\'s .500 mg/ml, and a .01ml does is .005 mg. Target dosing would normally be .015 mg or so, which would imply 30 inches of roll.

    Back and forth twice on a 5\" neck on both sides would get you pretty close.

    But like I said, this is really rough. When the roller \"unsticks\" it deposits quite a bit.

  15. #15

    Default Re: Scent of Eros: My first test

    Wow, 30 inches! That seems like a lot for a product that\'s as concentrated as PI. :-).

  16. #16
    Phero Enthusiast
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    Default Re: Scent of Eros: My first test

    My success with SOE is INCREDIBLE. I am getting so many looks, eye contacts, smiles, and greets from ladies. My brother was supprised when we were at the gym yesterday he said \"wow!eek: man...girls are just greeting you left and right\" I wanted to tell him but I\'ll wait and surprise him more. [img]images/icons/laugh.gif[/img]

    School begins on Wenesday I could not wait to try this stuff inside the classroom.


  17. #17
    PheroWizard oscar's Avatar
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    Default Re: Scent of Eros: My first test


    Correct me if I\'m wrong. (I don\'t have my SOE yet). Those calculations would mean that on the night that JVK used 1ml of SOE, he rolled out 1000 inches of product on himself and those with whom he shared his stuff.

    10 inches of roll from .01ml seems a bit high. If I were to use your 20 drops per ml guideline, this would mean that only one fifth of a drop was expended on a ten inch roll-on application. Something doesn\'t sound right here. 30 inches of roll-on has got to amount to more than three-fifths of a drop, unless you\'re using a ballpoint pen.
    You\'re talking about one drop being able to stretch out to 50 inches.
    I do agree that 3/5 of a drop is the proper dose (.015mg), given the 20 drop/ml rule, I just find it hard to believe that it takes 30 inches of rolling to get there.

    Oscar [img]images/icons/wink.gif[/img]

  18. #18

    Default Re: Scent of Eros: My first test

    OK, I just got my SOE. The mail is a lot faster now. The shipment came in a week.

    Anyway, I rolled four inches into my hand and thought it smelled nice. However, I doubt it takes 10 inches of roll to get 0.01 ml out (the amount of a dab). Could you do another test, Scientist?

    By the way, the ball on the bottle doesn\'t seem to roll on paper or clothing for me, so we don\'t even have the option to try it on clothing unless we take the ball out. Has anyone tried SOE on clothing yet?

  19. #19
    PheroWizard oscar's Avatar
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    Default Re: Scent of Eros: My first test

    JVK et al.,

    Just got my SOE too. Shipped 1/22 from Colorado, rec\'d 1/26 in suburban Philadelphia, Pa. It does look like the P.O is getting its act back together.

    The scent is great, not at all what I\'d expected. I find it to be more of a citrus scent than a musky one. And the A-Rone seems to be very well balanced by the fragrance. I\'ve picked up Rone in mixes to the point that I believe that I\'m an \"A-Rone Super-Smeller\", but I\'ve got NO problems with this stuff.
    Looking forward to field-testing tonight! [img]images/icons/laugh.gif[/img]

    Oscar [img]images/icons/wink.gif[/img]

  20. #20
    Banned User jvkohl's Avatar
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    Default Re: Scent of Eros: My first test


    Though I\'ve read that the roller ball can be easily removed and replaced, I still don\'t think that SOE on clothing is a good idea. It should be best when working with your own chemistry, by adding a little extra masculinity to what\'s naturally there.

    Wilde Oscar,
    Hope you\'ll try heating SOE by rubbing your wrists together; I think it was Bruce who said this brings out the RONE/NONE scent. Or perhaps the pit trick which favors the NONE. Let us know if you think the nature of SOE changes, and perhaps this will settle the issue of whether it should be applied to skin or to both skin and clothing.

  21. #21

    Default Re: Scent of Eros: My first test


    Have you been going to the gym before without using pheros? If yes, do you usually get the same responses? Did you say girls were greeting you from left to right, do you mean they just say hi without you starting it?

    [ January 26, 2002: Message edited by: Redcapp ]

  22. #22

    Default Re: Scent of Eros: My first test

    Well, I guess I can apply to skin underneath clothing and then press the shirt to the skin to get most of it on the shirt. Also, just letting the skin underneath the shirt emit will leave a lot pheros on the shirt.

    James, your response to my question about the clothing application never satisfied me. From where we left off, I commented that whether the pheromones are applied to skin or clothing, the recipient still receives a scent mixture consisting of your natural skin scent, exogeneous pheromones, and clothing scent.

  23. #23
    Banned User jvkohl's Avatar
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    Default Re: Scent of Eros: My first test


    Yes, exposure is a combination issue. What I hope to convey is that I think it\'s best to apply SOE to skin--making the emanations from skin more representative of better male \"chemistry.\" Whatever residual effects come from getting it on clothing are simply too unpredictable. Granted, they might be pleasant with NONE--if it is toned down by application to clothing. But RONE is a different compound and does not need to be toned down. The right amount of exposure would be more readily linked to skin application than to the more unpredicatable exposure attributed to clothing. At least that\'s what I found.

  24. #24

    Default Re: Scent of Eros: My first test

    I don\'t know, Jams. Skin would seem to be the more unpredictable medium with the variable release rate from heat, sweating, etc. and unknown amount of bacterial breakdown to -none.

  25. #25
    Carpal Tunnel Whitehall's Avatar
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    Default Re: Scent of Eros: My first test

    Truth and James V. Kohl,

    This is an area where empirical testing is the quickest way to the best solution. We\'re talking \"smell engineering\" here. Devise a reasonable test of relative effectiveness then test it!

    I will say that my experience with SoE indicates that skin enzymes and/or bacteria have and important role in the effectiveness of the product. But then, I haven\'t applied it to my clothing. If I have any ideas on such a test, I\'ll post it.

  26. #26
    Banned User jvkohl's Avatar
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    Default Re: Scent of Eros: My first test

    I agree that the skin application contains elements that make the response seem unpredictable. Still, if you look at the expected response from a mammalian perspective--clothing is only a consideration for humans. Other animals do fine with pheromonal communication from natural processes. That\'s why I keep saying apply SOE to skin, not clothes. Human pheromones work the same way other mammalian pheromones work. Clothing is an unnecessary consideration in this regard.

    Besides, I can\'t think of any reason to test SOE effects when applied to skin, versus application to clothing. Even though this idea (thanks, Whitehall) seems good on the surface--there are probably as many different types of clothing to test as there are different bacteria at work on the skin breaking down hormones to pheromones. Too many variables, I think.

  27. #27

    Default Re: Scent of Eros: My first test

    Well, a lot of people have noted changes in smell when SOE is applied to skin, suggesting a conversion to -none. James, you suggest that -none is not likely good. SOE is working for people. However, without the conversion to -none on clothing, it may work even better! In theory, it\'s an obvious thing to try.

  28. #28
    PheroWizard oscar's Avatar
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    Default Re: Scent of Eros: My first test


    I\'ll go the opposite direction here. I\'ll propose that WITH the conversion of A-Nol to A-None on SKIN, SOE may work even better.

    It\'s my belief, and I think the belief of MANY others on this forum, that in the right quantity, the application of exogenous A-None IS beneficial, especially for the more mature phero user.

    If a predetermined amount of skin-applied A-Nol product converts to A-None over time, while the (clothing-applied or) peripherally applied A-Nol product maintains its integrity, the user would end up wearing what would essentially be a layered phero aura.
    The strategy would be similar in theory to cawwoting, but would require no initial application of A-None. This takes the layering theory to another level, as the user would be wearing NO scary pheros at the beginning of a social encounter, presuming application took place just prior to that time.

    Granted, it will take a lot of experimentation to determine each individuals ideal conversion-targeted A-Nol application, but the outcome may well be worth the effort.

    The pit trick seems the safest, most efficient way to accomplish this to me. So I suppose I\'ll have to get some non-deodorant soap before beginning the trials.

    Have I stolen this concept from someone? Bruce perhaps? Please let me know.

    Oscar [img]images/icons/smile.gif[/img]

  29. #29

    Default Re: Scent of Eros: My first test

    With conversion to -none, SOE may wind up becoming AE. I thought we wanted something different here...

  30. #30

    Default Re: Scent of Eros: My first test

    I think the conversion to -none is actually quite minimal, and if it is indeed converted it\'s not nearly as concentrated as AE here. in fact, the amount of -none converted probably can\'t measure up to any products out there and it is probably closer to a natural level

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