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  1. #91
    Phero Dude slickracer's Avatar
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    Scientists have shown

    that oxytocin counters the cravings of high dopamine, speeds healing and counters stress
    you think this

    can hlep you quit smoking?

  2. #92
    Join Date
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    First time posting here also

    and have been testing Liquid Trust for at least a week now. Here are a few examples:

    A little about me:

    I am

    33 yrs old
    Mixed background (South American, French & Carribbean)
    5' 11" (Thin)
    Use to model a bit
    My mix: DD1

    (the golden child)

    1. Very first day I wore DD1 mix with two sprays of LT. Incredible day I had! First, I take

    the subway to work every morning as I live in NYC. Most of the time, people are just into their own world as I am

    also with my iPod - just enjoying the ride to work. There is this really cute girl that I've noticed for at least 6

    months now (she lives in my hood - maybe an 8). Just thought she was cute, but didn't really cared to meet her or

    not, plus I usually see her with a guy so I am very respectful of that and would never go there. Well what a

    surprise when she just approached me to tell me that she likes the way I dress and that she has noticed me for some

    time. We ended up talking about what we do for a living, relationships, blah blah blah, till I got off on my stop

    (the train ride to work is usually 40 mins). We exchanged phone numbers - more on this story after this weekend when

    I will invite her out to have drinks with me. It didn't end there though! Now I must say that I am a pretty

    damn decent looking guy. I 've never had trouble picking up women and the only reason I tried mones (about 3 months

    now) was to enhance my game (so to speak - really just to take it to another level). At work many interesting things

    happened. A co-worker that I've never talked to EVERRRRRR came up and was just a bit way too friendly for me. She

    was really getting into her personal life and how it's difficult to find a good guy these days (hint maybe) - she

    invited me to have lunch with her that day; have been seeing her a lot lately after work (I still didn't think all

    of this was due to LT). My boss was really really personal with me and this is when I knew that LT was really

    working. I have known my boss for over 3 years and never has he ever mentioned his home life to any one of his staff

    EVER! Well he decided that he would offer this information to me - he even asked if I would take a break with him to

    have a cigg outside. Telling me how he finds it easy to talk to me. This really freaked me out LOL The best one

    of this entire day was in the elevator while I was heading out of the office for a quick meeting. This woman that I

    am very attracted to (there are about 600 employees at my office so there are a ton of women - she is about 26 - 28)

    - this woman is the only one that have really caught my attention. We've said hi to each other with smiles in the

    past (office politeness I guess) but I have never really gone further with that. She sees me as I am entering the

    elevator and takes my hand to shake and gives me a kiss on the cheek (whattttt.!?!?!) )). We talked for a bit as

    if we had been friends for years. As she was getting off, she asked me if I would be back in the office after my

    meeting and if I would like to have drinks with her later on that evening. Now I wasn't sure if I heard her right

    so I pretended like it didn't happen. She asked if I would answer her so I said huh oh I didnt hear you - can you

    say that again. She asked again so I said yes. Let me just say that I have a lot more stories even being on the

    train and guys just starting up conversations with me out of no where. The one thing that I have noticed is the kind

    of mellow mood you get after having it on for a while. I mean it kind of gets you a bit slow - the best word to

    describe it would be in a chill mood. I think this helps a lot!!!!! The women get very emotional I have noticed in

    the last week of testing. I am trying to find my ultimate mix with this one. Great stuff

    Quote Originally Posted by hutch18414

    never posted here,but have been reading for awhile.just wanted to let yall know i have been trying liquid trust and

    have seen a significant increase in people being very friendly,like starting coversations with me,etc.Also i had an

    interesting kind of field test a coupe of days ago.I have a 2 yr old great niece whom i havent seen in about 8

    months.she was like totally freaked out when i would pick her up. with no other mones on, i decided to try liquid

    trust.Instant Bonding,smiling laughing etc,sitting on my knee without a care in the world.3 sprays,1 0ne each shirt

    pocket,1 dead center on chest.Normally i use 3 drops of A314,1 behind each ear spread down side of neck and 1 on

    wrist,rubbing wrists together.the liquid trust i try to apply to clothing as it seems to last longer that

    reallyseems to enhance the effect of A314 for does seem to have about a 2-3 hr limit b-4 refreshing though.i

    am still gonna get more.

  3. #93
    King of the coupons!
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    Quote Originally Posted by generalboy
    First time

    posting here also and have been testing Liquid Trust for at least a week now. Here are a few examples:

    A little

    about me:

    I am 33 yrs old
    Mixed background (South American, French & Carribbean)
    5' 11" (Thin)
    Use to model

    a bit
    My mix: DD1 (the golden child)

    1. Very first day I wore DD1 mix with two sprays of LT. Incredible day

    I had! First, I take the subway to work every morning as I live in NYC. Most of the time, people are just into their

    own world as I am also with my iPod - just enjoying the ride to work. There is this really cute girl that I've

    noticed for at least 6 months now (she lives in my hood - maybe an 8). Just thought she was cute, but didn't really

    cared to meet her or not, plus I usually see her with a guy so I am very respectful of that and would never go

    there. Well what a surprise when she just approached me to tell me that she likes the way I dress and that she has

    noticed me for some time. We ended up talking about what we do for a living, relationships, blah blah blah, till I

    got off on my stop (the train ride to work is usually 40 mins). We exchanged phone numbers - more on this story

    after this weekend when I will invite her out to have drinks with me. It didn't end there though! Now I

    must say that I am a pretty damn decent looking guy. I 've never had trouble picking up women and the only reason I

    tried mones (about 3 months now) was to enhance my game (so to speak - really just to take it to another level). At

    work many interesting things happened. A co-worker that I've never talked to EVERRRRRR came up and was just a bit

    way too friendly for me. She was really getting into her personal life and how it's difficult to find a good guy

    these days (hint maybe) - she invited me to have lunch with her that day; have been seeing her a lot lately after

    work (I still didn't think all of this was due to LT). My boss was really really personal with me and this is when

    I knew that LT was really working. I have known my boss for over 3 years and never has he ever mentioned his home

    life to any one of his staff EVER! Well he decided that he would offer this information to me - he even asked if I

    would take a break with him to have a cigg outside. Telling me how he finds it easy to talk to me. This really

    freaked me out LOL The best one of this entire day was in the elevator while I was heading out of the office

    for a quick meeting. This woman that I am very attracted to (there are about 600 employees at my office so there are

    a ton of women - she is about 26 - 28) - this woman is the only one that have really caught my attention. We've

    said hi to each other with smiles in the past (office politeness I guess) but I have never really gone further with

    that. She sees me as I am entering the elevator and takes my hand to shake and gives me a kiss on the cheek

    (whattttt.!?!?!) )). We talked for a bit as if we had been friends for years. As she was getting off, she asked me

    if I would be back in the office after my meeting and if I would like to have drinks with her later on that evening.

    Now I wasn't sure if I heard her right so I pretended like it didn't happen. She asked if I would answer her so I

    said huh oh I didnt hear you - can you say that again. She asked again so I said yes. Let me just say that I have a

    lot more stories even being on the train and guys just starting up conversations with me out of no where. The one

    thing that I have noticed is the kind of mellow mood you get after having it on for a while. I mean it kind of gets

    you a bit slow - the best word to describe it would be in a chill mood. I think this helps a lot!!!!! The women get

    very emotional I have noticed in the last week of testing. I am trying to find my ultimate mix with this one. Great

    Slowly but showly ... I'm getting sucked in!!!

    GBoy, how much DD1 did you apply?

    Annnnd, where did you spray your LT ... shirt/skin/chest/shoulders?

    Never argue with ignorant people! They pull you down to THEIR level, and then they BEAT YOU with experience. Who said that!? I don't know, but tis gold I tell'ya!!

  4. #94
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    Mobley -

    A full swipe

    straight across my jaw line. Then two full sprays of LT on each side of my neck.

    Sure thing mate

    Quote Originally Posted by MOBLEYC57
    Slowly but showly ... I'm getting sucked in!!!

    GBoy, how much DD1 did you apply?

    Annnnd, where did you spray your LT ... shirt/skin/chest/shoulders?


  5. #95
    Full Member
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    I actually purchased the product

    right before I read generalboy's hit report. And I enjoyed reading it. I don't doubt anything he has said.

    Oxytocin was talked about a lot in the past on this forum. Now that there is actually a product that contains, I'm

    jumping on it.

    generalboy, please keep posting your results. I, along with many others, would love to hear


  6. #96
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    So today I decided to try LT

    on its own as I just wanted to make sure that there was some edge to this product. I put on 4 full sprays (two on my

    neck, one on my chin which I then rubbed along my jaw line and the other on my wrist). I have to definitely say that

    there is something to this product. On the train to work, I had two guys sitting next to me asking me what am I

    listening to; even guys asking me oh where did you buy those Diesel sneakers as if there arent enough Diesel stores

    in Manhattan already to find out. Now I am not sure if you guys are aware as to the attitude in NYC. People just

    dont go up to each other and ask these random questions; especially guy to guy. The train was crowded this morning

    and that is rare especially for the fact that its not rush hour. The cutest story ever was this very good looking

    gay couple that entered and sat directly across from me. One of the gents said to me that I looked very hip and that

    I should know where all of the happening clubs are. I just started laughing, literally. We ended up in a

    conversation. They were mentioning that they are up here to check it out as his boyfriend was transferring for his

    job. They gave me their phone number so that we can hook up tomorrow evening. Now remember that very same woman I

    met in the elevator. Well we went out for drinks again after work. I decided to put on a full swipe of my DD1 mix

    across my jaw and refresh with LT. I just got home from dropping her off at her apartment. Great evening - we

    flirted a lot even talking very up close and touchy feely - I know for a fact that this has nothing to do with LT.

    This was my golden child at work here. We are actually going to a movie tomorrow to see an IMAX 3D movie LOL and

    after that take the gay couple out for dancing - It should be interesting.

    Quote Originally Posted by Fuse
    I actually purchased the

    product right before I read generalboy's hit report. And I enjoyed reading it. I don't doubt anything he has said.

    Oxytocin was talked about a lot in the past on this forum. Now that there is actually a product that contains, I'm

    jumping on it.

    generalboy, please keep posting your results. I, along with many others, would love to hear


  7. #97
    Moderator belgareth's Avatar
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    Exclamation Split thread

    First my apologies

    to those interested in discussing the product Liquid Trust for letting this thread get so far off topic. It's been

    corrected now.

    Second, I've split this thread out. There is a new thread in Open Discussion called 'Trust'

    with all your posts about trusting one another. If you'd like to post on that subject use that thread. Please only

    post items limited to use and results with the product Liquid Trust in this thread.


    To compel a man to subsidize with his taxes the propagation of ideas which he disbelieves and abhors is sinful and tyrannical.

    Thomas Jefferson

  8. #98
    Banned User
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    Went on a date the other

    night. Was wearing a spray of LT, among other things. The LT definitely showed through, but did not have the same

    effects on her as it did on my assistant. This woman, by the way, was pregnant - 6.5 months.

    What I

    attribute to the LT was the repeated comments that she was amazed that she was feeling so comfortable around me.

    She was very shy, but trusted me enough to go to the beach alone with me at night the first time we met. She had no

    desire to pee, nor did she (or I) display tiredness. She did open up really nicely, though.

    I think the

    pee/tiredness my assistant encountered was the result of overdose more than anything else.

  9. #99
    Full Member HK45Mark23's Avatar
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    Your experience is more similar

    to my experience. I have recently dated a girl who is 24 and has vowed to wait till marriage. So yeah she is a

    virgin. Any way, she is also a Christian country girl. She has almost never dated, never had a boyfriend. She is

    introverted, shy and definitely not out


    The first date; I was wearing

    Alter Ego, one drop. We went to a Jazz gig of my fathers and it happened to also be the Kentucky Derby


    I used to race horses, and she

    owns a few for her riding pleasure. She smiled at me the whole day. I asked her to my place and she said yes. I

    had offered to show her my pictures from the race track days, as well as we both are drummers. So I show her my

    Axis peddle.

    Well this shy introverted

    Christian virgin country girl and I sat at my sofa looking at pictures. By the end of my pictures we were snuggled

    up close. For the next 5 hours we just snuggled and hugged, no


    Mind you this is our first

    time together. I had not clue that she was all of the things I have described her


    So then I take her home after

    we were together nine and a half


    The next time we talk she

    tells me that she is all of those things and she did not know what came over her and why she acted that away. She

    said that she thinks too much and she is not sure she wants to pursue a relationship with me. This is because she

    is so shy and introverted and not outgoing that she is afraid of letting go and afraid of what may happen. She is

    scare to test the


    So I had just gotten my LT in.

    I told her, “I would like to meat you and let’s just talk.” Of course I wore the


    Well she was totally

    comfortable and happy when she was with me and again we hug for an extended


    Then she goes home and tells

    me again she really does not want to talk to me any more or spend time together any


    Then she has an auto break

    down and I was the closes to her so she calls me. Again I use the LT and low and behold I take her to her home.

    This is where we mess with her horses and I perform tasks with them that she and her family don’t have the skills to

    do and we spent several hours together. And again she hugs me for at least 20 min, smelling my neck at the



    I say to her, “so you trust me

    now?” She says, “unbelievably yeah.” I say, “you are comfortable around me?” She says, “I am almost never

    comfortable, but yeah I am totally


    So she invites me over to

    watch a movie with her, an old movie with horses, evidently one of her


    Again I am wearing LT and

    either Alter Ego or Chikara. Again she hugs me for ever at the end of the night (Then night ended at 1:30am). I

    tell her, I know that when I leave you will have second thoughts again. She said no she did not think so but the

    next day after her sisters Hunter Jumper/Dressage event, she cuts off all communications


    I get an email stating that

    she no longer wanted to spend time with me and here was the number to her friend who also has horses and is much

    more out going than she, and whose maybe more my speed and able to handle me better.


    So any way, now I am seeing

    both girls. I have a date with both of them


    I am noticing that when I am

    with her, she is frisky, comfortable and fairly open, but when left to her own devices and there is no euphoria from

    LT or Pheromones she then is more rational and freaks out on the emotions and feelings she has when around me.

    OK so tomorrow on my “double date”(dating two girls at the same place

    and time) I will wear LT and lets see if both of them hug me at the end of the evening. I will also see how the

    evening plays out, if the date is extend beyond the prior plans and ultimately include alternative endings. My next

    curiosity is who will last the longest. Who will want to go home first? Will both girls want to hang out for an

    extended period of time? Will both be touchy feely? Will both hug me? Stay tuned for the results! Same Phero/LT

    channel! Same Phero/LT time!

  10. #100
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    What is with this peeing

    thing? I haven't experienced this at all. The tiredness (mellow mood as I call it is definitely there).

    Last night I went out with a few of my closest friends. We started out at my one guy friend downtown manhattan and

    drank there first. This one girl that I hadn't met yet was sitting on the sofa next to me and at first we didn't

    say anything at all. About 40 mins later she kept saying to me how easy going I am and how amazing it is that she

    can feel so comfortable around someone that she really doesn't know. I had on my DD1 mix with 3 sprays of LT.


    had one great date on Friday which I will write further tomorrow as I am way too lazy right



    Quote Originally Posted by catlord17
    Went on a date the other night. Was wearing a spray of LT, among other things.

    The LT definitely showed through, but did not have the same effects on her as it did on my assistant. This woman,

    by the way, was pregnant - 6.5 months.

    What I attribute to the LT was the repeated comments that she was amazed

    that she was feeling so comfortable around me. She was very shy, but trusted me enough to go to the beach alone

    with me at night the first time we met. She had no desire to pee, nor did she (or I) display tiredness. She did

    open up really nicely, though.

    I think the pee/tiredness my assistant encountered was the result of overdose more

    than anything else.

  11. #101
    Phero Dude slickracer's Avatar
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    hey HK45Mark23, i hope your

    not thinking about trying to sleep wiht that girl are you?

  12. #102
    Doctor of Scentology DrSmellThis's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by HK45Mark23
    Your experience is more similar

    to my experience. I have recently dated a girl who is 24 and has vowed to wait till marriage. So yeah she is a

    virgin. Any way, she is also a Christian country girl. She has almost never dated, never had a boyfriend. She is

    introverted, shy and definitely not out going.

    The first date; I was wearing Alter Ego, one drop. We went to a Jazz gig

    of my fathers and it happened to also be the Kentucky Derby


    I used to

    race horses, and she owns a few for her riding pleasure. She smiled at me the whole day. I asked her to my place

    and she said yes. I had offered to show her my pictures from the race track days, as well as we both are drummers.

    So I show her my Axis peddle.

    Well this shy introverted Christian virgin country girl and I sat at my sofa looking at pictures. By the

    end of my pictures we were snuggled up close. For the next 5 hours we just snuggled and hugged, no


    Mind you

    this is our first time together. I had not clue that she was all of the things I have described her


    So then I take

    her home after we were together nine and a half hours.

    The next time we talk she tells me that she is all of those things and she

    did not know what came over her and why she acted that away. She said that she thinks too much and she is not sure

    she wants to pursue a relationship with me. This is because she is so shy and introverted and not outgoing that she

    is afraid of letting go and afraid of what may happen. She is scare to test the


    So I had

    just gotten my LT in. I told her, “I would like to meat you and let’s just talk.” Of course I wore the


    Well she was

    totally comfortable and happy when she was with me and again we hug for an extended


    Then she

    goes home and tells me again she really does not want to talk to me any more or spend time together any


    Then she has

    an auto break down and I was the closes to her so she calls me. Again I use the LT and low and behold I take her to

    her home. This is where we mess with her horses and I perform tasks with them that she and her family don’t have

    the skills to do and we spent several hours together. And again she hugs me for at least 20 min, smelling my neck

    at the application points.

    I say to her, “so you trust me now?” She says, “unbelievably yeah.” I say, “you are comfortable around

    me?” She says, “I am almost never comfortable, but yeah I am totally



    she invites me over to watch a movie with her, an old movie with horses, evidently one of her


    Again I

    am wearing LT and either Alter Ego or Chikara. Again she hugs me for ever at the end of the night (Then night ended

    at 1:30am). I tell her, I know that when I leave you will have second thoughts again. She said no she did not think

    so but the next day after her sisters Hunter Jumper/Dressage event, she cuts off all communications


    I get an

    email stating that she no longer wanted to spend time with me and here was the number to her friend who also has

    horses and is much more out going than she, and whose maybe more my speed and able to handle me better.



    any way, now I am seeing both girls. I have a date with both of them


    I am

    noticing that when I am with her, she is frisky, comfortable and fairly open, but when left to her own devices and

    there is no euphoria from LT or Pheromones she then is more rational and freaks out on the emotions and feelings

    she has when around me.

    OK so tomorrow on my “double

    date”(dating two girls at the same place and time) I will wear LT and lets see if both of them hug me at the end of

    the evening. I will also see how the evening plays out, if the date is extend beyond the prior plans and ultimately

    include alternative endings. My next curiosity is who will last the longest. Who will want to go home first? Will

    both girls want to hang out for an extended period of time? Will both be touchy feely? Will both hug me? Stay

    tuned for the results! Same Phero/LT channel! Same Phero/LT time!

    ...seems to

    me there was brief discussion in the forum (probably started by me, ironically; but senility has apparently struck)

    about one of our pheromones being good for minimizing that "freak out when away from you" syndrome, but I forget

    which one. I've had that happen to me a lot over the years, the passionate guy that I am.

    Maybe it was A1 or

    a314 (-rone)? That seems logical.

    I think it's almost a mild OD symptom, too; a characteristic of heavy

    -none/laCroy mixes. You get a great time in the moment, but pay for it "tomorrow" if still interested in the


    I remember thinking you had to compromise between momentary thrills and long term prospects. Maybe

    somebody remembers the brief mention of the issue...

    I don't have the problem much any more, but I've also

    gotten better at controlling my passions with women. You don't want to just take what they'll give you, but you

    want to share responsibility for controlling the situation. Sometimes you want to cut off the progress of passions

    yourself. That makes the woman feel safer, knowing she can let herself go and you'll keep her safe from herself to

    some extent (setting aside, for the moment, the problems with this idea). Sometimes you want to be the disciplined

    one, or make sure they don't do anything until they're really believing they're ready.

    In your case, you

    might have cut off the hugging way before she would have, stating your concerns of moving too fast. That makes it

    easier for her to want you for the next time, and not feel freaked out. It's a definite skill to learn,

    especially with some women who might be easily frightened.
    DrSmellThis (creator of P H E R O S)

  13. #103
    Full Member HK45Mark23's Avatar
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    NO I am not trying to have any intimate relations with her or either of them, especially not tomorrow any way.

    And for the one who has the vowel, not at all ever.

    Thanks Doc., you are right. I did cut things off and leave but maybe

    I did not do it soon enough. Actually plans have changed and I will only be with one girl tomorrow. Unfortunately

    it is not the friend. I am not as interested in the original girl, the one who keeps freaking out. But a date is

    still a good thing and I will go to have fun and see what happens.

    I believe you are right about the phero products causing the trust and

    affection but then once they are away from the euphoria they wonder what happened and become


  14. #104
    Phero Enthusiast
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    Quote Originally Posted by generalboy
    I had on my

    DD1 mix with 3 sprays of LT.
    sup, this seems like an interesting combo.

    but what exactly is "DD1"? I

    tried searching but nothing comes up.

    thanks in advance,

    edit: btw, I just ordered some LT...(these

    posts were quite convincing)

    ...I also recently got my SOE, NPA, and I really can't wait to test all

    these over the next few months...

  15. #105
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    smooth -

    if you search the

    mixes area you will see the different mixes. DD1 is SOE with NPA - DD1 is one amazing


    Quote Originally Posted by smooth312
    sup, this seems like an interesting combo.

    but what exactly is "DD1"? I tried

    searching but nothing comes up.

    thanks in advance,

    edit: btw, I just ordered some LT...(these posts

    were quite convincing)

    ...I also recently got my SOE, NPA, and I really can't wait to test all these

    over the next few months...

  16. #106
    Phero Enthusiast
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    Quote Originally Posted by generalboy


    if you search the mixes area you will see the different mixes. DD1 is SOE with NPA - DD1 is one amazing

    hey, thanks. i should have looked more closely at the mixes. yeah, i've been reading my eyes out

    on this forum, and that mix shows up a ton.

    keep hustlin.

  17. #107
    Join Date
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    well last night i finally

    made out with the very same co-worker that i've metioned earlier (actually in my first post). here is

    what happened: there was this big party at one of the most famous night clubs here in NYC called Roxy. i really

    didnt think that i would go, but when she called me to ask what i was doing, i said why the hell not i can take this

    girl here and it would definitely be fun. i told her that she can come over to my apartment to have a few drinks

    first, but she said that she had company over and why didnt i just come over to her place since she already lives in

    manhattan; i told her ok. she was very pleased and said to me "i cant wait to see you." i told her that i had to go

    as i didnt want to be on the phone any longer and i had a ton of things to do before leaving - i got the awww talk

    to me for a bit longer bit, but i said no really i have to go now. i got to her apartment like 2 hrs after we spoke

    and got the biggest hug and kiss. actually i didnt even expect that at all. i tried to play it off like it was

    nothing, but in my mind i was like 'OMG - she looks sooo good and feels soooooooo soft.' anyway... there was some

    sort of strange tension going on with this guy that was there that she introduced me to and found out later (by one

    of her other girlfriends) that he likes her and have been trying to get with her for a while. in truth, she acted

    like i was her boyfriend for the entire time i was at her apartment. it was strange because one of her girlfriends

    was talking to me and i guess she felt that we were a bit too close so she comes over and got right between us to

    kiss me again, but this time very aggressive. after like 1 hr a lot of the people there left and it was myself, her

    and two of her other friends - we left for the club. her one friend was constantly hitting on me. the very same one

    she came in between while i was talking. i didnt mind at all as she was pretty but didnt want to ruin my chances

    with my co-worker. this one is definitely girlfriend material. lots happened at the club including her and her

    friend sandwiching me. we left after 2 hrs being there and she invited me back to her apartment. i just got home

    from there. the interesting thing is that her friend kept saying to me that she now sees what the girl i like have

    been saying to her: that i seem very easy going and very easy to talk to - she used the word safe.

    oh yeah i

    forgot to mention my mix DD1 with 3 sprays of LT

    Quote Originally Posted by smooth312
    hey, thanks. i should have looked more closely

    at the mixes. yeah, i've been reading my eyes out on this forum, and that mix shows up a ton.



  18. #108
    Phero Enthusiast
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    by the way, to you guys

    who've been having success with LT...

    ...have you been using any cover scent or cologne, or is it just the LT

    with your regular mixes?

    thanks again

    oh, and nice report of that party you went to generalboy...sounds pretty

    sweet, can't wait to use the LT

  19. #109
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    I can't wait to try this!!!

    Unfortunately, my order was mistaken for a duplicate last week, so it was never shipped. Hopefully it ships today

    and I'll have it within the next couple of days. I'm getting jealous here!!!

  20. #110
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    I'd be interested to hear more

    social hits, afterall it is called liquid trust. Does it have the same affect as a1/soe/pheromax?

  21. #111
    Phero Dude slickracer's Avatar
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    well guys, my order has been

    shiped and im can't wait to take it out on my sales runs.

    i have a quesiton for people that has been useing LT

    for a while. sence im doing door to door sales, for about 8-10 hrs aday. im going to have to refresh on the LT

    before each presentations. as i was thinking about it a question has crossed my mind.

    So the question is, while

    useing LT has anyone noticed any effects close to what seems like an OD? or is it even pasable to OD on this stuff,

    sence this is not a pheromone but a hormone so we are pretty much dealing with something compleatlly new now.

    when i say OD, i mean any negative reactions and if you do notice anything like that what amount were you wearing.

    also i heard people say after about 4 hrs, when the stuff wears out, poeple notices that you become really

    calm/relaxed/crash. so another question is do you experiance THAT if you refresh with a spray of LT?

  22. #112
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    I'm sure this has been said,

    but the urine coincidence may be true. Oxytocin can cause slight excretion of urine. - wikipedia

  23. #113
    Full Member HK45Mark23's Avatar
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    OK, so I spent time with the girl who had freaking out. She is again 24 and never been with a man. I

    found out that she has never even been touched above or below the belt by a man. Well I used one spray of LT and

    one day Chikara and the next Alter Ego. I have given her massages and last night I made it through to 3rd base. I

    have taken it slow, but never the less I have made progress. I don’t intend to be her first, but we will let her

    decide that. By the way, she is comfortable and not freaking out any more. She was just so new to being with any

    one. It was just a shock to experience a date and all the things of a date.

  24. #114
    Phero Dude slickracer's Avatar
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    i think if you keep doing

    what ever you are doing (not with mones but with the way you act and how you are around her) i think 90% you are

    going to get laid and take her virgnaty.

    i can't really say anything bad about that tho because, i have been in

    situations like that and i have ended up <> the girls. if i were to say something bad about your situation it would

    make me a hypocrat. so what i am going to say is, if girls like that say that they are going to wait until they are

    married to give it up and she is giving it to you, there are 2 things that you need to consider. 1) she didn't not

    stronglly feel that way or why would she give it up to you. 2) or she is just a lieing <> cause with most girls, if

    she is <> you then she has no problem <> so many other guys and probelly has or is. and by saying that shit about

    waiting she is ether trying to make you feel special (mind game) or lieing so that they can <> sleep at night.

    what ever happens, wear protections. no matter what.

    p.s. hey i live in indiana too but in the

    northern part of it.
    Last edited by belgareth; 06-01-2006 at 03:36 AM.

  25. #115
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    Quote Originally Posted by HK45Mark23
    OK, so I spent time with the girl who had freaking out. She is again 24 and never been with a man. I

    found out that she has never even been touched above or below the belt by a man. Well I used one spray of LT and

    one day Chikara and the next Alter Ego. I have given her massages and last night I made it through to 3rd base. I

    have taken it slow, but never the less I have made progress. I don’t intend to be her first, but we will let her

    decide that. By the way, she is comfortable and not freaking out any more. She was just so new to being with any

    one. It was just a shock to experience a date and all the things of a date.

    definitly not the pheromones that got you to 3rd base. You're the man!!! You must feel pretty damn good right about

    now. Let us know how it progresses!

  26. #116
    Phero Dude gfunk's Avatar
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    Riight, just received my bottle of

    LT and now I got two questions:

    Would LT survive in a mixed bottle with other pheromones? Like in the case

    if you mix none with other mones it will make the mix go bad over time.

    Will it stay for longer when applied

    to clothing?

    I'm going clubbing tonight, and will post the results even though I will be heavy on pheromones

    as well.

  27. #117
    King of the coupons!
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    Red face

    Quote Originally Posted by gfunk
    Riight, just

    received my bottle of LT and now I got two questions:

    Would LT survive in a mixed bottle with other

    Like in the case if you mix none with other mones it will make the mix go bad over time.


    it stay for longer when applied to clothing?

    I'm going clubbing tonight, and will post the results even

    though I will be heavy on pheromones as well.
    I don't think anyone has mentioned

    mixing it, GFunky ... you're on your own.

    A Mad Scientist's work is never done ... so, take good notes.

    Never argue with ignorant people! They pull you down to THEIR level, and then they BEAT YOU with experience. Who said that!? I don't know, but tis gold I tell'ya!!

  28. #118
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    Just got my bottle today, along with

    the Lucky 7 kit. I probably won't experiment with the kit today. But I'll wear 2 sprays of Liquid Trust with 3

    dabs of NPA. I'll follow up tommorow morning

  29. #119
    Full Member bubblebob's Avatar
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    I'd like to give LT a try,

    too. Unfortunately I don't have a credit card, so I can't order from the original website. Does anyone know of any

    other ways to get that stuff - maybe some web shop from Europe (Germany would be best )???

  30. #120
    Moderator belgareth's Avatar
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    You can send in a money order

    to LS. Or you could set up a Paypal account and pay that way.
    To compel a man to subsidize with his taxes the propagation of ideas which he disbelieves and abhors is sinful and tyrannical.

    Thomas Jefferson

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