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  1. #241
    Moderator belgareth's Avatar
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    How about if we take this

    elsewhere as it has nothing to do with LT?
    To compel a man to subsidize with his taxes the propagation of ideas which he disbelieves and abhors is sinful and tyrannical.

    Thomas Jefferson

  2. #242
    Phero Enthusiast
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    Default Liquid Trust

    Three tests with

    this so far.

    No noticable results in clubbing/beach setting.

    In an intimate physical setting
    I noticed

    hyperventilating on my part and that we were both very touchy and talky in a trance-like way. There was a mildly

    compusive feeling to it.

    It was not pure LT- I also had small amounts of soe (about 8"), 4.2 (two), and chik


    I am going to try LT solo at work for a few alternate days and watch for effects.

  3. #243
    Carpal Tunnel Whitehall's Avatar
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    Thumbs up.

    I don't get

    anything like a DIHL or a butt presentation that one can draw with NPA but behavior is modified. At least that is

    my first impressions.

    Many people do seem more open and trusting, less reserved. I think it is a very good


  4. #244
    Phero Dude
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    Quote Originally Posted by Whitehall
    Thumbs up.


    don't get anything like a DIHL or a butt presentation that one can draw with NPA but behavior is modified. At

    least that is my first impressions.

    Many people do seem more open and trusting, less reserved. I think it is

    a very good product
    I just got mine in the mail today and went out for a few hours to a local mall ,

    interesting responses.
    I had on (2 drops of AE as well as) 2 sprays of LT so I'm sure that effected the

    reactions. Just about every shop i went into I was greeted with a big smile , chatted to several shop assistants

    more than usual , but i think the biggest effect might have been on me! I was feeling very mellow and chatty , I'm

    not big on talking to assistants so maybe just maybe it was the LT. It's my first day so I have an open mind and am

    going to wait a while longer till I start preaching about the goodness of LT. But I'm feeling pretty damn good at

    the moment...
    early 40's white male or or

  5. #245
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    Bump from the dead;

    LT is

    an interesting product for me. I got it hoping that it'd affect others in their interactions with me.

    A little

    background - for whatever reason, whether it was upbringing or bad side-effects of shame/shyness, I've always had

    this weird awkward feeling. It's anxiety or maybe even embarrasment, but it's one dastardly aspect of life that

    I've slowly battled back from over time.

    Typically this feeling comes about when I'm in certain social

    situations (like interacting with the opposite sex, or being up in front of many people on a stage).


    'mone testing is sort of parallel to the first point, the same sort of feeling usually gets me as soon as I apply


    Anyway, enter liquid trust. On first spray, I sat there and though I said I wouldn't try to breathe,

    I ended up getting a whiff. Kinda got that alcohol smell but was content that I did not detect a scent immediately


    So I get in the car minutes later and start thinking - wait a minute, this didn't seem awkward.

    What's going on, here?

    I made a mental note, and sure enough, after a few days usage, I noticed more

    interesting effects.

    1) I've actually been in a mood to seek interaction. This past weekend I wanted to go to

    the World Series. I got screwed out of tickets, but I visited friends and family on the weekend. While waiting at

    the long ass lines at the airport security, not only was I compelled to joke with strangers (seeing people go "OMG

    look at the line" I'd say something like, "there's a good roller coaster down there")

    2) I really hate large

    crowds and never seem quite at ease when in them. Before flying to Detroit, I stopped at the only bar in the gate.

    Way too many people, so I had to wait and squeeze in to the bar. My uneasiness was still tempered (I applied LT an

    hour before) and later ended up talking to 3 strangers - one bought me a brew after we talked about Ireland)


    Tuesday morning at work. Typically, I've found myself on the losing end of a messed up "fight or flight" reflex

    when I see the occasional attractive *young* woman at work (it's a govt facility with mostly older people) Usually

    I kick myself for involuntarily wussing out - like there's a switch that always goes to flight. This time I slowed

    down as the girl got closer to the door, then instead of what the typical Lowbrass would do, I stopped, allowed her

    to go by and said "hiya doin'"? Nothing happened, but even this was quite an improvement. Note that I also didn't

    get an anxious rush after the event!

    Anyway, not sure if people out there can relate, but I find this kind of

    profound. It's like I acquired the trust in myself instead of getting it from others.

    If this keeps up, I might

    have to call this stuff "liquid courage".

  6. #246
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    The problem

    with oxytocin in "nasal sprays" is that it's considered to be a RX only (prescription) drug by the FDA...

  7. #247
    Full Member Sunny's Avatar
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    Red face Liquid Trust effects on self


    anybody tried to apply a drop of LT under their nose?

    I have tried this for the second time now and the effects

    are very obvious and consistent:

    It's a pleasant "high" feeling. Not like alcohol, it comes close to (lots of)

    weed. But without the laughing. Hard to explain. I feel like I am on my own little cloud. No worries. Good feeling

    of my own body, later some tingling and a warm glowing feeling. Fine motor skills are very poor. Also I would not

    drive with LT right under my nose, I feel the impact is too strong. I am smiling more.

    LT influences my short

    term memory. I find it harder to follow complex trains of thought and it has happened three times that I walk into

    an other room and once I am there I forgot what I wanted to do. Twice I put something down somewhere and could not

    remember where I had put it. No, I don't have these problems normally, only when I have LT under my nose...


    before applying I inhale deeply and then after applying I take my time to exhale slowly so that the solvent (glue

    smell) has disappeared before I inhale again. I am sure you can get high from the solvent but that's not what I am

    after. The LT effect keeps for at least 2 hours, and that's certainly not from the solvent.

    I haven't worn it

    under my nose yet while interacting with people. Not sure if that's a good idea...

    What's your


    Last edited by Sunny; 11-12-2006 at 09:57 AM.

  8. #248
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    Quote Originally Posted by lowbrass
    If this keeps

    up, I might have to call this stuff "liquid courage".
    Nice. I wonder what will be the long term effect

    of using it, will you have to get more to have the same original effect ?

  9. #249
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    Quote Originally Posted by Nick666
    Nice. I wonder

    what will be the long term effect of using it, will you have to get more to have the same original effect

    If I had to guess, I'd say, "probably". I'd imagine that I'd develop a tolerance to its effects just

    like I'd build a tolerance to some of my nootropic supplements or alcohol.

    However, since my last posting,

    I've incorporated two sprays of LT as part of my routine before work. I make a point to gently inhale part of the

    intial blast (the lingering spray that doesn't hit my chest). I still believe that it's doing what it was meant to

    do, but the intial buzz is not there unlike when I first acquired it.

    I have been using LT with and

    there definitely has been improvement in my social forays - especially at work. I've experienced more friendliness

    or talkative behavior. In other words, when talking with the other young people at work, they want to talk to me

    longer. Other older individuals seem to want to keep asking me questions about stuff.

    Bottom line is, despite

    having what amounts to VERY LITTLE game, LT/ is helping me. Whether it's the products, or how I'm reacting

    to them, it's doing positive things.

  10. #250
    Full Member Sunny's Avatar
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    lowbrass, you have good results,

    that's great

    How long do you feel LT keeps for you at work? You don't write that you reapply?

  11. #251
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sunny
    lowbrass, you have

    good results, that's great

    How long do you feel LT keeps for you at work? You don't write that you

    Ok, good point; The effect of LT might linger away after a couple of hours. When I thought about

    how to answer that inquiry, I recalled how I'd eventually start reverting to normal reactions and tendencies as I

    transitioned from morning to afternoon.

    However, tends to trail off in about 4 hours - where I don't

    detect the fragrance anymore, that is.

    It must still be there, either influencing myself or others, because I

    still get decent interactions after the 4 hour period.

    I definitely do not reapply at work; it's a government

    facility and I'm fearful that anything like this can be easily misconstrued in the worst of ways if I had the

    products on hand.

    I otherwise sporadically reapply, either after work or if I go out on the weekend.


    being said, on a couple of occasions I've reapplied LT, or both, but never with a strict method in mind.

    Sometimes I spray LT on before I bowl in my leagues on Tue and Wed. Even though I'm mostly comfortable in that

    environment, I have noticed extra chuminess - either in terms of extra socializing prior to practice or more greets

    from people. Maybe this is coincidental or maybe it's not.

    Since I have also been flying a lot lately, I make

    sure to reapply LT/ before going to the airport. [Even without 'mones, airports have been the stage of my

    best interactions, oddly enough]

    This past Thursday I flew Southwest; they don't assign seats, so I get to sit

    by random people; The mistake I made, was bringing with me a printout of some seduction materials .

    Anyway, since I was in the last group to get on the plane, there were slim pickings for seats - and I could have sat

    down between a cute girl and some other stranger but the fact I had this e-book with me kind of embarassed me and

    the flight reflex made me decide to sit elsewhere. Dumb, I know (stop laughing) but I screwed up. Oh, well.


    fly again tomorrow (er, later today, in about 12 hours) so this time around I'm just going to bring my laptop, sans

    reading materials, and, energy notwithstanding, possibly observe more results.

  12. #252
    Full Member Sunny's Avatar
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    Wow, thank you for your report!

    What I like about LT is that it's impossible to have problems with effects from residual product / bild up (which

    is a serious problem for me with some products). After a couple of hours it's completely gone. Well, there is an

    exception: When I put a drop under my nose as "medicine", I still imagine I feel the positive effects after 8 hours.

    Maybe it pushes my own chemistry in a good direction and it remains there longer. Don't know.

    And I like that

    OD is almost impossible. The only OD negative effect on me now is a very slight impairment of motor coordination and

    short term memory.

    When I was into studying seduction stuff, I would talk about that to women. It made a great

    topic and when it worked well, they would all say that this does not work and then I would ask why it is then that

    she feels attraction towards me and she would say something like "no I... well but... that's not because this

    seduction stuff works...".

    So don't feel embarassed. I also like to tell them that this is what I teach

    others (which is actually true).

    Have fun and keep us posted on your LT airport experiences!

  13. #253
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    Does anyone

    know of the exact concentration of oxytocin (either IU or mg) which is in liquid trust?

  14. #254
    Full Member Sunny's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Archetypical Hybrid

    Does anyone know of the exact concentration of oxytocin (either IU or mg) which is in liquid trust?

    No idea.

    I don't think it's ordinary Oxytocin. It has been suspected (by somebody on this forum if I

    remember correctly?) that the molecule must be altered in some way because otherwise it would be too heavy to travel

    through the air, almost like a pheromone. From my point of view, this would mean it's not the hormone Oxytocin any

    more, just an artificial pheromone with Oxytocin-like effects.

    Also they must use a special technology to keep

    the molecules stable (the glue-like smelling solvent).

    Pretty cool, actually, because it works as they say which

    is unusual in the market of "love sprays"...

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