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  1. #181
    Phero Enthusiast Icehawk's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by belgareth
    That's a good

    post but for one question. It all works on the assumption that the human VNO is functional. That is still under

    debate. Many experts don't believe it works any longer, others believe it has some functionality ranging from full

    to a small percentage of what would be expected.
    Yeah but most the mentioned

    peptides/hormones/pheromones/what ever one wants to call them, do seem ellicit effects as described in various

    posts. If oxytocin seems to ellicit some sort of a response, than let the researchers figure out how, while we do

    the when, where and how much part.

  2. #182
    Moderator belgareth's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Icehawk
    Yeah but most

    the mentioned peptides/hormones/pheromones/what ever one wants to call them, do seem ellicit effects as described in

    various posts. If oxytocin seems to ellicit some sort of a response, than let the researchers figure out how, while

    we do the when, where and how much part.
    I don't dispute that pheromones elicit a response. I am

    questioning the validity of the claims made in the patents based on other research. If I didn't believe mones

    worked I certainly wouldn't be using them.
    To compel a man to subsidize with his taxes the propagation of ideas which he disbelieves and abhors is sinful and tyrannical.

    Thomas Jefferson

  3. #183
    Phero Dude
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    I posted recently about this. The VNO

    in humans doesn't work, but the pheromone receptors have migrated to the olfactory center and DO work there.

    This has been proven through several studies including ones in which:

    - people with blocked VNOs DID have a

    pheromone response (as shown through PET scans that detected activation of the hypothalamus)

    - people with

    blocked olfactory centers did NOT have a pheromone response

    - mRNA for pheromone receptors was found to be active

    in the olfactory cells

    So yes, the human VNO doesn't work, and yes, pheromones do work in humans.


    amazing that anyone doubts this after the many unambiguous studies proving the existence of human pheromones,

    starting with McClintock's original study of menstrual synchrony and continuing through the recent studies showing

    not only that there is a sexually dimorphic response to pheromones but that the response of homosexual men is

    similar to that of heterosexual women.

  4. #184
    Administrator Bruce's Avatar
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    Liquid Trust.... makes folks stick

    to you just like glue. Actually, I think that is the alcohol, no?

    To enjoy good health, to bring true happiness to one's family, to bring peace to all, one must first discipline and control one's own mind. If a man can control his mind he can find the way to Enlightenment, and all wisdom and virtue will naturally come to him.

    - Buddha

    Yoga in Eugene
    Fair Trade crafts from Peru

  5. #185
    Phero Guru
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    We had a swinger couple

    over this past Sunday. I was wearing AE/m - 6 drops spread over my body; 1 pack SOE gel - same application; forgot

    A1 (always use it though, don't know why I forgot it); LT - 4 sprays spread as with the mones. The other woman was

    decidedly bisexual to the point she had a Chinese tattoo that symbolized "woman to woman love". When we got

    eventually into bed she paid far more attention to me than Sue. I was surprised.
    There is a cure for electile dysfuntion!!!!

  6. #186
    Phero Pro
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    How long is the shelf life with

    liquid trust? Should I keep it refrigerated? I live in a very hot climate. 30 + degrees C everyday.


    impressed with the atomizer, this company has gone to great length in presentation of the product. Not some cheapo


    Bruce, that is what I thought when first had a whiff of the scent, I thought people will stick to me

    like glue. Like a moth to a flame. As long as its female moths and not male catapillers il be happy.

  7. #187
    Phero Guru
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    Default now for the LT test


    meeting the same couple we screwed last Sunday again this coming Saturday evening. I'm only going to wear LT and

    see what happens. I was completely taken aback last Sunday by her devotion to me. Although she's 32 and quite a

    bit younger than me, I wasn't all that attracted to her. She does give a sorta weird bj that's kinda nice. She

    took it down right to the root and I could barely feel her lips, teeth, or tongue, strangely erotic to me. I left

    out the some of the details in my original posting so perhaps I should add another testament to the power of mones.

    After we had finished up in the bedroom we came out to my kitchen to chat a bit, smoke some weed, and drink (Sue had

    wine, I had beer, they aren't really drinkers and had coffee and water). This other woman lives with her parents

    about 5 miles from where I live. She asked us if she could come live with us. Her boyfriend who's much older and

    lives about 60 miles from here was quite taken aback and said "I don't think that's appropriate". She went on

    about how she wouldn't mind paying rent, that she loved the freedom that our place offered compared to the stifling

    environment of her parent's home (she's not allowed to smoke in the house and has to go outside). If not for the

    mones, this I suspect would never have happened. Surprisingly, we haven't recieved any email from her since but

    have received two from her boyfriend - he's smitten with Sue. Anyways, this weekend will be a Liquid Trust weekend

    only - I'm really curious. We're also going to a swinger's party and I'll also just wear LT there too.
    There is a cure for electile dysfuntion!!!!

  8. #188
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    Quote Originally Posted by Riley
    So far the only

    real GLOWING reports on LT have come from a suspicious user who had never posted to this forum before but is an avid

    poster on this one thread, though he uses other 'mone products and has been for a while.

    The reports from

    established and credible users are just starting to roll in, and the effects sound much more subtle and less

    definite than other said glowing reports.

    While I am quite interested in the product, the jury is still out

    for me... PLEASE continue to post LT experiences!


    EDIT: HK, you have actually been posting

    about LT for a month now, and you did say "spectacular results"... don't think I was ignoring your posts, but I

    still am interested in more reports from more users
    Riley, I am pretty carefull with how I

    interpret a hit from a pheromone, because your mind plays tricks with you when you think beyond resonable doubt that

    the .mones control other peoples behaviour, and it seems alot of members have blind faith in them and interpret even

    just a friendly glance from a girl as a hit of some sort, and it in fact that could have just been a friendly glance

    and nothing more.

    My posts , at least in regards to hits are more then just fleeting flirts or a happy

    conversation, I only repot of definite hits that deviate from peoples natural behaviour towards me, and that is when

    I make the inference that it was the pheromones that were in effect.

  9. #189
    Livin' the life of Riley
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    Thumbs up

    There is no doubt in my mind that

    pheromones do work-- I have seen the results firsthand many times.

    I do agree that almost everyone questions

    the cause of their hits at least a little.

    I think it's time for me to try LT out. I'm almost out of A314,

    so I need to place an order anyway

  10. #190
    Join Date
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    So does liquid trust work? I

    really want to order this one--it's hard to find products that smell good on their own.

  11. #191
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    Yes, it works. From the 3 times

    I've worn, people definitely are relaxed around me. It's almost like the post-joint flop on the sofa without the

    munchies or the red eyes.

    Tried it at work yesterday. My manager usually happens to be quite picky,

    semi-frazzled, and uptight was quite noticably relaxed when he talked to me. Gave me a few assignments to

    accomplish, and I told him "No prob, chief. Consider it down." He smiled, said ok, and left at that. Normally he'd

    go on for a few more minutes stressing it, but that was it. Got a few odd stares from co-workers, who commented on

    how odd that was.

    So yes, go for it.

  12. #192
    Phero Guru
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    My Liquid Trust experiment

    last Sat night I think was succesful on some levels. We went to the swinger's party and I didn't really see any

    woman there that I'd have wanted to screw around with. I wound up out on this small porch most of the evening as

    that was the only place one could smoke. Sue wound up with two other women on her own and I just didn't feel like

    being with them, too heavy for my tastes. So, as I said, I wound up mostly on this porch and had one steady

    companion to speak with. She was about 35 years old, not bad looking but plenty of extra pounds. Her boyfriend, in

    his mid 50s, was in the house and was screwing just about everything he could get his hands on. I had on 4 sprays

    of LT, two to each lower arm, below elbow to wrist. She began telling me her story without much prompting. She

    lives with her Mom and also has two kids of her own living in the same trailer up in Maine. She and her Mother

    don't get along well and she's trying to get herself or her Mother out of the trailer so there can be some peace

    in the family. To this end, she told me she had made some contacts on a website called I have not

    checked to see if such a site exists. She found the guy with her from that site. She said that she wasn't looking

    for herself, but for her Mother and wound up with this guy anyways. He provides for her in some way that she

    wouldn't tell me but what she provides in return is to accompany him to swinger's parties but she herself does

    nothing. Single guys are often excluded from swinger's parties to keep things balanced. So, Mr Sugar Daddy gets

    to go unless someone blows the whistle on him (this kind of thing is highly discouraged). I found out quite a bit

    about her with little or no prodding on my behalf to include her sexual fantasy of wanting to be with 6 guys

    (something she "might try to do" someday but certainly not now). Towards the end of the evening she told me that

    she felt very comfortable around me and wouldn't mind seeing me again. So, what can I say, nothing spectacular but

    she did open up to me with thoughts one doesn't generally share with strangers. In all likliehood, I won't try

    this again as I prefer the "better edge" with the mones added in.
    There is a cure for electile dysfuntion!!!!

  13. #193
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    kolking, not to sound

    condecending, but do you ever use pheromones apart from using them at a swingers orgy or party whatever you like to

    call them? because your posts have a regurgitated and repeated feel to them. This my opinion, but interpreting

    whether pheromones work in this setting is hardly effective, the individuals attending these gatherings already know

    why they are there, and if you get more or less attention, its really much or a muchness , meaning it doesnt really

    say much. I compare it to going to a prostitute, wearing some pheromones and seeing if she kisses me or not, because

    we all know that only the prostitutes that really like you will kiss you on the lips.

  14. #194
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    Ha, ha!

    Very good point,

    bronzie. However, I've never been with a prostitute (and have no intention of ever doing business with one), so I

    really wouldn't know...


  15. #195
    Phero Guru
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    Default Bronzie....

    I wear mones when I

    feel like it. I often wear them during normal times when I am going to be out and about and will be running into

    various women such as sales folks, checkout folks, other shoppers, and the like. In about 7 years of wearing mones

    I've had 4 women literally jump me and want sex, that's all, just 4. Two of them were in their early 30s

    (ovulating I suppose, both were almost threatening in their lust for me) and the other two were in their late

    40s-early 50s. These are women I encountered in stores, at auctions, etc.. I've had plenty of others who showed

    interest in a myriad of ways but just the 4 so far who blatantly admitted they wanted to screw me and now. I

    declined all 4 as I don't cheat on my girlfriend and don't want any entanglements - I've no need for them as I

    get plenty of sexual variety in the swinging environment. Mones to a swinger's party - like taking coals to

    Newcastle? Hardly. The average swinger's party will have all types of people. There will be Doctors, lawyers,

    Indian Chiefs, and the unemployed as well, the too-fat, the too-skinny, the too-tall, the lovelies and the

    well-informed people who are fun to talk with, etc.. I'm usually only attracted to about 20-30% of the women at

    any given party and the last two parties I've been to, there was no one who attracted me. I wear mones to these

    parties because if I do see someone I'm attracted to, I want her to also be attracted to me so she'll do something

    with me. I'll get close to her and engage her in conversation while hoping the mones are being scented by her. You

    can think of a swinger's party as sort of an adult version of a high school dance, people just don't start

    screwing each other, there's a mating dance going on as well. The more attractive folks gravitate to other more

    attractive folks and mones help make me more attractive period.

    It's clear to me that you don't like me

    and I don't really care. All of us posting results on here are just doing it for two reasons. Bragging rights and

    to help others. People want to know what works and what doesn't. Using mones in a swinging environment is a

    unique experimental setting and should provide some valid data to the effectiveness of mones. Now, I don't really

    mean the parties so much as I do the more intimate encounters Sue and I have when we invite just one, two, or

    perhaps 3 couples over to our place for dinner and a very special dessert in the bedroom. It's in these settings

    that the effectiveness of mones is apparent and amplified for me. I have mones all over my body and it works

    extremely well. Women get really turned on by them both physically and emotionally. I love it. I don't really

    have to be that sexually adept either (though I can be if I feel like it). Sue actually provides the "other woman"

    with more pleasure than I do (she's just that good with licking clits), but it's me, or rather the mones, that

    impresses them in the end. Geez, I've been shelling out good money for them for years now, I'm not stupid am I?

    They do work. You may find my postings repetitious or whatever but others kinda like them "the more details, the

    better" is what I hear from some of the other posters. Who gets hurt I ask you? You don't have to read them, do


    I suspect that this post may get deleted as it's off-topic now. However, I have not been the guilty

    party of getting the recent spate of posts off-topic but only am responding and find it a bit unfair that you get

    the posts off-topic and then I don't get to respond. Maybe the moderator will let this reply stand. I'm not the

    one starting things.
    There is a cure for electile dysfuntion!!!!

  16. #196
    Moderator belgareth's Avatar
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    No, it won't get deleted.

    Thank you both for your open honesty. So long as you can keep it civil I'll happily allow debate. I may sometimes

    have to move something to its own thread but that's it.
    To compel a man to subsidize with his taxes the propagation of ideas which he disbelieves and abhors is sinful and tyrannical.

    Thomas Jefferson

  17. #197
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    Quote Originally Posted by koolking1


    clear to me that you don't like me and I don't really care.
    Koolking, this was not an attack on

    you personally, I dont know you, you could be a great guy. All I am saying is that maybe its the wrong setting to

    evaluate pheromones, as there is a fair degree of predictability with people in the situation your in. Maybe try

    using them at the Mall or Shopping centre or somewhere where people are less sexual, less predictable and in thier

    natural everyday enviroment.

    Thanks Bel.

  18. #198
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    "Maybe try using them at

    the Mall or Shopping centre or somewhere where people are less sexual, less predictable and in thier natural

    everyday enviroment."

    I do, as stated. The 4 women I met who jumped my bones were in those settings.
    There is a cure for electile dysfuntion!!!!

  19. #199
    Newbie InvisibleEdge's Avatar
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    Question Lt

    Quote Originally Posted by bronzie

    not to sound condecending, but do you ever use pheromones apart from using them at a swingers orgy or party whatever

    you like to call them?
    Have you had success with Liquid Trust bronzie?

  20. #200
    Phero Pro
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    Invisible, I really havnt used

    the product, im going to the Guns & Roses & Whitesnake concert in Athens in a few days, and report back the results,

    I love rock type chicks with plenty of tats, especially on thier ass (lower back), and Greece is full of these type

    of women, so im going to try every pheromone I own. Wish me luck.

  21. #201
    Moderator Mtnjim's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by bronzie
    ...tats, especially

    on thier ass (lower back)...
    In the States, commonly known as a "Bang Mark" or "Tramp Stamp".
    Freedom begins when you tell Mrs. Grundy to go fly a kite.
    --Lazarus Long

  22. #202
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mtnjim
    In the States,

    commonly known as a "Bang Mark" or "Tramp Stamp".
    Oh yes, here too. So trampy and so sluty, but so

    damn sexy. I just want to bang these girls, not Marry them.

    When its time for Marriage, I have a 20 point

    questioner they have to fill out and pass by 80%, and a lie detector test to pass.

  23. #203
    Newbie InvisibleEdge's Avatar
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    Thumbs up Welcome to the Jungle

    Quote Originally Posted by bronzie
    Invisible, I really havnt used the product, im going to the Guns & Roses & Whitesnake concert in

    Athens in a few days, and report back the results, I love rock type chicks with plenty of tats, especially on thier

    ass (lower back), and Greece is full of these type of women, so im going to try every pheromone I own. Wish me

    to the jungle, we got fun and games."

    Those lower back tatoos are like a green

    light. Have a great time B. The mones/Liquid Trust should be a powerful wing man.

  24. #204
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    Default Short summary

    To help you as

    reader/tryer/buyer, a summary of results. After so many replies, it was hard to get a good quick view of the

    results. Hopefully this can help you a little.

    Filtered out: mixes

    I've added the amout of posts,

    because a lot of new users are hyping the product. Normally this wouldn't directly be suspicious, but all of them

    entered the forum in 2006. Judge the posts as you see fit.

    Gfunk (321 posts)
    Two sprays LT

    each side of neck. Refreshed every two hours.

    -females seem quite attentive.
    -one of them being a very

    talkative previously continues full throttle.
    -shy girl got REALLY opens up to me and became real cheerful.

    This product has definately got my interest, if it continues like this the I'd say that it generates

    reactions more drastically than both expected and many other products and also combo's I've tried.


    said, on day two I may have had a large pheromone fake signature from the day one still working so it might be

    unfair to give all the credit to the LS alone.

    Jamesdeanmartin (posts 283)
    I haven't noticed any

    major changes in the reactions I get from women. It does have a very soothing effect on me though, like I want to

    just curl up into a ball and sleep. That can put me at a disadvantage when I douse myself in it before going out. It

    definitely makes me very sleepy. I also think it may increase the need for urination in


    HK45Mark23 (Posts 130)
    Let’s just say, I have achieved the ultimate trust while wearing


    Fuse (112posts)
    One of my friends was very hyper.. I'm factoring in that he had a few beers.

    But he's usually very mellow when he drinks.

    Bartender willingly gave 3 Coronas for free. I'm a regular at

    this bar, but I've never gotten a break on my tab.

    Itwow (65 posts)
    I have sampled LT (3-6

    sprays). Not much noticeable reactions, nothing like ANOL at all, which makes me sleepy. Inconclusive at the


    CrystalMoon (36 posts)
    Result: I am thinking this is good stuff. Friendlier, cuddling,

    talkative people.

    Hamlet (<10 posts)
    Alas, in "sexual" terms addition of LT did not help much. The

    girl I danced with the whole evening, who I know to be sensitive to -none, told me she felt very safe and relaxed in

    my arms (and danced accordingly, less sensually than usual), and I just got some light cuddling while I drove her

    home. One single experience does not mean anything, but my perception is that LT may work marvels in not sexually

    oriented situations, but not when bed is involved.

    hutch18414 (<10posts)
    Significant increase in

    people being very friendly, like starting coversations with me,etc. Also i had an interesting kind of field test a

    coupe of days ago.I have a 2 yr old great niece whom I havent seen in about 8 months. Instant Bonding,smiling

    laughing etc,sitting on my knee without a care in the world.3 sprays,1 0ne each shirt pocket,1 dead center on


    Seem to have about a 2-3 hr limit b-4 refreshing thoug

    Generalboy (<10posts)
    So today

    I decided to try LT on its own as I just wanted to make sure that there was some edge to this product. I put on 4

    full sprays (two on my neck, one on my chin which I then rubbed along my jaw line and the other on my wrist). I have

    to definitely say that there is something to this product

    Kev (<10 posts)
    Yes, it works. From the 3

    times I've worn, people definitely are relaxed around me. It's almost like the post-joint flop on the sofa without

    the munchies or the red eyes.

  25. #205
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    in other forums alot of members

    are fake, with what they post and the amount of posts and even in thier joining dates can be pretty easily

    manipulated to look like they have been around for a long time, its very simple web design procedure that allows

    this, and they lay dormant for instances just like this.

    The truth always wins in the end...

    So you

    can really assume , you just must use common sense in evaluation, but if you have a gut feeling that its sus, that

    usually helps.
    Last edited by bronzie; 10-27-2006 at 01:02 PM.

  26. #206
    Phero Dude gfunk's Avatar
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    Does anybody else than me get

    really annoyed by the posts of Bronzie?

    Could you please be so kind to stop lecturing and arguing and complaining

    so much Bronzi? In my personal view your opinons are in general just plain unwize and immature, and it's not an

    issue what I think personally, but you keep on lecturing like you know everything, telling who's right and wrong.

    In this thread I want to read about testing and results on this very product, yet you're constantly dragging

    the discussion off topic. This is also the case with your postings in general.

    I'm so tired of it when I just

    want to read interesting and healthy debates. Why you haven't been banned yet is a mystery to



    To post my recent experiences with LT I must say that

    I've had some very unexpected results. I've worn it standalone with three sprays and then usually forgotten about


    What has happened is that people have on several occasions demanded my attention even without me doing

    anything. Guys at work definately taking more initiative of starting conversations, cheerful conversations that is.

    It's like I'm minding my own business and they start talking when I don't expect them to and not even being

    interested. As for the females they seem to be in increasingly good spirits when I'm around them, just a really

    nice vibe, it's easy to conversate and flirt. The next time I've seen them (there are three I've had some testing

    with so far) they've been increasingly cheerful and joyful. Yesterday one of them did give me an extra look, one of

    those looks I didn't expect coming from her. She's in a good relationship so she normally doesn't do much

    flirtation, but she was definately giving me the eye while having a firm smile.

    I look forward to see more test

    result from this product, and have been pleasantly satisfied with it so far. And for those who are being sceptic

    without having their own personal experience I couldn't care less. Believe what you will, I'm not here to sell

    anything, I'm only interested in contribute my experiences so that I can compare with other peoples experiences and

    having a constructive and informative debate about it. If I get any bad reactions from LT I will definately let you

    Last edited by gfunk; 07-08-2006 at 08:57 AM.

  27. #207
    Moderator belgareth's Avatar
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    He hasn't been banned yet

    because we only ban when we have to and only for blatant and repeated refusal to follow forum policy. The fact that

    one poster irritates another is not a reason to ban somebody.
    To compel a man to subsidize with his taxes the propagation of ideas which he disbelieves and abhors is sinful and tyrannical.

    Thomas Jefferson

  28. #208
    Phero Dude gfunk's Avatar
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    Well repeatedly going OT is what

    I'd call not following forum policy, but I see what you mean. Thanks for your reply!

  29. #209
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    "Does anybody else than me

    get really annoyed by the posts of Bronzie? "

    Yep, me.

    Went to a swinger's meet and greet last

    night, like going to a regular bar/nightclub except that the folks that go are generally swingers (you can't do

    anything much really, a little touching, etc..). I had on my usual combo of AE/m, SOE Gelpack, A1, and Liquid

    Trust. I'd always had good luck with just the first 3 but with the addition of LT I sense a better response. We

    didn't recognize anyone so pretty much socialized with the couple we brought with us. Sue got a little trashed

    later in the evening and started to approach some folks that are generally out of our league (hot 20/30s somethings,

    sometimes strippers, exceptional good lookers). We went into the backroom where you can smoke and were approached

    by a stunningly good looking couple - found out she's a model and does photo shoots all over the world - she had

    done one session on a Thailand beach that I'm familiar with so we talked about that a bit. Well, her boyfriend

    then asked Sue if she had any panties on and when she said that she did, he asked her to take them off, which she

    did (laughing here, I had to put them in my pocket). I then asked model if she had any on and she replied no, I

    then asked if I could check to be sure and she said, "sure , go ahead" and of course, I did. Nice ass let me tell

    you. We parted ways after a bit to go back to our friends. I'm still thinking about the model and am hoping her

    boyfriend has a fetish for older women. By the way, the model was pretty much empty-headed so that stereotype holds


    I can't say that LT is great on it's own but in conjunction with the mones I am finding it's a

    push over the top. The high alcohol content may be helping to broadcast my scent better too.
    There is a cure for electile dysfuntion!!!!

  30. #210
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    Quote Originally Posted by gfunk
    Does anybody else

    than me get really annoyed by the posts of Bronzie?

    Could you please be so kind to stop lecturing and arguing

    and complaining so much Bronzi? In my personal view your opinons are in general just plain unwize and immature, and

    it's not an issue what I think personally, but you keep on lecturing like you know everything, telling who's right

    and wrong.

    In this thread I want to read about testing and results on this very product, yet you're

    constantly dragging the discussion off topic. This is also the case with your postings in general.

    I'm so

    tired of it when I just want to read interesting and healthy debates. Why you haven't been banned yet is a mystery

    to me...

    Ggunk, im glad you took my advice, and stopped private messaging me

    constantly as that pop up private message screen thing was getting tiresome, but bringing your grevience with regard

    to my past posts to this post is in a sense making yourself out to be the attension seeker and trouble maker. In

    effect you are deviating from the topic of Liquid Trust. You could have posted this "protest" in the Open


    I am not malicious, nor do I make personal remarks towards any member, unless its pheromone related,

    and even then I am careful not to offend anyone personally. And I try to stick to the forum rules as close as I

    understand them.

    You may or may not like my views, good for you. Dont read them, scroll down really fast

    when you see my name, that is the trick.

    koolking, good to see your swinger lifestyle is enhanced with Liquid

    Trust, because we all know Trust is crucial in a swingers lifestyle. See im not being malicious, just


    Thanks, Bel, although my opinions and views may come across as slightly extreme or erradic at

    times, I believe other members find them interesting otherwise I wouldnt post, im very transparent and direct with

    everything I say, probably the reason why I put my photo up.

    Anyway, I put Liquid Trust in the freezer, with

    all my other pheromones, PI,AE,NPA,etc everything else crystalized solid, but liquid trust didnt, knowing from my

    Vodka drinking days, anything above 40% alcohol does not freeze, So liquid trust is very high in Alcohol apperently,

    im thinking that the stuff will evaporate off the skin very fast, or there might be a very quick transdermal effect

    and lose alot of product into the body. Anyone can add to this? I think the product may be better suited for clothes


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