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  1. #1
    Phero Pro
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    Default The Atkins diet and Pheromones

    Im a

    lay man when it comes to the world of biology, only struggled to get past one subject at Uni on Malaria than

    transfered into a whole different unrelated disipline, anyway one thing I just picked up is that androstenone is a


    Now what I want to ask some professionals out here is that if this is a ketone, and certain diets

    work on the presime that alot of ketones will be released from the body during dieting, wouldnt this mean in a sense

    that the pheromone androstenone will also be released in natural process.

    I have done this Atkins diet, it

    works on the theory that a low carbohydrate intake and higher protien intake will in effect mean your body uses its

    own fatty acids to fuel your body and thus loose lots of fat in the process. The diet is extremely effective and you

    do loose alot of fat pretty quickly, but it does have its side effects and there are alot of people that discredit

    this diet for medical reasons, but thats another Issue.

    And what I found was that ketones were excreted

    through the skin, via the breath and even urine, in fact while on the diet there is a ketone urine test strip that

    one can use to see how much ketones you are releasing, hence how much fat you are burning.

    Does what im

    saying here have any correlation with androstenone? because if this were the case, I would have been releasing

    copious amounts of androstenone when releasing ketones. Simply for the fact that I was releasing ketones at very

    very high concentrated rate.

    Maybe im wrong on this whole issue, anyone care to clarify?

  2. #2
    Stranger knightzero's Avatar
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    well, did anyones behaviour

    towards you change? did you feel any different, in terms of emotions?

    Also, are you sure that all ketones within

    the body are produced the same way, and is there more than one process that produces a given ketone?


    thought that occurs to me is that not all pheremones are ketones, and the production of these may have been

    inhibited, so an imbalance in excreted pheremones may have reduced their efficacy. Of course, this is all conjecture

    on my part, but it's what comes to mind when reading your post.

  3. #3
    Phero Pro
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    knightzero, did anyones

    behaviour change towards me? Yes it did! for the positive. And it was mainly women, but I think it may have had more

    to do with lossing fat and becoming more lean and looking better asthetically rather than ketone release...but I am

    not sure about this %100?, but the Ketones were definantly there when I was in Kentonis, you could smell them in

    fact, they have a rather strange sweet smell, not offensive.

    I dont know if Ketones are produced in the same

    way or if I was producing and releasing the androstenone Ketone, or whatever, thats the reason I ask someone with

    more knowledge on this than I....

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