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  1. #31
    Administrator Bruce's Avatar
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    Thanks guys. Now we are really

    getting somewhere. Sounds like Silver and Blue are leading the pack.

    Many many thanks,
    To enjoy good health, to bring true happiness to one's family, to bring peace to all, one must first discipline and control one's own mind. If a man can control his mind he can find the way to Enlightenment, and all wisdom and virtue will naturally come to him.

    - Buddha

    Yoga in Eugene
    Fair Trade crafts from Peru

  2. #32
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    Ok, I've bought all four and

    tried all four. I personally like the scent of the Blue the most with Silver a close second. The orange smells too

    much like woman's old time hair spray. The yellow has a citrus scent that isn't my cup of tea but I don't mind it

    that much. I would just choose Blue or Silver before yellow and orange last..

    So here is my top four


    1) Blue = manly and interesting smell that I like the most. Kind of traditional heavy aftershave type


    2) Silver = less intense manly smell...with a vanilla backround...hard to describe.

    3) Yellow =

    slight citrus/lemony smell that is pleasant

    4) Orange = first impression is old woman's hair spray smell that

    decreases in intensity fast but still smells wierd to me.

    I have not worn the stuff enough to know which

    fragrance is most effective. In testing, I sprayed some on at about lunch time before I went to the coffee shop and

    noticed that the scent was still lingering in a low volume (so to speak) on me after I also noted that

    impi does get me noticed by females and this batch seems less offensive to other males. Older version of Impi

    required only one spray for me while with this batch i tend to use two sprays....

    Overall, I like the scents and

    think we have a winner with Blue and Silver for sure. I also like the way they stay on your body for hours and fade

    so slowly. That's all I can think of for now, but I'll share more later if I learn more...

    Best wishes.

  3. #33
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    I finally went and

    sprayed all four scents on my arms at about 09:00 Saturday morning, Blue at left elbow, Yellow at left wrist, Silver

    at right elbow, and Red at right elbow, then put on a long sleve shirt on to try and keep down any possible OD. I

    was with long time friends all day, so I wouldn't expect any adverse reactions from them, but I wanted to take a

    little precaution

    Anyway, upon application I favored Silver the most, closely followed by Yellow, with Blue

    third, and Red a distant last. About an hour later I favored Yellow the most, with Silver a close second, Blue

    third, and Red definitely last (rather like spicy food). It has stayed in this order most of the day.

    It is now

    just after midnight = 15 hours later. I can still smell all of them. I would still rate Yellow the best, but now put

    Blue and Silver about equal. Red remains my last choice. Although even it is not an objectionable smell. They all

    have some appeal.

    Silver has faded the most, followed by Yellow, and then Red. Blue has faded the least. Both

    Impi #1 and #2 fade much sooner than any of the colored four, but I suspect the mones are just as active later on.

    Checking out of Wal-Mart about an hour ago, a young married woman, who was with her husband, infront of me in

    line, started getting nervous, and trying to check me out, so even 14 hours later something was happening.


    would most likely order Yellow as my first choice, and then Silver.

    Now that I've got a week of Impi#2 testing

    to compare to Impi#1, I can say that it has a much heavier smell at first application, but both fade quickly enough

    to not be objectionable. The most pronounced observation is that the secretary has found a couple opportinities to

    bring materials down the hall to my office during the week, and has been more helpful than normal. This is very

    unusual. Most of the time she is the division gestapo keeping every one in line with the proper paper work "must be

    filled out this way. . " Instead she has almost become fawning.

    I share an office with three new employees, all

    in their early 20's, and two are female. Monday morning both females came in, and within minutes were cussing,

    swearing, blaspheming, and being sexually vulgar in their expressions. This is most unusial, and it was like they

    were in a contest to see who could be the crudest. The first rush of profanity died off within half an hour, but the

    attitude, and occaisional words continued most of the morning. Tuesday only one of them repeated this sort of


    I'm wondering if something in Impi didn't agree with their time of the month.

    Also, on Impi#2,

    one young thing from downstairs was coming in to talk to her boyfriend, but spending extra time teasing, and

    bantering with me. this is the same as she was on Impi #1, but it is becoming more obvious.

    I may try Red this

    next week, simply because I like it least.

    Also, with six different Impi's to choose from, I scraped the bottom

    of the bottles with a pen knife, and wrote "1", and "2" on the appropriate bottles, and then used red, blue, and

    yellow markers to color the entire bottom of those three. Not having a silver marker, and "S" looking alot like "2",

    I colored that one green, and wrote "AG" (the chemical symbol for silver) on the bottom.

    It really isn't fair

    to rate the smells of #1, and #2, as they fade so quickly as to be unoticeable.

    BTW, has there been any change

    in the pheromone & aphrodisiac content of any of the colored Impi's?

  4. #34
    Administrator Bruce's Avatar
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    I have been talking with

    LaCroy and they are going to make us up batches of the Silver and the Blue. I am thinking we should have entirely

    new labels for these scented versions. What would you think about having a contest for coming up with a name? We

    could just come up with a new label and name them "Impi Silver" and "Impi Blue", but it would probably be better to

    come up with new names too; like "Impi (some word)" etc. OR.... entirely new names that don't include the word

    "Impi" at all.

    What do you think? We don't have too much time though, They want to start filling


    To enjoy good health, to bring true happiness to one's family, to bring peace to all, one must first discipline and control one's own mind. If a man can control his mind he can find the way to Enlightenment, and all wisdom and virtue will naturally come to him.

    - Buddha

    Yoga in Eugene
    Fair Trade crafts from Peru

  5. #35
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    Personally I would keep the association with Impi up

    front, so my proposal for names would be Impi Indigo for the Blue, Impi Amarelo for the Yellow (Portuguese), and

    Impi Silver for the Silver (somehow “Silver” seems better than “Smoke”). I know it’s not very original, but these

    seem to sort of fit the descriptions people are making of the scents.

    These three scents seem to have gotten a fair amount of favor from those reporting. Is there

    any possibility of these becoming available as scent concentrates w/o pheromones to be added to our own mixes? If

    the scents from Edge Essentials were to be come available separately from pheromones, LaCroy could start a whole

    line of cover scents = Arouser, Tango, Silver, Amarelo, Indigo, Heat, and Glow Scents

  6. #36
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    Maybe a bit late, but here's my

    I got my Impi Blue and first tested the scent: My first impression was a feeling of cleanliness and a

    bit lavender, mixed with fresh spices.

    Then tried it in action: Two small sprays on each side of the

    neck and nothing else, not even any afteshave, and out to the cantina. The usual greeting ceremony - kiss here and

    there - took a bit longer than usual, the hugs seemed to be more intense, and the over all atmosphere was quite

    cozy. The behaviour of the girls was oriented in my direction, some small talks seemed to start just to get into the

    "Impi-cloud" - BTW, no offensive behaviour of the guys around.
    Conclusion: I like the smell, the girls I talked

    to liked it too, the mones seem to work. Maybe some TE or NPA as add on, just to add some spice ...



  7. #37
    Phero Pro
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    Quote Originally Posted by Shenandoah

    Personally I would keep the association with Impi up

    front, so my proposal for names would be Impi Indigo for the Blue, Impi Amarelo for the Yellow (Portuguese), and

    Impi Silver for the Silver (somehow “Silver” seems better than “Smoke”). I know it’s not very original, but these

    seem to sort of fit the descriptions people are making of the scents.

    These three scents seem

    to have gotten a fair amount of favor from those reporting. Is there any possibility of these becoming available as

    scent concentrates w/o pheromones to be added to our own mixes? If the scents from Edge Essentials were to be come

    available separately from pheromones, LaCroy could start a whole line of cover scents = Arouser, Tango, Silver,

    Amarelo, Indigo, Heat, and Glow Scents

    Impi Crome = silver
    Impi Oxygen = blue

    Flame = red
    Impi Magna = yellow

  8. #38
    Doctor of Scentology DrSmellThis's Avatar
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    Congrats on the new products.

    I do hope the natural, original formula will still be available.
    DrSmellThis (creator of P H E R O S)

  9. #39
    Bad Motha Holmes's Avatar
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    Glad you're getting more of the

    Silver and Blue, Bruce. I haven't been able to order yet, but those are the ones I'm leaning toward.

    As for


    Red - John
    Yellow - Paul
    Silver - George
    Blue - Bernard Purdie

    (I'm not that

    creative at the moment)
    If a guy's a cocksucker in his life, when he dies, he don't become a saint. - Morris Levy, Hitmen

    Holmes' Theme Song

  10. #40
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    I have to comment on this.

    A couple minutes ago one of the young things arrived in my office, and commented “Good morning,

    ummmm, Something smells really good in here.” I didn’t respond with anything other than a cherry “Good morning.” I

    had put one spray of Impi Yellow on about an hour earlier (I’m the first one into the office). Then she asked if I

    was brewing vanilla coffee. So I said “No, what I think you smell is a new cologne that I’m


    Immediately “Ummmm, really nice, what’s it called?” Quickly I

    grabbed the name I’d given it in this thread yesterday, “It’s called ‘Amarelo’” To which she responded “I really

    like it. You’re going to be attracting all the young women.”

    She has been

    bubbling happy ever since, despite having problems with her PC already this morning, and having to call the IT

    services, and then being told it will be at least a couple hours before they can help.

    The other

    young woman has since arrived in her usually fatigued, irritated mood. Since being here a few minutes her thermostat

    has cooled from “Touchy Belligerent” to “Helpful, and just short of Pleasant.”

    I used Impi Red on Monday, and Tuesday. There were indications of respect from men, and in one

    specific situation there was obviously more than should have been warranted.

    I don’t like the smell of Red, but before going over to the gym Monday afternoon I loaded up

    with scented SoE, then added another spray of Impi Red. The mix was much better than Impi Red alone, and actually


    Along with the Doctor, I'd like to see the unscented Impi#2

    continued, but this Yellow is impressing me in just the first couple hours of use.

    I also am looking forward to trying Silver, and Blue as stand alone products.

  11. #41
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    Cool Impi Blue Dot

    The day before

    yesterday I applied 2 sprays of blue dot to my neck and forehead and went to work.

    A co-worker of about 40

    mentioned that something smelled so nice and who was wearing the great cologne/perfume (yours truly!).


    on she came into my cubicle to look at something on the screen. That normally takes about a second, but she stood

    there and moved in closer so that she could keep in smelling the Impi Blue. So she just stood there and stood

    there...finally I made some closing statement to get her to move it (she's not my type, unfortunately; otherwise I

    would have asked her to sit on my face for a couple of minutes).

    This past weekend I was in the supermarket

    and made sure to pass closely by the head cashier who walks around monitoring the cashiers & baggers. She knows me

    as a regular customer and is sort of friendly. This time she told me to go to into a checkout lane and I made a

    joke with her and she turned red and was laughing, etc. To make a long story absolute, abslute hit!

    This is why we wear pheremones, right???

    I love wearing the pheromones that I know will work when I

    encounter women and look for their reactions!!

  12. #42
    Bad Motha Holmes's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by WildBillTD
    finally I made some closing statement to get her to move it (she's not my type,

    unfortunately; otherwise I would have asked her to sit on my face for a couple of minutes).
    If a guy's a cocksucker in his life, when he dies, he don't become a saint. - Morris Levy, Hitmen

    Holmes' Theme Song

  13. #43
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    Today being a

    slow day around the office, I thought I’d add some Liquid Trust to the one spray of Impi Yellow, so today’s results

    are posted over in the LT thread.

    To expand on the Impi Yellow results –

    the young thing from downstairs whose boyfriend shares an office with me, and has been teasing me a little in front

    of him when I was wearing unscented Impi, was up here in the afternoon the first day I had Yellow on. She was

    getting a little perturbed with him, and in the midst of her verbal exchange with him she said, “Maybe I ought to be

    dating Shen.” I’m thinking “Thank you for the inference honey, but no thanks.”

    The second day of wearing Yellow had no stand out incidents, but there was certainly respect

    from the men, and one more cherry greeting than normal from one of the new hires.

    I intend to try Silver, and Blue for two days each next week, and then it’s vacation


  14. #44
    Banned User
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    For what it's worth, I like

    the idea of using the names "Impi Blue" and "Impi Silver".

  15. #45
    Administrator Bruce's Avatar
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    I have put in a request for Yellow

    as well as Blue and Silver (thanks to Shenandoah). We'll probably just go with the old Impi labels and some sort

    of banner on each with the color written on there for now. That will give us more time to come up with new labels

    (and maybe names).

    Thanks to All,
    To enjoy good health, to bring true happiness to one's family, to bring peace to all, one must first discipline and control one's own mind. If a man can control his mind he can find the way to Enlightenment, and all wisdom and virtue will naturally come to him.

    - Buddha

    Yoga in Eugene
    Fair Trade crafts from Peru

  16. #46
    Stranger Mousse's Avatar
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    Default First Post

    Hi Everyone,

    I am a

    new guy to this forum, I have been reading wih interest for a month or so though. I hadn't posted anything before

    because I 'd like to have something worthwile to contribute when I do. My first couple of purchases from LS were

    quite diverse - I have bought NPA, APC, TE, CHIKARA, SOE Gel packs and in my last order I have just bought RM, PI/W,

    as well as Liquid Trust and an IMPI cologne for men.
    I am still in the very early stages of experimenting, I have

    tried a couple of the mixes like JB#1 and PAN, and I have had a great deal of help reading this site for

    When my next order arrives I will have the new IMPI Cologne to try - do you suggest using it alone or

    would the addition of one of the other mones be something I should try?
    I am happy to leave feedback once I have

    tried it.

  17. #47
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    I like it with PI/w or

    SOE. You might also try it with one of the nones, but only a little of the none such as TE to start. An

    interesting formula that I would like to try but have not yet is the Chikara and impi...

  18. #48
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    I have had good results with the

    yellow dot version. The scent lasts 12 + hours easily. I may try the silver or blue based on comments as I prefer

    that type of scent over the citrus types. Female co-workers asking me out to lunch. At the pool room all the women

    acted like some famous actor just walked into the room. I like the range and affect of the impi line and will try

    the other versions just to switch the scents. This seems to be a winner in my arsenal.

  19. #49
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    I've been giving the blue dot a

    go. It has a very pleasant, traditional aftershave-y scent (as has been previously commented on). I sometimes wear a

    sandalwood based scent oil as well, and the scents blended well together. It seems a bit strong, and I've been

    wearing 1 to 1 1/2 squirts, although, reading the results that the other guys are getting with more, I may give it a

    try, although it's strong stuff!
    The first week I wore it, I was working in a new gig, so there was no way to

    tell whether Impi had any effect, since i didn't really know the folks. At lunch, though, waiting in line in a

    sandwich shop, my eye was caught by a tall, pretty asian girl. Soon she walked over, I passed a few quick funny

    remarks and she junped into the conversation, whole hog, punctuation it by patting my shoulder & squeezing my

    forearm. When I got my order, she asked me to come by the place she worked & say hi. Was it Impi, or my sense of

    style? ;^)
    On the flip side, I started working with a much older gentleman (60s, I'd guess) who specifically

    asked, somewhat ppolitely, me to stop wearing aftershave in the office because it really bothered him. Fortunately

    the big bottle makes it easy to fill a little atomizer & schpritz as needed.
    It is long-lasting, and though

    pleasant, I can definitely smell the 'mones. AS for naming the new products, I's keep Impi in the name so we know

    what 'family' it is.
    Bruce gimme the discount coupon! I can't wait to try the Yellow scent!

  20. #50
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    I've been giving the blue dot a

    go. It has a very pleasant, traditional aftershave-y scent (as has been previously commented on). I sometimes wear a

    sandalwood based scent oil as well, and the scents blended well together. It seems a bit strong, and I've been

    wearing 1 to 1 1/2 squirts, although, reading the results that the other guys are getting with more, I may give it a

    try, although it's strong stuff!
    The first week I wore it, I was working in a new gig, so there was no way to

    tell whether Impi had any effect, since i didn't really know the folks. At lunch, though, waiting in line in a

    sandwich shop, my eye was caught by a tall, pretty asian girl. Soon she walked over, I passed a few quick funny

    remarks and she junped into the conversation, whole hog, punctuation it by patting my shoulder & squeezing my

    forearm. When I got my order, she asked me to come by the place she worked & say hi. Was it Impi, or my sense of

    style? ;^)
    On the flip side, I started working with a much older gentleman (60s, I'd guess) who specifically

    asked, somewhat ppolitely, me to stop wearing aftershave in the office because it really bothered him. Fortunately

    the big bottle makes it easy to fill a little atomizer & schpritz as needed.
    It is long-lasting, and though

    pleasant, I can definitely smell the 'mones. AS for naming the new products, I's keep Impi in the name so we know

    what 'family' it is.
    Bruce gimme the discount coupon! I can't wait to try the Yellow scent!

  21. #51
    Stranger Mousse's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ohmmmm

    I like it

    with PI/w or SOE. You might also try it with one of the nones, but only a little of the none such as TE to start.

    An interesting formula that I would like to try but have not yet is the Chikara and


    Thanks Ohmmmm,
    I'll wait to see which colour IMPI I recieve and I'll give it a go

    with Chikara. When I do I'll post the results...

  22. #52
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    My favorite is

    Yellow, but Silver seems better to me upon the first half-hour or so of application.

    Right now I’m using Blue, which if one

    wants to go “stealth” (arouse the least suspicion) is probably the best way to do so, as it is such a traditional


    Red is effective, but too spicy (hot

    red pepper effect) for my liking. If you get this one, I find that it sweetens up nicely with scented SoE rolled on

    under it.

    Speaking of which, I have found

    SoE under Impi to have very favorable effects on women, which is not very surprising given the effects of TE & SoE,

    or NPA & SoE on women.

    I put one spray of

    Impi Blue on this morning. In about twenty minutes I’m headed over to the gym with about 12” of SoE rolled on around

    my mouth, and an additional spray of Impi Blue on my mouth, and nose (close eyes, and mouth, don’t breath). This

    will serve to get it blown out into the atmosphere more quickly and hopefully get the desired effects before any Nol

    in the SoE starts to convert.

  23. #53
    Stranger Mousse's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Shenandoah

    My favorite is Yellow, but Silver seems better to me upon the first half-hour or

    so of application.

    Right now I’m using

    Blue, which if one wants to go “stealth” (arouse the least suspicion) is probably the best way to do so, as it is

    such a traditional scent.

    Red is effective,

    but too spicy (hot red pepper effect) for my liking. If you get this one, I find that it sweetens up nicely with

    scented SoE rolled on under it.

    Speaking of

    which, I have found SoE under Impi to have very favorable effects on women, which is not very surprising given the

    effects of TE & SoE, or NPA & SoE on women.

    I put one spray of Impi Blue on this morning. In about twenty minutes I’m headed

    over to the gym with about 12” of SoE rolled on around my mouth, and an additional spray of Impi Blue on my mouth,

    and nose (close eyes, and mouth, don’t breath). This will serve to get it blown out into the atmosphere more quickly

    and hopefully get the desired effects before any Nol in the SoE starts to


    Thats really interesting information. I haven't read anywhere

    before the "mouth" method! It makes some sense though. Unfortunately I haven't yet recieved my order of IMPI, so I

    can't try it out this weekend. I have a great job for trying out different mones and thier effects - I am a manager

    at a very busy retail store so there are always many, many women of all ages - staff included - for me to get a

    guage of the effects. I try to use a different combo each day to see if I can notice any difference in the way

    people act towards me. As I might have mentioned earlier I am fairly new to the game but reading all of the posts I

    realise the best way is to experiment. Today I tried 1/2 a pack of SOE gel rubbed into the back of my neck and

    wrists, as well as a dab on each wrist and each earlobe of TE + PPA mixed at 3:1. When I say Dab, I have these small

    stainless steel perfume bottles (almost like a miniature flask, with a screw on lid) which I measure my mixes into,

    and I put my finger over the open top and turn the bottle upside down, and the amount on my finger is what I call a

    Dab. So there was four of these Dabs in total, as well as the SOE gel pack. I was using Allure by Chanel as the

    cover scent for the mix, as I feel that the SOE for me anyway isn't strong enough to cover the PPA+TE mix. I liked

    this combination, it made me feel good, but I didn't notice a great deal of attention (not any different to what I

    normally recieve) from women. I am extremely busy most of the time, so I may have missed some "signs" but I

    certainly didn't get any DIHL like I've been reading about. Early days yet... I'm just starting to experiment

    with quantities and different mixtures. I can't wait to get my next batch of mones in to try - I have PPA, APC,

    NPA, TE, Chikara, SOE Gel packs now - and my next order will have IMPI and Liquid Trust, as well as AE, Rogue Male

    and Primal Instinct Unscented for Women. I think I have all my bases covered in the Phero range!!! Just finding that

    elusive mix that suits me... Can't wait to try the IMPI though. Any suggestions with what I have already while I'm

    waiting for the IMPI to arrive? I'd love to hear what has worked for you as a combo or standalone using NPA, PPA,

    APC, Chikara, TE and SOE gel..

    I've made up 3 mix batches so far of PPA + NPA @5:1, APC + NPA @7:3 (JB#1) and

    TE + PPA @3:1. So far nothing out of the ordinary, but I am still tinkering with the amounts that I am putting on

    and I think this may be the key...

    Thanks for the reply!!

  24. #54
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    I've had Impi Yellow for a

    while now, but I haven't used it much. Why? It's by far the strongest-smelling scent of any product I've ever

    worn. A single spray gives off more scent than I'd ever want to wear at a single time (and it takes a long time to

    fade). It's enough to make me worry that other people will see me as "Too Much Cologne Guy."

    This problem may be

    particular to the Yellow because it has such a "sharp" smell. I wonder if the Blue is more subtle, since people seem

    to prefer that one.

    As it is, I would prefer a product that has the same amount of 'mones but less than half the

    strength of cover scent.

  25. #55
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    A comment about your mixes (PPA + NPA @5:1, APC + NPA @7:3 (JB#1) and TE + PPA @3:1);

    They are all extremely eNone heavy. If some woman does react, it is likely to be quite sexual, and aggressive, and

    she will likely be 35+ (usually a fair amount +), but it is very likely to be scaring the rest


    I got my first DIHL with a one little dab (not spray) of TE split

    between both sides of my neck, and covered with one dab of APC on top of each side (total two). This should be

    equivalent to a small amount of JB# 1, probably less than half the amount that you are using.

    Most of the products on your list are laden with


    SoE and PI/w don’t have


    AE/m and Chikara have eNone, but are balanced with other


    I would recommend either lighten up the application



    When using such

    high amounts of eNone, it is advisable to add SoE, A314, WAGG, or A1

    I’ve been slowly trying to get closer to the younger blonde aerobics instructor over at

    the gym. I’m not a member of her class, but have been making some headway. She is showing lot’s of interest in me,

    and this woman can easily have her pick of any guy in the place.


    reading the thread, and noting that some people are having success with Chikara, and Impi, I added a squirt of

    Chikara on top of the 12” of SoE, and then a spray of Impi Blue on top of that. It made a pleasant enough smelling


    By the way, I also roll my lips inward before spraying on the

    mones. This keeps me from licking the mones off my lips. I figure that I’m breathing quite a lot of them directly. I

    don’t need to add to the effect on myself. The idea is to blow them out there where others will pick them


    The instructor took the opportunity to walk by my bench twice after

    she had checked in early to go to her class. The second time I saw her coming from the office, headed back to her

    aerobics room, and took advantage of the time to fill the air with the pheromone mix by rapid inhalations, and

    exhalations in preparation for a severely impressive lift, which she also got to see.

    Later, in a short conversation with her, I found out that she also does belly-dancing,

    which will serve as the conversation starter next time we meet. I’m taking it easy as she gets hit on all the time.

    Don’t want to be too slow, but don’t want to be seen as part of the drooling herd either.

    Also, I may have loaded up more eNone than I wanted by adding the Chikara to the Impi,

    which already has plenty of eNone. One of the older women had just gotten done with her tread mill session, and had

    no inhibitions about starting a conversation with me. Hey, it counts as a hit, even if I’m not interested. At least

    I was polite.

    L A Guy

    May I

    suggest getting a bottle of unscented Impi to mix your Impi Yellow with, that should give you your desired half

    strength, while leaving those who like it full strength to have it "Loud"

  26. #56
    Join Date
    Sep 2004
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    How do you get the unscented

    version? I don't see it listed anywhere. Is it the same formula as the new "color dot" versions?

  27. #57
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    L.A. Guy

    It has never

    been explicitly stated, and it is a question that I asked earlier in this thread, whether the scented Impi versions

    have the same pheromone, and herbal aphrodisiac formula as the second unscented version (Impi #2), which is

    available at


    I think we are assuming them to be the same.


    Can you clear this up for us?

  28. #58
    Stranger Mousse's Avatar
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    Jun 2006
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    Thanks for that advice

    Shenandoah. When I recieve my next order I will have a more diverse range of pheros to experiment with. I will keep

    your suggestion very much in mind. It's very easy to get a little carried away with trying different products at

    once - especially if your not experienced. That's all part of the learning process!

    A young, blonde Belly

    dancing Aerobics instuctor! Whoah. Let me know how you get on with that!

  29. #59
    Stranger Mousse's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Shenandoah
    L.A. Guy


    has never been explicitly stated, and it is a question that I asked earlier in this thread, whether the scented Impi

    versions have the same pheromone, and herbal aphrodisiac formula as the second unscented version (Impi #2).


    think we are assuming them to be the same.


    Can you clear this up for us?
    I recieved my

    new mones in the mail today (Thanks Bruce!). I now have Liquid trust and IMPI to add to my range.
    Reading in

    the thread above, I am trying to determine exactly which IMPI version I recieved - in my order it appears only as

    IMPI Cologne for men ($39.95). It is a white plastic atomiser with no coloured dot on it anywhere, so I am assuming

    it is the unscented version however it does seem to me to possess a fairly strong scent!
    In any regards I am

    going to give it a go tommorrow (I have a lunch date with a girl from work - we are both the same age - 29). I am

    going to try it with either Chikara or SOE gel - I'll see what mood I'm in tommorrow. If I try it with Chikara I

    think I'll go 1 spray Impi to 2 Sprays Chikara. I wouldn't want the IMPI to be the predominant smell. If I go SOE

    and IMPI I'll do 1/2 a pack of the gel split between either side of my neck and wrists, and 1 Spray IMPI. If go

    down this route I'll wait and see how the smell is like and even decide if I'm going to wear a cover scent. I have

    Allure by Chanel and Truth by Calvin Klein. CK's truth may be better in this case as I think the fragrance is

    softer then allure.
    Ohmmmm, you said you'd be interested to see any effects of IMPI and Chikara - if I decide to

    try this tommorrow then I'll post any reactions.
    BTW the girl I'm having lunch with is Asian - should this sway

    my decision on which combo to use one way or another?

  30. #60
    Join Date
    Jun 2006
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mousse
    I am trying to

    determine exactly which IMPI version I recieved - It is a white plastic atomiser with no coloured dot on it

    anywhere, so I am assuming it is the unscented version however it does seem to me to possess a fairly strong

    I don't remember seeing an unscented IMPI. I believe you got the regular version vs the beta

    versions (you had to order those differently, they were under Impi Beta Testers.

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