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  1. #1
    Join Date
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    Default hellppp

    i've bought chikara and

    pheromax in 2ml bootle i have a problem
    I heard tat using chikara and pheromax is very good combo what do ou think

    about it???
    How many of pheromax should i use, i didn't notice any effects lately??

    Can somebody help me and

    give a good combo???

    how to use it ???

    My targets 18 -20 years old

  2. #2
    Phero Dude
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    Quote Originally Posted by andrewww
    i've bought

    chikara and pheromax in 2ml bootle i have a problem
    I heard tat using chikara and pheromax is very good combo what

    do ou think about it???
    How many of pheromax should i use, i didn't notice any effects lately??

    Can somebody

    help me and give a good combo???

    how to use it ???

    My targets 18 -20 years old
    Pheromax looks a

    lot like AE minus androsterone. Now I'm not too familiar with either product, but you might start looking up AE

    mixes and subbing in Pheromax.

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    Default need help with chikara

    i've bought scened chikara about 1week ago.
    I used 2 sprays but i didn't notice any reactions.
    May sb help

    How many sprays should I use?
    Spray clothes or skin I noticed that chikara on skin smells to strong.

    anybody give some advise?

  4. #4
    Phero Dude
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    Try varying the amount you wear

    each day to see if the effects change. Try 3 sprays, and if nothing try 4. If all else fails, wear enough to OD,

    and start scaling down. Sitting right below an OD usually produces the most noticable and beneficial


    What do you smell when you apply chikara to your skin? Musky pheromone smell, or too much fragrance?

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    ^ sigma i would say very strong

    powdery scent

  6. #6
    Phero Pharaoh
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    Quote Originally Posted by andrewww

    bought scened chikara about 1week ago.
    I used 2 sprays but i didn't notice any reactions.
    Just because

    you don't notice any reactions doesn't mean there aren't any.

    What were you looking for in the way of

    reactions? What actually happened?

    While I agree that experimenting with different mixes and strengths is a

    good thing, I have found that many guys miss very blatant sexual hits because they don't know what to look for.

    Cranking up the volume on the pheromones can help make the girls more aggressive, but you really want to learn to

    read their more subtle hints and clues.

  7. #7
    Phero Dude
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    Quote Originally Posted by Friendly1
    Just because you

    don't notice any reactions doesn't mean there aren't any.

    What were you looking for in the way of reactions?

    What actually happened?

    While I agree that experimenting with different mixes and strengths is a good thing, I

    have found that many guys miss very blatant sexual hits because they don't know what to look for.

    Cranking up

    the volume on the pheromones can help make the girls more aggressive, but you really want to learn to read their

    more subtle hints and clues.
    Very true.

    Unlike men who are usually more upfront with someone they

    are attracted to, women tend to give off certain cues in order to get a guy to act on her. Some are verbal and some

    are not, and some are intentional and some are not.

    The problem with a lot of men is that because we think in

    such direct terms, they don't necessarily pick up on the little cues and hints women drop along the way. I think a

    lot of guys out here read about the blatant sexual hits and expect to be the norm when it comes to pheromone use.

    The reality is, most sexual hits aren't that blatantly obvious, and pheromones or not, most women will maintain

    their reservations unless the situation warrants taking them down. And as long as women have to worry about coming

    off the wrong way by going after a guy too directly (being called a slut or simly making things too easy), she'll

    have to rely on less direct methods of getting a man's attention.
    Last edited by Sigma; 04-26-2006 at 07:52 AM.

  8. #8
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by Friendly1
    read their

    more subtle hints and clues.
    Like what for instance? Just curious on what you see or notice

  9. #9
    Join Date
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    I always put a little on my

    neck and some on my arms, when I get close to a women to ask a question or order something, I notice them get closer

    to me, sometimes the touch me with there hand and they give you better eye contact.

  10. #10
    Phero Pharaoh
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    Blatant sexual hits are few and

    far between for most of us. I've reported my fair share, but most of them come from the same women over and over


    The vast majority of hits that I recognize consist of women paying some sort of attention to me. If I

    catch them looking at me, I try to hold their gazes. They usually smile or look away and then look back.

    Sometimes, they are actually looking past me and not interested at all. When I try to hold their gazes, they look

    away and don't look back.

    A woman will look at a man she is interested in.

    A woman will try to be near to a

    man she is interested in, if she can do so without looking like a cheap, scuzzy easy piece of action (although a

    minority no longer care what people think of them).

    A woman will say something to a man if she wants him to

    speak to her.

    A woman will linger in an area if she feels a man she is interested in may drift her way.


    woman will be just a little nervous, energetic, excited, talkative, and/or fidgety if she is really intrigued by a


    A woman will accidentally brush up against a man with any part of her body that is close -- often just

    fingertips, or a shoulder or elbow.

    If she doesn't want to be near you, she'll maintain a safe distance.

    If she doesn't want to talk with you, she'll avoid your gaze.

    If she doesn't want to feel your touch,

    she'll move away as you get closer to her.

    If she is around other women, she will watch what they do and say,

    and see how they react to you. But she'll also see how you react to them. She may decide to move on if you

    express interest in another woman, or she may become competitive.

    She could be giving you all the right signs

    and then you pick your nose, snort some snot, spit, scratch yourself, reveal your broken yellow teeth, exhale bad

    breath strong enough to kill a buzzard, stand upwind of her while you reek like garbage, or say or do something

    totally stupid and unmanly.

    And then you're dead meat, and you don't know you had a chance to impress her, or

    that you destroyed that first impression.

    I actually did something like that earlier this week. Made a great

    first impression on three beautiful women and then a short while later allowed one of them to see me acting like a


    She instantly lost all interest in me.

  11. #11
    Kodachrome Forever! Gegogi's Avatar
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    She could be giving you

    all the right signs and then you pick your nose, snort some snot, spit, scratch yourself, reveal your broken yellow

    teeth, exhale bad breath strong enough to kill a buzzard, stand upwind of her while you reek like garbage, or say or

    do something totally stupid and unmanly.
    Seems obvious that guys would know better but I see it all

    the time. A close female friend of mine often points out guys adjusting their nuts or scratching their crack in

    public, often while nearby or while talking to women they want to get close to (I try not to look for such things).

    Apparently they're not even aware of what their doing. Anyway, they're quickly added to the loser list.
    "I'm just a dirty hornytoad" -Gegogi

  12. #12
    Join Date
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    Default what to do?

    i have chikara scent

    and pheromax in 2ml please tell me how much of chikara and pheromax should i use to make girl red hot?


    targets 18-19 white
    i'm 19 white

    do you have any ideas does anybody knows a good combo?

    how many sprays of

    chikara and how many drops of pheromax should i use

    i have pheromax with A1

    i really need your help

  13. #13
    Moderator belgareth's Avatar
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    Do a little research.

    Experimenting to discover what is right for you personally is discussed many times. Nobody can tell you what will

    work for you until you take the time to figure it out. This is your third post and the third time you've asked

    essentially the same question.

    And definately STOP creating new threads to ask the same question.
    To compel a man to subsidize with his taxes the propagation of ideas which he disbelieves and abhors is sinful and tyrannical.

    Thomas Jefferson

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