I never

paid attention to whether a man was an Alpha or not until I started wearing mones. Now I know that Apha men are

knocked off their feet by them. Like they get hit in the head.

My definition of Alpha Men: guys that are

confident, have wives, have kids, are not afraid of saying the wrong thing, get dirty, have fun. These are the type

of men that if I get in an elevator wearing mones; just look like something slapped them. They stare at you and try

to figure out what it is about you that is drawing them out. Then even if you are not wearing mones at a later date,

they try to smell them again on you to get that same feeling. Kinda like a dog. Works for me.

Once I walked by

an Alpha Man that is married with kids. I only had the scent of mones left on my coat. When he passed me with his

own group of friends, he halted, thought to himself and then yelled down the hall at me, "What are you wearing?" I

was completely shell shocked.

There is something in Alpha Men that mones draw out mad dog symptoms.

I know

one young guy that sees me as a friend and older mentor. I met him for lunch and wore mones that day. When I sat

down at the table, he just looked confused for a minute and stopped talking. He looked at me and could not

understand what was going on in his brain. Once he composed himself we were able to have conversations, but he was

giving me the once over look when I got up for water.

I love Aplha Men because they are primal. Real men that

are not afraid to show their gut reactions. They know how to control themselves and how not to cross the line. Yet

they get light-headed at the smell of an Alpha Woman.