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  1. #1
    Moderator Mtnjim's Avatar
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    Default Met My New Neighbor

    This past Saturday I

    was going to meet my G/F for dinner. She used to live next door, but had to sell her house and move cross county to

    care for her 90 y/o mother. Anyway, she asked if I could stop next door and get a piece of sculpture she had

    forgotten to take.

    So, just before I was going to leave, being freshly shaved, showered, shat, and fully ~moned

    up, I went over to introduce myself and get the statue.

    The new neighbor has a roommate and her sister living

    with her. The sister was in the driveway cleaning out a borrowed pick up truck. (I had met the sister


    She got the owner and when she came out she is cute. We started talking turns out she is 36 (21 years

    younger than me), blond and in shape. She's in the Navy, been in for 6 years (said she had wanted to go Air Force

    but she was too old). For the first 4 years, she was a "PJ", one of those people who jump out of helicopters to

    rescue people, so that tells you what sort of shape she's in.

    Any way, I had only intended on spending a few

    minutes introducing myself and getting the statue. She wouldn't stop talking, kept me there for over an hour, the

    whole time hair flipping and almost as soon as we started talking, her nipples got hard and stayed that way.


    won't be seeing her for a week as she had to fly out the next day, but things could get "interesting".


    had on 2 dabs of NPA, 1 in each pit (the “pit trick") 3 dabs of A-314 1 on each side of my neck behind each ear and

    1 on the "point" of the chin, 3 drops of CS ~Nol, 1 each side of jaw and 1 down neck below chin. and 2 dabs of A1,

    on back of neck. Plus 1 spray of something called "Ammunition"" on my chest.
    Freedom begins when you tell Mrs. Grundy to go fly a kite.
    --Lazarus Long

  2. #2
    Phero Pro
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    Mtnjim, you dont mess around

    with your mone ratios. Is Ammunition some mix you made up or is it an actual product? Sensing her military

    background, I think your on a winner, especially with something called ammunition.

    What I found really

    interesting while serving in the military (infantry) was the women who were non combat superiors, we called them

    "mothers" were in charge of alot of high testosterone pheromone men, and most often than not most of these women

    were in relationships with men who were also in the military - i.e Alpha type males, I suspect they are more likely

    to enjoy the company of a high .none product.

    What I also found strange was some soldiers loathed women in

    the military and some loved it, again I dont know whether this is pheromone based or just being bossed and shouted

    like something out of "full metal jacket movie" around by a woman. Maybe some guys just liked being dominated by a

    fem. I certianly didnt. not to make this political but Women soldiers can boss you around in training, but its the

    guys that get thier heads blown in the front line! just my view..

  3. #3
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    She's lying. Women cannot

    become PJs.
    Quote Originally Posted by Mtnjim

    For the first 4 years, she was a "PJ", one of those people who jump out

    of helicopters to rescue people, so that tells you what sort of shape she's in.

  4. #4
    Moderator Mtnjim's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tiger4
    She's lying. Women

    cannot become PJs.
    She really had no reason to lie.

    Well, she called it "rescue swimmer" I called it

    "pj" 'cause that's what we called them in the Air Force. She mentioned that the Air Force wouldn't take her

    because of her age, then the Navy put her in the most physically demanding job a femail can get. So maybe things

    have changed. When I was in, femails were very limited to what they could be, mostly clerks and nurses.

    Oh, and

    her ex husband has 23 years in the Air Force.
    Freedom begins when you tell Mrs. Grundy to go fly a kite.
    --Lazarus Long

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tiger4
    She's lying.

    Women cannot become PJs.
    In the Australian military women cannot serve in

    combat roles, nor are they allowed in Helenic defence force. As for search and rescue, im not sure about that in

    civilian arena, but certainly a woman is not allowed to jump out of a helicopter in a combat military operation in

    these 2 countries I just mentioned. As a dual national, I have served in both.

    Women are not allowed to

    serve nowhere near the front line. Search and rescue often involve the front line operations.

    Im not sure

    about the USA, in fact in Greece if you are homosexual, again not allowed to serve in the military, if they find you

    are, you get dismissed. No anti discrimination laws in some militaries, they are a law unto themselves, seperate

    from the state.

    The only country I know of that allows women to serve in combat roles but only in time of war

    is Isreal. In fact its compulsory for Isreali females to have military training, but looking at the threat that

    faces them its no wonder that is the case.

  6. #6
    Phero Enthusiast silksand's Avatar
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    I went through that site which

    is not an official US military web page by the way, and it seems that role is open to women at least in the US navy.

    But not in a combat or war zone situation if I read it correctly. Not to sound like a Masoginist, and I do believe

    in equality, but I do not believe women should be in combat at the front line, the simple fact is combat involves

    using weapons like machine guns but often it involves hand to hand physical combat. Although some women can put some

    men to the ground in hand to hand combat with sheer skill, the general consensus and truth is that Male soldiers and

    Men have greater physical strength than woman. Just comparing the natural anatomy of both sexes will attest to what

    im saying.

    The site you provided seems to go out of its way to prove that women can perform more dangerous


    If you read world war 2 history and the battle for Crete, Greek women in thier thousands were out on

    the fields shooting and stabbing the Nazi German paratroopers as they landed on the Island. But a disproportunate

    amount of women died in this process compared to men.

  8. #8
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    People lie and exaggerate things

    all of the times.

    She was definately not an Air Force PJ. No woman would make it through the first few weeks of

    training, I don't care what kind of shape she's in.

    Quote Originally Posted by Mtnjim
    She really had no reason to lie.

    Well, she called it "rescue swimmer" I called it "pj" 'cause that's what we called them in the Air Force.

  9. #9
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    Tiger, im a navy seal and a

    commando, and by the way have served in the most powerfull special forces on earth, the french foriegn legion!

    hehehe ofcourse people lie!!!

    In any case Mtnjim, if she lied to you she wanted to impress you, your half

    way there! If she didnt lie to you, she was boasting, again your half way thier, but just with a bit more honesty

    thrown in. Whatever the case your on a winning streak...

  10. #10
    Phero Dude
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    I think the point of the post was

    that he got a good hit, not weather or not she is a "pj".
    I bet none of you guys have ever exaggerated you job

    early 40's white male or or

  11. #11
    Phero Enthusiast countesszero's Avatar
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    Mtnjim, that was a great

    hit. Isnt it reassuring to know that the mones still work like a charm even with prolonged use.

  12. #12
    Phero Enthusiast silksand's Avatar
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    Very amusing thread!

    This is from the website, on their careers message board. Check this answer from the Moderator,

    verifying that women can be rescue swimmers AND parachute jumpers in the Navy (per the Navy website, the only Navy

    communities women are not allowed to join are SEAL communities and submarines - a policy set by

    Congress).<br /> <br />

    Mtnjim, very nice hit! Let us know what happens!

  13. #13
    Moderator belgareth's Avatar
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    My 19 year old daughter

    recently joined the army. Against my advice and at the recruiter's urging she decided on a combat specialty.

    She'll be in a front line unit after training (AIT) A lot has changed and I think for the better. The Isrealis

    discovered that women make good warriors, the US is begining to discover it as well. She is also considering going

    for her Airborne badge next. Women are not a only allowed in special forces, they are being encouraged.
    To compel a man to subsidize with his taxes the propagation of ideas which he disbelieves and abhors is sinful and tyrannical.

    Thomas Jefferson

  14. #14
    Bad Motha Holmes's Avatar
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    Nice post, Jim - "pj" or not

    (though pj is pretty cool), -mones or not. Here's hoping things get interesting, but not too


    How much of a role do you think the -mones played here? Are you naturally a charmer (insofar as

    your appearance, personality, etc.) anyway? Do you feel the -mones have given you a real boost - in this instance

    and in general?

    I'd be interested in knowing what you've noticed with the a314 and Ammunition,

    If a guy's a cocksucker in his life, when he dies, he don't become a saint. - Morris Levy, Hitmen

    Holmes' Theme Song

  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by belgareth
    My 19 year old

    daughter recently joined the army. Against my advice and at the recruiter's urging she decided on a combat

    specialty. She'll be in a front line unit after training (AIT) A lot has changed and I think for the better. The

    Isrealis discovered that women make good warriors, the US is begining to discover it as well. She is also

    considering going for her Airborne badge next. Women are not a only allowed in special forces, they are being

    Belgareth, not to put a damper on your daughters choice in career. But the reason

    recruiters are urging young men and women to join the military, specifically infantry is simply because of the very

    low recruitment rate the US military are having at the moment. People are simply not joining the Army in the USA at

    a rate that your Government wants. And the simple reason to this is the high death rate of US soldiers in Iraq. In

    fact your Governments congress was going to put a draft law together to have involuntary consciption. Ofcourse,

    since the Iraqi war is not popular even amonst your country men, they tossed that plan aside because it would be

    political suicide.

    As for Isreali women being good warriors, fact is they have no choice in the matter and

    the reason they have military training is not due to thier superior prowess as warrior women, but because of the

    sheer magnitude of the threat against thier country and to make up soldier numbers, Isreal is a small nation

    surrounded by enemies with very large populations, and that is why its compulsory for women to serve, and I

    personally know Isreali women that have served, and alot of them found it repulsive that they had no choice and made

    to hold a gun and learn military tactics, in effect learning to kill someone.

    Talk to a soldier before

    he/she goes to war and actual combat than talk to the same person after he has lived through it. You can be sure the

    effect on them is not positive to say the least. People tend to glamorize the military and no amount of training

    will prepare you for the real horrors of war, I think too many people have watched too many Hollywood movies to be

    quite honest and influenced by too much propaganda. There might be noble causes for a war but there is nothing noble

    in killing someone.
    Last edited by bronzie; 04-04-2006 at 09:46 AM.

  16. #16
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    Cool We had a number of lifers in and around my family...

    The military is really two organizations put together, true military people who will live

    and die inside of it, it is their DNA or something, and those passing through it, either for training opportunities,

    to escape poverty and limited existences, as many of our soldiers come from desperately poor or isolated

    communities, the military has been a traditional way to get out of a bad situation and get some structure in your

    life, for sure you will know how to keep your quarters organized and make a tight bed.... if you show some promise

    you might get specialized training you can put on your resume for civilian life.... right before the 9/11 thing

    turned into the Saddam Hussein thing, reserve units and other auxillaries, Nat Guards, nobody worried crap about any

    problems, now the world was cleaned up, no more cold war... who the hell seriously expected active combat duty ?

    Then surprise, surprise, surprise.... these soft pink and brown cupcakes doing their weekend warrior gigs discover

    how friggin' hard it is simply to function in a hostile, alien physical environment... try dealing with deserts,

    jungles, or impenetrable mountain terrain unless you have a lifetime of experience knowing how to survive in them...

    then try doing it in your battle rattle.... you have any idea what ceramic/kevlar body armor with side panels feels

    like in 110 degree heat ? When you're carrying an extra 50 lbs of shit on your back ? And either some freak is

    taking potshots at you or there's an IED buried in the road up ahead... and you don't speak the language, you

    can't read the language, you don't know the customs and you're expected to enforce regulations you can't explain

    to the people you're trying to control....WHEW ! Go with the Navy or Air Force....

  17. #17
    Moderator belgareth's Avatar
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    I have talked to combat

    veterans, far too many of my friends went to Vietnam, some came back, some came back with pieces missing and some

    never returned. My father fought in the South Pacific in WWII. I was a soldier too, though I was fortunate enough to

    never have too fight. A number of people stationed with me had been to 'Nam at least once. I think I understand

    something of how they felt.

    There is no honor in needless killing and the war in Iraq is needless as was Vietnam

    and many others.

    It isn't just the women who are disgusted at being FORCED to train to kill, men feel that way

    often too. On the other hand, many women volunteer for combat duty, more all the time. It isn't just since the war

    started in Iraq, either. During Clinton's admin women were being trained and assigned to combat roles. Many, almost

    all of them were volunteering for those roles.

    I never said my daughter was infantry, the modern army has a lot

    of other combat roles now.
    To compel a man to subsidize with his taxes the propagation of ideas which he disbelieves and abhors is sinful and tyrannical.

    Thomas Jefferson

  18. #18
    Moderator Mtnjim's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by silksand
    ...the only Navy

    communities women are not allowed to join are SEAL communities and submarines - a policy set by

    You mean GI Jane wasn't real??
    Freedom begins when you tell Mrs. Grundy to go fly a kite.
    --Lazarus Long

  19. #19
    Moderator Mtnjim's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Holmes
    ...Here's hoping

    things get interesting, but not too interesting.

    How much of a role do you think the -mones played here?

    Are you naturally a charmer (insofar as your appearance, personality, etc.) anyway? Do you feel the -mones have

    given you a real boost - in this instance and in general?

    I'd be interested in knowing what you've noticed with

    the a314 and Ammunition, specifically.
    First, you have to realize I'm 57 and she is 36

    (although a few weeks ago a 20something girl miss-guessed my age as "late 30's", Lucky Genes I guess). I

    wouldn't expect such a quick reaction without something being involved; I didn't have time nor did I try to

    "charm" her. I have never had such a strong reaction that I would ascribe to the ~mones. I was "freshly moned up"

    and they must have really hit her. Also, I was using a "Mutant" version of A-314 instead of the "normal" version

    that I had used before. So I can't make any judgments yet.
    Freedom begins when you tell Mrs. Grundy to go fly a kite.
    --Lazarus Long

  20. #20
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    Oliver stone said it right in

    the movie platoon, guess he had first hand experience as he fought there, so in other movies like Thin Red Line. Bit

    a movie is entertaining, and goes for 1 hr or so? But until your actually in the Infantry like surfsup said you

    really dont know the reality of it. How sh*t it can really be. And ive been there, and I can honestly tell you its

    sh*t. The only thing you look forward too is eating and sleeping, and I have never been in combat. My first cousin

    fought in the Greek-Turk Cypriot war of 1974. He fought the turks and survived a battle that caused the deaths of

    over 100 members of his platoon, the guy has never spoken about his experience since, kind of turned mute on the

    whole matter.

    As for the Iraq war, reasons for going there seem very thin now, but in my opinion they got

    that Saddam Butcher out of power which is probably the only plus. As for vietnam, I read somwhere the Vietnamese

    were willing to fight a 100 yr old war with the USA at the time and even longer if need be, who could fight and win

    an enemy like that? While US soldiers listened to rock music and popculture at the time back at thier forts, those

    Viet soldiers were eating rice and digging burrows, like spartan warriors.

    In my opinion, best thing the

    Military has to offer is technical skills that you can use in a civilian job later in life, like a pilot or a

    captain of a ship etc etc, and not digging trenches.

  21. #21
    Bad Motha Holmes's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mtnjim
    First, you have to

    realize I'm 57 and she is 36 (although a few weeks ago a 20something girl miss-guessed my age as

    "late 30's", Lucky Genes I guess). I wouldn't expect such a quick reaction without something being

    involved; I didn't have time nor did I try to "charm" her. I have never had such a strong reaction that I would

    ascribe to the ~mones. I was "freshly moned up" and they must have really hit her. Also, I was using a "Mutant"

    version of A-314 instead of the "normal" version that I had used before. So I can't make any judgments

    Cool. I do remember you mentioning comments that you looked late 30s.

    What I meant by

    "charm" was not so much the proactive sense of the word as much as natural personality traits, presence, "aura"...

    Do you have a history of women really gravitating towards you what I was getting at.
    If a guy's a cocksucker in his life, when he dies, he don't become a saint. - Morris Levy, Hitmen

    Holmes' Theme Song

  22. #22
    Moderator Mtnjim's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Holmes
    What I meant by

    "charm" was not so much the proactive sense of the word as much as natural personality traits, presence, "aura"...

    Do you have a history of women really gravitating towards you what I was getting at.
    Yes and

    no. Never happened so "fast". Usually, it takes some time for them to see the wonderfullness that is

    Freedom begins when you tell Mrs. Grundy to go fly a kite.
    --Lazarus Long

  23. #23
    Enlightened One
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    good to hear and congrats there

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