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  1. #1
    Join Date
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    Default Sexually Harrased! Very Scary Hit!!


    my first time on pheros. very fast delivery to canada. all you canadians use fedex ground. trust me.

    Last night i went out. i had JB1 on my neck like 5 sprays and a whole SOE gel pack (newbie samples, i

    still have the roll on but i like the smell of the soe gel packs way way better. you smell very sophisticated. like

    an engineer or something.). also my jb1 is not perfect; as in the ratio is not npa:apc 3:7, its something like 6:11

    i didn't really give that much attention to measuring the stuff when i first got it . i just put in alot;i don't

    have measuring tools. i'm not going to buy syringes either just to get laid.

    the above mix doesn't work for

    me. i was rejected twice in the bar. one girl i was talking to, after i just turned my head to say hi to my friend

    practically vanished!! how the hell can i miss out on jb1 while everyone else is reporting on hits from it? does

    the mix have to be perfect (ratios wise?).

    here is where it gets interesting. i go the washroom and apply a

    whole gel pack of TE/m, that i got in the sample pack. by the way it doesn't smell bad as most of you describe. and

    mobeley i applied half the gel pack on my neck and the rest on my arms(and on top of that i had 1 pack of soe on my

    arms and neck and like 5 jb1 sprays all on my neck. i wasn't smelling like a worthog though!). i was very drunk. i

    just rubbed the whole packet on my neck and hands, didn't even know where my pulse points were from my drunkness..

    i was so angry at nothing working that i decided to o.d on purpose to atleast see that my money was not wasted. i

    said to myself agression and aversion were at least a sign that this stuff works. i was willing to take reaction

    just to prove they work.

    to make a long story short, i was sexually harassed (forcefully) in the cab on my way

    back home by some guy. i'm a black dude and the guy touching me allover was white or indian, i can't remember i

    was very drunk; whichever the case i have never had this happen before in my entire life. i thought white boys were

    shy but not this stranger. at one point i wanted to scream rape. imagine the guy carressing me had a girl sitting on

    his lap but only wanted me. i first thought he was taking care of me coz i was sick drunk as he kept touching my

    head and stomach, until i felt his hands on my dick. that alone got me halfway sobber in an instant! he didn't even

    give a f*ck about his girlfriend /
    whoever that girl sitting on his lap was. he was just into me. i feel like a

    bitch typing this but this is nothing compared to what i was feeling like in that cab. for the firsttime i felt how

    girls feel when they are about to get raped.

    the guy to my right was indian and he kept on pushing my head as

    if he wanted to start a fight and the girl sitting on his lap kept calling me a nigger. nigger wake up nigga this

    nigga that;i wasn't in the least bit concerned with her, which is why she kept it up a notch to maybe see my

    reaction. , even when his very agressive boyfriend (to my right, not the gay one) kept attacking me(pushing my head

    up and down as if to initiate a fight), i was just concerned with the dude on my left. . I could care less about

    the aggressive one to my right nor his girl. my hands were busy holding this other rapist hands else if i left them

    alone they'd find a way to my dick and stomach.

    i was very busy and drunk at the same time. to the point

    where the indian girl sitting on his lap (the gay guy's), stole a $20 i was holding on my hand. she practically

    tore it out of my hand and kept demanding i give her the other half. she was like 'nigger give me the rest of the

    bill' . it was funny to me that is cheap. i gave it to her hell. jesus said when one takes you coat forcefully,

    give him your nike sneakers as well; so i gave her the other half of the bill; which was rightfully hers in my

    thinking. and plus, i didn't want to divert my attention from her sexually harrasing boyfriend. i wouldnt post

    this crap here if it was a joke. both of them left me alone immediately when i said this phrase, a phrase that ought

    to be used by anyone being harrased sexually "touch me again if you are ready to go to heaven and that goes for you

    as well (pointing to the gay guy on my left, coz i didn't want to embarass him by saying he was carresing me)" that

    aided by the fact that am black made these guys take my comments alittle seriously. they thought i had a gun. the

    aggressive guy started to be all nice, 'wassup bro, you o.k bro' fuck i 've never touched a gun in my life even.

    it must have been T.E.

    i'm still drunk, iwould have written more but i gotta go to this party.
    this is what i

    soe (the gel packs smell very good, forget the rollon uncented, unless you want to be mixing DD#1's or

    aa314 - not tried it yet.
    apc -so far nothing
    npa - so far nothing for me.
    A1 - made me sleepy and in

    a bad mood. didn't go near girls though. i hate talking to chicks when i'm down.
    the edge - i think it works but

    i'm not gay. it probably works when mixed with a bunch of others i think.

    i'm going out and i will be wearing

    SOE, NPA, A314 and A1 (far from my nose. this thing can make you very depressed, but i hear it makes girls who are

    depressed, undepressed!!. so ironic. so we'll see.

  2. #2
    Banned User
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    damn thats some story man. Hey

    i was wondering where in Canada are you.

  3. #3
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    im from canada..... ontario, and

    used fedex ..... it took 14 days for my order to get delivered......and coincidently im in 1st year engineering lol


    And in your story why the hell did u get that drunk to let these people make u their

    "bitch", dont ever let people look out for you ( THAT YOU DONT KNOW WELL) when your drunk .... ive been in

    situations like that, and its like your helpless or a old person ... which i hate so i do what i want lol ......

    just set these people straight next time you see them ...


    CALLING, TEARING UP A F*CKING 20 DOLLAR BILL! .. and that brokeback dude that wanted a piece of you.... man if this

    was me i dont give a shit who they were there would be some hell to pay.

    The only reulsts that might have been

    from TE is that dude that wanted to start a fight with you ..... the rest should have been intimidated or to

    flee......... which wasnt the case ...

  4. #4
    Phero Dude
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    what a night out !!
    Sorry to hear

    you had a bad time, it sucks when bad shit like that happen to you. I've been there once or twice myself and have

    had to fight dudes off me because they won't take no, and I do mean get physical. (way before i ever used 'mones)

    O'ding isn't fun and I'm sure thats what happened to you, I've had very bad reactions from others due to

    o'ding on PI ,such as guys getting very aggressive even though I said nothing at all to them.
    ummm, take it easy

    is all i can say....
    early 40's white male or or

  5. #5
    King of the coupons!
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    Quote Originally Posted by sadat
    I had on my neck

    like 5 sprays of JB1 the ratio is not npa:apc 3:7, its something like


    A whole SOE gel pack

    I go the washroom and apply a whole gel

    of TE/m

    i was very drunk.

    i just rubbed the whole packet on my neck and hands, didn't even

    know where my pulse points were
    from my drunkness.

    i was so angry at nothing working that i decided to o.d

    on purpose to atleast see that my money was not wasted.
    Don't try this at home folks!

    And back he comes, still under the influence, wanting more advice on other products. Well, at least

    you've learned ... don't drink and mone!

    Can't account for the racist acts ... ignorance is a disease,

    but yeah, I can definitely see why you almost got beat up/raped!

    Do youself a favor ... don't wear any more

    mones ... to the bath room, store, in the yard ... no place. Read this whole forum before you kill yourself/get

    yourself killed.
    Never argue with ignorant people! They pull you down to THEIR level, and then they BEAT YOU with experience. Who said that!? I don't know, but tis gold I tell'ya!!

  6. #6
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    ^mobley do you seriosuly think

    that the mones had anything to do with this...... i think not, hes just made friends with some idiots/ or was around

    some idiots he didnt know....... BECUASE IF YOU WEAR A FULL PACK OF TE..... to my knowledge that shouldnt have

    happened.. he would certainly have had given off an aggressive vibe

  7. #7
    King of the coupons!
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    Red face

    Quote Originally Posted by abcd2
    mobley do you

    seriosuly think that the mones had anything to do with this...... i think not, hes just made friends with some

    idiots/ or was around some idiots he didnt know....... BECUASE IF YOU WEAR A FULL PACK OF TE..... to my knowledge

    that shouldnt have happened.. he would certainly have had given off an aggressive vibe
    1. Racist =

    ignorance & hatred = a good time when the person you dislike is DRUNK = it's okay to be ugly and aggressive since

    he can't really defend himself.

    2. Alcohol, and there's no telling what the racist and his girl had consumed =

    a defenseless angry male 'cause he didn't see the mones working. Think some hot chick would want to get

    laid with a drunk wearing mones? Not!

    3. NPA & TE = aggressiveness ... positive and negative depending on the

    wearer/receiver; and that doesn't mean EVERYBODY.

    4. We are different and mones affects us differently. Alcohol

    and TE may have had him on the aggresive side, IF, he's an aggressive individual, in which it doesn't sound like

    it. The guy with the girl was. 'Cause if the verbage was racist, and there's a drunk whatever the opposite color

    of the person was; they would consider it fun to take advantage of the weaker/opposite side, yes?

    5. TE may make

    you aggressive, but not me. That's what I think you haven't figured out?

    6. If you were a racist, would you

    fear a drunk of the skin color you hate giving off aggressive vibes?

    Just my thoughts & opinion, and

    I've been wrong millions of times before.
    Never argue with ignorant people! They pull you down to THEIR level, and then they BEAT YOU with experience. Who said that!? I don't know, but tis gold I tell'ya!!

  8. #8
    Moderator belgareth's Avatar
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    You're saying it

    was a combination of a drunk victim being taken advantage of by drunk racist idiots and the mones? I think you are

    correct if that's what you meant.
    To compel a man to subsidize with his taxes the propagation of ideas which he disbelieves and abhors is sinful and tyrannical.

    Thomas Jefferson

  9. #9
    King of the coupons!
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    Quote Originally Posted by belgareth

    You're saying it was a combination of a drunk victim being taken advantage of by drunk racist idiots and the

    mones? I think you are correct if that's what you meant.
    Dammit, Bel! Couldn't you have

    stepped in and said that so I didn't have to type 10 paragraphs that didn't make any sense!?

    That's it. 10 paragraphs to your 1!

    If I hang around this forum, I'm gonna learn lots!
    Never argue with ignorant people! They pull you down to THEIR level, and then they BEAT YOU with experience. Who said that!? I don't know, but tis gold I tell'ya!!

  10. #10
    Moderator belgareth's Avatar
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    I have a simple mind so I

    simplify things to fit my mind
    To compel a man to subsidize with his taxes the propagation of ideas which he disbelieves and abhors is sinful and tyrannical.

    Thomas Jefferson

  11. #11
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    sorry guys, i went to this party

    and slept over at my friends (2 girls), nothing happened, i didn't expect anything. i normally sleep with my best

    friend and its not coz of 'LJBF' i feel like she's my hommie. i just got home right now and i'm sobber.

    civic, i'm in the university of saskatchewan. 2-3rd year. how about you? this is a small world, we could meet at

    the bar if you are in my province, SK saskatoon.

    abcd, i didn't know any of these people in the cab.i got in

    the cab and everyone else joined in coz there was only 1 cab outside; cab drivers are scared of that bar! a good

    looking native girl (like 17 or 18 y/o) wanted to talk to me outside but i had to go home. i don't feel kids that

    much; you gotta be older or same age as me. she just walked over to me and stood infront of me but i wasn't in a

    position to even talk to her, let alone leave with her coz in that bar you can leave with anyone(even without

    mones), its on the westside of the town. you can also contract serious pathogens; i only went there to test my

    mones, i only pick up at the university library; period. i'm not the one to contract herpes. no way.

    i also

    forgot to mention that i took a cab there from another bar (where i was rejected) and dropped off at my place, and

    applied a whole packet of perception/m, and took the edge/m with me to the other bar(which i applied at the

    washrooms). by the way, guys were good to me, even the djs would let me walk in the dj booth to request for songs

    which is off limits(after the TE/m). and this other dj kept talking to me as if i am a very cool guy. but at the

    cab, i was so helpless, i remember saying a prayer to God to just take me home safely and not be dropped off at the

    westide coz the cab driver was also thinking i really had a gun. if i was dropped off at the west side which is

    where these guys were dropping off, that would have been it. i was either gonna get rapped or beat up. no disrespect

    to gay fellows, but just the thought of a dick in my butt made me say a prayer to God. i would have vomited on this

    guy, if he kept touching me; honestly. gays have gutts. they are not pussies like we think. anyone who can take a

    dick up his butt is a real man. period. otherwise what else would you define as pain besides that?

    otherwise, i

    went to the school party yesterday (soe, aa314, a1 and npa daps very few on my neck, like 3-4, not drops everything

    on my neck on top of each other. some 314 on my hands pulse points). this guy was talking to me as if i was a major

    guy and he is a computer science graduate(must have been the aa314) and the other one kept talking to me and ignored

    his girlfriend (must have been the SOE). I really don't know what to attribute to what, coz i also had a1 with no

    depression this time around. i wore it to the back of my neck though. i just want to know if this mones thing is

    real. coz i bought a mone on ebay ('molecular captivation', heaven knows what is in it; no description whatsoever)

    and it works on mainly a group of girls that work together particularly waitresses.

    i can't believe something

    that cost only 7 bucks works and all this other expensive stuff i bought doesn't.
    for example, i can walk into a

    pub and sit on the table(on the bar tub) and all the waitress lose it on me. they all like try to get my attention,

    really look at me. one started to dance for me. this shit only cost $7. and i always o.d on this stuff. i talked to

    a girl in the library and her face turned pink, her pupils dilated to the point where they were one with the iris! i

    told her that my girl would be coming to pick me up in a bit so i needed her number real quick (total stranger) and

    she wrote her number down in a jiffy. she was like 'i hope you don't get busted' i never called her though. the

    guy beside her thought i was don juan. little did he know that chemical reactions were taking place. what gegogi

    refers to as 'cheap thrills'. but i love the attention. anyone knows whats in 'molecular captivation'? and

    don't tell me 'none because this stuff seems to only bring men to me.

    mobley you are right, i am not

    aggressive, but i was dressed like a thug, more like a thief. you have to, in this particular bar if you wanna be

    safe. average built and very cut, 23y/o o.k face. i am lucky to have discovered pheros at this age. i'll keep

    trying until i find my mix i don't care about how much i waste. i mainly need the pheros for work/school

    conditions, not to get laid as such. my prof respects me by the way (on the $7 piece of shit) and lets me write my

    exams when i 'feel ready'.

    abcd you are right, i don't know what and what not to attribute to mones. have

    you guys noticed that when are sleeping and inhale the mones you get kind of high. like really high? that happened

    last nite to me i got up, went to sleep again and i got high again. i don't smoke weed but i know what i felt was


    moral: don't o.d unless you can fight.

  12. #12
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    lol ive had experiences when i

    felt i was being used or helpless in situations man...... im not trying to put you down or anything.... but you

    gotta understand, dont let people talk shit like that (especially if its racist talk coming out of their mouths), im

    not no professional fighter..... but i dont like it if strangers talking like that to me.... if they were friends


    since your older than me I shouldnt be the one talking...... next time
    just be careful of who your with ....

  13. #13
    & Double Naught Spy InternationalPlayboy's Avatar
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    Besides the custom

    "JB1" ratio, SOE and TE packs, you also applied a whole pack of Perception? And then you went to a seedy bar,

    looking like a criminal? And you were drunk? No wonder you were challenged. There is a thing in the psychedelic

    community called "set and setting." In other words, the mind set and environment must be optimum for a pleasurable


    A none OD is going to cause some people to challenge you. Either they are threatened by you or

    they see you "talk the talk," and want to know if you "walk the walk." I once had a guy come back several times to

    confront me after I caught him picking my pocket. Common sense would think he'd disappeared into the shadows, but

    after I clamped onto his wrist as his hand came out of my pocket, I freaked out and apologized. I was not completely

    sober at the time and wearing a cheap pheromone product, knowing nothing of dosages at the time. When I submitted,

    that's all it took for him to try to intimidate me.

    The reason you have success with OD levels of the

    non-Love Scent product is probably if there are pheromones in it, they are trace amounts. Most of the ones sold here

    are pretty strong, you'd be surprised how little it takes to affect others. Start with small amounts of one product

    to see what the effects are. Use each product individually, then work from there. Don't do the whole kitchen sink

    at once, especially with high none products.

  14. #14
    Bodhi Satva CptKipling's Avatar
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    I think you need to take more

    care using your products. You applied FAR too much jb1, and too reapply even more TE is a little silly.

    Information about pheromones: Pheromone Information Library

  15. #15
    Phero Enthusiast platinumfox's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by sadat
    its my first

    time on pheros. very fast delivery to canada. all you canadians use fedex ground. trust me.

    night i went out. i had JB1 on my neck like 5 sprays and a whole SOE gel pack (newbie samples, i still have the roll

    on but i like the smell of the soe gel packs way way better. you smell very sophisticated. like an engineer or

    something.). also my jb1 is not perfect; as in the ratio is not npa:apc 3:7, its something like 6:11 i didn't

    really give that much attention to measuring the stuff when i first got it . i just put in alot;i don't have

    measuring tools. i'm not going to buy syringes either just to get laid.

    the above mix doesn't work for

    me. i was rejected twice in the bar. one girl i was talking to, after i just turned my head to say hi to my friend

    practically vanished!! how the hell can i miss out on jb1 while everyone else is reporting on hits from it? does

    the mix have to be perfect (ratios wise?).

    here is where it gets interesting. i go the washroom and apply a

    whole gel pack of TE/m, that i got in the sample pack. by the way it doesn't smell bad as most of you describe. and

    mobeley i applied half the gel pack on my neck and the rest on my arms(and on top of that i had 1 pack of soe on my

    arms and neck and like 5 jb1 sprays all on my neck. i wasn't smelling like a worthog though!). i was very drunk. i

    just rubbed the whole packet on my neck and hands, didn't even know where my pulse points were from my drunkness..

    i was so angry at nothing working that i decided to o.d on purpose to atleast see that my money was not wasted. i

    said to myself agression and aversion were at least a sign that this stuff works. i was willing to take reaction

    just to prove they work.

    to make a long story short, i was sexually harassed (forcefully) in the cab on my

    way back home by some guy. i'm a black dude and the guy touching me allover was white or indian, i can't remember

    i was very drunk; whichever the case i have never had this happen before in my entire life. i thought white boys

    were shy but not this stranger. at one point i wanted to scream rape. imagine the guy carressing me had a girl

    sitting on his lap but only wanted me. i first thought he was taking care of me coz i was sick drunk as he kept

    touching my head and stomach, until i felt his hands on my dick. that alone got me halfway sobber in an instant! he

    didn't even give a f*ck about his girlfriend /
    whoever that girl sitting on his lap was. he was just into me. i

    feel like a bitch typing this but this is nothing compared to what i was feeling like in that cab. for the firsttime

    i felt how girls feel when they are about to get raped.

    the guy to my right was indian and he kept on

    pushing my head as if he wanted to start a fight and the girl sitting on his lap kept calling me a nigger. nigger

    wake up nigga this nigga that;i wasn't in the least bit concerned with her, which is why she kept it up a notch to

    maybe see my reaction. , even when his very agressive boyfriend (to my right, not the gay one) kept attacking

    me(pushing my head up and down as if to initiate a fight), i was just concerned with the dude on my left. . I

    could care less about the aggressive one to my right nor his girl. my hands were busy holding this other rapist

    hands else if i left them alone they'd find a way to my dick and stomach.

    i was very busy and drunk at

    the same time. to the point where the indian girl sitting on his lap (the gay guy's), stole a $20 i was holding on

    my hand. she practically tore it out of my hand and kept demanding i give her the other half. she was like 'nigger

    give me the rest of the bill' . it was funny to me that is cheap. i gave it to her hell. jesus said when one takes

    you coat forcefully, give him your nike sneakers as well; so i gave her the other half of the bill; which was

    rightfully hers in my thinking. and plus, i didn't want to divert my attention from her sexually harrasing

    boyfriend. i wouldnt post this crap here if it was a joke. both of them left me alone immediately when i said this

    phrase, a phrase that ought to be used by anyone being harrased sexually "touch me again if you are ready to go to

    heaven and that goes for you as well (pointing to the gay guy on my left, coz i didn't want to embarass him by

    saying he was carresing me)" that aided by the fact that am black made these guys take my comments alittle

    seriously. they thought i had a gun. the aggressive guy started to be all nice, 'wassup bro, you o.k bro' fuck i

    've never touched a gun in my life even. it must have been T.E.

    i'm still drunk, iwould have written more

    but i gotta go to this party.
    this is what i have:
    soe (the gel packs smell very good, forget the rollon

    uncented, unless you want to be mixing DD#1's or whatever.
    aa314 - not tried it yet.
    apc -so far

    npa - so far nothing for me.
    A1 - made me sleepy and in a bad mood. didn't go near girls though. i

    hate talking to chicks when i'm down.
    the edge - i think it works but i'm not gay. it probably works when

    mixed with a bunch of others i think.

    i'm going out and i will be wearing SOE, NPA, A314 and A1 (far from

    my nose. this thing can make you very depressed, but i hear it makes girls who are depressed, undepressed!!. so

    ironic. so we'll see.
    Nice made up story!I never heard of someone remember sooo much while they were


  16. #16
    Enlightened One
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    ive had some Real life odd things

    when OD - not quite as active as u have reported but when u OD do not get drunk i have had a few guys try to start

    fights helps that im 6'1 and built like a brick sh**house. and its usually the small ones - if they throw the

    first punch just put youre hands around their throat - knee em in the nuts (hands roudn throat throws off their

    thinking give em a swift kick to the nuts) make sure they know whos boss and walk off (but make sure they throw the

    first punch) if it has to come to that. Course u dont intend to strangle em or anything but it gives u enough time

    to bring up the knee and hit em hard down there and then u can just walk off. Hopefully enough to put em off and a

    valid self defense tactic for in close non weapon encounters

  17. #17
    Enlightened One
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    Mind u im normally an easy going

    guy but when out on the town - alcohol involved - im not a heavy drinker tho as i like to keep a clear head actually

    2 or 3 in one night and thats it for me - prefer now to enjoy more up market restraurants and that but in the last

    few years on the nightclub scene u do get quite a few little shall we say small guys who act like real jerks and for

    some reasons like to pick fights (alpha-beta male complex thing) get some grog into em and they can take anyone of

    course trying to get away or using conversational skills to resolve any issues should be youre first avenue but if

    he persists and pushes it over the edge then of course u have to defend youreself and the quickest way is to floor

    him where it hurts most.

  18. #18
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    i see you got other

    skills besides making customized love potions. i am not much of a fighter but i might try kickin one in the nuts

    when it comes down to it, but i don't wanna leave someone dead; ever think of that.

    anyways, about your mixes,

    do the ratios have to be exact. e.g 7:3, for watcher 1. do you find it takes alot of time to find out one's exact

    mix and dosage and can be quite expensive.


  19. #19
    Enlightened One
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    no the mixes generally rough

    estimates 60 40 or 80 20 is usually fine given the small amounts i mix up max 5 mils normally

    As for kicking em

    in the nuts the idea is to inflict pain before they smack the living daylights out of u. Its a defensive move -

    unfornatley guys that are drunk and or on a night out and up for a fight aint going to think twice about knocking u

    unconscious and kciking u in the head when they have u down. The idea is to get them down before getting away from

    the trouble. U wouldnt be leaving them dead but they might be a bit tender for a few days. -ofc as a defensive move

    (self defense teaches this technique as part of the normal classes esp for women being attacked etc)

    as i said

    tho a very last resort

  20. #20
    Moderator belgareth's Avatar
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    If somebody is going to attack

    you, anything, up to and including deadly force, is perfectly reasonable. You have to assume that is their intent

    and doing unto others BEFORE they do unto you is simply good sense.
    To compel a man to subsidize with his taxes the propagation of ideas which he disbelieves and abhors is sinful and tyrannical.

    Thomas Jefferson

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  3. the pheromone dat sexually attracts females
    By **DONOTDELETE** in forum Pheromone Discussion
    Replies: 25
    Last Post: 01-21-2003, 10:33 AM
  4. Sexually Attractive Colours?
    By **DONOTDELETE** in forum Open Discussion
    Replies: 9
    Last Post: 10-16-2002, 09:54 AM
  5. JB#1, scary but works like hell
    By **DONOTDELETE** in forum Pheromone Discussion
    Replies: 28
    Last Post: 08-11-2002, 02:42 PM


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