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  1. #1
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    Default Is ther a difference between hitting on a chic vs. "seducing" a chic?

    I asked this in another thread but didn't get an answer. My question

    Is there a difference between actually "seducing" a woman verses hitting on them? I thought they were kinda

    the least at the start.

    I suppose there may be? I never knew there was a difference. I thought

    they all entailed the same elements. But am I getting the idea they are two entiely different approaches and

    techniques? I never, and still don't, know how to seduce. I just try and get a conversation started, play around

    and flirt a little, talk, ask questions, and throw in some humor, and some flirting and if she is into it, I guess

    shoot for her number or ask to go somewhere or something along that approach method. I just have fun with it in that

    aspect of approaching, with out seeming like you know, it is too rehearsed, if I can help it. This is kinda how I

    have always done it. I just talk about what-ever. I never think to give hidden inuendo's or subliminal messages to

    what I am saying.

    Is there a big difference between hitting, and or flirting with a women by starting a

    conversation with them vs. actually going for the seducing technique? and if so what is it? I didn't think there

    was too much a difference.


  2. #2
    Phero Enthusiast phersurf's Avatar
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    There's a big


    A seduction moves through very defined steps, although there are many different techniques to

    acomplish them,

    1. build attraction - you have to build attracation first before moving to the next


    2. create comfort - if you try to create comfort before buildiong attraction, you will put yourself in

    the LJBF zone!

    3. build raport - finding similar interests, friends, philosophy, etc, if you do this too soon

    you come off as being needy and trying to impress. "wow, you like movies! I like movies too! We have so much in


    4. only now can you take it to a physical level

    Once you get good at these steps, you can see

    exactly the time she becomes attracted to you, when she starts to feel a connection to you and exactly when it's

    time to go in for a kiss! Since I've gotten good at this, I've never been turned down for a kiss.


    steps have been verified by scientists spending hours studying men and women interacting.

    "Hitting on a

    chick" has a conotation (at tleast to me) of just randomly sayng and doing things that may or may not have any

    positive effects on attracting the woman. If she happens to find you attractive, or you're lucky enough not to do

    anything dumb, you may get a date or a number. This is called "fool's mate" or "getting lucky". Then you have to

    not do anything dumb on the intitial phone call and/or date (again, there's ways to increase the attraction on

    dates so as not to get LJBF'd).

    At first I had to think about these steps and what was working and what

    wasn't all the time. Now that I've integrated it into my being, I can freeflow and move in and out of the various

    steps at will, so it's not so rigid.

  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by phersurf
    There's a big


    A seduction moves through very defined steps, although there are many different techniques to

    acomplish them,

    1. build attraction - you have to build attracation first before moving to the next


    2. create comfort - if you try to create comfort before buildiong attraction, you will put yourself in

    the LJBF zone!

    3. build raport - finding similar interests, friends, philosophy, etc, if you do this too soon

    you come off as being needy and trying to impress. "wow, you like movies! I like movies too! We have so much in


    4. only now can you take it to a physical level

    Once you get good at these steps, you can see

    exactly the time she becomes attracted to you, when she starts to feel a connection to you and exactly when it's

    time to go in for a kiss! Since I've gotten good at this, I've never been turned down for a kiss.


    steps have been verified by scientists spending hours studying men and women interacting.

    "Hitting on a

    chick" has a conotation (at tleast to me) of just randomly sayng and doing things that may or may not have any

    positive effects on attracting the woman. If she happens to find you attractive, or you're lucky enough not to do

    anything dumb, you may get a date or a number. This is called "fool's mate" or "getting lucky". Then you have to

    not do anything dumb on the intitial phone call and/or date (again, there's ways to increase the attraction on

    dates so as not to get LJBF'd).

    At first I had to think about these steps and what was working and what

    wasn't all the time. Now that I've integrated it into my being, I can freeflow and move in and out of the various

    steps at will, so it's not so

    __________________________________________________ ___________

    Oh, I see. Those steps

    make so much sense. That IS how it happens. Here is the only problem. I HAVE done those steps with a women before.

    Several times. BUT I did them with out realizing what I was doing. I was just being me and those steps took their

    own coarse of action. I have built attraction. That is easy. A women sees you, and you see them, and there is an

    attraction. That occurs, for the most pat, mostly naturally. There are other things you can do? What are they


    Then when I get to step 2. It seems she becomes dis-interested. I notice this because this is

    when I manually, consciously do it. If I stay on step one, she never changes....but neither does the situation. What

    am I doing wrong?

    Can you tell me when, or how to proceed to the next level?


  4. #4
    Kodachrome Forever! Gegogi's Avatar
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    Is ther a difference

    between hitting on a chic vs. "seducing" a chic?
    I'm guessing serious use of words like "chic" and "chick"

    are one of reasons women make themselves scarce in this forum. Smacks of a boy's club and may be taken as


    "Hitting on" is an attempt at making a connection. Seduction creates a state of mystery and desire

    that leads to amorous activity between consenting parties.
    "I'm just a dirty hornytoad" -Gegogi

  5. #5
    Bad Motha Holmes's Avatar
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    If you're real good, you

    can do both at the same time!

    Does "chic" mean "French woman?"
    If a guy's a cocksucker in his life, when he dies, he don't become a saint. - Morris Levy, Hitmen

    Holmes' Theme Song

  6. #6
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    [QUOTE=Gegogi]I'm guessing

    serious use of words like "chic" and "chick" are one of reasons women make themselves scarce in this forum. Smacks

    of a boy's club and may be taken as derogatory.

    "Hitting on" is an attempt at making a connection. Seduction

    creates a state of mystery and desire that leads to amorous activity between consenting


    __________________________________________________ ____________

    Ok then. Female, Women,

    Mrs..... I did not want to use female because that sounds too text book like. I did not want to use women because

    some may think I am speaking of older women only and not the girls in their 20's. Lastly, I did not want to use the

    term girls because it sounds too young.

    Chick was a way for me to state in with-out being too serious


    What eles was there 'babe". That would be even more silly.

    Women who come to a

    mesage board seeing things like "got Laid by mones", or "Hit stories of 2006" got to know, and understand, things

    are not so cold, and text book like here. If they, haven't figured that one out by now I don't know what to tell

    you. It certainley wasn't meant as derogatory or meant to seem childish. I just didn't want to seem formal. What

    is the difference between them calling us a "hunk" in the 80's to chic. I realize the 80's was a while ago...but.


  7. #7
    Kodachrome Forever! Gegogi's Avatar
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    In the USA--and this varies in

    different cultures--any female 18 and older is legally an adult, i.e., a woman. Under 18, she is considered a female

    child and qualifies as a girl. Now most of the women I meet are 18-30 college students. The "older" women are

    usually grad students in their mid 20s. If I referred to them as "chics" most would be displeased, maybe even kick

    my ass (calling her a bitch is usually safer). If a man referred to woman as girl, that ain't fightin' words but

    might mark you as having poor judgement or a low intelligence quotient. Treat her like a woman she will reward you

    "I'm just a dirty hornytoad" -Gegogi

  8. #8
    Phero Enthusiast chicago's Avatar
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    sometimes it comes down to being

    at the right place at the right time. with the females, lol

    Cigar Boss
    Last edited by chicago; 04-08-2011 at 03:32 PM.

  9. #9
    & Double Naught Spy InternationalPlayboy's Avatar
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    A particapant in a

    now defunct forum I used to frequent would get offended if you called her a "lady." It was due to unresolved issues

    with her mother, who would always tell her that "a lady doesn't do" such and such. She had no problem with the term

    "broad" though.

  10. #10
    Bad Motha Holmes's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by InternationalPlayboy

    particapant in a now defunct forum I used to frequent would get offended if you called her a "lady." It was due to

    unresolved issues with her mother, who would always tell her that "a lady doesn't do" such and such. She had no

    problem with the term "broad" though.
    That's funny. Don't know if you saw 10, but there's a

    classic argument between Dudley Moore and Julie Andrews over the meaning of the word "broad" (which she insisted was

    the same as "hooker").
    Last edited by Holmes; 03-18-2006 at 10:12 AM.
    If a guy's a cocksucker in his life, when he dies, he don't become a saint. - Morris Levy, Hitmen

    Holmes' Theme Song

  11. #11
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    I need help on this. In

    Reference on the four steps to seduction that were mentioned in this post:

    Here is the only problem. I HAVE

    done those steps with a women before. Several times. BUT I did them with out realizing what I was doing. I was just

    being me and those steps took their own coarse of action. I have built attraction. That is easy. A women sees you,

    and you see them, and there is an attraction. That occurs, for the most pat, mostly naturally. There are other

    things you can do? What are they specifically?

    Then when I get to step 2. It seems she becomes

    dis-interested. I notice this because this is when I manually, consciously do it. If I stay on step one, she never

    changes....but neither does the situation. What am I doing wrong? Can anyone tell me what-up?


  12. #12
    Bodhi Satva CptKipling's Avatar
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    Your aren't building

    attraction properly, or your transitional skills are poor, or she was only seeking the validation of your


    My guess is the first one, because it isn't easy to go from attraction to disinterest unless you are

    really awkward.

    Information about pheromones: Pheromone Information Library

  13. #13
    King of the coupons!
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    Red face

    Quote Originally Posted by happyman
    I need help on

    this. In Reference on the four steps to seduction that were mentioned in this post:

    Here is the only problem. I

    HAVE done those steps with a women before. Several times. BUT I did them with out realizing what I was doing. I was

    just being me and those steps took their own coarse of action. I have built attraction. That is easy. A women sees

    you, and you see them, and there is an attraction. That occurs, for the most pat, mostly naturally. There are other

    things you can do? What are they specifically?

    Then when I get to step 2. It seems she becomes dis-interested. I

    notice this because this is when I manually, consciously do it. If I stay on step one, she never changes....but

    neither does the situation. What am I doing wrong? Can anyone tell me what-up?


    willing to bet you that YOUR step 2 shows you're from WUSSville, which is probably your problem!


    you are still playing games my friend, but I think you're beginning to see that, eh? You should also start

    seeing that it's beginning to seem worth it, too! Or, just do without the company of a feline.

    Annnnd, hitting vs seduction is just step 1, then step 2, no? T'would be in my book. Anyone ever

    seduce someone without hitting on them?
    Last edited by MOBLEYC57; 03-22-2006 at 01:14 PM.
    Never argue with ignorant people! They pull you down to THEIR level, and then they BEAT YOU with experience. Who said that!? I don't know, but tis gold I tell'ya!!

  14. #14
    Phero Enthusiast phersurf's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by happyman
    Here is the only

    problem. I HAVE done those steps with a women before. Several times. BUT I did them with out realizing what I was

    doing. I was just being me and those steps took their own coarse of action. I have built attraction. That is easy. A

    women sees you, and you see them, and there is an attraction. That occurs, for the most pat, mostly naturally.

    I'm not sure you really understand creating attraction.

    She may see you and be

    attracted to you physically, but if you act like a needy, wussy, suplicating guy, you'll kill any attraction you

    had. Woman are intitially attracted by looks (but to nowhere near the extent as men), but if don't demonstrate the

    right behaviors, your done.

    Even if you have GQ looks but act like a wussy, you may get a one night stand,

    but any hopes of anything more is out of the question.

    If you act like she's the catch and your honored that

    she's just is showing you attention, your done.

    Attraction is created by demostrating that you're the

    catch, that you have higher status than she does, that you're not affected by her beauty, and you can handle her

    shit tests.

    There's a famous PUA goes by the name David X that is a 55 year old, overweight, gruff talking,

    construction worker that scores more hot women (short term and long term) than most 25 year old guys could ever hope

    to. I've seen him appraoch a group of women and they actually have a look of disgust on their faces. An hour later

    he is either making out with one of them or leaving with one of them.

  15. #15
    Bodhi Satva CptKipling's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MOBLEYC57
    I'm willing

    to be you that YOUR step 2 shows you're from WUSSville, which is probably your problem!

    And, you are

    still playing games my friend, but I think you're beginning to see that, eh?
    lol yeah and


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  16. #16
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    Wussy? Wussy? Wussy?


    they hell can you judge me when you have never met me? I could be a 6 foot biker, alpha male that takes no


    I am not really the aformentioned but I can ASSURE you all I was never a wussy or Too Needy. I am

    as independent as they come brothers and sisters. I am in Los Angeles California and do not know a sould here in

    town except for one person I am interning with. I moved out here all by my-self from across the country. Just came

    from going to school in Arizona, by myself,. Intitially I moved from myself! Let me put it this way, my

    last girlfirend decided she wanted to see other guys. I tried to talk her out of that in ONE phone call that she

    made to me. I loved the girl. Couldn't sleep at night thinking about her at times....but guess what, I let her call

    me. I NEVER ran back to her, and even turned the tables by playing hard to get till she came back to me fully over

    six long months of time.

    There are some answers for you. I am not needy, or a wussy. Never have been. Anyone

    who knows me would tell you the opposite.

    My only problem was rolling along after step one and how. Moby

    Dick or who-ever you are I can assure I can count. I had a problem getting to another level at times. "Wussy this,

    Wussy that". What we are here for? To resolve and help the next person out? What sort of message board is this?

    from: "not-real Happy" at the moment

  17. #17
    Moderator belgareth's Avatar
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    Lighten up, Happyman. He meant

    nothing by it. Fact is, if you say anything on a public forum you'd better be ready for a whole range of replies.

    And the majority of them, if not all of them, will be dead wrong. Take what you think is worthwhile out of it and

    ignore the rest. Starting a pissing contest isn't going to accomplish anything.
    To compel a man to subsidize with his taxes the propagation of ideas which he disbelieves and abhors is sinful and tyrannical.

    Thomas Jefferson

  18. #18
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    Red face

    Quote Originally Posted by belgareth
    Lighten up,

    Happyman. He meant nothing by it. Fact is, if you say anything on a public forum you'd better be ready for a

    whole range of replies. And the majority of them, if not all of them, will be dead wrong. Take what you think is

    worthwhile out of it and ignore the rest. Starting a pissing contest isn't going to accomplish anything.

    Thanks, Bel! Right again!

    I meant nothing by it, HM. No, I don't know you, but from this post and

    another post you posted ... don't play games, it's not worth it" or something like that, I FIGURED (right or

    wrong) you ARE having female issues, as we all do in some area or another. I just bet it's you.

    It's a great

    accomplishment that you've done everything by yourself, that's definitely something to be proud of ... I stay with

    my mom!

    Step 2 is probably you're in such a hurry to conquer, and trust me, that shows in your

    actions and words to any woman. You'll find that the only women that say they think you/she/we need to see other

    people are bored/fed up. Annnnd, you said yourself ... you took her back after PLAYING hard to get, yes?

    Tis an ugly thing being in love by yourself.

    Sorry I rattled your feathers ... seriously.
    Never argue with ignorant people! They pull you down to THEIR level, and then they BEAT YOU with experience. Who said that!? I don't know, but tis gold I tell'ya!!

  19. #19
    Kodachrome Forever! Gegogi's Avatar
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    I'm just saying that in

    the past (mine included) everytime some guy says, "I seem to be building attraction, yet I can't get anywhere",

    their idea of building attraction is complimenting her on her beauty, asking her out in a way that telegraphs lower

    status ("you wouldn't want to go out with me sometime, would you?" I shudder just writting those words), asking for

    her phone number in the same wussy way, even approaching her incorrectly.
    Funny you should mention these

    things as women do them as well, although not nearly as much as men. My last two GFs, both attractive and smart,

    sang that same tune. Although it certainly stroked my ego and gave me a brief illusion of power, I appreciated them

    for the vulnerable position they put themselves in to get my attention. I really didn't think of them as wussies.

    Instead, they were extremely brave to take the initiative and assume the risk of getting shot down.

    Roles are

    changing and women are very different than they were 25 years ago. With more women in college than men, especially

    grad school, they'll be assuming positions of power in industry, art and politics, positions men won't be

    qualified for. Women's social and sexual roles will surely follow suit and are already going that direction.
    "I'm just a dirty hornytoad" -Gegogi

  20. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by MOBLEYC57
    Thanks, Bel!

    Right again!

    I meant nothing by it, HM. No, I don't know you, but from this post and another post

    you posted ... don't play games, it's not worth it" or something like that, I FIGURED (right or wrong) you ARE

    having female issues, as we all do in some area or another. I just bet it's you.

    It's a great

    accomplishment that you've done everything by yourself, that's definitely something to be proud of ... I stay with

    my mom!

    Step 2 is probably you're in such a hurry to conquer, and trust me, that shows in your

    actions and words to any woman. You'll find that the only women that say they think you/she/we need to see other

    people are bored/fed up. Annnnd, you said yourself ... you took her back after PLAYING hard to get, yes?

    Tis an ugly thing being in love by yourself.

    Sorry I rattled your feathers ...

    __________________________________________________ ____________

    Ok it's cool.

    I didn't want to be a pee-on is all. Who you live with doesn't make you a wussy bro. It is how you handle life and

    it's hurdles that truly makes a man a man. Not physical stregnth....but inner, and the ability to cope and deal

    with life. That is being a man. Not saying you haven't done that, or anything just re-affirming what it seems like

    we BOTH know by now.


    Ok she never said she Loved me until she ran back to me full steam. It

    was the first night we got back together. She was stubborn, and so was I so it took a while. Anyway, that was a

    while ago. She always played alot of games that were kinda silly. I got tired of it. So I played a bigger game and

    acted as if I was truly involved with someone eles after we had an arguement. Wouldn't even return her calls after

    she tried to contact me a few times. She found another dude, and got married before I knew it and I really wasn't

    even totally digging who I was starting to see but was doing it for spite. So this is kinda why I feel games get you

    no-where. At the time I was flustered over it. After a short while I knew we were never really gonna make it anyway.

    lol Now, I have no ill will to her. Seen her a few times and I had no feelings for her. It wasn't a surprise to me.

    I knew the way I felt anyhow. It was past. She KNEW it and even tried to act flirty. I looked at her dead in the

    eyes and laughed cause I couldn't believe she would still try and play the role. Geez.



    all good. Keep the posts rolling in the future.

    "Happy Again"

  21. #21
    Bodhi Satva CptKipling's Avatar
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    And I was referring to the

    second line of what I quoted of Mobes.

    Like I was implying, I still don't think you entirely "get it". Take

    that as you will, I'm not trying to be hurtful (neither was Mobes) I'm just calling it as I read it.

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  22. #22
    Carpal Tunnel Whitehall's Avatar
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    Default The difference is moral


    seduces a woman when you have no moral OK to have sex with her yet to try to manipulate her feelings clandestinely

    to do what she really ought not do.

    When you "hit" on a woman, she knows what your intents are and can make

    an informed decision about her response.

    Answer: don't seduce; act like a man and they will be hitting on

    you or waiting for you to hit on them.

    Having them wait is not a bad thing. It adds sexual


    If she's not buying your mojo, move on.

  23. #23
    Phero Enthusiast phersurf's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Whitehall
    One seduces a

    woman when you have no moral OK to have sex with her yet to try to manipulate her feelings clandestinely to do what

    she really ought not do.

    When you "hit" on a woman, she knows what your intents are and can make an informed

    decision about her response.

    Answer: don't seduce; act like a man and they will be hitting on you or waiting

    for you to hit on them.

    Having them wait is not a bad thing. It adds sexual tension.

    If she's not

    buying your mojo, move on.
    I disagree!

    Seduction itself is outside of morality. It's just the

    process of trying to meet, attract, and yes, bed women. The mechanism you use to accomplish the seduction is where

    the morality comes in.

    During my seduction, if I try to get a woman to do things she does not want, or take

    advantage of her being intoxicated, then I would be imoral.

    But if I seduce her with confidence combined

    with techniques (cocky-funny, negs, kino, etc) that cause her to become attracted to me to the point I am able to

    sleep with her, where's the imorality?

  24. #24
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    Quote Originally Posted by phersurf

    But if I

    seduce her with confidence combined with techniques (cocky-funny, negs, kino, etc) that cause her to become

    attracted to me to the point I am able to sleep with her, where's the imorality?


    Dave. If you and I and 6 other guys are cocky-funny, use some neg hits and kino and exude much confidence to the

    same gal, we will all be able to get that girl's panties off?

  25. #25
    Kodachrome Forever! Gegogi's Avatar
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    But if I seduce her with

    confidence combined with techniques (cocky-funny, negs, kino, etc) that cause her to become attracted to me to the

    point I am able to sleep with her, where's the imorality?
    Seduction involves using irresistible charms

    to draw a woman away from her choosen path, be it chastity, studying for a final, fidelity to her husband/BF or

    religious-moral principles. Herein lies the immorality for some. Personally I see this as a gray area and the

    immorality is hidden in the details. There is a difference between seducing a married woman, especially if she puts

    up resistance, or willing and attracted single woman. Shamefully I've seduced my share of born-again Christians and

    married women and, although they were initially resistant, I was able to draw them out and put them through a lot of

    heartache later.
    "I'm just a dirty hornytoad" -Gegogi

  26. #26
    Phero Enthusiast phersurf's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by tounge
    So Dave. If you

    and I and 6 other guys are cocky-funny, use some neg hits and kino and exude much confidence to the same gal, we

    will all be able to get that girl's panties off?

    Obviously, no!

    First of all I was

    only trying to make a point that seduction itself is not imoral. Saying that seduction is imoral is like saying

    getting rich is imoral. There are moral and imoral ways to get rich, just like there's moral and imoral ways (and

    people) to seduce.

    And of course, no matter how good someone is, this stuff isn't magic. It just increases

    your chances. So if getting phone numbers is your goal, instead of getting maybe 1 out of 10, maybe you can increase

    it to 3 out of 10.

    But I can tell you without doubt that I can show you 6 guys of average to slightly better

    than average looks, well groomed, with decent jobs that will do consistantly better than 6 good looking guys with no


  27. #27
    Bodhi Satva CptKipling's Avatar
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    "enticing someone astray from right behavior"

    but that's just semantics

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  28. #28
    Phero Enthusiast phersurf's Avatar
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    Other highlights:

    To win

    over; attract

  29. #29
    Bodhi Satva CptKipling's Avatar
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    Yeah I know, but the word

    "seduce" DOES have subversive connotations.

    Information about pheromones: Pheromone Information Library

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  3. The Difference Between APC/m and APC/w
    By dogsbutt in forum Pheromone Discussion
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    Last Post: 08-09-2003, 01:28 PM
  4. The difference between Friendliness and Flirting
    By bsxs in forum Pheromone Discussion
    Replies: 22
    Last Post: 02-26-2003, 06:29 AM
  5. How to hit on a girl without hitting on her.=)
    By **DONOTDELETE** in forum Archives 2
    Replies: 8
    Last Post: 08-16-2001, 03:42 PM


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