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    Default How can you tell what women are out to be picked up or available?

    I always frequent a coffee shop. Sometimes I will see a chic, alot of the times pretty

    good looking just there by herself. They usually are not there very long, say like 45 minutes it seems.
    I think,

    hmmm. Wow. Good looking, nobody around, are they here to be hit on or to meet a guy? It is hard to tell. Some sit

    out of the way in a corner in which it is kinda harder to say hi to or go over to. I saw one real nice looking

    women. About 26. She was all into this book. She sat with her back to the crowd. Not looking any other way or

    turning her head ever. I thought I may of seen a ring. I thought....ahhh figures. Then this dude comes in,

    introduces himself, like a friggin pro, plops a seat right in her face. He was so confident it was almost over

    bearing to her. But in three minutes he asked her to join him and his friends for a drink. She agreed (I got a

    closer look when she was leaving. It was just a gold charm ring=no wedding ring). He went out to tell his friends

    that were out side on the patio. Came back in in 4 or 5 minutes and asked her if she was ready. She sighed and said

    as she was leaving "this is crazy". I was woed. She gave no indication she wanted to be picked up. No suddle clues,

    she was so into her novel and sat with her back to the entire shop. I thought....naw, she is NOT here to meet

    someone. When he took her out of there in three friggin minutes I was like...hmmmm how do you know?

    I seen

    another good looking women there the next night that totally stayed to herself as well. In the corner. I thought.

    Hmmm maybe I should just go over to her like the dude did to that chic the other night. She left while I was still

    lookin for a clue of her availability and if she was open to conversation. Is there a 9 out of 10 chance that if

    they are there alone they are there to be picked up. Is there no way of knowing?

    I know the norm:you just

    gotta give it a shot and the "how will you know if you don't try". But I just want to know what are the odds? Is

    there a connection with a women being by herself at a coffee shop to looking to meet a dude or is it all in the

    situation? Is there any probability or do women just go to get away or to relax.

    What's the deal? Getting

    some insight (especially from a women) would be helpful. You see it is a small coffee shop. If I do go over and it

    doesn't go good I suppose I'd either have to go back to my seat and pretend it was nothing or something. Also some

    folks would see this who know me just by seeing me there. I'd look kinda silly if I did this often. Even though the

    more times you try the better your odds. So I kinda am not sure on how to go about it and I want to make it a good

    selection if I do choose to pull a move like the dude did the other night with that chic. It would help if I knew

    how much women generally go out to be picked up and where. How do you know? Is there any way to guage?Like the one was no body language signs or anything but the dude swooped her out of there?

    Any tips, input,

    or advice?

    Last edited by happyman; 03-04-2006 at 02:15 AM. Reason: I added something

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