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  1. #1
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    Default Pheromones for shorter guys

    I've read a couple different posts that have suggested more none for short people. I know so much is

    based on the person, product, etc. but is there a general rule that shorter people should use more none? I'm 5'7"

    (barely, lol), 25 y/o. If you're near my height please let me know if you agree/disagree and what you find

    effective. Have a great day.

  2. #2
    Stranger Australias Hitch's Avatar
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    Mate im 5'10 and I use

    Chikara (two sprays).

    Just go after shorter chicks dude,

  3. #3
    Moderator belgareth's Avatar
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    I'm 5' 8". Height makes

    little difference unless you are so big as to be intimidating. Get the free samples and try it out to see what works

    for you personally.
    To compel a man to subsidize with his taxes the propagation of ideas which he disbelieves and abhors is sinful and tyrannical.

    Thomas Jefferson

  4. #4
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    5'10" is way different from

    barely 5'7" lol. Bel, so your saying that in general, there isn't a specific mone shorter people should use more


  5. #5
    Kodachrome Forever! Gegogi's Avatar
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    Sheesh, I'm the same height as

    Belgareth! At 5' 8" I've never considered myself short but I mainly live among other Asians. LOL Asian women often

    consider me tall! Like Belgareth said, you just have to experiment to find the best combo for your persona and body

    chemistry. SOE is a good place to start for most guys.
    "I'm just a dirty hornytoad" -Gegogi

  6. #6
    Doctor of Scentology DrSmellThis's Avatar
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    a314, which is mainly -rone,

    might help enhance one's "stature."
    DrSmellThis (creator of P H E R O S)

  7. #7
    Moderator belgareth's Avatar
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    I don't consider myself short

    either. Never really even thought about it or worried if a woman was taller than me. It's never affected me in any

    way that I've noticed so I don't worry about it. It could be that my tastes run to small petite women though.

    In another thread somebody commented that studies show women prefer men taller than them. Other studies show that

    taller men are thought to be more successful. Those are generalizations. My younger brother looks enough like me

    that friends have mistaken us for one another in the past, until we stand up. He's about 6' 1". Over the years

    I've had more and better looking lovers and am more successful in business. That's because of attitudes, we see

    and respond to the world differently. Even as children the differences in how the world responded to our attitudes

    was obvious and only became more pronounced over the years. There are a lot of fun stories about that.

    In other

    words, height may be a small part of the whole thing, same with mones or your haircut or your clothes. The whole

    package is what's going to make you a winner, don't focus on height as a big issue.
    To compel a man to subsidize with his taxes the propagation of ideas which he disbelieves and abhors is sinful and tyrannical.

    Thomas Jefferson

  8. #8
    Phero Pharaoh a.k.a.'s Avatar
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    Hah! I’m also 5’8”. I think that’s

    one reason I slip under women’s radar without pheromones.
    Androstenone is surely the best way to get noticed,

    but that’s not always a good thing. Especially if you wear too much and come off as intimidating. (Yes, even short

    guys can appear intimidating.)
    I agree with the above posts in the sense that standing out in a crowd isn’t

    a necessary ingredient for improving relationships and social standing. When it comes to getting laid, I haven’t

    found anything which works on as many women as SOE — and it has no None whatsoever.
    But I do enjoy the attention

    that None gives me. So I’d say just go with whatever suits your personality
    Give truth a chance.

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by belgareth
    I don't consider

    myself short either. Never really even thought about it or worried if a woman was taller than me. It's never

    affected me in any way that I've noticed so I don't worry about it. It could be that my tastes run to small petite

    women though.

    In another thread somebody commented that studies show women prefer men taller than

    . Other studies show that taller men are thought to be more successful. Those are generalizations. My

    younger brother looks enough like me that friends have mistaken us for one another in the past, until we stand up.

    He's about 6' 1". Over the years I've had more and better looking lovers and am more successful in business.

    That's because of attitudes, we see and respond to the world differently. Even as children the differences in how

    the world responded to our attitudes was obvious and only became more pronounced over the years. There are a lot of

    fun stories about that.

    In other words, height may be a small part of the whole thing, same with mones or your

    haircut or your clothes. The whole package is what's going to make you a winner, don't focus on height as a big

    i'm 5'2 1/2 & still waiting on that 1 woman I can meet eye to eye with only problem is the

    circus hasnt been my way in a long while
    its better to fart & stink a little than to bust your ass & become a cripple

  10. #10
    Moderator belgareth's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mick
    i'm 5'2 1/2 &

    still waiting on that 1 woman I can meet eye to eye with only problem is the circus hasnt been my way in a long

    My wife claims she's 5' tall but I think she's exagerating by about half an inch. Her

    younger sister, a lovely young woman, is just a hair shorter. I think average for women is about 5' 5". As you go

    either direction from that they get fewer and further between. That doesn't mean they aren't out there, you just

    have to look for them.
    To compel a man to subsidize with his taxes the propagation of ideas which he disbelieves and abhors is sinful and tyrannical.

    Thomas Jefferson

  11. #11
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    I'm 5'3" and i have dated many

    women, as tall as 5'8". But i think a.k.a has a point though. Whenever i wear none i get very strong hits from

    women (especially more mature women - over 25+) more than when not wearing it. You can definantly go overboard with

    the none and intimidate taller women though if you wear too much of it.

  12. #12
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    Interesting stuff. It's also

    pretty cool to read responses to my thread from people's whose profile I have read so many posts from. lol, I can

    be a big dork sometimes.
    Gegogi, yeah it's a cultural thing, based on you and who your trying to attract, I think

    in US, average male height is 5'9" or 5'10".
    I've had girls I've dated and even been kind of serious with for a

    while that have told me that they don't like that I am short and it was kinda a big deal for them. But I'm 25 so

    it may be that the girls were not mature enough to look beyond that. It is proven in studies that girls like guys

    as tall as them or taller than them. Bel, it might have been one my recent posts that you read that in. I also

    meant on average, but your post really makes me remember that other things are very important. Attitude plays such

    a big role in so many areas of life.
    I guess I pass by taller girls because they like their height or taller and

    they pass on me. I guess I tend to do so for sake of saving time and increasing my chances. How many couples do

    you see where the guy is shorter than the girl? I live in NYC and see a lot of people, today, I would say it was

    about 1 out of 30 couples.
    DrSmellThis and others, I'm a little unsure about A314, LeSillage seemed to be a promoter for AA314 and read a lot of info he/she wrote and a

    lot of the pros here seem to use it but I noticed that he/she is banned. I guess I've read a couple people who

    like it and have that "bond effect" but that may be something that LeSillage planted. Should I listen to banned users? Any other ideas? I'm getting the sense by the

    varied answers that there isn't something that, in general, shorter people should wear. Thanks for your responses.

  13. #13
    Moderator belgareth's Avatar
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    Average height varies wherever

    you go and in history. I think in the US it's about 5' 9".

    You limit your chances when you pass up trying with

    somebody for some arbitrary reason, not increase it. You just never know who will respond to you until you try. If

    it doesn't work ou you just move on. Nothing ventured, nothing gained. The most obvious couple in my experince was

    my older sister and her husband. She's 5' 9" and blond, he was 5' 5" and Japanese. Did I mention that I'm the

    shortest out of a large family? All my sisters were taller than me! I used to get hand me downs from my

    younger brother. Forget height, it's only as important as you make it.
    To compel a man to subsidize with his taxes the propagation of ideas which he disbelieves and abhors is sinful and tyrannical.

    Thomas Jefferson

  14. #14
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    Can't find them offhand, but I

    do remember reading posts in which Chikara wearers claimed that wearing Chikara made women perceive them to be

    taller than they actually were.

    I'm 43 and only 5-8. In high school I was significantly taller than the

    average female classmate. However, it does seem that younger women are significantly taller these days.


    American Idol, the height of the young female singers seems to really annoy Ryan Seacrest!

  15. #15
    Kodachrome Forever! Gegogi's Avatar
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    i'm 5'2 1/2 & still

    waiting on that 1 woman I can meet eye to eye with only problem is the circus hasnt been my way in a long

    On Oahu it's challenging to find a woman over 5' 2". The Filipinas are often much shorter. 4'

    10" is pretty standard n Waipahu. At 5' 8" I tower over about 75% of my students and can see across large crowds.
    "I'm just a dirty hornytoad" -Gegogi

  16. #16
    Phero Dude DCW's Avatar
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    I didn't realise how short I was

    until I moved TX.
    Boy am I short 5 8'.


  17. #17
    Moderator Mtnjim's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by SyraBrian
    However, it does

    seem that younger women are significantly taller these days.
    It's the hormones they put into food these

    days. They make the steers grow faster and give girls boobs at 9.
    Freedom begins when you tell Mrs. Grundy to go fly a kite.
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  18. #18
    Phero Dude DCW's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mtnjim
    It's the hormones they

    put into food these days. They make the steers grow faster and give girls boobs at 9.
    I agree my son

    at 15yrs old is about 6'1.
    Kids are developing faster because of diet, another good case for eating organic



  19. #19
    Moderator belgareth's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DCW
    I didn't realise

    how short I was until I moved TX.
    Boy am I short 5 8'.

    I figured it out when, as a freshman in

    high school, I walked into the gym to try out for football. Looked around at all these towering monsters and thought

    "No frippin way am I going to allow these monsters to run over me!" Turned around and walked away, proving once

    again my preference of living as a chicken over dying a hero.
    To compel a man to subsidize with his taxes the propagation of ideas which he disbelieves and abhors is sinful and tyrannical.

    Thomas Jefferson

  20. #20
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    I played football in high

    school and I was the second shortest on the team. I'm 5'6... I really hate being this short. Going to Asia is

    great though, then I'm average height there. I read 2 different stats that the average height was 5'8 and another

    thing said 5'9 in the US, I feel it's more like 5'9 or 5'10 from living here in Michigan. Anyways, I think you

    should be targeting your mones for age group. For instance, DD#1 works great for college girls. JB#1 makes my

    teachers eye me. Just my 2 cents.
    Last edited by Chicago23; 03-01-2006 at 11:14 AM. Reason: typo

  21. #21
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    Hello. Thanks for the

    On Oahu it's challenging to find a woman over 5' 2". The Filipinas are often much shorter.

    4' 10" is pretty standard n Waipahu. At 5' 8" I tower over about 75% of my students and can see across large

    That's interesting Gegogi. It's like that there, average like 5'9" in US, and I hear in a

    small country in Europe or Africa (I forgot which) the average height is like 6'2"!!
    You limit your

    chances when you pass up trying with somebody for some arbitrary reason, not increase it. You just never know who

    will respond to you until you try. If it doesn't work ou you just move on.
    I agree with you and

    CptKipling (from another post) to a degree that you shouldn't limit. Obviously, if I get signals/talk from a taller

    girl then I go for it. But I still stand by passing when I don't. Again, I said I pass because they tend to go for

    their height or taller and they pass on me. I tend to do so for sake of saving time and increasing my chances. If

    you have the choice of driving 1-5 miles to work or walking, do you walk cause it could be that one time out x that

    there is a huge traffic jam and walking would get you there in the same time or faster? I bet you drive and PASS on

    walking. It's exactly like this situation with girls. I can't/don't have the time to talk and/or date every girl

    I see and/or interact with.
    Nothing ventured, nothing gained
    True. But something lost. You lose

    time, and a lot of other things. You also are in a situation where you are probably more likely to be rejected. So

    that doesn't make too much sense and not everyone can easily move on without it affecting them a little.

    The most obvious couple in my experince was my older sister and her husband. She's 5' 9" and blond, he

    was 5' 5" and Japanese. Forget height, it's only as important as you make it.
    Yeah Bel, there are

    exceptions to every rule. But how many couples do you see where the guy is shorter than the girl? I've not only

    experienced this, it's proven in studies. You can see this for yourself if you don't believe this if you take

    notice and count on an average day.

    I used to get hand me downs from my younger brother.

    lol. No offense, but can I have your permission to use that as a joke? lol. Although I don't have a

    younger brother. Any other good ones ?

    Anyways, I think you should be targeting your mones for age

    True. But just seeing if their is something in general recommended for shorter guys.



  22. #22
    Kodachrome Forever! Gegogi's Avatar
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    ...there are exceptions to

    every rule. But how many couples do you see where the guy is shorter than the girl? I've not only experienced this,

    it's proven in studies. You can see this for yourself if you don't believe this if you take notice and count on an

    average day.
    Here in Honolulu, I see couples all the time where the guy is shorter. There is a shortage

    (sorry) of tall guys so women make-do.
    "I'm just a dirty hornytoad" -Gegogi

  23. #23
    Phero Dude
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    As a short guy,I feel

    particularly well suited to step up and comment on this.(Im 5'6")Short guys are just gonna have trouble with

    women.In a world of taller men,us short guys just have to be better at playing the game than the rest.Over time,I

    learned that much of the percieved disadvantage of being short can be overcome with personality,wit,charm and a good

    dose of humor.Add alittle boldness and a willingness to fall on your face a few times and you should be able to cope

    just fine.Yes,you have to work harder than other men...but that doesnt mean you cant be successful.

    Statisticly,short guys have less success with women than tall guys...but is that a result of being short or a

    result of how we see ourselves? I am largely of the oppinion that its all about self perception.If your confident

    and secure and have a good grip on scocial interactions,you will be okay.But be careful not to

    over-compensate.Napoleon did that and plunged Europe into war...Seriously.And in addition to having overcompensated

    myself,I have seen other short guys do that and its realy pathetic...Being confident and secure is the key.
    "The wages of sin is death.But after taxes it's just sort of a tired feeling realy." -Ellen DeGeneres

  24. #24
    Moderator belgareth's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by alanrudy

    Thanks for the responses.

    That's interesting Gegogi. It's like that there, average like 5'9" in US, and

    I hear in a small country in Europe or Africa (I forgot which) the average height is like 6'2"!!
    I think

    its one of the scandanavian countries
    Quote Originally Posted by alanrudy

    I agree with

    you and CptKipling (from another post) to a degree that you shouldn't limit. Obviously, if I get signals/talk from

    a taller girl then I go for it. But I still stand by passing when I don't. Again, I said I pass because they tend

    to go for their height or taller and they pass on me. I tend to do so for sake of saving time and increasing my

    chances. If you have the choice of driving 1-5 miles to work or walking, do you walk cause it could be that one time

    out x that there is a huge traffic jam and walking would get you there in the same time or faster? I bet you drive

    and PASS on walking. It's exactly like this situation with girls. I can't/don't have the time to talk and/or date

    every girl I see and/or interact with.

    True. But something lost. You lose time, and a lot of other things. You

    also are in a situation where you are probably more likely to be rejected. So that doesn't make too much sense and

    not everyone can easily move on without it affecting them a little.
    Right idea, wrong viewpoint


    use your example, I'd probably walk because it's a nice day and I enjoy the feeling of the breeze in my face. If I

    had driven I wouldn't have seen the pretty girl in the tight shorts, wouldn't have laughed at the little kid

    playing with the dog and wouldn't have smelled the fresh rolls in the bakery along my way.

    From my perspective

    as an older person, I don't have the time to not take advantage of every enjoy life and all it has

    to offer. So I talk to almost anybody at almost any time. It costs me nothing but a breath to speak in a friendly

    manner to people and the return is tremendous, they enrich my life. It's like in sales. The more times you offer

    your wares, the greater the odds of selling your product. Even an absolute moron will get lucky sometimes. In the

    meantime, my life gets enriched by interacting with as many people as possible.

    Quote Originally Posted by alanrudy
    Yeah Bel,

    there are exceptions to every rule. But how many couples do you see where the guy is shorter than the girl? I've

    not only experienced this, it's proven in studies. You can see this for yourself if you don't believe this if you

    take notice and count on an average day.
    There are exceptions to every rule, except the rule that says

    there are exceptions to every rule

    Ok, I'm going to count couples. Why bother? I already know it's

    true. I also know that studies show more than 85% of small businesses fail but I started one anyway. I ignored that

    study too because I BELIEVED I could beat the odds. It isn't about what I call wild flailing in the dark, its about

    careful, methodical approaches to every aspect of life.

    Let's try looking at it another way. A small percentage

    of women are 6' tall or taller, the same applies to men although not to the same degree. So a 6' woman wants a man

    to be taller than her, she has a much smaller pool to choose from, doesn't she? Of those x% are doofs, x% are fat,

    x% don't shower often and x% are downright unattractive. Perhaps this lady would like a kind, intelligent and

    decent man but has never met one who's taller than herself. I'm not telling you to hit on every tall woman you

    meet but I am telling you that you reduce the probability of meeting women by reducing your field of opportunity by

    who you'll talk to. The more women you know, the better your odds of getting laid or having a

    Quote Originally Posted by alanrudy
    lol. No offense, but can I have your permission to use that as a joke? lol.

    Although I don't have a younger brother. Any other good ones ?
    Certainly. Once I got a little older I

    laughed about it a lot too. There are a lot of funny stories that go along with that. Being the runt has huge

    potential for fun.
    Quote Originally Posted by alanrudy
    True. But just seeing if their is something in general recommended for shorter


    Take care.
    I don't think there is a particular mone for shorter people. As has been said so

    many times on this forum, it's the whole package. Your personality, your natural mone signature, how you dress, how

    you carry yourself, your clothes and your lifestyle. Mones are tied to all those things and the only way to find out

    what works is through experimenting.
    To compel a man to subsidize with his taxes the propagation of ideas which he disbelieves and abhors is sinful and tyrannical.

    Thomas Jefferson

  25. #25
    Phero Pharaoh a.k.a.'s Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mick
    i'm 5'2 1/2
    That makes you 1/2 inch taller than Prince. And he used to make girls cream their panties just by

    looking in their general vicinity.
    Give truth a chance.

  26. #26
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    Hey Everyone, thanks for

    I don't think there is a particular mone for shorter people.
    Yeah, that's

    what I'm figuring out, just wanted to see what info I could get from the aspect of height. Thanks.

    Honestly, I

    can't argue with a lot of what you said but still feel I have my points. That's a good attitude to have for

    But, as for the walking or driving example,
    To use your example, I'd probably walk because

    it's a nice day and I enjoy the feeling of the breeze in my face.
    So would I. It's also of the best

    exercises you can do. But you proved my point drive, I drive, almost everyone drives 5 miles to work

    and PASS on walking. That's the point I was trying to make. It's a way to save time and increase chances. I find

    it hard to believe that you or other people try to talk/date to every girl you may be interested in and I think you

    and most people try to talk to/date girls who we have increased chances with (height one of the factors).

    do have an excellent point. And it's one of the problems with some of thse studies, but the studies do provide good

    information and I think that even when confidence and secure is controlled for in these studies, the results are the


    All this being said. You guys did help me keep into perspective the importance of attitude and other

    factors. I have a feeling that no matter how important people say attitude is, it's probably 10 times as important

    as that.

  27. #27
    Moderator belgareth's Avatar
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    Your right in a respect and do

    have some good points. Since I'm married I'm not hitting on anybody but, when I was in that position, I didn't

    select anybody to talk to. Instead, I talked to everybody and watched for signs of interest.

    Perhaps the social

    environment is different because I am working from a position as a professional and am never in bars or clubs. All

    my interactions were either related to my work or my social activities outside of pick up spots. So, in a social

    environment I walk instead of drive because it gives me more opportunities to see and interact with more people.

    Then I smile, laugh and have fun with everybody. If I saw signs of interest I could pursue it if I decided too. It

    changes the dynamics quite a lot.
    To compel a man to subsidize with his taxes the propagation of ideas which he disbelieves and abhors is sinful and tyrannical.

    Thomas Jefferson

  28. #28
    King of the coupons!
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    Red face

    Quote Originally Posted by a.k.a.
    That makes you 1/2

    inch taller than Prince. And he used to make girls cream their panties just by looking in their general

    Money and fame has always made panties damp!
    Never argue with ignorant people! They pull you down to THEIR level, and then they BEAT YOU with experience. Who said that!? I don't know, but tis gold I tell'ya!!

  29. #29
    Phero Pharaoh a.k.a.'s Avatar
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    Sure. But he got rich and famous by

    singing about sex and doing nasty things onstage.
    I've read that his act was verry popular from the


    Anyway. I think short guys can get away with being more sexual, because we're less threatening.
    Give truth a chance.

  30. #30
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    Quote Originally Posted by MOBLEYC57
    Money and fame has

    always made panties damp!
    I dont have either maybe the priesthood?
    its better to fart & stink a little than to bust your ass & become a cripple

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