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  1. #1
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    Default SOE report, revised edition


    post alert*

    Since it appears that the women here aren't unicorns like I previously thought, I might as well

    start posting in the women's forum rather than men's. But I do hope men will read and give input here as


    So I mentioned in my older postings that SOE did nothing for me.

    After educating myself a little I

    changed my mind. See, I was expecting people to drop like flies, but the lesson I learned is that it's quite a

    subtle process. Pheros don't equal DHIL or instant hypnosis. It's so subtle you don't even notice the effects

    until you think about it later.

    The first time I wore SOE/w I used about 10" at a speaker workshop. I didn't see

    any bursts of intense friendliness so I considered it a failure. My friend purposely sat at another end of the room

    and people near me weren't rushing to speak to me. I was extremely disappointed back then but looking back now I

    realize it wasn't a failure. It was my own down attitude that I projected on other people.

    With my newfound

    wisdom I'm revising it as a semi-success. Here's why: Later at the same workshop I conversed with strangers easier

    than I usually do. My newly-formed workshop team lingered and chatted longer than all the other workshop teams, and

    for once I connected with the members which doesn't happen that often. At these events I usually feel like the

    outsider while others bond, but this time I was more at the center than usual.

    When we exchanged emails for

    future workshopping sessions, as I was writing my email one guy told me we should all put down our numbers as well.

    At the time I thought he was being practical, but I'm starting to wonder if it's the subtle pheros effect. I have

    to admit I was a little more talkative than usual, so it could be that as well. But I never attributed any of these

    incidents to the pheros as they were so subtle I didn't even think twice about it. I just thought I lucked out with

    a laid back team, or that people were responding to my friendliness. I thought if the pheros worked, then these

    people would've fawned all over me in an obvious way. That didn't happen.

    This incident was about two weeks

    back, but I'm re-evaluating it as a pheros success now. That doesn't explain why my friend went to the opposite

    end of the room, but I'm not really complaining. I'm still not entirely convinced it was 100% success and intend

    to try out the pheros more, but I'm thinking there may be something to this. I suppose success is how you look at

    it, no? That's the strangest part. You don't know if you did the work or the pheros did.

    After that I didn't

    use SOE again until yesterday, half a gel pack this time. Nothing happened, but then again I didn't put out any

    effort to talk to others. This solidifies the idea that pheros magnify what you put out. Be friendly,and you'll

    have success. Be down, and you'll only feel more down.

    Pheromones are weird. I'm still trying to get the hang

    of it, but it's so much different than I expected. I will definitely up my usage frequency instead of beign so

    sporadic, so I can get the feel for what works. It's not like I have a choice anyway when I dropped all this dough

    on these magic potions

  2. #2
    Kodachrome Forever! Gegogi's Avatar
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    This solidifies the idea

    that pheros magnify what you put out. Be friendly,and you'll have success. Be down, and you'll only feel more

    It works that way for me. I hide during the rare times I feel depressed. Wait until you get angry

    on pheromones. It's very cool. Peoples, pets and wild animals flee. Project sensuality while on pheromones and your

    partner will come unglued.
    "I'm just a dirty hornytoad" -Gegogi

  3. #3
    Phero Enthusiast silksand's Avatar
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    Excellent insights! Also

    remember that pheromones will have most impact on people who are not already familiar with you. For people who

    haven't interacted closely with you before, 'mones will help shape their first impression of you. Friends and

    those close to you have already formed that impression and will be somewhat resistant to changing it, although it

    can shift a bit over time, especially as they see your interactional style evolving. As you bloom, they may find

    themselves more relaxed or stimulated in your presence.

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by silksand

    insights! Also remember that pheromones will have most impact on people who are not already familiar with you. For

    people who haven't interacted closely with you before, 'mones will help shape their first impression of you.

    Friends and those close to you have already formed that impression and will be somewhat resistant to changing it,

    although it can shift a bit over time, especially as they see your interactional style evolving. As you bloom, they

    may find themselves more relaxed or stimulated in your presence.
    I totally agree. I know I feel

    differently wearing mones, and as a result, feel more open and easy going. That directly or indirectly results in

    additional hits as well.

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