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  1. #1
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    Smile I've used Mones for 4 years but i still need advice please

    I havent posted on this forum for almost 2 years now, but im glad to see that the community

    has grown as well as our understanding of mones. So congratulations guys!

    To tell you the truth, mones have

    always been a miss and hit affair with me but in the light of all the new research thats gone on, i thought id ask a

    question for clarification to try and make the best of my mones.

    My question is: What is the best mone/mones to

    use for an indian guy who is trying to attract white/european women?

    My stats are 5ft 10, 200lbs, 21 years old.

    I normally only apply one drop of AE, once per week to prevent any ODiing. The products i have are SOE, AE, NPA and


    Also, approaching women etc isn't a problem since my game is rapidly improving after joining the PUA


    peace guys and all the best

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    alot of people here have

    high sucess with npa+soe

  3. #3
    Full Member luxveritas's Avatar
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    If you are kind of shy, until

    you have introductions, SOE solo helps me get introductions which I can turn into something more. It is the only

    thing that has worked for me so far. If you have "game" adding npa might help.
    24 year old, good looking, white guy SOE+NPA works like a charm
    Chikara no results nice scent
    Pherlure cant wear it; strong scent headache
    AA314 good stuff
    NPA girls get frisky, stinks
    A7 almost as good as NPA
    SOE legit

  4. #4
    Phero Pro
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    Interesting. For

    me AE really doesn't do anything for me. As a PUA, -mone user, or anyone else you really do have to experiment to

    difinatively see how each works with you.

    Since your game skills are better than the average joe, straight

    -none and -none mix applications could be easier to handle. Then again you would be remiss to not use the other

    products and mixes. It comes down to your own personal style of approach, and how you tailor the pheromone mix to

    your approach or vice versa. For example, SOE will make the target relax, but being the master silver tounged

    flirter that you are, you can quickly steer things sexual. The -mone will strengthen the impact and drive home your

    "game" skills.

    For NPA has a very strong sexual vibe on it's own, but it does have "agressive" and "fear me"

    vibe also. Taylor your game to compensate for these other two vibes. Oh and use a cover scent.

    WAGG is a

    bit more different. The vibe that I get from is that it states to everyone else that "I am the Shit".

    Unfortunately you do have to prove it. If you do have "game" they pay-off in the end will be much


    BTW I've read a bit about the PUA community ("The Game" by Neil Strauss). How prevelant is

    pheromone use in the community?

    It Don't Mean a Thing if it ain't got that swing. . . . -Duke Ellington

  5. #5
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    mone use isn't very common in the

    PUA community but a few of us use it. most of us think that its all a placebo effect but i think this is mainly to

    do with a lack of knowledge of mones than anything else.

    i won't start off using an npa mixture since it makes

    ME feel a bit cold and hostile anyway but i'll start using AE one drop per week.

    SOE i'll do nothing with

    since you can end up goofy with that? i make the target relax anyway using an indirect opinion opener.

    WAGG - as

    far as i remember, it makes you look gay which might lower your percieved social value, but it might make the target

    more receptive to your opener.

    Am i right in thinking that WAGG makes you look gay and SOE makes you look goofy?

    or has the research changed these theories?


  6. #6
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    I guess you are as confused

    as I am. Your mones primarily affect you and then people who are in your personal space and ones with a sensitive

    sense to mones. You have to generate the vibe with your attitude (preferably a cool one) and

    presentation (keep some of the bling bling at home homey), the mones most of the time add the oomph aura

    about you (although some people have reported mones doing it all, animal instinct overcoming rational thought with

    targets doing/saying things they normally would not [axe effect]) like a good perfume. Results vary from

    person to person, race/gender ethnicity because we all have our own signature scent. Ideally, the phermone factor

    strategy is to amplify this signal scent with the use of these products. If this was not the case - I would just

    splash some JVK formulae all over my house like honey and wait for a flock of women (all shapes and sizes) to storm

    into my house and fight with each other to have me.

    Unlike getting drunk or high you will still

    be in control of a very very very large majority of your actions and not so eloquent words. You might feel a bit

    agitated, or slightly irritated depend on the strength/dose of what you use. You may even feel elated and chatty

    sometimes at ease with yourself and those around you since you are the host of the mones. I take an uneducated

    guess as to say that there might be mones that can make you exaggerate what you would otherwise

    normally do in a given situation - example - if something spooks you, under the influence of some unfound mone your

    condition for the something that you normally consider spooky (level 2 on the fear factor scale) might

    frighten (level 3 on fear factor scale) you. Enchance is probably my

    favorite word to describe what studies reveal about the effect of certain favorable mones in the mammalian model.

    Women slightly overated the attractiveness of men under the influence of mones (some study). Most people feel a lot

    more chatty using social mones rather than sexual ones. If chatty is what you meant by

    goofy it really depends on how self concious you are and what goes on in your subliminal thought framework.

    Btw do you have hairy palms?
    Last edited by Can'tFocus; 02-16-2006 at 05:00 PM.

  7. #7
    Phero Pro
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    SOE i'll do nothing with

    since you can end up goofy with that? i make the target relax anyway using an indirect opinion opener.

    WAGG -

    as far as i remember, it makes you look gay which might lower your percieved social value, but it might make the

    target more receptive to your opener.

    Am i right in thinking that WAGG makes you look gay and SOE makes you

    look goofy? or has the research changed these theories?
    SOE is a bit more than just a relaxer for

    me. On the rare occasion SOE alone has made women around me overtly sexual. Heck in fact the first time I wore

    this stuff, I was on the buss with my headphones on (but no music on). This one stunning blonde (about a 9) took

    one wiff and said loudly to her friend, "Mmmm . . . he smells sooo good." It's amazing what people will say when

    the think you aren't listening . I also had a major hit at the local Hooters (last three posts in thread):
    So basically SOE will

    loosen a target up and make them more malleable for your "game". You do have to be on the lookout for others that

    will swoop in though.

    As for WAGG, I don't think it makes you look gay. The only way that you will look gay

    is if you start hitting on guys. The natural mones that we produce are used in both heterosexual and homosexual

    attraction. It depends on how a person's brain recieves this signal. What WAGG does best is signal to another

    person "What a great guy" this person is. It is sorta like a alpha male phero w/o the fear and agressive effects of

    -none. The only problem that I have found with this stuff is that you have to be ready to be tested (you have to

    prove yourself).

    A314 is like WAGG, but it has a more "follow the leader" w/o the challenge of authority you

    get with WAGG.

    It Don't Mean a Thing if it ain't got that swing. . . . -Duke Ellington

  8. #8
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by Can'tFocus

    Btw do you

    have hairy palms?
    no, i don't have hair palms, but i do have some hairs on them


    test around with AE first off and approach 5-8 sets a night, and see what happens

  9. #9
    Phero Pro
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    Quote Originally Posted by WiKiD24
    dude-- what were

    u doing with headphones with no music?? sometimes on really cold Canadian winter days i use em as replacement

    earmuffs, but even than unless you have the ones that look like they're eating your head starting with the sides,

    they're not that great
    Listening to people's verbal (was pretending to listen to music) rxns to the

    SOE I had on. I had a feeling that people would have something to say if they thought I was listening to music.

    It Don't Mean a Thing if it ain't got that swing. . . . -Duke Ellington

  10. #10
    Phero Pharaoh a.k.a.'s Avatar
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    If you’re looking for greater

    consistency, go with SOE. If you’d like more dramatic results try NPA.
    SOE + NPA makes a great combo, but

    getting the proportions right can take a lot of trial and error.
    Other than that... I agree with most of what

    Can’tFocus said.
    Give truth a chance.

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