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Thread: 2006 Hits!

  1. #1
    King of the coupons!
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    Arrow 2006 Hits!

    If it sounds like a plan

    ... then yeah, pla'cem right here!
    Never argue with ignorant people! They pull you down to THEIR level, and then they BEAT YOU with experience. Who said that!? I don't know, but tis gold I tell'ya!!

  2. #2
    Phero Enthusiast Icehawk's Avatar
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    Alright might as well be the

    first. Two days ago my mostly recovered AFC friend and I had a double date. I brought a girl of mine (HB8alpha) I

    know for a while but we keep things platonic (businees relationship) and he brings his oneitis brand new model GF

    (HB9model). Ive been helping him all along the ride, telling him what to do for a while now (hes kinda meek/passive)

    and told him repeatedly, maybe like 25 times to try pheros to spice his life up. He continued to refuse.
    So Im

    loaded with two dabs of NPA (use it as an agression booster for H2H classes So no Impi, but two sprays of

    C7 and a packed of Perception for cover (very standard for me)and drop of Meo-Est.

    Flash foreward to a fancy

    restaurant downtown TO. Everybody dressed to kill. We sit down and chat. Im being kinda reserved to make my friend

    look good (hes supposed to get laid not me) , but after a while it becomes very obvious that somethings wrong with

    HB9. She keeps zoning out while looking at me with a funny look. My friend notices but says nothing. So after

    a while of chit chat, I jokingly say to her to "Stop mentaly masterbating and join the conversaion.." She TOTALY

    freaks out and runs to the bathroom. Everybody is like wtf? My HB8alpha follows her there to check on her.

    of the evening goes kinda quiet, and more normal,
    but afterwards as Im driving HB8 home, I ask what was the deal

    about the freaking out? She only says that I caught her phisically red handed in the act... she wasnt just

    mentally masterbating after all...
    Long story short my buddy calls me up first thing in the morning and wants some

    pheros to play around with.....
    Yet another non-believer converted...

  3. #3
    King of the coupons!
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    Whattis dis drop of

    Meo-Est, Hawk?
    Never argue with ignorant people! They pull you down to THEIR level, and then they BEAT YOU with experience. Who said that!? I don't know, but tis gold I tell'ya!!

  4. #4
    Phero Enthusiast Icehawk's Avatar
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    experimental phero.

  5. #5
    Bodhi Satva CptKipling's Avatar
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    Two dabs of TE on neck/chin, 1

    dab of IMPI on neck, 1 dab of TE on chest, 1 drop of AE on each side of my neck and 1 spread on my chest, and a few

    swipes of a mix similar to WKM#1 with A1 added on my wrists. Covered with Platinum Egoist and Hugo Boss.

    EDIT: I

    also used a couple of inches of scent SOE on my jawline and under my nose.

    I am going to pick out two good hits

    from two consecutive weeks of use in clubs.

    1) On the dance floor with friends, a group of girls come over and

    say high. So I'm talking to them and I notice a friend of mine's older sister and I go over a say high and joke

    around a bit. I carry on dancing near her with my friends and I notice that she keeps hanging around, but I didn't

    want anything to happen. After a couple of minutes she starts coming over to say little throw away jokes to me. At

    this point I decide that I'll just mess around with her but still not cross the weirdness barrier of doing

    something with your friends sister. Anyway, after a while of joking with her and kind-of dancing with her, I go and

    get a drink. A friend of mine tells me that she wants me (thanks for that!), but that surely it would be strange

    because of who her brother is. Hmm. So we go back to the dance floor and see that she is talking to another guy,

    dilemma solved maybe. But as soon a she sees me she runs over and hugs me, and we carry on just kind of joking

    around and dancing near each other. Then she starts running her hands down my chest and points to my crotch and

    says, "I want", or something similar. I just laughed it off but she turns around and starts grinding into me. Again,


    Soon it's time to leave and me and a friend share a taxi with her and her friend because we all live

    nearish to each other. By some sick twist of the universe we are the last two in the taxi as we pull up to her

    house. I'm really feeling the awkwardness as we pull up, I can tell something is going to happen. We sit for

    a few moments and then she breaks the silence with, "well, maybe you could come in and stay over or something" and

    giggles. Eeek. I say that I have to get up early and try to play it a if something incredibly awkward didn't just

    happen. In case you were wondering, my friend and his sister were staying at their parents' house.

    2) Same

    club, one week later. It was someones Birthday so there was a lot of my friends out having a great time. Towards the

    end of the night I go to the main dance floor to meet another group of friends. We all joke around for a bit and

    then the next thing I know I'm dancing with a random girl (really, I have don't remember what happened). We dance

    for a while and I'm teasing her non-verbally, and then the dancing gets a little closer... She starts grinding and

    grabbing my arse, she sniffed my neck a few times, and then she lifts her black dress up just high enough to show

    off her suspenders. I stand there with a look of (mostly) mock shock and just nod wide eyed. Then I say "hi"(lol),

    and introduce myself. I didn't hear her name but we are both leaving anyway so I walk with her to get her coat. I

    get in a taxi with a friend of mine and this girls friend (and try not to be

    awkward-other-guy-in-the-taxi-with-a-couple) and go home. When I got back I got some food and called this girl. We

    chatted for about an hour so I'll just bring up a few points. She was obviously very into me, and the conversation

    went quite sexual; amongst other things she wanted me around ASAP (she was a little embarrassed in the morning!).

    AND, the really interesting thing was what she said about the way I smelled. However, either my memory was failing

    me again or she was confused and mixing feelings with her explanation of what she meant by her saying that she

    really liked the way I smelled. She said something like, "its just really good, you know, like how it is when you

    haven't had sex in a while...hmmmmm... yeah I think you should wear it more often".

    So I am
    Last edited by CptKipling; 02-11-2006 at 12:48 PM.

    Information about pheromones: Pheromone Information Library

  6. #6
    Kodachrome Forever! Gegogi's Avatar
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    I had to stop wearing SOE when I

    get a checkup or teeth cleaned. The endless motormouth is mind numbing when you can't respond out side of a feeble

    twitch. Actually they're pretty BSie without SOE but the 'mones put them over the top.
    "She only says that

    I caught her phisically red handed in the act... "
    Cool. I love it when women whack off, but a frickin'

    pocket wolf is a rare bird indeed. I've had two similar incidents when wearing NPA but, unfortunately not in 2006

    Last edited by Gegogi; 02-11-2006 at 12:32 AM.
    "I'm just a dirty hornytoad" -Gegogi

  7. #7
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    "So after a while of chit chat,

    I jokingly say to her to "Stop mentaly masterbating and join the conversaion.." She TOTALY freaks out and runs to

    the bathroom. . . . ."

    LOL. Good one Icehawk! I'll have to remember that one when someone goes

    DIHL on me.

    It Don't Mean a Thing if it ain't got that swing. . . . -Duke Ellington

  8. #8
    Phero Enthusiast
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    Default Notice how all the good stuff happens with booze ?

    The great pheromone booty incantation requires three elements:

    1. The right mones, the right

    fragrances, the right mindset:

    This takes a period of experimentation, spending a few extra $$$ to find your

    best product or combo, and cover fragrance too. Note to newbs: I've been experimenting with pure mones and combined

    mone products for years, and am still picking my way through the nuances. Same with fragrances. My best juice is a

    combination of 3 excellent fragrance products in the right ratio and two essential perfumery oils. Took ages to

    combine it until the sex magic flowed, like working out a magic potion...There are many nuances that aren't

    obvious... like knowing your way around vintage wines, fine tailoring, good taste in general... you have to plunge

    in and ride the learning curve... you'll overdo it, you'll underdo it, you'll work on your self presentation,

    you'll get wacko reactions you don't know what to do with... at this point maybe you should buy Richard Bandler's

    CD on time distortion,
    titled "Time Out Of Your Mind" (there's a pile of NLP goodies available at: )... learn to slooooow down subjective time and really observe the

    subtleties of what is going on.... hint for humpsters ! In all my searchings and seekings for what makes good

    players good, at the most basic mental/neurological level, it's THIS: The best players can slow down their

    perceived, subjective intake of the social information that is going on around them, it's sort of like the world

    goes into slo-mo for them, and they can "see" all the delicate, fine reactions to "what it is"... you need to get

    into this mental slo-mo state to get the best results from the mones, athletes who go into The Zone also describe

    this, they mave be moving like greased lightning, but their inner perception is that they have all the time in the


    2. Booze. Hate to say it, but liquor is quicker. My advice is stick with the white liquors, something

    in the dark sauce, the bourbons, the Jack Daniels, and worst of all the cognacs (in spite of what the rappers

    pretend to know on the subject) gives you the worst hangovers and makes you all pissy and combative. For God's sake

    don't mix wine and whisky, you'll be kissing the porcelain altar all night, same for beer and whiskey... if

    you're drinking beer, stick with beer, if you're drinking wine, stick with wine... something about nice tall sweet

    drinks with Bacardi white rum seemd to do the trick best...

    3. Context. People tend to behave in ways that

    are socially expected of them. Getting drunk and wearing your deadliest mone mix down to city hall to try and talk

    your way out of a speeding ticket is a bad idea. Wrong context. Example. i'm standing in line at Whole Foods.

    There's this joker who took one too many Master Pick Up Artist seminars, or whatever, he's standing in the line

    next to me, imagining that he's sophisticated, and he's running the the most atrocious "clever", "cocky and funny"

    halfwit, won't take no for an answer, clueless, dumbshit shtick on the girl behind him, every time she throws an

    answer back at him he tries to
    smart it up with some talk show host glib asstalk... she's trying to wind it

    down, gradually and politely bring the conversation to a halt, and he's jabbering away like a mentally retarded

    energizer bunny... she runs off the her cashier to check out, he gets the cashier next to her... what comes out of

    his mouth ? "So we meet again !!!" No shit, Sherlock....not getting any warm fuzzies from her he bounces off a

    couple more women in there, cashiers, whatever, with a clueless routine and a weird creepy grin on his face,

    saunters out the door.... Holy Fuck Dude! Wrooooong context my good man.... you have to understand, instinctively,

    how each context has its' own game, its' own social rules...that fool's inner clock was running about 4X too fast

    for the game, maybe if he's listened to Bandler, he'd learn this essential lesson... you MUST, absolutely MUST,

    match your inner clock speed to the environment, now what the master players know is you go one better, you first

    match the inner clock of your situation, THEN you slow yours down by about 5%, you run your sense of inner time just

    a hair more slowly that the room and the person you are talking to, but only a hair, so things are running just the

    slightest bit slow-mo in your mind... so there you go, you could pay somebody four thousand dollars for that piece

    of advice if they could install it into your behavioral toolbox... here's hoping

    OK troopers,


    1. Study carefully the art of the mix. Don't expect magic responses just slapping on some crap. Yeah,

    you might get intense responses, the real question is, are you getting responses you can do something with


    2. It goes better with booze. Even one little mint julep can change the whole dynamic. With mones, things

    can come out of nowhere and happen fast. Being under-drunk is, all things considered, much preferable to being

    over-drunk. If she can't walk or talk straight, she's over-drunk. You may be too... be careful what you wish for,

    you just might get it, and wake up next to it, or have an uncomfortable conversation about the next day or


    3. Choose your contexts carefully. Don't just go out to any old grindhouse. There's high quality

    dirty filthy sex and there's low quality dirty filthy sex. High quality filth leaves a better taste in your


  9. #9
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    Where'd you get the

    Methoxyestratetraenone ("meo-est")? I just searched the forum for those terms and this thread was the only


    Hikita-Banzai 88

  10. #10
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    Default Another

    Damn ICEHAWK, that story

    is hot!

    Relatively a newbie, but have been reading up a lot. I've been getting hits (girls body language,

    talking to me) and I feel more confident, which is great. I feel like the money when I use this stuff .

    Me: 5'7"/150/Persian/NYC with little success with girls prior (lack of time, looks, height, and game, holding me

    back sometimes).
    2 dabs of each: TE, Pheros, AE, Chikara on same places: neck, chest, wrists, head, pits, crotch.

    Strong direct hit story: At the club, this hot ass girl (that was taller than me) kept trying to get through and

    rubbing against me like it was a tight space to get through(which it wasn't), then she touched my jawline (mones on

    the neck) before we started talking. I bought her a drink and i've prob never seen a girl as happy to buy her a

    drink and then she bought me the next drink (I can count on one hand the number of times girls bought me a drink).

    And I've barely even flirted at all with girls who are taller than me in my whole life (They and I usually pass

    cause girl tend not to like shorter guys so they pass by and I pass by cause I know they like taller than me and I

    tend to like my height or shorter)! It had to be the mones!! I was pretty drunk, but got a kiss and a little feel

    up. Bad thing is when I left to go somewhere else I noticed a wedding ring on her finger.

    Another smaller hit

    Same combo and application.
    Hot ass girl at school (Master's program, I hear motivated, successful girls

    are the horniest but that's not the only reason why I'm attending, lol), had her in class last semester and she

    pretty much brushed me off last semester and have her for a class this semester which she was kinda brushing me off

    again (she even got on the phone while I was walking with her). I kinda feel almost like I have no business even

    trying to hit on her. Started with mones around her and talking a lot and lauging in class and after, and we set up

    studying (even though it's a 45 minute subway ride to meet me where we have studied now twice). I can't say this

    is definitely from the mones, but the increased confidence, mones, whatever, it's f*ing great. She breathes in a

    lot when she is near me, almost snorting! lol. And she has her hands between her legs a lot more now. But she

    just told me she has bf who is model but I'm still not giving up, this girl is so beautiful and smart, and cool, I

    am going to try to get with her. It seems with mones with her, I've gone from zero to hero.

  11. #11
    King of the coupons!
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    Quote Originally Posted by alanrudy
    Another smaller

    hit story:
    Same combo and application.
    Hot ass girl at school (Master's program, I hear motivated, successful

    girls are the horniest but that's not the only reason why I'm attending, lol), had her in class last semester and

    she pretty much brushed me off last semester and have her for a class this semester which she was kinda brushing me

    off again (she even got on the phone while I was walking with her). I kinda feel almost like I have no business even

    trying to hit on her. Started with mones around her and talking a lot and lauging in class and after, and we set up

    studying (even though it's a 45 minute subway ride to meet me where we have studied now twice). I can't say this

    is definitely from the mones, but the increased confidence, mones, whatever, it's f*ing great. She breathes in a

    lot when she is near me, almost snorting! lol. And she has her hands between her legs a lot more now. But she just

    told me she has bf who is model but I'm still not giving up, this girl is so beautiful and smart, and cool, I am

    going to try to get with her. It seems with mones with her, I've gone from zero to hero.

    I'd say keep everything the same, but I WOULD up the TE a notch to 3, 4, and 5 dabs ... 1 extra dab every two weeks

    until you reach 5 just to see if it betters things. This is just a thought ... some things are better

    off left alone, but ...
    Never argue with ignorant people! They pull you down to THEIR level, and then they BEAT YOU with experience. Who said that!? I don't know, but tis gold I tell'ya!!

  12. #12
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    Now that she

    seems to be gettin' high off of you, you should withdraw yourself and see what happens. Don't make any effort to

    contact/get with her. Make her work. Make her cum . . . er . . . I mean come to you (oops, freudian slip

    ). This should help her make the connection that her intense rxns are due to you and not the other


    It Don't Mean a Thing if it ain't got that swing. . . . -Duke Ellington

  13. #13
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    Thanks for the

    Maybe I'll do that but do you think I should take it down a notch because I am doing those 2

    dabs along with those other products to every application point I mentioned below? I guess I get confused when

    people talk about dosage with products whether they mean 2 dabs to each application point or 2 dabs spread around to

    all application points.
    Kinda by coincidence, this happened this weekend as I went out during the nights

    and didn't wake up in time to study during the day. She did call me today, and we had a good talk and we set up

    more studying. I'll see when I should try to do this withdrawing thing (not like that, lol). Good advice, even

    without mones, it's effective to do that at times if girls are taking you for granted, etc. Now, I still want to

    give her a little longer of hopefully feeling reactions are with me. It would probably be hard to withdraw from for

    too long as we sit right next to each other in class.

    I'm gonna order some more products to try so hopefully

    they will work even better on her (although I know they won't necessarily work).

  14. #14
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    You have a very

    interesting and very dangerous/delicate situation here. The goal is to "destroy boyfriend" w/o being anywhere near

    and w/o having a hand in his downfall (or pretty much not getting caught having a hand in it). Been in this

    situation a couple times (to many) myself. Backing off does work, but you have to have the timing down right. And

    it is a whole lotta work.

    Lately I've been testing out a product called A314. It's effects are very

    subtle, but with the proper use and "game" skills it may work toward your advantage. One of the things that I have

    heard from some of those who have been using it is that it gives you a sorta like a "rockstar" or "James Bond"

    effect without the intense fear/agression that -none gives off. In otherwords it give other people (at least to the

    women) the impression that you are a highly desirable male. Like -none however they (women) will not be very likely

    to come up and talk to you. Since you already know and are familliar with this person, it shouldn't be too much of

    a problem. Anyhow so far, with the testing that I have done, it seems to be the case, but I do have to field test

    it more.

    It Don't Mean a Thing if it ain't got that swing. . . . -Duke Ellington

  15. #15
    King of the coupons!
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    Red face

    Quote Originally Posted by alanrudy

    I'll do that but do you think I should take it down a notch because I am doing those 2 dabs along with those

    other products to every application point I mentioned below? I guess I get confused when people talk about dosage

    with products whether they mean 2 dabs to each application point or 2 dabs spread around to all application

    Why would you want to take it down a notch if it's doing the job?

    I only suggested

    adding more TE because it starts fires! Since you're in the hunt, the only thing that I

    would suggest is ... make her work a little for your attention ... now. Still, experimenting can be fun if you

    embrace it ... I haven't learned to do that yet. Don't be afraid to do what so many others are afraid

    to do ... say to yourself, "Self ... there's no such thing as an OD," and act accordingly until you prove/see


    If the above Mobley stuff doesn't work ferya ... be advised ... I reserve all

    rights to be wrong!
    Never argue with ignorant people! They pull you down to THEIR level, and then they BEAT YOU with experience. Who said that!? I don't know, but tis gold I tell'ya!!

  16. #16
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    Hey, how's it going fellas.

    That is good advice from you guys about letting her work more for my attention and withdrawing. Sometimes I can get

    too with girls like this so it is good to tone that down a little and not come on too strong. Well, I

    was suppossed to study with her today but she cancelled. I actually took this as a good sign cause I cancelled the

    last two times so I felt like she was playing the game and withdrawing. Also, I'm recovering from being sick so I

    could use that extra time to start feeling more like myself.
    There is still a lot of progress to do and also I have

    to do the tough thing of figuring out whether she is interested in me or just interested in the attention I give her

    (sometimes girls and even guys just like the attention and are not interested).
    Swinger MD,
    It may be a

    coincidence, but right after my two cancellations, for the first time she said something bad about her bf (oh

    yeah!). I want to start talking sh*t about her bf. I've never met him and don't really know him but I think I

    have figured out some areas that he is weak in. But I think it might be too early and not the best idea to do

    I've been researching A314 and I'm still not sure about it. It seems a lot of the pros here use it, but

    the only thing holding me back from trying it is that LeSillage seemed to be a promoter for AA314 and I read a lot

    of info he/she wrote, but I noticed that he/she is banned. I've read a couple people who like it and have that

    "bond effect" but that may be something that LeSillage planted. Should

    I listen to banned users?

    First, let me point out that from reading your posts here

    and other threads I think you'll get the award for the most emoticons used! lol, I love it. Yeah you have a point

    with not taking it down a notch if it is working, but I was thinking and have been taking it down a notch cause

    (this could be all in my head) my dosage is not exactly the same every time and when I've had a little less on,

    I've noticed better reactions with her and with other girls.
    When I go out to clubs/bars I stupidly put a lot

    more on sometimes because I think they can't smell it/get the effect from it but I haven't seen any increase in

    effects by doing this. I really need to experiment more with standalone and mixes but with her I'm still too

    afraid to change it up too much. But I'll be doing more experimenting, especially when my new order arrives.

  17. #17
    Bodhi Satva CptKipling's Avatar
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    It may be a coincidence,

    but right after my two cancellations, for the first time she said something bad about her bf (oh yeah!). I want to

    start talking sh*t about her bf. I've never met him and don't really know him but I think I have figured out some

    areas that he is weak in. But I think it might be too early and not the best idea to do that.
    That is

    bad marketing. You may want to show that you are better than her bf, but don't openly criticise him. You

    should sell yourself on your own merits.

    Information about pheromones: Pheromone Information Library

  18. #18
    Moderator belgareth's Avatar
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    A lot of people like

    A314 and her posts have a lot of good information in them. Bans can happen for a lot of reasons.


    it's never done a thing for me but others seem to be getting good results and I don't believe its all suggestion.

    DOn't say anything about her boyfriend. It might help but my bet is that it will make her want to defend him.

    You could find yourself in the position of her angry about her boyfriend. AT the most I'd say something like "I'm

    sorry that happened." and change the subject.

    For me personally, less is better. The worst that's likely to

    happen is that you'll discover that you need to wear more. Experimenting is the only way to get good with mones.
    To compel a man to subsidize with his taxes the propagation of ideas which he disbelieves and abhors is sinful and tyrannical.

    Thomas Jefferson

  19. #19
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    Red face try the A314 with WAGG.... she'll start talking

    about what she's thinking... you need to get into her head and find out what her priorities


  20. #20
    Moderator belgareth's Avatar
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    Most the time I don't pay a

    lot of attention to hits but this week has been spectacular and I wanted to brag. It was probably just coincidence

    because I was wearing a combo I wear most of the time lately.

    Twice in resturants young women started

    conversations with me while virtually ignoring the person I was with. One was a cute little blond and was very

    pleasant. The other was, and I'm not exagerating at all, a breath-takingly pretty brunette. I am rarely caught

    speechless but this girl managed it and was beyond a doubt letting me know she was available.

    The third was

    today at a client's office. While I was working a former employee that I've always thought pretty came in. As soon

    as she realized I was there she came in and hugged me then held up her lunch companions for half an hour while she

    chattered at me. I was trying to work and she kept doing anything she could, touching my hand, rubbing my shoulder,

    leaning in between me and the computer, to get my attention.

    Since I was just finishing up I walked out with

    her and her friends. She held my hand the whole time and stayed between me and the other ladies she was going to

    lunch with. Then she tried to convince me to join them for lunch but I had other places to be. Frankly, I don't

    think the other ladies really wanted me to go along and I didn't really wnat to go to lunch with a gaggle of young

    women. No offense to the fairer sex but I would have felt a bit out of place.
    To compel a man to subsidize with his taxes the propagation of ideas which he disbelieves and abhors is sinful and tyrannical.

    Thomas Jefferson

  21. #21
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    Belg.. What combo were you


  22. #22
    Moderator belgareth's Avatar
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    About 12" SoE, one dab NPA both

    spread on my forearm and covered with Aloeswood oil.
    To compel a man to subsidize with his taxes the propagation of ideas which he disbelieves and abhors is sinful and tyrannical.

    Thomas Jefferson

  23. #23
    Moderator belgareth's Avatar
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    Aloeswood oil is a cover scent,

    a fine one.
    To compel a man to subsidize with his taxes the propagation of ideas which he disbelieves and abhors is sinful and tyrannical.

    Thomas Jefferson

  24. #24
    Phero Enthusiast Icehawk's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by belgareth
    About 12" SoE,

    one dab NPA both spread on my forearm and covered with Aloeswood oil.
    The Old Wolf Mix I persume?

  25. #25
    Moderator belgareth's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Icehawk
    The Old Wolf Mix

    I persume?
    Yeah, I guess so. It works very well for me. As I recall, it was what I was wearing

    the day I met my wife too. Who am I to argue with success?
    To compel a man to subsidize with his taxes the propagation of ideas which he disbelieves and abhors is sinful and tyrannical.

    Thomas Jefferson

  26. #26
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    Hmmm I try your mix.. And see what

    it does for me.. But unfortuantely it is winter here so I might trying using it near my upper body.

  27. #27
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    Default Update

    Little buzzed from a

    couple drinks I had but wanted to give an update. As I was saying in my last post a couple days ago, we were

    suppossed to study that next day and we studied then(yest) and today. We didn't get much studying done though, we

    were talking, laughing so much and went out for food and drinks both nights for breaks,
    F*ing 3 midterms next

    week, then Spring Break. She's going somewhere with bf for SB so my hope is maybe she'll realize some things about

    me. Think she knows that I'm interested but still am not sure if she's interested, just wants to be friends, wants

    to see where it will go, or just likes the attention I give her and hanging out that we do.
    I'll prob stop

    posting about this topic for a while as midterms are coming up and then won't see her during Spring Break. But will

    prob post if I have some good 2006 hits stories. Keep putting them here guys, this is the spot.
    As for the mones

    effect with her, I see her get intimidated some times (none), (I try to stay friendly and approachable) (I don't

    seem to be getting the signs that she is getting heated as much by the none as it seemed like before but maybe

    she's doing better at hiding it, maybe i'll mix it up by putting more or less), most likely some nol effects as

    she has been talkative and I know both us REALLY have to study for these midterms but we talked a lot (damn mones,

    gonna cause me to flunk out of grad school, j/k, lol).
    She is so beautiful, smart, and such a good personality.

    (For those who have been keeping up on this topic) It's really cool when I consider where I started with her and

    where it is now. And I'm competing with this bf of hers who is a model and has like 5-10 years on me. Didn't say

    anything bad about the bf, by the way. He didn't really come up much. Damn, I guess it could be the drinks, her,

    but this post is getting too long . Need to end this post. I'll update on this topic if something pretty

    interesting happens. I'm hoping for the best . We'll see what happens. Thanks for the help everyone and feel

    free to give me any more tips or thoughts.
    Last edited by alanrudy; 03-06-2006 at 10:13 PM. Reason: Trying to delete excess drunken posting

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