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  1. #1

    Default Random Phero thoughts

    To the Forum;

    Well I have some slack time at work and have been reflecting on pheros and how and why they work. And am writing a bit on this. So here goes;

    I work and live in a casino industry town. Laughlin is a very small town when compared to Las Vegas or even Reno or Tahoe or Atlantic City. But they (casinos) are the main industry here. And I have been a single guy here for the past 6 years or so. I am 37 y/o, 6’5” tall (hence TallCoolOne) and of average looks. I am not rich, nor do I drive a killer car. I guess you can sum it all up as to being a very ordinary average guy. I am a bit of an introvert as well. Not to the point of being a recluse. But large crowds tend to put me off etc.

    But then there came pheros. I really do not know how much they actually effect people around me, but I do get solid DIHL and hair flipping etc. But much more so is the Ego boost, self-confidence I get within myself that I notice. And it seems that I have always dated Cocktail waitresses. And low and behold my new GF is a Cocktail waitress. Let me tell you guys that for the most part these gals are hard sells. They get hit on all the time. Hits by guys with big money and all the flash that goes with it. So in asking my current GF what it was about me that interested her in me, she related; She liked that I was honest, and respectful of her. That threw me a bit. So she clarified; I was not trying to shove myself on her. I just was myself. I asked her how she sees me. She said “Manly”! “Not Afraid to speak my mind etc”. Now to those that do not tell their GF’s or wives etc that they wear pheros. She knew the whole time I wore pheros from time to time. She was actually one of the first gals I had take a whiff of me a while back when I was first experimenting with them. Just to note: We have known each other as acquaintances for over 4 years. And let me tell you she is drop dead gorgeous.

    Anyway on to the post. Pheros seem to effect the wearer allot as well as the respondent or those that are smelling you. But they will not change who you are, make women jump into bed with ya at the first smell of them. They do not alter perceptions of you by other. But rather increase their curiosity of you a bit. It lowers their shields a bit. Makes conversation easier. So just be yourself. But at the same time be a bit assertive. Not brash, but assertive. Your points will be taken with respect. I feel we are on the tip of the proverbial iceberg with pheros. And there is something to them. Although there are different scientific thoughts on this. But I feel we are on the right track. So fellow pheros warriors, keep on truckin my friends. And please post all your revelations on the subject.

    Anyway just some random thoughts on the subject of Pheros after a very long New Years Celebration.

    Hope all had a great Year and this next one will be better.

  2. #2

    Default Re: Random Phero thoughts

    That was well said. I have always been the kind of the quiet kind around the large groups or new people. But around people that i know and people that know me it is just fine. But mostly i can intimadate most people with my size and some of my clothes because i am a biker and that ain\'t gonna change. But back to where i was at, pheros have changed my whole persective on live, and also my near to dieing in my motercycle wreck did a big part of it, they give me a big advantage with women because i am more open, talk to about anything to anybody and just have a good time. So how i see it just go do anything you want and if other people don\'t like it, f**k off.

  3. #3

    Default Re: Random Phero thoughts

    Hey Drifter,

    You sound just like my baby Bro. He too has lived and rode (walked) the Biker lifestyle forever it seems. He too had a very bad accident this last Sept. (T-boned by a cage) threw him 85\' and landed thank god on his head. Nothing broken....LOL. But he is now a much more humble kinda dude. But he is just testing the waters of Pherodom now. Gave him a small atomizer of my brew for the New Years. He loves it. The second day he wore it (this Weds) at work one of the Fem riders grabbed him for some lunch and yakked his ear off. He told me that she never talked to any othe guys at all. But that day she just opened up and talked to him for over an hour. They are going out Sat night, for a ride and dinner.

    Anyway thanx for the reply.


  4. #4
    Carpal Tunnel Whitehall's Avatar
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    Default Re: Random Phero thoughts

    In the Battle of the Sexes, synthetic pheromones are at least a small victory for the Male. The higher, logical forebrain functions that allows us males to trick the female limbic systems with artifical applications of chemical signals is being rewarded with more sex.

    Finally, a modern science discovery that is non-dyseugenic! Better Brains get laid!

    [Written after a three martini lunch!]

  5. #5

    Default Re: Random Phero thoughts

    Mr. Whitehall;

    Here,here. Nicely put.


  6. #6
    Phero Pharaoh a.k.a.'s Avatar
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    Default Re: Random Phero thoughts

    I don’t know. What you guys are saying makes sense, but I still think of pheromones as a magical potion.

    I used to be a pathetic, middle aged, divorcee with a dead end job and no social (much less sex ) life. Pheromones, martial arts, and vegetarianism changed my life. I’m still single, but I’m never lonely. I recently got a great new job (in the middle of a recession). I’m always getting invited to parties, and I can date hotter women than when I was in my twenties.

    The biggest difference I can see when wearing pheros is that I get noticed. I’ve joked about being invisible without pheromones. But living your whole life that way isn’t funny. Even overdoses are better than that.

    Maybe that’s one reason I think of pheros as my magic potion. Another is that I’m not really sure what’s going through women’s heads (or limbic systems). I just know that if I’m attracted to any woman (no matter how rich, young or sexy), as long as I’m wearing the right amount of pheros, I can just walk up to her, start a conversation, and she’s going to have a positive reaction to me. I don’t always get dates, but I get a whole lot more than I could have imagined before discovering this stuff. And it’s so much easier! Sometimes it blows my mind. Once I picked up a woman while she was walking her dog. Today a gorgeous young intern informed me (while her hands traveled all over my arms, chest and shoulders ) that it’s been a really long time since she’s had any sex, and it’s really frustrating her. Tonight a very hot woman (more my age), that makes at least twice as much money as I do, is taking me out.

    It’s magic, I tell you.

  7. #7

    Default Re: Random Phero thoughts

    Geez, a.k.a., you are the poster boy for pheromones! Anybody can beat that life changing story?

    By the way, what do you use a.k.a.? :-).

  8. #8
    Phero Pharaoh a.k.a.'s Avatar
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    Default Re: Random Phero thoughts

    Now I\'m really going to sound like a poster boy. I\'ve used just about everything at love-scent and have had good luck with everything except AE on its own (it does seem to work well in small doses, in combos). Once I mixed about 6 different products into one bottle and still had good luck.

    I think the key is to use the minimum effective dosage. (In my mind this lures the women closer to you.)

    My favorites are APC, PF, TE, and now the chem kit. My favorite combo is Jambat 1; except I use the ratio 8 parts APC : 2 parts NPA.

  9. #9

    Default Re: Random Phero thoughts

    So what is the minimum phero dose that you\'re referring to? Scientist once estimated the optimal dose to be about 0.02 mg (a little more than 1 spray of the edge). Also, do you apply to clothing or skin? I want to know everything about the poster boy!

  10. #10

    Default Re: Random Phero thoughts


    Yuppers Bro. Magic potion or ego booster or whatever. There is something to these magical little atoms. Great post as well. DO we have any more that want to chime in?


  11. #11

    Default Re: Random Phero thoughts


  12. #12

    Default Re: Random Phero thoughts

    aka, you there?

  13. #13
    Phero Pharaoh a.k.a.'s Avatar
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    Default Re: Random Phero thoughts

    hey truth,
    I’m here. Thanks for the bump. I would have missed your question otherwise.

    I remember reading Scientist’s post andmore or less agreeing with it. But I don’t remember the dosages he recomended.

    I apply mostly to skin. One spray of TE to chest, except for dance clubs where I use one to chest and one between the wrists. One spray of TE to chest and a dabe of AE on wrists is also good in clubs. (I don’t have any luck freshening up TE or AE. I seldom need a refresher when wearing this stuff; but if I do it’s just a dab of APC.)

    Four dabs of APC then two more every four hours. (The hits don’t apear until I’ve refreshed, but reactions are still good with only four.)
    Four to six dabs of PF then two more every 2-4 hours. (This is the one product I like to OD on — if you can call it an OD.)

    With the chem kit, I dilute the formulas to 10-15% of the original strength and use four dabs.

    I’ve used most of the stuff here, and could give more details. But these are my favorites.

  14. #14

    Default Re: Random Phero thoughts

    Wow, you apply TE to skin and don\'t need to refresh? I thought the alcohol base on skin would disappear pretty quick. Are you applying the pheros in the morning and still observing effects into the evening?

  15. #15
    Phero Pharaoh a.k.a.'s Avatar
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    Default Re: Random Phero thoughts

    I mostly apply in the evening. Sometimes on weekends I apply in the morning. If I shower and scrub, I reaply one spray. If I don\'t two dabs of APC keeps me covered.

    I\'ve tried a mixture of 3 parts water and one part TE as refresher. It works OK, but is too much trouble.

    PS All of the above should be in the past tense. Lately my weekends have been filled with chem kit experiments and I\'ve found that one dab, after about 8 hours, is all the refreshment I need.

  16. #16

    Default Re: Random Phero thoughts

    random thoughts well not many apart from ever y othe post. It does have an effect and it can be an interesting experiment sometimes with different products. Im wondering how the excite wipes will go got two with the last order (well my jambat mix is going well 70%NPA and 30%SPMP works well. Actually with a couple of dabs of AE kicks it over the top.

  17. #17
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    Default Re: Random Phero thoughts

    I think that it\'s the concentration that matters, not how much you got on...

    Right now I\'ve tried apc..and got good results

    I want to get some androsteNONE from the kit..and use that at 100%...on another site I was reading, selling primal put a drop behind each ear..more won\'t make a\'s the concentration that matters....

    Anyway..primal instanct, is .05% pheromones to can\'t find better than that

    However, if you use the androsteNONE 100% from the kit..that\'s .1%pheromones to weight...which is 2 TIMES STRONGER! So far I have not found ANYTHING AS STRONG AS THAT

    Another thing on the topic...When I\'m wearing apc..I feel more attracted to girls..that, I normally, would not be as attracted to. I think you unconciosly detect YOURSELF WEARING THEM and you go into a differnt mode or something...but I do notice a differnce in my own perception of women, a big difference. And they themselves, are more flirtative (if that\'s even a word) and smile, and give you more eye appear more, what\'s the word...not better looking..but more manly..there\'s a they act more..not shy, but, not necessesarily nervous..but they act like I\'d act if I was talking to Carmen Electra ok lol


    And to the owner of this site...this is a kickass site, I\'m glad I found this site also sell the products for the cheapest I\'ve seen...I haven\'t seen any cheaper!

  18. #18

    Default Re: Random Phero thoughts

    Well, APC is like 1/10 the concentration of PI, so your theory of concetration doesn\'t seem to follow.

  19. #19
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    Default Re: Random Phero thoughts

    truth, here\'s what I don\'t get, however, on other sites...for other pheromones, apc was supposed to be half as strong as PI...Another site, on apc I vistited said it was 2 times stronger than what you natuarlly give off....and on a site for Perfect 10..they compared a bunch of stuff, and APC, was half the strength of PI, and, on the label, it states the strength, which, I believe is .025%...which would be 50% of the strength HOWEVER I believe that is only for the king size bottle of apc, everywhere else I visit say it\'s twice the strength as the normal apc....and the normal apc may be a lot less....

    Another thing, apc is the BEST thing I know of for pheromones, and it is oil based, so the pheros will carry a lot better than other products....

    When I get the money, however, I\'m going to order some AndrosteNONE 10ml, and use that full strength.
    However, I was reading on a PI site,,,and you\'d think they\'d tell you to use more, because you\'d have to buy more of the product...but they say to use 1 drop behind your ear....more would be wasted, and I figure there has to be some logic in that, because if it wasn\'t they probably wouldn\'t have said it because the more of their product you use, the more you\'re going to have to buy
    I was thinking about getting both none and nol, and use full strength...however, if you are attracting the funny, giggly type, they will be intimidated by the none..and if you\'re trying to attract more serious, wanting type, they might not want the nol, so it may be counterproductive.
    Another thing....I think I produce PRACTICALLY only NONE, no nol hardly at all...I\'m the weightlifter type, I lift weights religiously, and all that...however, I think I like it better that way....and, you should build on what you have, because, you\'re probably not going to act like what you have on, and etc...and, well, that just wouldn\'t make sense.

    Another thing, misunderstood of the apc vs. primal.....if it\'s the \"original\" apc and is 10 times weaker, ok, but, if it\'s the kind that I\'ve read, the concentrate is 2 times what your body naturally produces, I believe that primal is better, HOWEVER! Dont\' think that just because you\'re not using the most powerfull stuff you don\'t have the edge, if you have 2 times the mones your body produces, you still have MORE of an edge than anyone else in the room. They did tests, and the \"bad boys\" produce more NONE, however do you think they produce more than 2 times the normal amount?
    Also, from what I\'ve read on what the ladies want, they want a bad guy, but that treats them right....and that\'s why you get a lot of results with mones when a \"nice guy\" is using them. A piece of advice to the ladies on this site though...\" A \"too\" nice guy will eventual level off; an asshole will eventually become an even bigger asshole!\'ll regret all the nice guys you\'ll meet, and wish you didn\'t play around with them...( I hate when the ladies play around with you like that, you don\'t know if they like you or not )

    Another thing...when you have pheromones on, and you are found attractive, that does not mean that the ladies will try to hook up with you...they\'ll plainly, find you more attractive, that may not mean anything, but rather, that they find you attractive. Some girls may not give you signs.
    When you see a hot girl, do you act differntly around them? Most likely no, you find them attractive, but that doesn\'t mean that you may act different aroudn them

    Anyway, most of what I\'ve experienced, is glances, more smiles from the ladies..more talkative (they never shut up trying to talk to you now)and they like being around you really. I think they are more intimidated also, you have the upper edge


  20. #20

    Default Re: Random Phero thoughts

    I haven\'t used APC or Primal. I\'m just reiterating the consensus of the board. I think there\'s a lot of confusion about the labeling of APC, but I heard that it was tested at 1/10th the concentration of primal.

  21. #21
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    Default Re: Random Phero thoughts

    AS far as I\'ve read, the 1 ounce bottle of Apc is 2 times more concentrated than the .5 ounce bottle.

    And the 1 ounce is .025%...which is half of what primal....sites comparing all of them, primal is 2 times stronger than apc....and perfect 10 is supposed to be 2 times stronger than that.....apc is supposed to be 2 times stronger than yes....


  22. #22

    Default Re: Random Phero thoughts

    Where are you getting these numbers?!?
    APC is not .025% it is like a tenth of that.
    Many people have posted this and the comparison chart at the other sites don\'t say otherwise.

  23. #23

    Default Re: Random Phero thoughts

    Ok people avoid both go with andro 4.2 its 80% as powerful as PI based on offical stats here on love-scent dont know about APC apparently it has very little folks bruce knows a lot about the various products (has direct links to the manufacuturers) get the real details check the site. APC is good for the perrfume scent to put into jambat mixes.

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