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  1. #1
    Join Date
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    Default Money well Spent

    I don't care

    what anybody says but NPA and SOE certainly "Getta Done" in my book,from 28 to 80 blind cripple or crazy, this stuff

    is unbelievable,what a match made in heaven .This stuff may soon be outlawed it is so lethal.Why buy

    bottles of espensive colognes to impress the ladies,when you can buy a bottle of NPA and SOE and have them

    impressing you.

  2. #2
    Phero Dude gfunk's Avatar
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    Well, I guess you should change

    your nick to Therenow then!

    Would you care to share with us all the juicy details then please?


    much did you wear? What happened? Are you ugly/goodlooking? How do you dress? How's your game? How did the

    pheromones bring you better results than you were able to get without?

    Kewl man!

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
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    Well right now I been going

    with 3 dabs of npa max one on each side of neck and one right dead center on Adam's apple, I would always cover

    with a 3" circle strip of soe on each spot of npa then a 2" strip on wrist and rub together.warning.....please make

    sure the npa is covered well if not then women will run from the smell trust me.Adding mones on your clothes last

    much longer then appying it to your skin also,I actually find that I get my most hits after the scents have died

    down after a hour or so of initial application,usually people tend to od on this stuff because they feel like if

    they can't smell it anymore on them then they must apply more and more,when in reality its working its magic with

    the women as good or better then the first application.Women sense of smell is far greater then men for some reason

    thus when we are not smelling the mones you'd better believe the ladies are still absorbing it all up.

  4. #4
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    do u ad Npa on ur bare

    skin or both on clothes and on ur skin?

  5. #5
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    Gfunk i'm not the best

    looking,or wealthiest man you ever would see,but there are two weapons in my arsenal that npa or soe simply can not

    touch,but ladies love.and that is properly groomed and charm baby,you can have one eye,hump back or

    one legged,if you've got some charm in your bag ladies will fall for you all day and all have to keep

    their interest level up and nothing works better then charm,if you the serious type all the time then women don't

    feel good around you as much,they'll consider you a bore! and go on to the next one thats makes them feel something

    good inside,they'll delight to see you coming because they know you are gonna make them smile,make them laught,take

    their minds off the serious side of life if but for a few monments,i don't care what Pheromone products you have,

    but if you don't couple it with a little charm then you're only getting one foot in the door with these women,and

    never ever give a new woman you meet the sense that you don't mind being friends first.You charm your but off with

    her leading her to the conclusion that you definitely intend to be a potention mate and not friend.because once

    you've enter that friend zone its hard to get out if you ever get out.and women usually always decide by your first

    interaction with them weather to place you in the friend slot or potention mate have more leverage when you

    are place in the potention mate slot,that way if you are somewhat not feeling her down the road from now,then you

    can always put her in the friend slot,hey happy testing and enjoying my brothers.

  6. #6
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    chuby i actually do

    both,but bare in mind if you do it on the skin and go out into the field testing, and for some reason after hours of

    no hits you decide to go with another mix or standalong Pheromone then you can always wash off the skin where you

    applied the first application,assuming you are armed in the field with your weapons of choice,and re apply with new

    potion, but on the other hand if you've put it on your clothes and decide to go with a new potion then you are

    fresh out of luck,unlest you simply take extra clothing with you while out in the field.and most of us don't do

    that kind of thing anyway.if you are in your own castle entertaining a female,the clothes methods have no barriers

    there for you can always switch shirts,if you are not getting the results you like,but please be advise patience

    works wonders when wearing this stuff,jumping from mix to mix and application and applications isn't something i'd

    reccomend.besides it can become very costly financial wise,as you would go thru alot doing it that way.patience my

    friend wins in the end.

  7. #7
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    i just got Soe+Npa...but

    with my old cologne i was able to spray both my neck and my shirt the same time.........but since theres no spray i

    guess u just rub it on both?

  8. #8
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    gfunk as far as answering

    your question about "How did the pheromones bring you better results than you were able to get without?" i"ll make

    this short and sweet
    pheromones cut out alot of the work for you,that you would normal have to do when without

    it.i think the whole purpose of them is to make life a little bit easier for you in the dating game, and having

    benefits of helpng while in committed relationships.hey as men any little break we can get from the hard work that

    it takes getting a women and keeping a woman is always a blessing.because let me tell you it can be hard work.i look

    at pheromones as an employee of mines,it works hard while i work less.heck we need a break sometimes,its hard

    enought that our women expects us to be the exact same way to them from the day we first meet them til 30 and 50

    years down the line.little do they know and understand that,thats so physically and mentally demanding on us.we are

    not robots women,we make mistakes we have a bad day every now and then,we get emotionally drain and physically as

    well,and it seems as no soon as we don't open a door for them,make love the same way,kiss them buying them

    things,you will hear these dreaded words my brothers,"you don't treat me like you use to do when i first meet you"

    and if she somehow gets her girlfriend in on it with her,you will more then likely hear these words from her

    girl,"oh yea the same thing that it took to get her is the same thing it takes to keep her".but me my brothers i'll

    tell them in a heart beat look this is a two way street here and not a one way,why put all the blame and drain on me

    when you aint exactly making deposits but always want a drawal,i tell em baby i love you but i have feelings and

    wanna be please at times too.lets work together and not rely solely on me to keep the fire burning.heck what have

    you done for me lately? anyone that gives love would like to receive love in return i don't care who you

    are.besides if you really wanna get technical,god made the woman for the man and not the other way around.( 1

    corithians 11 :9) therefore her efforts should be made manafest more toward me then vise versa.but guys women are

    not trying to hear that so to save yourself a good slapping,say that from a safe distance or better yet not at

    all.just a little food for thought.

  9. #9
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    chuby you are correct,thats

    the method you have to go with, now go get em tiger!

  10. #10
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    did u get gel packs? or

    the scented Soe

  11. #11
    Join Date
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    i have the gel packs thru

    the free samples,but i never have use the gel packs thus far i only use the bottles of npa and soe.But i'm certain

    they will get some use one of these old days,for right now i see no need to crack them open.

  12. #12
    Enlightened One
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    as i have posted many times the

    watcher (DD 1) mix 70% SOE and 30% NPA similar to youre useage is a proven product mix. It delivers repeatable

    results - leads to favourable social and some sexual reactions. (though the two terms are interchangeable) u get

    more gains socially and in life in general. Enough said finally there youre a bit excited and rightly so - use

    pheromones constantly for 6-8 years and u soon grow use to it

  13. #13
    Join Date
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    just got my shipments

    gonna try the soe and te that are samples...gonna us that before i use the real thing to finish the samples up..

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