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  1. #1
    Phero Dude
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    Default Very disturbing:viewer discression advised

    Okay...this is usualy way,way,way outside my usual posts.In point of fact I am not even sure if I

    should post it...but then again...This video is about how animals that end up on our tables for consumption are

    treated befor they reach the supermarket.Im sure we have all heard the stories,but seeing it eye


    I will sum up this video for those who would prefer to not watch it but may have stomach enough to hear

    my pathetic attempt to describe what has to be seen to be believed.Stop reading now if you would rather just not


    This is a link to a video narated by one of the Bladwins,Im not sure which one,that was produced by PETA

    in a campaign to stop the commercial sale of meat.Meat animals,as Im sure we have all heard,live in the most

    deplorable conditions imaginable.

    In the case of chickens,many production meat birds starve to death in thier

    pens as a result of injuries that prevent them from reaching food.Others die from stress related ailments while kept

    in extremely over crowded pens and coops while awaiting transport to slaughter.They are kept in pens far too

    small,made to live in thier own excrement,brutaly beaten to death if they are found to be sick or injured.In the

    video,five gallon buckets stuffed full of dead chickens can be seen in the pens.

    When they are slaughtered,they

    are first brutaly hung up by thier feet and sent through a machine that cuts thier throats,but often as a result,they are sent down the line to the hot water tank for feather removal.When chickens

    are plucked(I have done this myself) they are first dipped in scalding hot water to loosen the feathers.In the case

    of comercial production,many are still alive when they get dipped.

    Cattle in this video are particularly

    pathetic.Meat cattle are first castrated with a knife,have thier horns removed with bolt cutters and are

    branded...all without bennefit of anesthiesia.they are penned in a feed lot,where conditions are so cramped,they

    cant even move or lay down.By the time they go to slaughter,thier muscles have atrophied,they have developed

    infected wounds or cancerous lesions,despite which they still pass USDA certification.Many are so weak and

    debilitated,that they have to be dragged off the trucks with a winch when they reach the slaughter house,unable to

    move or stand on thier own.

    Dairy cows are much the same.They are kept in tightly regulated pens and milked

    several times a day.They are niether able to move or lay down and in many cases suffer injuries from being milked

    that result in them being culled from the heard and sent to slaughter.According to the video,most of the hamburger

    in the US is gained from dairy cows.

    Cows give milk for the same reason women feed thier offspring.So as

    a result,the dairy cows are impregnated and when they give birth,thier young are taken to simmilar,smaller pens to

    be raised for veal.Unable to lay down or walk,by the time they go to auction many of these veal animals cant even

    stand on thier own because thier muscles have atrophied.

    Once again,these animals are hung up at the slaughter

    house,have thier throats cut and are blead out befor being skinned and gutted.Unfortunatly,many are still alive and

    awake by the time they reach the skinning room.This is true of both beef cows and veal.

    The part of the video

    about pigs was the toughest part for me.My brother and sister-in-law raised pigs,and I got to help hand raise some

    of them after thier breeding sow died giving birth.Pigs are an amazingly inteligent creature and have been said to

    be more inteligent than dogs.Having seen it,I believe it.They are also alot of fun.

    The pigs are kept in pens in

    which they cant turn around.They are fed and watered,and when the time comes,they give birth and are given just

    enough extra space to nurse thier young.The piglets are prematurely weaned and sent to mass pens in which they are

    so packed together that they are unable to move.Sick or wounded animals are...this turned my stomach...picked up by

    thier hind legs and slammed head first onto the concrete floor to kill them.Many of the animals

    above,chickens,turkeys,cows,pigs are driven to insanity from thier conditions.Haveing spent alot of time around farm

    animals I can believe that because for as dumb as we think they are,they realy arent.They just cant share thier

    thoughts on quantum mechanics with us.And the mamals especialy have very distinct personalities.I have seen these

    animals show effection in the same way your dog or cat would show effection.They just smell alittle stronger.

    Thats about where I had to stop watching.In the greatest effort I can muster to not pay anyone any disrespect,it

    is very clear to me that meat farming in the United States has taken more than a few pointers on "how to" from the

    Nazi concentration camps and then improved on the methods to make them even worse.If you have a stomach to watch is the link.

    Bear in

    mind,I am not a big fan of PETA...but once in a while I can find something to agree with even with someone I usualy

    disagree with.

  2. #2
    Doctor of Scentology DrSmellThis's Avatar
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    Default Life out of balance

    No pun

    intended, but... food for thought!

    Thanks for the post.

    One of the great mysteries is how life implies

    death; and how milking (again, no pun intended) anything
    "good" out of the whole drama seems to imply creating

    something "bad".

    But certainly, there are more and less graceful, or harmonious, ways to participate in the

    ironies and cycles of nature. Unlike, say, traditional Native American cultures, we are extremely out of touch with

    this major aspect of existence.

    A big picture approach can be used to optimize the harmony we have with the rest

    of nature. Yes, everything we are and do is part of nature; but the question is whether we are acting in harmony, or

    in a selfish, human-centric, self-defeating, "cancerous" manner.

    All those practices taint the food we eat.


    think I'll go eat a free range, organic buffalo burger now.
    DrSmellThis (creator of P H E R O S)

  3. #3
    Moderator belgareth's Avatar
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    That's pretty bad. I wonder if

    its across the board treatment or if those are some of the worst offenders? Do you know? I'd read recently that

    some companies have strict policies about humane treatment that wouldn't allow that type of thing. Maybe I'm

    nisunderstanding what they consider humane?


    While I am not familar with all traditional native american

    customs the few I do know something about are very strongly in touch with the cycles of nature and their place in

    it. Could you please go into a bit of detail on that?
    To compel a man to subsidize with his taxes the propagation of ideas which he disbelieves and abhors is sinful and tyrannical.

    Thomas Jefferson

  4. #4
    Doctor of Scentology DrSmellThis's Avatar
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    For example, I have in mind

    the close, intimate, respectful, solemn relationship hunters had with their prey (note the closeness with the word

    "pray", BTW); and the rituals that developed around that in different tribes. The role of the buffalo as sacred in

    ancient American history is illustrative.

    It wasn't, random, indiscriminate killing for the purpose of

    mazimizing profits. There was an awareness of what you are doing, how it is profoundly important, and how it fits

    DrSmellThis (creator of P H E R O S)

  5. #5
    Moderator belgareth's Avatar
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    Ah, my apologies. I read it

    wrong. You've since re-written it so I'm not sure how I managed to misinterpret it.
    To compel a man to subsidize with his taxes the propagation of ideas which he disbelieves and abhors is sinful and tyrannical.

    Thomas Jefferson

  6. #6
    Doctor of Scentology DrSmellThis's Avatar
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    No problem. Seems I came

    across as saying the exact opposite of what I was trying to, due to a subtle double negative. I started the

    sentence with "unlike", then said "native cultues", and followed with another negative ("out of touch"). It was an

    optical illusion, and not the greatest writing on my part. It's better to phrase things using positives, kids!
    DrSmellThis (creator of P H E R O S)

  7. #7
    Phero Dude
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    I think these conditions were

    representative of the worst offenders in the industry,but even cutting the misery and brutality by half wouldnt pay

    these animals the respect they deserve.I think Doc and I are fairly close to being on the same page in terms of

    being in touch with nature and our role in it.I have known for a long time that native American culture in many

    tribes prescribes a very solemn and spiritual relationship between the hunter and the hunted.In many cases its not

    uncommon for the hunter to mourn his prey and pay great respect to its spirit and give thanks for the opportunity to

    eat and feed his tribe.

    In a sort of excentric and funky way,Ted Nugent subscribes to this line of thinking.I

    dont know if you have much knowledge of his life style,but he and his wife eat only meat that they have harvested

    themselves.They hunt it,clean it,skin it,butcher it and eat it.They have a very simmilar philosophy toward

    animals.They regard thier kills as gifts from God and go to fairly extensive lengths to insure that each kill is as

    humane as possible.They also do a HUGE amout of conservation work...but thats not impoirtant right now...Funny

    thing...for thier ages,Ted and his wife look realy great...and thier thirty one year old daughter looks like she

    probably gets carded every time she orders a drink.The first time I saw her I thought she was sixteen.The whold

    family enjoys a level of health and energy that most Americans have only read about,largely due to an extremely

    healthy life style...including thier food.Although I find him excentric and alittle over the top,I have a great deal

    of admiration for he and his wife.They have very strong convictions and they strive to live up to them in the most

    decent way they know how.

    His wife is so damn hot too...good food hasnt hurt her one bit...

  8. #8
    Moderator belgareth's Avatar
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    I wasn't arguing the point and

    agree that the conditions were deplorable. In both instances I was looking for clarification. In Doc's case, the

    way it was originally written it was easily misunderstood to say the native americans did not revere life and I know

    that to be wrong in the instances I am familar with. He clarified and we are in agreement.
    To compel a man to subsidize with his taxes the propagation of ideas which he disbelieves and abhors is sinful and tyrannical.

    Thomas Jefferson

  9. #9
    Banned User
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    I guess it's time to start

    considering more closely what I eat. I guess seafood really would be a better source of protien.

  10. #10
    Moderator Mtnjim's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by catlord17
    ...I guess seafood

    really would be a better source of protien.
    And mercury!!
    Freedom begins when you tell Mrs. Grundy to go fly a kite.
    --Lazarus Long

  11. #11
    Phero Dude
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    There is such a think as humane

    meat products.You just have to look realy hard for them.Another option is to find out if there is someone localy

    that you can go in on a cow with cooperatively.Superior meat and no guilt.There are alot of folks around here that

    have various animals like cows and sheep and chickens that,if you befriend them and offer to help out and help

    pay,are willing to raise animals on thier property for meat.You know exactly what went into the meat and exactly

    what health the animal was in at the time of slaughter and it actualy gets to live its life right up to the end in

    relative comfort and luxury.

  12. #12
    Doctor of Scentology DrSmellThis's Avatar
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    Since you're eating them,

    whatever you're doing to them you're doing to yourself. We shouldn't assume that a life and death of torture

    doesn't somehow become reflected in the health of the meat. Mind-body connections aren't just for humans.
    DrSmellThis (creator of P H E R O S)

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