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Thread: Got Game?

  1. #61
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    i get looks from older (ages

    27-40) attractive women all the time. But i cant find the courage to do anything bout it

  2. #62
    King of the coupons!
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lycan
    i get looks from

    older (ages 27-40) attractive women all the time. But i cant find the courage to do anything bout it

    Lycan, depending on what's behind their looks, in the I'm interested in yous, all is needed is a

    smile and hello, or a wink. If you find it hard to wink, you need work. There are more and more women out there

    letting men know they're interested.

    No trying to pick up anyone, but for some reason I've started saying

    "howdy," and females just burst out laughing or smiling. Maybe it's because I'm in an area where most people say

    "hi" "hello," OR, I'm a black man saying "howdy," and I'm not in Texas.

    You don't have to do anything out of

    the norm, so ... JUST DO IT!
    Never argue with ignorant people! They pull you down to THEIR level, and then they BEAT YOU with experience. Who said that!? I don't know, but tis gold I tell'ya!!

  3. #63
    Journeyman TylerOC's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MOBLEYC57

    depending on what's behind their looks, in the I'm interested in yous, all is needed is a smile and hello,

    or a wink. If you find it hard to wink, you need work. There are more and more women out there letting men know

    they're interested.

    No trying to pick up anyone, but for some reason I've started saying "howdy," and females

    just burst out laughing or smiling. Maybe it's because I'm in an area where most people say "hi" "hello," OR, I'm

    a black man saying "howdy," and I'm not in Texas.

    You don't have to do anything out of the norm, so ...


    hahah one of my buddies around here (orange county) says howdy all the

    time, i dont know anybody else that does

  4. #64
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    Last night at my regular club I

    noticed that they'd found a new waitress. When she came to see if I wanted a drink, I asked her name and introduced

    myself. Then a friend of mine who I met there, another regular, pipes up with:

    "Just so you know, we are going

    to flirt with you. We flirt with all of the waitresses." He's kinda a jerk in some ways, and definitely doesn't

    have a very smooth touch.

    "I won't," I said.

    "Yes you will, you always do," he retorted. I thought evil

    thoughts about my friend.

    "Actually, I'm friendly. I think that every kind of relationship begins with

    friendship, and I like to get to know interesting people. I make conversation," I explained.

    Eventually he

    stopped saying stupid things and I was able to have a conversation with her. I asked her what she thought of the

    place so far, revealed some small things, asked her more follow up questions, revealed more things about myself, but

    let her talk when she wanted to talk and showed I was interested as she did so. If she stopped, I asked her another

    question based on something she said, usually something that shows that I understand how she feels about something,

    and would like to know more. At one point she stopped making rounds to get people drinks for about 15 minutes to

    talk, and she was the only waitress not counting the bartenders. When I left for the night she gave me a warm hug.

    This is my pattern. When possible, start with a friendly question, preferably one that allows them to say

    something about how they feel about something pertinent, then build from there. It's critical to have the honest

    feeling that you want to get to know them, learn more about them, that you care about what they are saying and find

    it interesting. Be sympathetic. (sympathy example: I once had a grumpy IRS employee call me about a

    misunderstanding. I made a light-hearted joke and then said something about the angry people she must have to deal

    with. She then opened up with stories about her experiences, and started looking for ways to help.) In the course of

    the conversation you get the chance to show them that you are an intelligent, warm, friendly, interesting person.

    Throw in a dash of appropriate touching and flirtatious comments if it seems right. Oftentimes they'll start that

    for you if they like what you're saying. Make jokes when you can.

    It's very easy to not be shy or nervous with

    this approach, because all you are doing is being friendly. What is there to be nervous about with that? If the

    conversation falls apart, just try again later or move on to someone new. To practice this, find excuses to strike

    up conversations with people that you are not necessarily attracted to. The key here is that it doesn't have to be

    brilliant or funny (bonus points if it is), it just has to be warm and sincere.

  5. #65
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    I'm telling you one thing....

    do not talk about facts, they are conversation killers. It's ok to bring up facts once in a while but don't talk

    about facts in a row. Go with emotions, they are the best and safest way.

  6. #66
    Sadhu bjf's Avatar
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    phan, you so flirt with every

    "An investment in knowledge always pays the best interest."
    --Benjamin Franklin

  7. #67
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    Ok BJ, you caught me. But don't

    tell them! It's stealth flirting!

    I agree gamecity, feeling topics/questions are much more powerful. Emotion

    keeps people connected to a conversation.

    I find myself saying things like:
    "Oh really? Does that bother you

    "What do you think of..."
    "How do you feel about..."
    Or doing something similar by making statements of

    my own about something.

    It also helps to find things that people are passionate about, as long as you can say

    something intelligent about the subject.

    I'm not one of those people that religiously follows the words of the

    dating gurus, but one interesting thing I saw when I went over some of DeAngelo's stuff was when he was talking to

    a writer. He didn't ask her, "What do you write?" He asked her, "How does writing make you feel?" A lot less

    cliche, a lot more feeling-oriented.

  8. #68
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  9. #69
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    Quote Originally Posted by Chemist
    It might not

    be rocket science, but it was something that eluded me for many years. My first step and changing my social life was

    pheromones. Six years after that, I stumbled on what I described above - it took a long time to figure it out.

    It might not be rocket science, but one thing is clear, not many guys do it. The technique is very simple and

    takes 100x less effort and worry than what I was doing before. I think there are more rocket scientists in this

    world that natural guys who know what to do. I certainly didn't.
    This is GREAT news. I've never had

    to approach gals before, as all through school everyone knew everyone else and their business from classes and

    talking with others. Since I've graduated it's gotten much harder, as with my size I tend to be an intimidator,

    regardless of how much I'm smiling. Plus, I get so nervous myself that I often forget to do the little things like

    smiling and maintaining eye contact that could induce a gal to come up to me. Seeing you write that you were never

    good at it before really gives me hope that someday I'll be able to carry myself the right way too.

  10. #70
    Full Member luxveritas's Avatar
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    I downloaded a few audio

    lectures by david deAngelo. This guy rocks. Some of the best advice that I have ever heard. Eventhough I already

    knew most of this stuff it helped to solidify my theories by hearing them said by someone else.

    I also got a few

    lectures by ross jefferies his work is nowhere near as logical or worthwhile.
    24 year old, good looking, white guy SOE+NPA works like a charm
    Chikara no results nice scent
    Pherlure cant wear it; strong scent headache
    AA314 good stuff
    NPA girls get frisky, stinks
    A7 almost as good as NPA
    SOE legit

  11. #71
    Phero Enthusiast phersurf's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by luxveritas
    I downloaded a

    few audio lectures by david deAngelo. This guy rocks. Some of the best advice that I have ever heard. Eventhough I

    already knew most of this stuff it helped to solidify my theories by hearing them said by someone else.


    also got a few lectures by ross jefferies his work is nowhere near as logical or worthwhile.
    Yep. The

    seduction comunity outgrew RJ. His stuff is definitely manipulative, where David D is much more about inner game.

    THe way you convey your inner game is by not being impressed by her looks, not being needy, being able to walk away,

    and just teasing the hell out of her (in a funny way).

    Do not comlpliment her on her looks, compliment her on

    something less tangible or an acomplishment. The hotter she is, the less a compliment on her looks will work. If she

    is more of a girl-next-door type, complimenting her looks can be affective.

    Try to put yourself in the

    position of a hot girl. They get hit on everywhere they go at all hours. If you come up to her and tell how

    beautiful she is (she's probably heard it 10 times the hour before you approached her) you will automatically be

    filed in her "average boring chump file". Hot women get the unfair label of being bitches when they are only trying

    to mange their time.

    Here's an example of a recent interchange I had with a woman (5'2", mid 30's, 100

    lbs, very cute) at a cafe in LA at about 6 PM on a Saturday,

    She was standing in line to get food to go, I

    thought she might have been at the end of the coffee line. I smiled and made strong eye contact, she smiled and

    broke eye contact first.

    Me: Are you in the coffee line?

    Her: No, I'm waiting for food to


    Me: I've never eaten here before, what's good?

    Her: The "whatever" is really good!


    Great! I'll be sitting over there (pointing to a table) I can't wait to try it.

    Her: (laughing)


    (shaking my head in pitty) Taking food home on a Saturday night, how sad.

    Her: (laughing again even harder)

    No! I'm meeting some friends later! Honestly!

    Me: You're trying reeally hard to convince me. These

    friends, they're not "The Desperate Houswifes" by any chance, are they?

    Her: You're terrible! (getting her

    food) Here, let me give you my email address, my name is "her name".

    Me: Nice meeting you. (shaking her hand

    but holding it just a little longer than is confortable).

    We've been out 2 times and been quite physical.

    She makes more money than I do, but I'm the one that has the status in the interaction.

  12. #72
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    Quote Originally Posted by Pongo

    seduction - I think thats Ross Jefferies - I have his stuff here somewhere,... If not him then it's David DeAngelo,

    I have all the stuff from these guys ~ it really boils down to one damn thing,... DROP THE SHY & GO SAY HI.

    Quote me on that, Pongo out
    Just got done reading Neil Straus' "The Game" which covers his life

    as one of the top pick up artists. He dropped the following information casually but it kind of reasonated with me

    pretty strongly:

    Ross Jeffries is a balding, 44 yo guy who still lives with his parents (and when Neil picked

    him up for a night of "sarging" Ross' mom tried to show him baby pictures).

    How many leaders of fortune 500

    companies are taking advice from this guy who still lives with his parents, is ridiculously insecure (as covered

    throughout the book) and hasn't been able to actually keep a relationship despite his supposed success as a pick-up


    The book is a fascinating read and there are a handful of things to pull from it. The most

    fascinating part is the counterculture aspects of males who were bullied and broken in the "real world" and have now

    moved on to the internet finding each other.

    A couple more bullet points:
    (1) He condemns "the game" in

    the end, and says "there is no game" to end the book. He expressed that he is having troubles in his relationship

    now and how much hard it is work at a relationship.
    (2) As hard as they tried to bring in new women they mainly

    accomplished just surrounding themselves with more "lost" males.
    (3) The people who are drawn to this are

    individuals prone to join any type of cult.
    (4) A lot of their "game" is kinda pointless. I've been at enough

    bars to know that some of their field reports are ridiculous, especially the Paris Hilton one, where what they took

    as genuine interest was just a female being polite or being nice to the weird guy so you can make fun of him five

    minutes later with your friends.
    (5) Pulling a lot of their "game" will get your face smashed in if you are in

    the wrong area. LA, NY etc. is one thing. Middle America is something totally different. The fakeness of LA and the

    prevalance of superficial chit chat is a good conduit for their "game" but that doesn't mean it will work in texas.

    Also the women in LA may be much more receptive to this kind of stuff. If I pulled any of this shit with a girl in

    law school she'd skewer me. (ok, well that is actually the voice of experience there...)

    I think the book is

    great and definitely worth reading. I just wouldn't take the stuff said in there word for word. I know it has an

    appeal to individual's who may not have had a lot of success or experience in general around women but it is much

    more of a starting point than a finish line.

    What I tend to do, and pheromones definitely help, is completely

    not hit on a beautiful woman. Go up, sit by her, treat her likes on of the boys. Meanwhile, hopefully the pheromones

    are arousing her and she has this cognitive disconnect that she is attracted to you, but you aren't beeing

    subservient trying to hit on her or make her like you. She now wants you to like her and now she's interested. I'm

    always surrounded by attractive women in bars because this is generally what I use. The game of "no game." If she's

    not interested in you in that way, great you have a hot female friend now you can use for social validation with

    other women. I hate the all-or-nothing approach many people take. I stockpile female friends so whenever I am in a

    bar I have hot girls to go to even if they are specifically just friends.

    Of course, I don't believe in the

    LJBF thing either. The pick up artist guys act like this is the worst thing that can ever happen and guys talk about

    it all the time. My two major relationships, both over 3 years, started after getting the LJBF talk initially. Sure

    it won't happen all the time, but there are ways to get out of the LJBF zone.

    take care,

  13. #73
    Phero Enthusiast phersurf's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jamesdeanmartin

    I tend to do, and pheromones definitely help, is completely not hit on a beautiful woman. Go up, sit by her, treat

    her likes on of the boys. Meanwhile, hopefully the pheromones are arousing her and she has this cognitive disconnect

    that she is attracted to you, but you aren't beeing subservient trying to hit on her or make her like you. She now

    wants you to like her and now she's interested. I'm always surrounded by attractive women in bars because this is

    generally what I use. The game of "no game." If she's not interested in you in that way, great you have a hot

    female friend now you can use for social validation with other women. I hate the all-or-nothing approach many people

    take. I stockpile female friends so whenever I am in a bar I have hot girls to go to even if they are specifically

    just friends.
    First you put down the tactics that the PUAs use (that work only in LA, NY

    according to you, I'll tell you an experience I had in Houston if you want), then you tell us what your tactics are

    and they're the same. Maybe not the same techiques, but you're communicating the same things.

    You "go and

    sit by her and treat her like one of the boys". Dude, this is David Deangelo 101!

    "but you aren't beeing

    subservient trying to hit on her or make her like you" again, David D, Style and others. They all teach not to try

    to make a woman like you. Almost all their tactics are aimed at exactly this outcome. "I'm hot, why is this guy so

    comfortable around my and not trying to hit on me?" Your'e subcomunicating that you're the chooser and this an

    atractive trait.

    "I'm always surrounded by attractive women in bars because this is generally what I use",

    "If she's not interested in you in that way, great you have a hot female friend now you can use for social

    validation with other women" You've got David Deangelo, Mystery, Style, et al down cold! Congradulations!

    You did it on your own! You're a natural. These exact things are what they teach, this is the


    And yes, there are ways to get out of the LJBF zone. All they say is that it's too much trouble,

    and there are so many great woman out there, why waste the time. I don't agree, it can be well worth the


    Unfortunately many of us didn't get this stuff naturally (you probably think to your self,

    "common guys, this stuff is obvious"). We were brought up to pursue woman, tell them how beautiful they are, give

    them gifts, take them to expensive restaurants.

  14. #74
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    There is also direct game which is

    getting very popular in the community, where you do the opposite to mystery and others where you just go up to the

    girl and say i like you and i want to meet you, at the end of the day i guess what style suits you best. The best

    thing david taught me was all the wuss traits i had which i have eleminated most of them.

  15. #75
    Phero Guru Rbt's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by phersurf
    First you put down

    the tactics that the PUAs use (that work only in LA, NY according to you, I'll tell you an experience I had in

    Houston if you want), then you tell us what your tactics are and they're the same. Maybe not the same techiques,

    but you're communicating the same things.

    You "go and sit by her and treat her like one of the boys". Dude,

    this is David Deangelo 101!

    "but you aren't beeing subservient trying to hit on her or make her like you"

    again, David D, Style and others. They all teach not to try to make a woman like you. Almost all their tactics are

    aimed at exactly this outcome. "I'm hot, why is this guy so comfortable around my and not trying to hit on me?"

    Your'e subcomunicating that you're the chooser and this an atractive trait.

    "I'm always surrounded by

    attractive women in bars because this is generally what I use", "If she's not interested in you in that way, great

    you have a hot female friend now you can use for social validation with other women" You've got David Deangelo,

    Mystery, Style, et al down cold! Congradulations!

    You did it on your own! You're a natural. These exact things

    are what they teach, this is the "game".

    And yes, there are ways to get out of the LJBF zone. All they say is

    that it's too much trouble, and there are so many great woman out there, why waste the time. I don't agree, it can

    be well worth the trouble.

    Unfortunately many of us didn't get this stuff naturally (you probably think to

    your self, "common guys, this stuff is obvious"). We were brought up to pursue woman, tell them how beautiful they

    are, give them gifts, take them to expensive restaurants.
    I read his post over a couple of times and got

    the impression it was RJ and NS and "The Game" he was putting down the most, not DD.

    I take most of that stuff

    with a large grain of salt anyway. I have tried to look over them all (just now getting around to checking out

    Mystery). I do think that DD's early, basic stuff is pretty much "old hat" to me, but mostly true. But then again

    I've had 30+ years to learn it, and to some of the "youngsters" it may be a revelation.

    What I've seen of

    DD's later "advanced" stuff does get a little over the top to me, but then again, he is a marketer intent on making

    some money and selling to a specific receptive audience, and he tends to aim his pitch at that market.

    And of

    course, in the end, it depends on what the "customer" wants, and what works for them.
    Like the man said, if nothing

    else DD's stuff pointed out some of what he felt were his weak spots. He acted on them and was satisfied with the

    results. That alone sounds good to me.

    I often read over all the "help" books in almost any subject I have an

    interest in, and consider each point made by the author. Some apply, some don't (some are downright ridiculous).

    But in doing the consideration, I may find a grain of truth or at least a new direction to explore.

    No one

    "system" will probably work, just like there is usually no *one* right answer to any question or soulution to a

    situation. As long as the material gets you to thinking, then it's done something positive. Whether you choose a

    "right" or a "wrong" path based on that info is part of what and who you are, and part of the learning/personal

    development process.

    Now look what you've done. I've gone off and become "serious" again... Time

    to put on the Puffy Ami Yumi DVD again or something.
    The opposite of love isn't hate.
    It's apathy

  16. #76
    Phero Pharaoh a.k.a.'s Avatar
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    The more I read these posts, the

    more I become convinced it’s a question of faith. I believe that we are all sexual animals trying to escape the

    bonds of social conditioning. I put my trust in sexual chemistry and the ultimate inadequacy of social norms. I’ve

    gotten great milage out of some of the lamest lines you could imagine (“you look familiar”, “I like your tattoo”,

    “is this guava fresh”).
    The thing is, before I approach a woman, I’m already convinced that we are both hot,

    hormone pumping, sexual animals just looking for an excuse to drive each other over the edge. Most of the time I

    have no idea what I’m going to say. I just physically put myself into a position where I have to say something and,

    somehow, I always do. (I think it’s only natural.) If I start to choke, then that becomes part of the “game” too.

    It’s a sign that she’s very hot and I’m not much of a player.
    My feeling is that many guys are more

    interested in being in control than in hooking up. And that seems to be the kind of guy that pick-up guides appeal

    A line that you see in some of the old movies is, “You can’t fight this. It’s bigger than both of us.”

    I never actually use this line, but I never even bother unless I believe it in my heart.
    Give truth a chance.

  17. #77
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rbt
    I read his post

    over a couple of times and got the impression it was RJ and NS and "The Game" he was putting down the most, not

    I actually wasn't intending to put anyone down really. I was just looking to open

    up discussion. When I saw the initial response I just ignored it because I figured he didn't get what I was

    saying/what I said didn't come out as I had intended.

    I've read a lot of the stuff, its more interesting to

    me as an excursion into the sociology of the guys who swear by this as opposed to some sort of divine mathematics

    that will get us all laid. Straus' book was fascinating to me and I read it in two days (putting away all reading

    for classes). I haven't formed a full opinion on it yet but I have a lot of ideas, most of which were bulletted


    I write screenplays on the side, a number of them deal with the bonding rituals and such of the male

    in the world we are living in today. (Think Fight Club, Swingers, etc.) I think "The Game" is an excellent companion

    to those works. I do feel the book is at times a condemnation of "the game" and the levels to which con men will go

    to bilk people out of money (as well as perhaps the absurdity of living with dozens of males under one roof to

    somehow "get women", you have to admit there are homoerotic undertones to a lot of it.)

    My main reason for

    posting is because we get a lot of people around here who seem to have a decent amount of disposable income and a

    strong yearning for attention from the opposite sex and I don't want them falling into the trap of thinking this

    stuff is mana from heaven (especially when these seminars cost like $2500 a pop). I've seen a number of people

    suggest RJ and others through the years around here. I read David DeAngelo's stuff he posts on, I think

    most of his stuff is pretty dead on, or at the very least, psychologically speaking what these men need to hear

    (myself included).

    Anyway, I have very little natural game, but I've been sitting in coffee shops and bars

    and cafes for 7 years straight talking to any woman I can meet to learn as much as I can from them. A lot of it

    coincides with what DeAngelo and others say. Some of it doesn't. Your mileage will always vary with this


    In the end though, "game", "pheromones" etc. what I do see time and time again is some guys are

    attractive enough to get by with snorts and grunts. A close friend of mine is considered a knockout by female

    standards and he bags a bevy of hot girls, meanwhile the rest of my crew could go up to these girls and recite

    Shakespeare to them or play every "game" in Straus' or RJ's aresenal and still get nowhere. I guess the secret is

    moving on from those girls and finding the ones who will give you an openning.

    take care,

  18. #78
    Kodachrome Forever! Gegogi's Avatar
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    The women who are willing

    to laugh and have fun are the best ones, IMO. If they aren't willing to have fun or don't have a sense of humor

    I'm gone. They aren't worth the bother.
    Although I generally agree with this statement I keep an open

    mind, especially if I'm really horny. I've met women who seemmed to have absolutely no sense of humor but, once I

    got to know them, I realized they held it inside or merely had an entirely different perspective on life and humor.

    That is, they though it odd I found certain things funny and vice versa. A truly sober minded woman is a bore but

    those out in left field or holding it in are oft extremely passionate in the sack. I've dated lots of women from

    foriegn countries, most of my GFs were FOBs, and other cultures are often reserved and very different as far as

    what's funny and how they express it.
    "I'm just a dirty hornytoad" -Gegogi

  19. #79
    Phero Enthusiast Netghost56's Avatar
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    So what it comes down to is:

    "You either got it, or you don't."

    BTW, is there some dictionary that you guys pull all these abbreviations

    from? FOB???
    "The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few. Or the one."

  20. #80
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    Quote Originally Posted by Netghost56
    So what it

    comes down to is: "You either got it, or you don't."

    BTW, is there some dictionary that you guys pull all

    these abbreviations from? FOB???
    No no no..... if you don't have it, you can learn it. Practice makes

    perfect. Noone is born a perfect person.

  21. #81
    Full Member luxveritas's Avatar
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    My God have I come a long way

    since starting this thread over a year ago. When I started I was not very confident and thought there must be some

    kind of magic secret to attracting women. I am very grateful that I found this forum. It has really expanded my

    knowledge and understanding of social interactions. I have learned so many things in this last year of pheromone use

    and dating and I am much happier and more confident because of it. Almost all of the techniques listed in the posts

    above are great but they cannot be techniques they must be part of who you are.

    Things I have learned in the

    last year.
    It seems impossible to really work on “game” as an academic pursuit. No one can tell you exactly how

    to get more women. For me it was an introspective process of figuring out how to present the best side of who I am.

    The best reading material I have encountered has been by David DeAngelo. However just reading this material did

    nothing for my game. I had to incorporate it into my daily philosophy before it really helped me.


    women with my words has been my best, most bizarre technique. It is really the only conscience “game” technique I

    use. All other techniques just come naturally or seem intuitive. I found that while my behavior told the girls I

    liked them, when I used cryptic comments slightly to the contrary, they stayed up late at night thinking about me

    which is never a bad thing. I have found that making comments contradictory to my body language and actions works

    very well for keeping women confused. Confusion is an emotional reaction and it is good for a woman to associate you

    with a non-negative emotional reaction.

    Going on many non-date dates has given me much more field experience

    and confidence. I never go into them with any expectations or stress. These dates are merely coffee with another

    person. If I hit it off then great if not, I still had fun BSing with someone for a while. This has really helped me

    with my shyness.

    In this last year, I discovered that it was very important to find a responsive audience.

    People would describe my personality as a little different and only very specific women really find common ground. I

    am very friendly, funny and talkative but I am also geeky so most normal girls I encounter have very little in

    common. Most of the girls I have met in the bars are very normal people. They might find me attractive but when we

    start talking one of us would become bored very quickly. So, I discovered that finding women that I like was a very

    niche market. Using craigslist has been the most effective way to tap into this niche market. Every woman I have met

    on craigslist has had a college degree of some sort and a few of them have had a masters degree or higher and for

    some reason nearly all of them are vegetarians. Your experience might vary depending on your posting but using an

    online service allowed thousands of women to check me out before ever making introductions. This greatly increased

    my odds of finding compatible women.

    Pheromone use was a great start for me, an attractive 24 year old white

    guy with little game, but I have found so many things that were so much more important. When I first received my

    pheromones in the mail, I went exclusively to bars to meet women. Whenever I approached any of them I am sure my

    body language and vocal tones reeked of desperation and awkwardness. No pheromone can fix your body language. One

    year later, I am much happier and more self-confident. Long story short “Game” doesn’t seem important anymore. At

    least not as important as being the best you can be and presenting the best side of your personality to the kind of

    women you want to attract.
    24 year old, good looking, white guy SOE+NPA works like a charm
    Chikara no results nice scent
    Pherlure cant wear it; strong scent headache
    AA314 good stuff
    NPA girls get frisky, stinks
    A7 almost as good as NPA
    SOE legit

  22. #82
    Moderator Mtnjim's Avatar
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    Mar 2002
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    Someone who

    "gets it""

    Wah Hoo!!
    Freedom begins when you tell Mrs. Grundy to go fly a kite.
    --Lazarus Long

  23. #83
    Phero Enthusiast Netghost56's Avatar
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    Apr 2005
    Texas, USA
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    Well, I've had a steady

    girlfriend now for the past 3 months. Been spending so much time with her that I haven't visited any of my old

    stomping grounds online.

    A year ago I was in the same place I'd been for the previous 5 years- shy, depressed,

    and lonely.
    "The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few. Or the one."

  24. #84
    Bad Motha Holmes's Avatar
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    Jul 2003
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    Excellent post, lux. Nice to see

    you around.

    Likewise, Ghost. Good to see you posting again.

    And happy belated, btw.
    If a guy's a cocksucker in his life, when he dies, he don't become a saint. - Morris Levy, Hitmen

    Holmes' Theme Song

  25. #85
    Moderator belgareth's Avatar
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    Lower Slovobia
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    Quote Originally Posted by Netghost56
    Well, I've

    had a steady girlfriend now for the past 3 months. Been spending so much time with her that I haven't visited any

    of my old stomping grounds online.

    A year ago I was in the same place I'd been for the previous 5 years- shy,

    depressed, and lonely.
    That's great news! I'm really happy to hear

    To compel a man to subsidize with his taxes the propagation of ideas which he disbelieves and abhors is sinful and tyrannical.

    Thomas Jefferson

  26. #86
    Moderator belgareth's Avatar
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    Oct 2002
    Lower Slovobia
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mtnjim

    Someone who "gets it""

    Wah Hoo!!
    A rare

    To compel a man to subsidize with his taxes the propagation of ideas which he disbelieves and abhors is sinful and tyrannical.

    Thomas Jefferson

  27. #87
    Doctor of Scentology DrSmellThis's Avatar
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    Jun 2002
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    Lot of good posts, folks.
    DrSmellThis (creator of P H E R O S)

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