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  1. #1
    Phero Enthusiast platinumfox's Avatar
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    Default How long will it be until women realize that we are using mones?

    Its a scary thought.....I brought this up because over the holidays I was shopping

    for colognes.This lady was with her friend talking about how this perfume contained phermones.I wondered if she was

    aware how many others are already on to us mone users.The lady was 50ish and was surprised she knew about them.I say

    in 5 years "pheromones" will be just another household name.Ladies will figure out "he must be wearing mones thats

    why I feel and think sexual thoughts while around him"

  2. #2
    Journeyman TylerOC's Avatar
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    it makes us not really want

    people to figure them out becuase it will take our edge away

  3. #3
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    Indeed - I really hope it will

    not happen THAT soon.
    My bet would be, say, 10 years.

    Oh - I wish it would never happen, though.

  4. #4
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    The topic has been discussed

    before. It's not so easy to find the right mix for oneself. It is likely to be a while I think before commercial

    products are able to get the same results enthusiasts can today.

    Also, mones obviously act on deeper layers

    of the brain than the neocortex, so even if you know one reason you are attracted to somebody is the perfume they

    wear (mone-laden or otherwise) you might not be able to override that feeling of attraction so easily.

  5. #5
    Phero Dude
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    Studies that support the effect of

    pheromones have been popping up in the media more frequently recently...its becoming more of a popuar topic to

    cover. It's becomning more mainstream knowledge, though synthetic pheromones are usually met with quite a bit of

    skepticism (lucky us).

    Its only a matter of time before a company decides to seize the profitability in

    aggressively mass marketing pheromones though, even if the products don't necessarily work as well as the ones we

    use here. I mean look at how quickly TAG and Axe have blown by marketing cheap fragrances as aphrodisiacs. Realm

    has been out on the market for a while now, but it wasn't marketed nearly as aggressively as TAG and Axe were.

    Paris Hilton's fragrance has pheromones in it, however it wasn't the primary focus of their marketing strategy -

    paris hilton was.

    The success of Tag and Axes have shown us, however, that simply saying a product will help you

    attract women, will at least warrant giving it a try. If a company were to seriously mass market a pheromone

    product, use pheromones as part of its marketable benefits, and stress the aphrodisiac qualities of pheromones in

    their marketing, then people will jump on it like hot cakes, even if the products don't necessarily work. Like

    pheroquirk said, there's way too much behind pheromone use to mass produce a pheromone product that'll be

    successful for everyone. That isn't to say that companies have never mass-produced a second rate product and

    succeeded though.

    So yeah I think pheromones will eventually become mainstream knowledge, though there will

    always be a spot for us hardcore, "underground" pheromone users who better understand the delicate nature of

    pheromone use...we'll all laugh at gullable the masses are, while we keep seeing the real hits come our way.

  6. #6
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    I can't find them off-hand, but

    I've read a few posts in this forum where a female target was said to openly wonder if the poster was using


    When a reality dating show with a name like "Mister Mones" hits the airwaves, even more gals

    will wonder.

  7. #7
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    Also, pheromones co-ordinate

    social activity in all sorts of nuanced and still-to-be explored ways. They aren't just about sex, and as we know

    even with the sexual mones, raw attraction is only part of it.

    I can see hit-oriented heavy products like TE

    taking off much more quickly than surfs_up' subtle beta-nol/dienol mixes. So long after mones are mainstream, the

    enthusiasts will continue to have an edge (pun unintentional). I also think attending carefully to how pheromone

    use modulates your own and others' behaviour can help one develop a better understanding of humans that can lead to

    improved social competence.

    There is an interesting framework for understanding how products diffuse into the

    mainstream, in case anyone is interested. "Crossing the Chasm" by Geoffrey Moore. (I won't post a link


    If you think about it, it's amazing (to me at least) how quickly this stuff has gone from academic

    paper to there being tens of thousands (?) of enthusiasts experimenting with commercial product. I didn't realise

    till recently that some of the key papers are as recent as 98-2000. (Correct me if I am wrong)

  8. #8
    Phero Enthusiast
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    Cool Go watch Law and Order for the public awareness of technical subjects

    They drifted off into hilarious psychobabble about NLP in one episode, in

    another one they called it Neuro-Physiology, the actor clearly had no internal referents to what he was talking

    about.... the coroner pulled out a girls stomach in last night's episode, urine was dripping from it, she's been

    on a drink your own urine health cleanse you see.... a great heaping lot vanishes in translation to the common

    realm... if users aren't having instantaneous sex will carloads of hot teen girls they'll chuck it in the trash

    and spend their cash on skin tight polyester club rags....

  9. #9
    Phero Enthusiast platinumfox's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by surfs_up
    They drifted

    off into hilarious psychobabble about NLP in one episode, in another one they called it Neuro-Physiology, the actor

    clearly had no internal referents to what he was talking about.... the coroner pulled out a girls stomach in last

    night's episode, urine was dripping from it, she's been on a drink your own urine health cleanse you see.... a

    great heaping lot vanishes in translation to the common realm... if users aren't having instantaneous sex will

    carloads of hot teen girls they'll chuck it in the trash and spend their cash on skin tight polyester club

    Im not even going to reply

  10. #10
    Banned User
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    I was going to mention it but

    SyriaBrian did first.

    In the women's forum, there's a thread called "oozing sex" in wich she briefly dealt

    with this attractive aussie at the fair. She suspected phero use and was massively attracted to this aussie and

    thought it might be a member of this forum. Had some interaction but even though she suspected him of phero use, and

    was there with her bf, it was still like magic.

    People aren't going to ignore their feelings just coz humans

    found a synthetic way of triggering attraction to some extent.

    Even if it does become mainstream, I think

    they'll be just as easy to hide.

    I wouldn't say the market is quite ripe for phero users main stream though.

    There are massive amounts of skeptisism even though there is interest. And all that skeptisism comes from so many

    different directions.

    But there's also a difference between how the public sees synthetic mones and colognes

    with mones in them.

    Synthetics are man made, made with a specific intent. And alot of people see that as

    loserish or gimmicky. With products like Pherlure (and maybe Axe/Tag even though they don't lay claim to any phero

    use) people are going to be even more skepticle and even jaded. But eventually the truth will come out. It always

    does. How mainstream it becomes and if it becomes a fad or not, who knows. It could spark a 2000s version of the

    1960s. Instead of drugs and anonymous sex, it'll be mones and anonymous sex.

    Colognes have natural mones, wich

    tend to have a different spin on them. More of an aphrodesiac type thought when it comes to mainstream, and have

    credibility in that sense.

    If there is any danger of mones becoming main stream and the general public becoming

    educated about it, it'll be websites and forums like LS and pherolibrary.

    Don't get me wrong, i'm not

    bashing. But love-scent and pherolibrary have certain things to them that drew you in. It didn't seem gimmicky like

    pherlure or cheesey like axe and tag. Infact, clicking the forums link on LS...people are invited into a world of

    phero users that are genuinely asking advice and posting their own personal mixes, results, and fantastic stories.

    Honest business, curious individuals, and a means to wich people can learn alot more about unconventional products

    and their use in real world situation (not just theory or claim) is what you have to worry about.

  11. #11
    Kodachrome Forever! Gegogi's Avatar
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    "This lady was with her

    friend talking about how this perfume contained phermones...The lady was 50ish and [I?] was surprised she knew about

    Older folk are usually better read and more experienced, so no big surprise. I mentioned the use

    of pheromones to one of my classes of mostly late teens and 20-somethings and only one student had heard of them. Of

    course many college students would be hard pressed to locate Europe or Africa on a map.

    I seem to recall

    that the introduction of pheromones in colonges was big news during the late 80s and early 90s--the time that middle

    aged was lady near her sexual peak. Believe, boomer women ain't like the grannies of yesteryear and are in denial

    about their actual age. I'm sure even the paper boy has to watch his ass around boomer women...
    "I'm just a dirty hornytoad" -Gegogi

  12. #12
    Phero Dude
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gegogi
    Of course many

    college students would be hard pressed to locate Europe or Africa on a map.
    I resent that lol. I think

    we deserve a little more credit that that.

  13. #13
    Phero Enthusiast
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    Talking Think of it as upping the social ante

    cmo'n.... we vain mofos, we pay $500 gladly for our botox, we get hairplugs, we get little growths

    lasered off our faces, we get our sphincters let me ax you this... how many of the total folks that

    had plastic surgery look more believable, unless you're that miniscule fragment of the population that pays some

    exorbitant dough for the full on beverly hills celeb job ? How many people get it right ? I'm in my kitchen mixing

    up esoteric jism out of ambrette seed oil, valerian root oil, carnation absolute, boswellia, opoponax, saffron, and

    galanga wood to embed some fine pheromones for the right twing versus a south beach boner boy whose sloshed on some

    crap that smells like the potties in business class on a British Airways transatlantic flight ans a pinch of

    none.... and he lucks out and scores while I sit there and be sublime.... asshole.

  14. #14
    Phero Dude
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    I realy dont think that people

    are going to spring to the conclusion that your using pheromones when thier little brains are thinking "damn

    he's/she's hot!" When confronted by a situation where there is an emotional/sexual response in our wee little

    brains,the last thing that starts whizing around our crainiums is "gee,I wonder if there is a scientific explination

    to why I think she's hot?" Usualy,the thoughts go more toward,"how can I get him/her alone?" Attraction is just

    exactly that...attraction.The reason isnt nearly as important as getting what we desire.

    Fortunatly,we humans

    arent all that far removed from animals in the area of sex.And when we get a go signal from our brains,it isnt

    usualy from the same area of the brain that ponders poetry or phisics or the meaning of a beatles song.So I

    seriously doubt that the use of pheromones being found out will have a negative impact on anything,with the possible

    exception that one day you may wake up with someone you realy didnt expect to

  15. #15
    Kodachrome Forever! Gegogi's Avatar
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    Fortunatly,we humans

    arent all that far removed from animals in the area of sex.
    If that were true, I'd get banged everytime I

    donned NPA. Our brains get in the way. Social conditioning rears its ugly and multifaceted head nearly everytime.

    Women may feel the heat but then they consider what their friends may think, how much money you make, your clothing

    and style, your race and/or age, religion (can't date non-Christians), etc. Of course, inject a little Jack Daniels

    into them and they become like moth to flame.
    "I'm just a dirty hornytoad" -Gegogi

  16. #16
    Phero Enthusiast platinumfox's Avatar
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    If a woman has these "mone

    feelings" around a guy she normally would not be attracted to shes going to assume hes wearing the mones ...within

    the next five years.

  17. #17
    Phero Dude
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    I said NOT THAT FAR REMOVED...not

    JUST like them...geez...try to say something smart and everybody proves you wrong...

  18. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gegogi
    If that were

    true, I'd get banged everytime I donned NPA. Our brains get in the way. Social conditioning rears its ugly and

    multifaceted head nearly everytime. Women may feel the heat but then they consider what their friends may think, how

    much money you make, your clothing and style, your race and/or age, religion (can't date non-Christians), etc. Of

    course, inject a little Jack Daniels into them and they become like moth to flame.
    Now, if only some

    brilliant pheromone scientist could create a mone like spray that could remove social inhibitions we'd be even

    better off still. Any takers...?

  19. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by Pherolover
    Now, if only

    some brilliant pheromone scientist could create a mone like spray that could remove social inhibitions we'd be even

    better off still. Any takers...?
    the regulators would love you. and just imagine the court cases. i

    wonder if alcohol would be legal were it discovered and marketed for the first time today

  20. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by Pherolover
    Now, if only some

    brilliant pheromone scientist could create a mone like spray that could remove social inhibitions we'd be even

    better off still. Any takers...?

    Not to mention, more unwanted children, abortions and much

    more emotional problems for people who are not mature enough to handle sexual relations. And I'm just touching the


  21. #21
    Kodachrome Forever! Gegogi's Avatar
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    Liquor and illegal drugs work

    well enough if she needs a little "bump." At least she has to participate in ingesting the substances, suggesting

    some interest and collaboration. An instant love spray would be involuntary. If you really can't wade through all

    the social rituals, you can always pay for it. Money works better than any pheromone or drug...
    "I'm just a dirty hornytoad" -Gegogi

  22. #22
    Phero Enthusiast
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    Wink Candy is dandy but liquor is quicker

    crude but effective department... I don't know of any substance that enhances the effects of

    pheromones as well as good old booze. Those who barely register a tick when sober will be overtly shifted in the

    presence of -mones. Don't assume that the behaviors you witness in a quiet context will be anything like those in a

    bar or club. Think about it contextually, bars are designed from the ground up to encourage drinking, the lighting,

    music, spatial arrangements, in the good places comping a few beautiful people to hang around and act like bait...

    went into one place sporting a punchy beta-nol mix, a knot of guys over at the bar were growing rowdier by the

    minute, they all started yelling, then one of them takes off his clothes down to his black calvins and starts

    dancing around one article from buck naked, his buds reined him in and they settled down... I've worn mones to very

    high end restaurants and seen drunk investment bankers start howling about crossword puzzles while their bimbettes

    stubled around crosseyed from the expensive champagne and the headwaiter muttered *merde* under his breath... then

    I've seen evening where everbody behaved extremely sweetly and much more polite than usual, more empathetic and

    respectful... hard to say what the triggering event was... but you will rarely see behavior like that without

    moderate to heavy alcohol consumption...

  23. #23
    Kodachrome Forever! Gegogi's Avatar
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    I can't say I influenced the

    mood of an entire bar or even nearby people when all 'moned up. However, it certainly loosens up drunk women in

    your personal space. If they even remotely want you, they'll make their intentions obvious. I've gotten my little

    willie grabed by normally reserved female acquaintances a number of times. They were embarrassed about it later and,

    of course, blamed it on the booze. Of course it may have happened without the 'mones but I doubt it.
    "I'm just a dirty hornytoad" -Gegogi

  24. #24
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    Quote Originally Posted by platinumfox
    Ladies will

    figure out "he must be wearing mones thats why I feel and think sexual thoughts while around him"

    well, that's just one more excuse women can use to justify any sexual inhibitions released that conflict with their

    "normal" behavior. I say we use it to our advantage:

    She says: "I'm strangely attracted to you. I normally

    don't have these thoughts- you must be using mones"

    You say: "Yeah you're right, I guess that means you

    shouldn't even bother resisting your urges." <grin>

    Something on that line or other.

  25. #25
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    The reasons why TAG and Axe are

    popluar are because they are dirt cheap and they smell nice - no one who watches those commercials takes them

    seriously, but they make us laugh. If these products were $25-$60 a pop, they wouldn't be so popular.


    have been around for 11 years. I've seen some mainstream products use them. I haven't seen any increase in

    awareness on the part of others that people might be wearing pheromones. If you don't want someone to look at you

    in a funny way because you wear them, then don't let them know.

    Phereomones are no more important to

    attraction than other factors: sense of humor, confidence, ability to carry on a conversation with someone "all

    night", etc.

    I realized that being funny had a lot to do with attraction and I went out and read books on it

    - and it worked.

    Phereomones are the same thing. They are a tool and you shouldn't be ashamed that you're

    using them - just don't go giving all your secrets away.

    Once someone knows all your secrets, they may get

    bored thinking there is nothing more to know about you.

  26. #26
    & Double Naught Spy InternationalPlayboy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Chemist

    have been around for 11 years.

    That would make their introduction to be in 1995. I first

    bought pheromone colognes in the mid 1980s. Now granted, they weren't as advanced as the stuff now, but I can

    remember ordering a product called Andros out of a Valentine Products ad in Club Magazine way before 1995. In fact,

    I was using Realm for a few years before that too.

  27. #27
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    I think we still have some time

    before pheromones hits the mainstream. As a test, I tried to start a pheromone thread at the OT board at the

    survivor sucks ezboard, and it receieved two whole responses.

    Most folks are either skeptical or just not


  28. #28
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    Women already know pheromones

    exist. There are women products available at love-scent. There is a women's forum also. So a woman can be wearing

    some copulins to attract you and you might not even know it.

    As for the general public, people won't believe

    into things easily. I tried to convince a lot of the people I know that these things exist but they don't believe

    me. People need to be really open and not narrow minded in order to believe in pheromones. Pheromone products are

    available since the 70s and yet it's still not in any major perfumes.

    Axe and Tag might make people more open

    though but they are just commercials. Noone will actually believe them. Now if Tommy Hillfiger or some celebrity

    endorses pheromones then people will actually be more open.

    You also have to consider that pheromones are not

    really considered to be scientific by most people. If you search, love potion on the internet, you will get lots of

    voodoo, spell and witch craft sites. This is what most people believe about pheromones.

  29. #29
    Enlightened One
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    most people would prefer to go

    through voodoo whichcraft - working out losing weight and just about every other bit of **** the web can offer -

    pheromones i doubt will ever go mainsteam so lets just keep it profitable for industry particpants ie stone labs,

    love-scent, lecroy and the other producers and sellers etc

    Enjoy the benefits and keep it a niche.

  30. #30
    Kodachrome Forever! Gegogi's Avatar
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    Now if Tommy Hillfiger or

    some celebrity endorses pheromones then people will actually be more open.
    Paris Hilton's perfume,

    announced with amid much press fanfare, contains pheromones. The bimbo actually uttered "it contains pheromones."

    Didn't say which ones but said they will make him want you.
    "I'm just a dirty hornytoad" -Gegogi

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