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  1. #1
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    Default mind-emotions-aura and natural pheromone output

    Any theories on naturally manipulating our own pheromone output? Say I mentally generate the presence

    of an alpha male in a RONE kinda way would there be a chemical output in sympathy with my mind?

    I remember many

    years back I had made a conscious decision for a period of time to be a total slut, since I had never really been

    uber promiscuous and felt like I was lagging behind my friends in bedpost notches. I decided to do nothing different

    aside from mentally generating playboy in my aura. I didn't approach or call more women, but sat back and

    waited for them to come to me. Over the next two months I was so inundated with women it became problematic, even a

    topic of discussion and humour with my friends and co-workers. I've mellowed out a lot since those days (I do lots

    of meditation) but still subscribe to the idea that the mind affects the body, and that the mind in fact creates


    How much do feelings of aggression spontaneously affect A-none output for example? Or when I'm feeling

    chatty and friendly is part of my psychic aura organic nol. When I walk into my workplace as the boss, and really

    feel the part, am I doing a natural Alpha A314 (rone) output? I'm still too erratic to completely control my

    mind/emotions to the point that I can effect this flawlessly, so adding them does seem to either A: actually work or

    B: convince me it works so my mind brings in the events according to my expectations. Any thoughts out there in

    As is one's thought, so one becomes. This is an eternal mystery. -Maitri Upanishad

  2. #2
    Moderator belgareth's Avatar
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    It seems like you should be

    able to manipulate your pheromone output through your mind. Most any other bodily function can be controlled through

    the mind. When controlling heart rate or respiration you do it by addressing those facets of your being. I'm not

    exactly sure how you would control your mone output though. How would you get a handle on such a thing?


    mind, or rather your beliefs create your reality. If your reality is that you have a high pheromone output or a

    given sugnature, why not? It would be worth an experiment or two.
    To compel a man to subsidize with his taxes the propagation of ideas which he disbelieves and abhors is sinful and tyrannical.

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  3. #3
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    In the last twelve years I

    have researched, experimented and taught about the power of the mind to affect changes based on what and how you

    think and believe. Here is my take on what you ask and what you report.

    First of all, theoretically, it's

    possible to program your mind to increase your pheromone output. It would seem a trivial challenge, given some of

    the things I have seen done with changing how and what a person thinks. I have never done any experiments on

    increasing pheromones that way. It would not be hard to make such a program, though I would be more likely to

    attribute your experience with your whole response to changing your thinking. There's a lot of different ways your

    thinking is expressed.

    For instance, when you decided to "be a slut", I guarantee you your body language

    changed, your attitude changed, your thinking changed, how you did things changed, and if you're a believer in such

    things, your personal aura changed as well. Based on my experiences and what I have concluded about "the way it

    is", I'd say that changing the way you think draws to you (or makes you seek) the experiences that match what you

    are thinking. Therefore, when you decided to "be a slut", you began attuning yourself to those people who were also

    in the same mode, and you attracted into your life the things that matched your attitude.

    So while I'm sure

    your attitude did increase your pheromonal output, I'd say my conclusion is that it's more a matter of everything

    else that was affected than just the pheromones.

  4. #4
    Phero Dude
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    Hormones are released in greater

    quantities under the presence of different stimuli, and I see no reason why pheromones wouldn't react any


    There are theories out there in the fitness world, that you can mentally cause your testosterone

    levels to spike up by focusing your mind on aggressive thoughts. Usually before I start working out I'll take a

    moment to get myself in the right mind-set, while listening to certain songs that help shift my mood. It's kind of

    meditative in its own way. I couldn't tell you how much this has to do with testosterone levels of if its simply a

    mental thing, but when I get myself in the right mentallity before I lift, I see huge differences in stregnth and

    endurance. If I'm too relaxed when I enter a set, or I'm not in the mood to work out, my strength and endurance

    tends to plummet.

    Hormones and pheromones are very similar in nature.... If we really can manipulate our hormone

    levels mentally, I see no reason why we couldn't manipulate our pheromone levels as well.

  5. #5
    Phero Dude DCW's Avatar
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    I remember reading about a technique

    used to attract more women.
    It evolves repeating 8 or so line in your head before you leave the house or even

    while driving.

    1. I’m god’s gift to women.
    2. Women should consider it an honor to know me.

    I’m the most attractive guy in the room.
    4. My wit and charm stands alone....etc

    Apparently your body

    language will start to mimic these affirmations and you’ll be more desirable to women.
    I have had a lot of

    success by hanging back and letting women approach me in social settings.
    The nice guy approach unfortunately

    doesn’t work well with today’s “modern women” so you have to be creative.


  6. #6
    Phero Pro
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    Quote Originally Posted by DCW
    I remember reading about

    a technique used to attract more women.
    It evolves repeating 8 or so line in your head before you leave the house

    or even while driving.

    1. I’m god’s gift to women.
    2. Women should consider it an honor to

    know me.
    3. I’m the most attractive guy in the room.
    4. My wit and charm stands



    Let's assume you are out and meet a Hot Chick

    (HC). She is physically attractive, has a good education and has started a very good career. She is a terrific

    catch. Now you walk into the club and make your move. It would probably go something like this. (and DCW, I don't

    mean you personally)

    Dude: " Hey baby,what's up"

    HC: "Hi. Not much yet."

    Dude: " Ya know

    I'm God's gift to women"

    HC: " Wow! No shit! Really. What do you do?

    Dude: " Well a--um-- a well

    I---I---I (inaudiable)

    HC: " HA HA HO HO HA you gotta be kidding!"

    Dude: Well you should consider it

    an honer to know me."

    HC: Laughing so hard, it's almost impossible to understand her. Why! (tears of

    laughter running down her gorgeous high cheek bones) What have you ever done or accomplished?"

    Dude: Hey

    bitch. I'm the most attractive dude in the club"

    HC: Wets herself, she's laughing so hard. "Oh really.I

    think not. As a matter of fact,I'm going over to hook up with that tall,dark, and handsome guy over there. He's a

    nice unassuming guy who carries himself, like a MAN. He is a medical intern at the local University


    Dude: "A- A- humma humma"

    HC: "See ya little boy. And enjoy your chicken dinner later on.

    And I hope you don't choke on it. HAHA LOL"

    And BTW, the dude was wearing an untucked A&F striped

    white shirt, backwards ballcap and was covered with 3 dabs of NPA, 7inchs of unscented SOE 3 drops of AE/m with 4

    dabs of A-1. All covered with 10 sprays of Armani's Aqua Di Gio.

  7. #7
    Enlightened One
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    guys it sounds like u are delving

    into the area of neuro linguistic programming - catlord and others in this thread do a google search for NLP - its

    the reprogramming of youre mind and quite a few areas including hypnosis etc

  8. #8
    Phero Dude DCW's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by tounge
    Let's assume you are

    out and meet a Hot Chick (HC). She is physically attractive, has a good education and has started a very good

    career. She is a terrific catch. Now you walk into the club and make your move. It would probably go something like

    this. (and DCW, I don't mean you personally)

    Dude: " Hey baby,what's up"

    HC: "Hi. Not much


    Dude: " Ya know I'm God's gift to women"

    HC: " Wow! No shit! Really. What do you


    Dude: " Well a--um-- a well I---I---I (inaudiable)

    HC: " HA HA HO HO HA you gotta be kidding!"

    Dude: Well you should consider it an honer to know me."

    HC: Laughing so hard, it's almost impossible

    to understand her. Why! (tears of laughter running down her gorgeous high cheek bones) What have you ever done or


    Dude: Hey bitch. I'm the most attractive dude in the club"

    HC: Wets herself, she's

    laughing so hard. "Oh really.I think not. As a matter of fact,I'm going over to hook up with that tall,dark, and

    handsome guy over there. He's a nice unassuming guy who carries himself, like a MAN. He is a medical intern at the

    local University hospital.

    Dude: "A- A- humma humma"

    HC: "See ya little boy. And enjoy your chicken

    dinner later on. And I hope you don't choke on it. HAHA LOL"

    I'm not sure u understand

    where I was coming from, you DON'T actually say it out loud, you just repeat in your mind.
    I'ts kinda like a

    personal pep talk.


  9. #9
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    I very clearly understand where you

    are coming from. I guess you had a problem getting the satire involved in making a point.

  10. #10
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    A man's confidence in himself

    comes from achievement in life. Anything else is a false bravado. And that can certainly work if you are into

    fluzies or the occasional unfulfilled one night stand. But a good woman will see right through that. The saying

    "Money talks and Bullshit walks" is very true when trying to hook up with a worthwhile women. Too many of you young

    people are trying to look for quick and easy solutions to life's challanges. There are no shortcuts, be they NLP or


  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by tounge
    A man's confidence

    in himself comes from achievement in life. Anything else is a false bravado. And that can certainly work if you are

    into fluzies or the occasional unfulfilled one night stand. But a good woman will see right through that. The saying

    "Money talks and Bullshit walks" is very true when trying to hook up with a worthwhile women. Too many of you young

    people are trying to look for quick and easy solutions to life's challanges. There are no shortcuts, be they NLP or

    Tounge you're tripping man.

    Yea sure anyone can get confidence from their

    accomplishments and they do. And alot of people don't.

    But that's incredibly short sighted.

    I've known

    well off guys with money that have plenty of accomplishment but they're skiddish and trip over themselves dealing

    with women. Or they are just skiddish in general.

    I also know scruffy looking white trash badasses that have

    accomplished next to nothing yet they stink of confidence and get laid almost at will.

    And everything


    It's not always about money or what you've done.

    It's thoughts, experiences, and working on

    your inner game. You either make the decision to be comfortable with who you are and what you got or you struggle

    with yourself.

    Once your comfortable with who you are, flaws and strengths, it's not hard to be confident. We

    all have different techniques or methods for doing it.

    It's not just psyching yourself up and trying to

    project some fake persona. It's mentally developing and changing who you are.

    Psyching yourself up is just a

    momentary feeling. Especially if you've got confidence issues and it's just to meet a female. Chances are if it's

    like that, the second the moment comes your going to be paralyzed with fear or nervousness anyway.

    On the other

    hand, i've known guys totally working on themselves and used some kind of trigger with an emotional association or

    mental mode they've gone into once they triggered it. It was like a self programmed hypnoses of sorts.


    complex as the human mind is your a retard if you actually believe the only way you can gain confidence in yourself

    is accomplishment.


  12. #12
    Phero Dude DCW's Avatar
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    I guess Anthony Robbins and others

    that preach the benefits of positive thinking have it all wrong.
    The different between wining and losing in a

    track sprint is a fraction of a second, so why do athletics take the time to walk slowly down the track before the

    I’ll tell you why; they do this because they’re painting a visual picture of a positive outcome.
    A good

    free throw shooter often practice with his eyes closed, he can see the net in his mind and is able to make the

    I heard about a guy in Missouri ( I think) who would walk into a crowded room and in little or no time the

    room would be empty with him sitting there by himself.
    I’m told that he doesn’t smell, isn’t wearing a dress or

    anything apparent, he just has NEGATIVE ENERGY, have you ever seen the movie The Cooler?

    Look, there IS a

    relationship on how we see ourselves and how others perceive us especially in dating.
    You attitude and how you

    project yourself MAY determine your success.
    I always make a point to enter a room, with potential conquests with

    a smile on my face rather than a nasty frown.

    As for pheromones, I have gotten attention while wearing them

    and without, but I do believe that the sense of smell can be manipulated to your advantage.

    Just trying to

    make a point, nothing wrong with different points of view especially when it come to my favorite topic



  13. #13
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    Hey Tounge,

    Break it down.

    This is a forum for discussion after all. And noone here seems to be agreeing with you.

    I think if anyone needs

    to explain themselves it's you.

  14. #14
    Moderator belgareth's Avatar
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    I don't have time to write it

    out now but Tounge is right, IMO. It's something that's been discussed time and again here. Tomorrow morning when

    I have time I'll add more but am in complete agreement with him on this.
    Last edited by belgareth; 12-26-2005 at 05:19 AM.
    To compel a man to subsidize with his taxes the propagation of ideas which he disbelieves and abhors is sinful and tyrannical.

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    As a man thinketh, so is he.

  16. #16
    Moderator belgareth's Avatar
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    A pep talk is a great thing and

    can be a big help. Anthony Robbins has some good ideas that help. But he doesn't tell you to try to do something

    you are unprepared for either. The sprinter you see walking the track has also spent hundreds of hours becoming a

    good sprinter. All the pep talk in the world isn't going to be worth a hill of beans to the guy who has never been

    on the track. We see it all the time at the dojo. Some kid comes in and practces for six months or so and may have

    his green belt. He knows he's tough! Mouths off to the badass down the street and learns just how far self

    confidence will get you.

    What I believe Tounge was trying to point out is that no pep talk, magic mone mixes or

    mind game is going to hold up for long if there isn't substance and ability to back it up. I hear enough of my SO

    and her friends laughing about the phonies they meet and have seen it professionally often enough myself to believe

    it's absolutely true. You may get away with it for a few minutes but sooner or later the veneer is going to wear

    thin. Substance and ability takes time and effort but is worth it.
    To compel a man to subsidize with his taxes the propagation of ideas which he disbelieves and abhors is sinful and tyrannical.

    Thomas Jefferson

  17. #17
    Phero Dude
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    I dont think your natural

    pheromone output will change a whole lot but there is alot to be said for the countenance that you present and how

    people will respond to that.As an example,because I am a long time native of the town I live in,I often see people

    who are lost and need directions.They arent hard to spot and I have always made it a point to help these wayward

    travelers when I see them in need of accurate directions.On many occasions,after stopping to help someone and direct

    them to where they need to go,I have heard the words..."Thank you very much,officer." Now I should point out,I am

    not a police officer...I dont wear a uniform of any sort...more often than not I am found in blue jeans and a sweat

    shirt.But something about my approach and my persona when I am in "mister helpful mode" screams "cop!"I dont know

    why,but it just sorta happens that way.Countenance has alot to do with how people will view you and what they will

    expect of you.

  18. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by belgareth
    A pep talk is a

    great thing and can be a big help. Anthony Robbins has some good ideas that help. But he doesn't tell you to try to

    do something you are unprepared for either. The sprinter you see walking the track has also spent hundreds of hours

    becoming a good sprinter. All the pep talk in the world isn't going to be worth a hill of beans to the guy who has

    never been on the track. We see it all the time at the dojo. Some kid comes in and practces for six months or so and

    may have his green belt. He knows he's tough! Mouths off to the badass down the street and learns just how far self

    confidence will get you.

    What I believe Tounge was trying to point out is that no pep talk, magic mone mixes or

    mind game is going to hold up for long if there isn't substance and ability to back it up. I hear enough of my SO

    and her friends laughing about the phonies they meet and have seen it professionally often enough myself to believe

    it's absolutely true. You may get away with it for a few minutes but sooner or later the veneer is going to wear

    thin. Substance and ability takes time and effort but is worth it.

    Well said and exactly my

    point. I used the words "FALSE BRAVADO" and that is what many youngins mistake for confidence. If you build your

    house (life) on sand, rather than rock, than eventually it will collapse from the storms that life brings.


    certainly agree with positive thought, but it must lead to action and positive results.
    Last edited by belgareth; 12-27-2005 at 09:23 PM.

  19. #19
    Phero Dude DCW's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by belgareth
    A pep talk is a

    great thing and can be a big help. Anthony Robbins has some good ideas that help. But he doesn't tell you to try to

    do something you are unprepared for either. The sprinter you see walking the track has also spent hundreds of hours

    becoming a good sprinter. All the pep talk in the world isn't going to be worth a hill of beans to the guy who has

    never been on the track. We see it all the time at the dojo. Some kid comes in and practces for six months or so and

    may have his green belt. He knows he's tough! Mouths off to the badass down the street and learns just how far self

    confidence will get you.

    What I believe Tounge was trying to point out is that no pep talk, magic mone mixes

    or mind game is going to hold up for long if there isn't substance and ability to back it up. I hear enough of my

    SO and her friends laughing about the phonies they meet and have seen it professionally often enough myself to

    believe it's absolutely true. You may get away with it for a few minutes but sooner or later the veneer is going to

    wear thin. Substance and ability takes time and effort but is worth it.

    I said that the

    difference between wining and loosing is a fraction of a second, that should tell you that the sprinter has trained

    and is QUALIFIED to be in the race.
    I never said that he was some Joe Blow who walked on the track for the first

    time. I also made reference to a basketball player who "PRACTICES" free throws with his eyes closed, seeing his

    objective in his mind before the big game, once again not some novice who just stepped on the


    Look the point I'm trying to make here is that if you see your objective, if you relive it in

    your mind over and over then you will start to behave in a pattern that may lead to sucess.
    It has worked for



  20. #20
    Moderator belgareth's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DCW
    I said that the

    difference between wining and loosing is a fraction of a second, that should tell you that the sprinter has trained

    and is QUALIFIED to be in the race.
    I never said that he was some Joe Blow who walked on the track for the first

    time. I also made reference to a basketball player who "PRACTICES" free throws with his eyes closed, seeing his

    objective in his mind before the big game, once again not some novice who just stepped on the court.


    the point I'm trying to make here is that if you see your objective, if you relive it in your mind over and over

    then you will start to behave in a pattern that may lead to sucess.
    It has worked for me.


    believe that too. When I used to compete I always visualized myself the victor in the tournament. When I started my

    business I planned for a point several years down the road and created everything based on that. At no time did I

    ever believe I'd fail, everything I did was pointed towards success. Positive thinking is very important, IMO.

    However, backing it up with the time and hard work to be what you visualize is just as, if not more, important.
    To compel a man to subsidize with his taxes the propagation of ideas which he disbelieves and abhors is sinful and tyrannical.

    Thomas Jefferson

  21. #21
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    Cool Serotonin, Testosterone and the Pecking Order

    I (and several of my friends) work in an industry where year-end bonus is the largest component

    of your pay. Now in the early stages of your career in this industry, bonuses and increases in pay are often fairly

    predictable and the announcement rarely comes as a big surprise. And the pay in the early years is small when

    considered in relation to what you will be making a handful of years later.

    Yet it became a joke amongst us

    as to how utterly predictably success with women for us would spike around bonus season (different dates for each of

    us) and then fall off over the coming weeks. Nobody particularly felt they were behaving differently yet women

    seemed to have a different perception.

    I think this must have to do with a spike in testosterone and

    serotonin levels, similar to that observed in supporters of the winning team after sports matches.

    In primate

    males you tend to see an evolution in serotonin+testosterone levels after each challenge for dominance with another

    male. And give a low-ranking monkey some Prozac to boost serotonin levels, introduce him into a new troupe and his

    status becomes substantially higher (even though that monkey basically has the same immune status and physical

    capacity to win a fight).

    That makes me inclined to think that - although clearly tounge and belgareth are

    right about substance winning out over a superficial veneer in the end - one shouldn't neglect the value of

    psyching oneself up (and of avoiding any potentially negative catalyst to confidence) before social


    I'm generally not a big fan of the author of the piece that follows, but in this case I think he is

    right on the money.

    Hope if

    controversial this is at least controversial in an interesting way. Here are another couple of links to stuff on

    test, serotonin, aggression and

    http://hackvan.<br /> <br /> com/p...-dominance.txt

  22. #22
    Phero Dude
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    Psyching yourself up isn't about

    creating a "false bravado" its more a matter of getting your body and mind in the righy physical and mental state

    before entering a physically, mentally, or emotionally strenuous situation. The going theory is that your body has

    different physical and mental states (different levels of testosterone, serotonin, endorphins etc etc etc), which

    are activated under certain conditions. Acts like a runner walking the track before a race, a basketball player

    visualizing a free-throw shot, a boxer shadow boxing before a match, aren't a tool for creating a false sense of

    confidence, they are merely a means to activating the right physical and mental state. It's true that psyching

    oneself up won't make the runner win the race, basketball player make the shot, or the boxer win the match, but

    thats beside the point, and outside the context of the original topic. It's again, merely a method of putting

    yourself in the right mental and physical state.

    David D. mentions similar practices in the dating world. He

    mentions practicing different mental states by remembering times when you felt confident, and putting yourself back

    into that state of mind. That way the confidence you're projecting is confidence you're feeling of your own

    merit, and not some artificial tool to fool women into thinking you really are confident. Again its a matter of

    activating the right physical and mental states that are appropriate to the situation.

  23. #23
    Phero Dude DCW's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sigma
    Psyching yourself up

    isn't about creating a "false bravado" its more a matter of getting your body and mind in the righy physical and

    mental state before entering a physically, mentally, or emotionally strenuous situation. The going theory is that

    your body has different physical and mental states (different levels of testosterone, serotonin, endorphins etc etc

    etc), which are activated under certain conditions. Acts like a runner walking the track before a race, a

    basketball player visualizing a free-throw shot, a boxer shadow boxing before a match, aren't a tool for creating a

    false sense of confidence, they are merely a means to activating the right physical and mental state. It's true

    that psyching oneself up won't make the runner win the race, basketball player make the shot, or the boxer win the

    match, but thats beside the point, and outside the context of the original topic. It's again, merely a method of

    putting yourself in the right mental and physical state.

    David D. mentions similar practices in the dating

    world. He mentions practicing different mental states by remembering times when you felt confident, and putting

    yourself back into that state of mind. That way the confidence you're projecting is confidence you're feeling of

    your own merit, and not some artificial tool to fool women into thinking you really are confident. Again its a

    matter of activating the right physical and mental states that are appropriate to the


    Yes...Yes that's exactly my point.
    Everyone sends a conscious and unconscious

    signal to others that may affect how you’re perceived in the outside world no withstanding other stereotypical

    attitudes and learned behavior.


  24. #24
    Phero Dude
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    Quote Originally Posted by DCW
    Yes...Yes that's

    exactly my point.
    Everyone sends a conscious and unconscious signal to others that may affect how you’re perceived

    in the outside world no withstanding other stereotypical attitudes and learned behavior.


    Unfortunately, every thread started on this forum eventually breaks down to "pheromones/clothes/mental tricks/etc

    alone won't do it for you if you lack ____", which is a shame because this is a topic that I'd really like to see

    discussed further.

    Anyway.... I think a lot of people discount the power of the cognitive mind and human

    imagination to affect different aspects of our physical being. Even artificially induced feelings of confidence,

    well-being, or even sadness and pain can have a dramatic impact on our bodies physically, and could, hypothetically,

    alter our pheromone productions. A horror flick, for instance, can create an artificial sense of fear that causes

    spikes in andrenaline. The sense of fear is entirely imaginary, and people consciously know that there's no real

    physical danger, however the mental and physical body of a person is altered substancially enough to activate a

    "fight or flight" type respnse.

    If such responses can be created artificially, then I see no reason why we

    couldn't artificially manipulate our own pheromone levels.

  25. #25
    Moderator belgareth's Avatar
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    Pheroquirk said something that

    could be continued. He describes a group of people who seem to be showing on the outside what they feel on the

    inside and it affecting their results. I can't argue whether it is just the attitide they display or if it is an

    increase in pheromone production or some combination but you can see that their effect on others is affected by what

    is happening inside their heads. OK, are they thinking "I've got the money to spend right now and can afford to

    persue these women" Or are they just reflecting an optimistic outlook that they have because their bank account just

    got bigger?

    Realistically, in a bar hitting on some woman trying to get laid it doesn't really matter what's

    going on in their head so long as they get the results they are after, right? I don't have a problem with that so

    long as both parties are looking for the same thing. It's honest, upfront, healthy leachery and is fine. If a state

    of mind helps you accomplish that and you can manpulate your state of mine through a pep talk, great.

    I am

    arguing, and I think Tounge is too, that it is only good in the short term. Next week you are going to need to do it

    again with somebody else. That's fine too if that's what you are looking for. the long term, you have to

    do more to accomplish anything lasting. That's all we are saying.

    Because of my interest in such things I'd

    like to see more discussion on the subject of whether you can really control you body well enough to control your

    pheromone signature. I doubt most of us would be willing to practice the level of discipline needed to accomplish

    that but learning about it could be interesting.
    To compel a man to subsidize with his taxes the propagation of ideas which he disbelieves and abhors is sinful and tyrannical.

    Thomas Jefferson

  26. #26
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    Too many of you guys are confusing

    self-visualization, with real confidence. I'm sure Tiger Woods sees himself making every putt and hitting every

    shot perfect before he does it. But he still misses. He gets his supreme confidence from the fact that he has won

    big tournaments. He has accomplished. His confidence builds on that. You are are comparing apples and oranges when

    you look at it.

    But in pertaining to the original topic, I surmise that you could probably think your way to a

    better pheromone signature. But, then of course you could think your way free of cancer or heart disease too. Same

    priciples would apply, no?
    Last edited by belgareth; 12-27-2005 at 09:28 PM.

  27. #27
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    Personally, the way I see it is

    like this.

    Guy 1 comes in, he's had a bad day. For whatever reason he's gotten some crappy news and he's in a

    bad mood. When he gets to work, everyone can see it. His body language, facial expressions, everything is


    Guy 2 is totally the opposite. Good day, good news, excited, happy, confident, etc. Even alittle bit

    cocky and is throwing around some witty, playful banter.

    It's all about what you project. Now someone mentioned

    earlier the type of job they have, and it being incredibly predictable and how women flocked to them as they made

    their yearly bonuses and it tapered off later.

    You don't really pay attention to that stuff, but i'm willing

    to bet their body language changed alot. And so how they projected themselves changed entirely.

    I could see that

    with your guys yearly bonuses coming, success with women spiking, then as time went on the excitement, extra

    confidence, or whatever died down.

    I can't say thats what happened, but i'm willing to bet in your average

    situation thats the typical of things. And most people don't realize what they're doing with their body/voice

    changes alot.

    They're focusing on other people/their environment. Not whats inside or what they're

    subconciously doing.

    Body language and voice tone are by far the most effective ways and the majority of how

    humans communicate.

    It's not what you say, it's how you say it.

    With different, more exilerating emotions

    going through your body, the change in mental state...I'm sure it could make a pheremone increase. I don't know if

    it compares to a few dabs or drops of synthetics but i'm sure it's there and helps alittle.

    But i'd say in

    general if you can work on your mental state and thoughts and being secure with them and yourself, and realizing

    from time to time feeling bad or insecure about something really stupid is not a good thing. And getting intot he

    habbit of speaking with a deeper voice tone and taking a more dominant/leader like role in social situations along

    with projecting confidence/dominance through your body language it's going to help alot.

    As for mones, i'd say

    they can be a big help if your not coming from a place where your inner child is almost always in fetal position. A

    few dabs of this and that and alittle something under your nose can "help" change your mental state and "help" you

    project something more.

    Note I emphasized "help". If anything they're a nice little synthetic supplement.

    Also as a side note, I do believe people have some limited power over their bodies people don't normally use.

    Power of suggestion is powerful. It's not much different from hypnosis imo.

    I read about some guy that

    suggested to himself every night when his wife/gf was about to have a baby, or shortly thereafter, that he would and

    could produce milk. This was the guy suggesting this to himself. And sure enough he swelled up on 1 of the 2 sides,

    and found out men indeed could produce milk and nurse kids.

    I also remembered some side note in the article of

    some guys embarassingly and unwantingly producing milk to some extent. So aparently men, or atleast some, are

    biologically able to produce milk. And that the male nipple is fully functional and able to release it.

    To me

    that just goes to power of suggestion and being able to effect more than what we realize.


  28. #28
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    Exclamation this is freaky but..................

    watching Tiger over the years I've learned to see the minimal cues when's he's in reasonably deep

    trance and on his game versus when he's not in trance and his game sucks. You can actually see ahead of time from

    the expression on his face when he's going to miss a putt, you can feel it, like he's choosing ahead of time for

    some unconscious reason to miss the putt, fight with his girlfriend or something. A lot of people have unconscious

    resistances to goals they consciously believe they desire, some of these are called "hypnotic curses" by one of the

    major practitioners in the field, like maybe a guy has an unconscious sexual competition with his father for the

    attentions of women in general, and everytime as a kid he felt/expressed a natural desire for a beautiful woman and

    his dad was around his dad became angry or made sarcastic remarks, then the kid internalizes this (these messages

    are called "introjects", or as another psychologist calls it "being possesed by aliens") and every time he is turned

    on by a beautiful babe he starts to crumple inside feeling the emotional residue of withering criticism. The sad

    truth is many people are negatively programmed to some extent by dysfunctional family dynamics, maybe not massively,

    but their A game may be undercut by negative early energy. I had a lot of bad programming from unhealthy religious

    figures, ministers who held themselves out as having a hotline to God, these dudes were wretchedly fucked up most

    definitely on a sexual level, although they never molested anyone to my knowledge they seemd to have transformed

    their massive sexual frustrations into non-stop head fucking.. took years of hard work to pry that garbage out of my

    head... the thing about the unconscious is it IS unconscious, you have no idea how powerfully it runs you, shapes

    your interactions, draws people and energies to you and repels other people...

  29. #29
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    I think you guys are reading too

    much into it. It isn't a matter how confident you are as a person at all, I reiterate that its merely a matter of

    manipulating your cognitive/physical states, which I'm sure most people do even unconsiously. It isn't

    necessarily something as complicated as giving yourself a pep can be something as simple as closing your

    eyes for two seconds to put things in perspective....any act that triggers a shift in your hormone brain/chemical

    levels. Personally, I have a habit of smacking a fist into an open palm. There's ton's of documentation on

    mental/physical states if you're interested in reading up on it. I was honestly first exposed to it in an

    Industiral-Organizational Psychology course.

  30. #30
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    Let's drop the personal

    remarks and insults so I don't have to close this thread.


    To compel a man to subsidize with his taxes the propagation of ideas which he disbelieves and abhors is sinful and tyrannical.

    Thomas Jefferson

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