After reading through this discussion board for a while, it seems as though there are quite a few

martial artists on this discussion board. I have a theory as to why this is the case. The martial arts are largely

solitary endeavors and tends to attract more men who are either lone wolf types, loners or shy guys who may have

been bullied growing up. Not all of them are like this, but I think quite a few men into the martial arts fit into

this category.

Now I would like to take a step further and theorize that men are into pheromones tend to either

have a history or shyness, being loners or have had problems in meeting women for various reasons.

I was bullied

growing up and have a history of shyness and being a loner. I've been practicing the martial arts for over 20

years. The first style I've studied was taekwondo and more recently, I've switched to kyokushin karate.