Horses seem to be alarmed by TE, and they seem to like SOE. A LOT.

A friend of mine

who has horses had me spray him with a spray of TE and I put on some SOE and then we went out to pet the horses, to

see if they would respond.

They responded with alarmed galloping at first, more than I have ever seen before,

and then came to investigate. It was quickly apparent that they preferred me to him, to the point of complete

exclusion. They quickly ignored him, and they all stood around sniffing my face, where I had applied the


Two them were female. One was male. The male was a gelding, I believe. He showed much less interest

than the females. They literally rested their chins on my soulders and just enjoyed the smell for as long as I

would let them. I spent an hour petting them, before deciding to leave. The three of them followed me quite

closely, and seemed quite upset to see me go. One of the females was quite affectionate, gently nibbling my fingers

(I had no food) and resting her head on my shoulder in a distinctly affectionate manner. My friend said she was

showing several body language signs of affection for me. I think I made a friend. (By the way, these same

horses are usually only mildly interested, and come over to investigate, but show little interest without food or

sugar. They previously never stuck around more than about 15 minutes.)

So... if you want to make friends

with a horse... wear SOE! (I made a small spiral on each cheek.) This definitely warrants more SOE testing on


By the way, has anyone else had this sort of experience with pheros and animals?