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  1. #91
    Phero Pro jose's Avatar
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    Default Re: Help me ask her out

    I agree with a.k.a. don\'t even acknowledge her birthday don\'t call her,Let her think what she did wrong. She\'s probably waiting for you to get her a gift or a phone call. Meanwhile continue to look for girls that want to spend time with you.

  2. #92

    Default Re: Help me ask her out

    titaniumoxide, was I at an extreme? I think not. I cannot agree more with what you say. I think respect goes both ways. I actually like sharing duties/activities with the people I love, and I actually enjoy holding the dildo for them!!! [img]images/icons/smile.gif[/img]

    Seriously, I guess that respect, starts with self respect. I mean, I do not feel ashamed when I wash the dishes, or cook.

    Whitehall, I am 37 y/o.

  3. #93
    Carpal Tunnel Whitehall's Avatar
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    Default Re: Help me ask her out

    Relationships are two way streets. That IS the point. My warning was that, by the guy being too much the supplicant, he\'s setting a dangerous precedent that might well lead to the perverse outcome I described. Yes, I painted a graphic picture of courtship gone bad - but it is a realistic one that happens all too often - deny it if you will, for whatever personal reason. Calling it \"Macho BS\" is a misreading and a provocation. Had a female Forum member asked for advice about how to better grovel for a male\'s sexual attentions, I would have offered an equally severe scenario about male abuse as a warning. Neither scenario is recommended nor advocated - both extremes are to be avoided.

    BTW, in English, he\'s called \"Ovid\" - my translation has...

    \"but lavish fine words on some young girl\'s profile
    And sooner or later she\'ll lavish herself as a fee,
    An ample reward for your labors...\"

    I like your translation better.

    [ January 17, 2002: Message edited by: Whitehall ]

  4. #94

    Default Re: Help me ask her out

    WhiteHall, Bad_Grass,

    I think you are looking at this scenario in an extreme point of view.

    I\'ve seen a lot of very happy couples where the relationship doesn\'t have to be role-based.
    Equal relationship IS real, you know.

    What\'s wrong with having the guy washing the dishes every now and then? What\'s wrong with guys letting their girls having \'girls night out\'s?
    After all, in this age, most females work too, so they contribute their paycheck to the household.

    If the girls can work AND wash dishes, I can\'t imagine that being too hard to do for guys. And, guys ALWAYS have \'guys night out\'s too you know, football nights, anyone? \'Hanging out with the buddies\', anyone?

    However, I\'m not suggesting that the guy should be so whipped that he\'s too submissive.
    All I\'m saying is there should be equality, and as long as both parties are sharing equal roles, yes I think guys that sometimes cook are sexy.

  5. #95

    Default Re: Help me ask her out

    Whitehall, I think the beauty of human beings is that we are all different. A very old saying points out that things that do not bend, simply break.

    Then cultural differences play big time here. Sending a bouquet here in Latin America, is no big deal.

    Do not misundertand my point of view, I do not want to provoque, hurt, or insult anyone.

    I read a lot of Buddhist literature, and they keep saying, that being humble is actually a \"virtue\". Now here is a different scenario, since we are talking about the woman heart.

    Ovid says, that in the bottom of a woman\'s heart is the need to \"surrender\". To feel take over.

    Was not Ovid the Jeffries BC?

  6. #96
    Carpal Tunnel Whitehall's Avatar
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    Default Re: Help me ask her out

    Be it resolved:

    1) Groveling for sex by either gender is distasteful and counter-productive.

    2) Dignity and mutual respect is the basis of a sucessful relationship.

    3) Guys who can cook are sexy.

  7. #97

    Default Re: Help me ask her out

    Okay, that\'s funny. [img]images/icons/laugh.gif[/img]

    I agree though.

  8. #98

    Default Re: Help me ask her out

    I say phero bomb the ones that drag you around never letting you get to close (the leash anyone) OD get the good mixes jambat something that will wake em up hit em hard then walk away be the one they never had just make it good, hey its good for the ego then go find someone who will be the woman you want get with her (be nice) but make sure she doesnt treat you like shit either cause those ones are just needing to be beaten over the head or they have the attitude that they should use all men because they are weak shit anyway (even if they are perfect) or if you do get with em, fuck their brains out (sounding really egotistical will upset most females (dont care anyway) just dont get em pregnant give me a good time then if they float away to someone else move on safe in the knowledge you did it you were good enough to get through to the thick headed user of a woman.

    That should get some comments lol [img]images/icons/laugh.gif[/img]

  9. #99

    Default Re: Help me ask her out

    Insider tips everyone to do with this and the getting used post, if she is hanging on for you and you are getting her hot and horny by holding off be safe in the knowledge she is holding other guys off till you come to her, so that by holding off sometiems waiting cause women will hardly ever move first (call it nature or laziness) anyway she is getting frustrated so you are doign some mental wear and tear even if she is doing the same to you, just a bit of a comfort to some who may miss out.

  10. #100
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    Default Re: Help me ask her out

    I agree with Donald Duck...You need to stop screwing around....OD on some mones....anyon UP for some pure none from the kit! He he he!

    She\'s just a big bitch....leave her alone, if she want\'s to play around she can F*CK OFF....

    I\'ve had my problems with girls like that myself, the young ones think they can get ANYONE they want....a year or two later, and than what? They don\'t have one! Those bitches!


  11. #101

    Default Re: Help me ask her out

    As far as anything goes if shes fluffing as i call it stuffing around being silly leading you on etc, either leave her completley alone (dotn get nasty, just spend less time with her and more time with someone else instead) or OD on the mones nol rone or none and just run amok and get attention or hers show her that you aint shit lol, cause she just wants a man anyway with strong pheromones so just supply what she wants. Or learn NLP and play mind games with her. That could be good to but be nice it can be done that way with spectactular results.

  12. #102

    Default Re: Help me ask her out

    Well... i still don\'t think she\'s a bitch at all. I mean, she\'s been nice to me and she really hasn\'t done anything real bad for me to just put her behind me. See, I have only asked her once and it turned out that she was busy. Maybe she just really was. Then the 2nd time i called, I got an answering machine. Was it enough reason for me to just leave her alone? Although, I still believe that if she really was interested, she should have made a counter-offer if she was busy right? But what if she\'s too naive to do that? I really have a feeling that she\'s not the player type of girl. She seems so inexperienced with this whole dating game. But I don\'t have any remorse guys, I\'m happy with the decision i\'ve made, i\'ve not called her since that answering machine thing, i never called her on her birthday, and i haven\'t heard from her since. I think i\'m having more fun this way [img]images/icons/wink.gif[/img]

    [ January 22, 2002: Message edited by: Redcapp ]

  13. #103

    Default Re: Help me ask her out

    I don\'t mean to be off topic, but this is an unreal amount of posts with out the system going south (knock knock) I guess the sys admin had some wheaties...

  14. #104

    Default Re: Help me ask her out

    This really took off weve covered everything, but looks like the sytem can cope with all these postings and if not bruce will just start up a new forum area.

  15. #105

    Default Re: Help me ask her out

    Redcapp, I think it is ok to let things cool off, but if you change your mind let us know!!! (I really want to know where this story ends).

  16. #106
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    Default Re: Help me ask her out

    Oh, I know it all too well with these \'younger girls\'....They may not be \'playing you\', but they still will, I don\'t know, they want to play around with you, they think they\'re better than you, even if they aren\'t playin around

    That\'s why I like the none thing. It may not make it easier for conversation, but you\'ll get to the point, and if they want what you do, you\'re fine.


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