Thanks CC! Happy New Year to you too!

Well, she knows I\'m single because she already asked me that once. I mean, I asked her then she asked me back asking when i\'m gonna get married? I answered not anytime soon.

Eventhough she didn\'t say directly that she has a boyfriend, i think that\'s what she meant when I asked her if she\'s coming with her boyfriend and he answered \"No\" and when I asked why, she answered \"He\'s with his sister...\". I think I screwed up because instead of asking about his boyfriend, I should have gone directly to the point. Then if she says she can\'t then at least I know I can move on.

Now I\'m stuck in the Shoulda-Coulda Land. So guys, CC told me that I can still try again. Anybody knows how to fix this screw up that I made? Actually I wanna know if she\'s still at least intrested in me.