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  1. #1
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    Default 20/20 report on phermones that aired today

    Only thing interesting about the report i want to bring up was that some phermone researcher, mentioned

    on the report as the most famous phermone researcher in the nation by the last name of cutler, makes a phermone that

    costs 100bucks for a small bottle to which she says is the only phermone product on the market thats scientifically

    proven to work or has credible scientific background. Thoughts?

  2. #2
    Enlightened One
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    cutler = no credibility

  3. #3
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    I missed the TV broadcast, but

    here's the web version:


    like those wearing pheromones were twice as sucessful in their twins challange.

  4. #4
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    Dont know about the pheromone

    she sells, but for a $100 bucks it better work lol. Dang it they aired about pheromones on tv, and on 20/20. They

    letting all the secrets out.
    You better watch out behind you becuase you never know you might see me coming at you hard. (If you catch my driff). That was dedicated to only if the ladies read my signature. Fella's please disregard this.

  5. #5
    Banned User jvkohl's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Watcher
    cutler = no

    More about this in my last post to the Pherlure



  6. #6
    Kodachrome Forever! Gegogi's Avatar
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    I read most of the material on

    Dr. Cutler's site and she comes off as a wantabe, spending too much time ringing her own bell and dissing

    competition. She needs to hire a professional writer and web designer. What doggie prose and funky design. With such

    poor attention to detail it makes your wonder about her product...
    "I'm just a dirty hornytoad" -Gegogi

  7. #7
    Phero Dude
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    Looks like those wearing

    pheromones were twice as sucessful in their twins challange.
    Just to throw alittle common sense into the

    whole "twins chalenge" thing,I had the good fortune and bad fortune of growing up right next door to the most

    adorable identical twins you could ever hope for.In addition to that,there were three other sets of identical twins

    in my rather small high school.But so called "identical" twins arent even close to identical except for

    appearance.Using one twin against another in this sort of thing will automaticly produce different

    results,pheromones or not.In the case of the girls next door,one twin was friendly and outgoing,while the other twin

    was generaly quiet and unfriendly.Her sister would get lots of dates while she usualy didnt have a date or was stuck

    with the geeky guy that her sister was able to fix her up with.Was this pheromones? No.It was simply a matter of

    approachability on the part of the one twin while the other made herself difficult to approach.This was true of the

    male twins as well.A girlfriends twin brothers were as different as night and day.One was friendly,outgoing and

    extroverted and always had dates and things to do with friends,while the other twin was broody and quiet and didnt

    have alot of friends or dates.

    Pheromones may initialy get a persons attention,but if you make someone feel like

    they should leave you alone...they will!

  8. #8
    Kodachrome Forever! Gegogi's Avatar
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    I knew a set of identical twins

    and one was gay while the was other straight.
    "I'm just a dirty hornytoad" -Gegogi

  9. #9
    Phero Pro
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    Here is what they should have done.

    Take two guys. The same age. One is a 9 on a scale of 10,with a good job. The other is a 4,with a not so good job.

    The 4 wears the mones. Do the same with 2 women. One is a 9 and the other is a slightly obese 4. The 4 wears the

    mones. Now we'll see the power of mones in action.

  10. #10
    Phero Dude
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    Studying peoples reactions in a

    controled environment over long periods of time is usualy the best and most accurate way to determine what is

    what.The pheromones that we use here were discovered and developed by people working in a very carefuly controled

    environment using state of the art technology and taking years...nay...decades to arrive at the findings they have

    produced.J.V.Kohl provides us a glimps into this world in his various posts around these forums.Many of the links he

    provides to articles on the subject of pheromones display findings that were developed in a labratory setting over

    many years by people who have been working so hard that they dont realize that the T.V. series M*A*S*H* was

    canceled.Altho I dont realy know that much about J.V.Kohl's personal life,he may be one of those people,as he is

    one of those very researchers.

    Simply slapping some pheromones on some twins and calling it science is pure

    folly.What we (the people who use pheromones) do is use what they have found in a scentific setting out in the real

    world and develop a plethora of anecdotal evidence based on extremely unscentific methods and practices.The reason

    we have products that work is because people like J.V.Kohl did the real work for us.

  11. #11
    Enlightened One
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    dr cutler = no credibility = media

    attention seeker. Media goes to her becuase of previous media exposure

  12. #12
    Phero Dude
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    Quote Originally Posted by Watcher
    dr cutler = no

    credibility = media attention seeker. Media goes to her becuase of previous media exposure
    Which she

    uses to market her over-priced products.

  13. #13
    Phero Dude
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    Many times in the various fields

    surrounding health and whatnot there are individuals that will make totaly unsubstantiated statements regarding the

    bennefits of a particular product based entirely uppon suposition and assumption.While thier logic may seem very

    sensable,what they are claiming fails to pass the test of scentific discovery.Many of these products are marketed

    with claims of enlarging a part of your body,reducing body fat,growing hair,making you younger and so forth.These

    people may or may not actualy believe thier own press,but what puts them on the map is thier energetic presentation

    of all the assumed bennefits of using thier product.

    The more they spew,the more people are likely to buy into

    it and purchase thier product.Penis enlargement products are a classic example,but its also true in such fields as

    car sales.As a former car salesman(I didnt last long cuz I couldnt stand lying to people)the rule was to creat

    excitement.Approach the customer with and energetic and excited demeanor,and dont stop.Get the customer excited and

    keep them that way.The longer you keep it up,the better the results will be.The next thing is to play uppon thier

    insecurities.Look at the car they are driving and make it seem like you think they are driving a second class pile

    of crap.That gives you leverage in cramming them into a newer,nicer car.Next,you get to make claims about your

    products safety,horsepower,performance and comfort that almost any car today has.But you have to present it as

    though yours is the ONLY one that has these features.Features belts!

    We have all watched

    info-mercials on late night T.V. and if you didnt know better than to buy into thier crap you would think that they

    have finaly found a cure for EVERYTHING! The reality is that the product they are selling,while neatly packaged and

    presented,realy isnt all that great.But they have a sales pitch that is second to none and they have claims of

    scentific studies to back them up.But thats where the rubber meets the road...the science.Thats where Cuttler falls

    appart.The people who realy do know what they are talking about,and have the credentials and the accomplishments to

    prove it have already debunked the assumptions that these people are touting as fact.

  14. #14
    Banned User jvkohl's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by tim929
    Studying peoples

    reactions in a controled environment over long periods of time is usualy the best and most accurate way to determine

    what is what.
    Tim Perper did this with body language; he studied (as did many of his students)

    personal space barriers, gestures like the hair flip, touching, gaze--as in his book "Sex Signals: The Biology of

    Love." He did a prepublication review of my book "The Scent of Eros" and wrote: "A challenging and original work at

    the cutting edge of sexual science..." Tim recognized the potential role of human pheromones several years before

    most people had even heard of them. No wonder, after all his studies, he still knew there must be something commonly

    referred to as "chemistry" between people who ended up progressing through the courtship sequence, and those who

    didn't. My point is, that he took years to collect and integrate his observations. Why didn't he just send some

    twins into a bar or other social situation, observe and report their behavior, and then market a book with a title:

    "Smart moves you can make to get laid?" Thankfully, Tim is a researcher, not a marketer. Cutler is a marketer.

    The subtitle of my book: "Mysteries of Odor in Human Sexuality" says a lot. There's still much to learn,

    and therein lies the difference between people like Winnifred Cutler and Tim Perper. Cutler's marketing approach

    (and others like her) is an attempt to make people think she knows it all; Perper doesn't market anything--and has

    never claimed to know it all, or more than a small part of the picture.

    Then, I come along, after reading

    Perper's well stated and meaningful observations, and corresponding with Tim for several years. Another ten years

    go by, and I write a book; another 5 years and I develop a product. All the while I'm attending conferences, and

    presenting an integrated approach to physical attraction with a mammalian model to back it up. Then, last year's

    Nobel Prize winner: Richard Axel (Physiology and/or Medicine), linked to from his Axel

    Labs site: and to top it off, he listed the

    link as one of two sites set up by colleagues involved in "Retail Aroma.".

    What about Cutler's site, or any

    other besides the Erox products site? Anyone who knows anything about, or respects researchers wouldn't bother.

    With recent information that seriously challenges (if not debunks) the human VNO approach, Axel Labs has only one

    link to "Retail Aroma" that is still viable with regards to human pheromone-enhanced products.

    Quote Originally Posted by tim929
    The pheromones that we use here were discovered and developed by people working in a very

    carefuly controled environment using state of the art technology and taking years...nay...decades to arrive at the

    findings they have produced.J.V.Kohl provides us a glimps into this world in his various posts around these

    forums.Many of the links he provides to articles on the subject of pheromones display findings that were developed

    in a labratory setting over many years by people who have been working so hard that they dont realize that the T.V.

    series M*A*S*H* was canceled.
    What? Cancelled? When? Where was I?

    Quote Originally Posted by tim929
    Altho I

    dont realy know that much about J.V.Kohl's personal life,he may be one of those people,as he is one of those very

    Thank you for your kind comments. It is very gratifying to know there are real people

    who understand the effort involved. If not for other motorcycle enthusiasts (i.e., bikers), I would not have


    Quote Originally Posted by tim929
    Simply slapping some pheromones on some twins and calling it science is pure

    folly.What we (the people who use pheromones) do is use what they have found in a scentific setting out in the real

    world and develop a plethora of anecdotal evidence based on extremely unscentific methods and practices.The reason

    we have products that work is because people like J.V.Kohl did the real work for us.
    Again, thanks. I

    still find it somewhat regretable that SoE products were featured in the UK broadcast of "The Aprhodisiac Test."

    Despite the free advertising, the show exemplified the products in a twin study--or so I'm told. I haven't seen

    the show. On the other hand, it brought lots of attention to the concept of human pheromones, and via my site it

    brought attention to the Love-Scent site. Even the 20/20 show brought attention to my site and the true concept of

    human pheromones. In any case, there appears to be some hope for the future. Anyone who wants the truth behind the

    concept and the products will be more likely to end up there (and here), regardless of the many scammers who are out

    to make buck. And, eventually, more knowledge about the reality of human physical attraction will be

    disseminated--a good thing, since knowledge is power.


  15. #15
    Banned User jvkohl's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gegogi
    I knew a set of

    identical twins and one was gay while the was other straight.
    In 1996, I co-authored a journal

    article with Milton Diamond for 'Hormones and Behavior" which now has the highest impact factor of any similar

    journal. Milton Diamond subsequently discovered the truth about two male twins (one raised as a girl; the other "As

    Nature Made Him.") For many years, and in all the college texts it was stated that nurture (how you were raised)

    triumphed over "nature" your genetic predisposition (in this case, genetically predisposed to be male). In other

    words, if a male was raised as a female, he would grow to behave like a "normal" female. This "lie" was taught to

    students for decades, and only recently did the truth about the nature and nurture of human sexuality become known

    (there is no dichotomy; nature and nurture work together). The developmental outcomes of nature and with it the

    social-environmental influence of nurture are now being more fully explored--with all their diversity (like Gegogi

    indicates). Next on my agenda is an invited article for a special edition of the Journal of Psychology and Human

    Sexuality--another opportunity to detail the role of pheromones in the development of human sexual



  16. #16
    Banned User jvkohl's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gegogi
    I read most of the

    material on Dr. Cutler's site and she comes off as a wantabe, spending too much time ringing her own bell and

    dissing competition. She needs to hire a professional writer and web designer. What doggie prose and funky design.

    With such poor attention to detail it makes your wonder about her product...
    Wish you could hear what

    other olfactory researchers have repeatedly said about Cutler over the past 15 years. Bottom line is that she has

    lost any respect she may have once had, and she lost it many years



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