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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2005
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    Default New comer to the game

    Hi im a newbie

    to the world of pheros and i have done some research and belieave i have found the ideal product for my intent in

    Alter Ego/m, well let me give some stats on my self.
    Hight: 5'5
    Weight: 160 (athletic build)
    Race: Black

    22 (though everyone thinks im like 18)
    Im pretty outgoing alone but with friends im kinda cocky and crazy. girls

    describe me from cute to hot but most often i get the cute thing though.

    Now back to the story, i'm a massage

    therapist and im looking for a way to kinda up my tips and get more frequcency out of my regulars and promote myself

    a little more to get some new ones through word of mouth and just by meeting people myself and also somthing i can

    wear out to the club or parties to help boost my game a little. Now in my research Alter Ego seems to me, though

    arguably, to be the best standalone product. Like i said im new comer and i just would like some input on what

    other's opinions are about what i should try first. Also I would like some moral opinions on the sitution I maybe

    using the mones in, because it sort of a comproiming sitution for the client and I still debating the ethics in

    using mones in this type of job setting. I will greatly appreciate any and all input. thanks

  2. #2
    Kodachrome Forever! Gegogi's Avatar
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    "...I still debating the

    ethics in using mones in this type of job setting."
    Pheromones won't make anyone do anything they don't

    want to to. Sure it tends to push things to the surface more strongly and quickly, but the repsonse is still the

    real deal--positive or negative. Freewill is still at play. I think of pheromones as a personal enhancement like a

    new shirt, hairdoo or cologne. If used correctly, it makes you a little more attractive but you are still

    fundamentally who you were before donning your new 'doo, shirt or NPA. If used incorrectly, you can frighten or

    sometimes even anger the infirm and meek.

    For business and social enhancement, I'd strongly recommend SOE.

    It's effective and extremely difficult to overdose on.
    "I'm just a dirty hornytoad" -Gegogi

  3. #3
    Phero Dude
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    Gegogi makes a very good point

    there.You are fundamentaly still who you are,regardless of what you wear.Im sure that being a massage therapist has

    certain advantages in getting a womans ears to perk up.I have yet to meet a woman who didnt perk up at the idea of

    getting a good massage.As for attracting business,SoE is a realy good place to start,and maybe even finish.Its a

    very comfortable product and very hard to go wrong with.

    In terms of the ethics of using pheromones in a

    business setting...thats where things get realy grey.You have to make the determination as to weather you are going

    to use the advantage for good or evil.Thats where your free choice comes in.But realy,its not like mind

    control.People still have a will of thier own and are perfectly capable of being self determined in thier own

    right.If pheromones improve your success and help your patients to be more comfortable and get more out of thier

    therapy,then you have a win/win situation.

  4. #4
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    Thanks for the advice on the

    moral aspect of it, and for the mones SoE was my intial choice but I read that it makes people chatty and as I

    thought on this I don't want people to be to talkative during a session and also i wanted something a little more

    sexual than SoE sounds and with out the kick face NPA seems to provide so I went with AE at first glance ya know.

    But I may buy both

  5. #5
    Stranger hatch's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by BluSteal
    Thanks for the

    advice on the moral aspect of it, and for the mones SoE was my intial choice but I read that it makes people

    chatty... so I went with AE at first glance ya know. But I may buy both
    Have you used the AE yet? Have

    you noticed any hits or reactions.

    I too have purchased AE and am going to try it as a standalone. I'm having

    trouble finding information about it being used as a standalone. Any info you can offer would be beneficial.


    ADDED: Blu, I'm a "newbie" too but I personally can vouche for SOE. My best experience with it involved

    wearing 1/2 a gel pack of it primarily on my wrists and forearms (Note: I pulled the sleeves up on my long-sleeve

    shirt to help the mones spread). I'm much like you 160, (i'm 6'6"), age 26, confident/cocky around my friends,

    but still outgoing in social situations. I think the only difference is color of skin, but if you can tell me how

    that makes a difference I'll buy you a drink. Anyways, the SOE did make my target very talkative, but the

    conversation what deeper than usual. Much of her comments and questions were inquiring about me instead of "I this,

    I that". I noticed that conversation is not what your looking for, but hopefully this info will help you in some


    I'm not going to comment on the morality or ethics behind using it in your situation, but I will comment

    on why I LOGICALLY think you are in a great situation to benefit from mones. Being a massage therapist, your whole

    day your arms/hands are moving. One of the preferred application points for mones is on the wrist, a pulse point.

    Since you are in close proximity to your target/client/etc... with your hands moving, you are going to really get

    these pheromones released into the atmosphere. Plus, the added friction from the massage will generate heat, also

    aiding in the release of the mone.

    I'm not an expert at mones by any means, and if a mod would care to weigh in

    on my hypothesis, I would like to hear your ideas. I haven't even experimented all that much with them so I still

    have a lot to learn myself. These are just my ideas I've formed from reading these forums, the pherolibrary,

    personal product research, limited experimentation, etc...
    "I 'mone, You 'mone, make her moan with pheromones!"
    -Me (I jes made that up)

  6. #6
    Doctor of Scentology DrSmellThis's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by BluSteal
    Thanks for the

    advice on the moral aspect of it, and for the mones SoE was my intial choice but I read that it makes people chatty

    and as I thought on this I don't want people to be to talkative during a session and also i wanted something a

    little more sexual than SoE sounds and with out the kick face NPA seems to provide so I went with AE at first glance

    ya know. But I may buy both
    ...Love the Zoolander reference, BTW!
    DrSmellThis (creator of P H E R O S)

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
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    Try starting out with SOE

    or WAGG. I'm finding I seem to be getting better responses from WAGG versus SOE. At 22, you probably already have a

    high none signature.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Dec 2005
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    No I have not used AE as a

    standlone yet, or any mone for that matter but would like too, but all this talk of SoE has peaked my intrest again

    so I think I will place an order for both. And I will keep in touch about my experences with them. Also does mixing

    the 2 work well??? though its not my focus but if i buy both may as well right. Thanks again you all have been very

    helpful in my first indeavor in the world of mones

    P.S. Thanks for the props Dr. SmellThis

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