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  1. #1
    Stranger hatch's Avatar
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    Default Mones more effective after a period of usage?

    Hello everyone, I'm a newbie to the forums (however I've clocked countless hours searching and

    reading through these this thing!!!). I have used mones in the past (approx 2-3 years ago) but had them stolen and

    haven't started using them again until just recently. Here's an observation that I made back then (please dont

    scold me, i've searched these forums, read the newbie advice and suggestions, and am still at a loss for

    info)...when I first started using them (I'll address what I was using in a bit) I didn't notice much of an effect

    from them. After about 2 weeks of usage, then I started to notice some hits. Mainly the ladies were more open in

    their conversations, easier to talk to, and I caught a lot of glances from them. Has anyone else noticed a delayed

    onset effect from usage of any of these 'none, 'nol, 'rone, etc...?

    As for what I was using, I'm not really

    sure. I am 90% sure that I bought them from love-scent, so I'm hoping someone will recognize what they are. It was

    a blue bottle with a black cap, much like the PPA bottle shown on the website. However, if I recall correctly, there

    was no label on it. It had a drip spout like the one in NPA bottles except the little hole was in the middle of the

    spout. I would give anything to figure out what this was as I did notice it starting to work for me....anyone?


    that leaves me to where I'm at now. After reading through many threads, I've drawn the conclusion that mixing is

    the route to go. Right now I have the Sampler pack, 5 mL of NPA, and am waiting for my order of SOE scented and AE

    to come in....oh, and I have some Chikara gel packets coming too (I love the smell of Chikara!!!) I ordered a set of

    4 atomizers and some 1 mL pipettes from ebay, so I am psyched to start experimenting and hopefully start posting

    some positive results sooner than later. I've never been a ladies man, so I also realized that I need a change of

    (attitude?....outlook?....something). I know 'mones aren't going to do it all. So I read through 'Double your

    Dating' the 1st edition and am getting the 2nd edition to page through that too. I do recommend those books to

    anyone looking to improve how they handle the ladies.

    Here's another topic of my concern. (Again, I've

    looked/searched, but none of the threads really answer my question). I know that mones release with heat

    (convection?)...hence applying it to the pulse points as they generate heat. I have also come to the conclusion that

    the mones will rise with the warm air that they are carried in. Here's my catch 22...I'm 6'6". If the mones rise

    when released and progress upward with the warmer air, would I NOT benefit from applying them at different spots

    than the wrists (i.e. behind the ears, along the jawline, etc...) Being that majority of people are shorter than me,

    wouldn't these mones just be floating around in hot air? the "Phero cloud" theory applicable in this


    OH, I do have an observation to add with NPA. I don't really think that I smell the mones in these

    products. NPA smells like Vodka to me, everything else I smell has a non-offensive odor to me. One time in class

    (I'm a Management Major with my other degree in Accounting) I didn't notice the "cat piss" smell as it is referred

    to here, but after a little bit I noticed a slight smell of (the best way I can find to describe it...) vomit. Have

    you ever had someone throw up in a room, car, etc. and not clean it up till the next day....the pungent smell that

    eminates in the area? That is the smell that I was getting. Before going to class, I had put on about 3-4 dabs of

    NPA on...1 on each wrist, 1 behind each ear and used a little over half a gel pack of Chikara on my wrist/forearm.

    Has anyone else noticed this smell using NPA before? I'm almost intentionally trying to OD to find out what is too

    much for me, however, I haven't noticed much for hits or aggressive behavior from anyone. If anything, the mones

    have had more of an effect on me....making me more conversational, breaking down some of my social barriers. Since I

    have just been applying them directly for the past week (since I got my NPA and samp. pack), I haven't noticed much

    of an effect, but again, I am eager to mix, experiment, and learn from my results. I believe in mones because

    they've worked for me in the past and I'll be damned if they're going to fail me now!

    Finally, just a brief

    note, I would like to compliment Tammy in (cust. serv?....shipping?) as she has been very helpful in aiding me with

    some confusion with one of my orders. Thanks Tammy!

    I have some inquiries regarding copulins and their possible

    usage by males, but I'd like to do some more extensive searching and reading before I get to those questions.


    pre-emptive thanks for everyones help! And "Happy 'Moning!" to you all!

  2. #2
    Moderator belgareth's Avatar
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    Good report and welcome to the

    forum. I have two suggestions/opinions. The first is that you should not start by mixing. Start with one product and

    figure out what it does. Then move on to the next and so on. You'll learn a lot more and greatly increase your

    chances of overall success. When you mix you have no real way of knowing which product got which reaction. By

    working through the products methodically you'll know what each product does and you'll be able to customize mixes

    to suit your needs.

    The next is to do a search for Gegogi's, Koolkings, holmes', tim929, rbt's and a few

    other of the more mature users. They have a lot of good advice about how to deal with women that will serve you in

    the long term.

    From your description I'd say that you probably had Primal Instinct and am surprised you got

    results but the length of time it took isn't surprising. It's very strong and can be hard to work with. Can you

    remember the amounts you used?

    Good luck.
    To compel a man to subsidize with his taxes the propagation of ideas which he disbelieves and abhors is sinful and tyrannical.

    Thomas Jefferson

  3. #3
    Stranger hatch's Avatar
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    Thanks Bel'.....I at least like

    the effect that SOE has had on me and others the couple times I've worn it (I tried to stretch the gel pack of it

    that came in the sampler), so I know I"m going to stick with that. I need to add some 'none to that mix, so I'm

    considering the infamous 70%-30% (SOE/NPA) mix found throughout the forum. That's my main reason for wanting to

    mix. I'm going to find a way to get the roller top off of the SOE so I can measure this stuff out. However, I

    heed your advice. I've never used AE before, so I'm thinking about giving that a shot as a standalone. If I

    recall correctly from the product table, that has all three 'mones in it? Don't answer that, I'll look it up.

    Your thoughts?

    In regards to how much I used back then (thanks for your input on what you thought it might have

    been), I'd love to be able to give you some number. I can't. BUT...I can take a very educated guess based on my

    personal observations of my behavioral patterns. I would say that I started using it and at first, having somewhat

    high but not outlandish expectations, I didn't notice much effect from the 'mones. So, I put on more....(the

    American way...more is better, right?....WRONG...OR IS IT)
    ...I would have to guess that by the time they started

    working for me, I was using what would probably be described as an OD amount. But again, I have tried everything

    short of bathing in NPA to intentionally OD to find my upper limit, and I haven't noticed anything (now that is,

    not back then). I will say that I'm a very funny guy (its my only god given skill i can rely on to wooooo women),

    so maybe I am OD'ing but people are just hanging around cause I am making them laugh?
    "I 'mone, You 'mone, make her moan with pheromones!"
    -Me (I jes made that up)

  4. #4
    Moderator belgareth's Avatar
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    Ok, because of the reactions I

    get from none based products I have to go light on them so am a little biased in my assessments. Others here will

    advise exactly the opposite because they get good results with what I think are huge amounts of none. That's why we

    experiment, to learn what really works for you. If SoE works for you, play with it and get a good odea how much to

    wear. Then start adding small amounts of TE or NPA until you find your optimum dose.

    Yup, more is better, you


    I'm funny and kind of laid back too, it's a great tool. But I'm naturally aggressive and self

    confident and that's possibly why none and I don't work well together. There are a lot of different ways of

    dealing with or treating women. Look for ones that are going to compliment your personal values and serve you in the

    long term. If you develop methods that aren't realy you they will wear thin after a while. Women aren't stupid and

    eventually see through most masks.
    To compel a man to subsidize with his taxes the propagation of ideas which he disbelieves and abhors is sinful and tyrannical.

    Thomas Jefferson

  5. #5
    Stranger hatch's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by hatch

    Here's another

    topic of my concern. (Again, I've looked/searched, but none of the threads really answer my question). I know that

    mones release with heat (convection?)...hence applying it to the pulse points as they generate heat. I have also

    come to the conclusion that the mones will rise with the warm air that they are carried in. Here's my catch

    22...I'm 6'6". If the mones rise when released and progress upward with the warmer air, would I NOT benefit from

    applying them at different spots than the wrists (i.e. behind the ears, along the jawline, etc...) Being that

    majority of people are shorter than me, wouldn't these mones just be floating around in hot air? the

    "Phero cloud" theory applicable in this case?
    Thanks again Bel'....I'll stick to the SOE till I

    get a grasp on whats working, whats not, and what I really like. Any ideas on my "hot air/'mones rising" idea?

  6. #6
    Banned User
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    Thermal imaging cameras show

    what looks like a definite updraft emanating from humans when we are seen in the proper spectrum. I'd say if

    you're really tall, apply the mone's to your hands and forearms.

  7. #7
    Moderator belgareth's Avatar
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    I've mentioned the concept on

    the forum before. It seems to me that you should be able to view pheromone distribution as a funnel shaped thing

    growing wider as it gets higher. Of course, as the air cools and mixes with other currents they probably drift down

    again somewhere unless sucked up into the heating/AC intakes.
    To compel a man to subsidize with his taxes the propagation of ideas which he disbelieves and abhors is sinful and tyrannical.

    Thomas Jefferson

  8. #8
    Phero Dude
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    In regard to the delayed effect

    of pheromones,there have been a number of posts in regard to that aspect.There doesnt seem to be much of a consensus

    on exactly why they take alittle while to realy kick in but it does seem to be a fairly common occurence.There have

    also been a number of posts reporting that in the first contact with a "target" (that sounds kinda cold) there was

    no reaction.But the next day,the target was talkative and flirty and so forth.Indicating that it took alittle time

    for her subconsious to kick in and give her a clue that your attractive from a scent point of view.Part of the issue

    of mones taking a while to kick in may be that pheromones build up on the skin,even with regular bathing and many

    times people have reported "over dose" responses even though they have not used and unusualy large amount of

    pheromones that day or didnt use them at all and are just getting the response from the build up.Many people will

    take breaks for a day or two every week to give the pheromone build up a chance to disapate.But not everyone has

    this issue.It probably has more to do with your own body chemistry than anything else.

    As for application

    points,I am a short guy and dont have quite the same issue of application points that require FAA approval.Altho

    body heat will cause the pheromones to rise,there are plenty of application points like wrists and chest that will

    spend enough time at or near or below nose level to give people a nice whiff without having to take your shoes

    off.And the rise that wiould be seen if you were to do one of those cool wind tunnel tests isnt as dramatic as you

    might think.The rate of rise from body heat wont look like heat waves from a roaring oil well fire.The scent will

    rise at a fairly slow rate and will also ebb and flow with movement of natural air currents,your movement and the

    movement of others.If you wear cologne,the pheromones will spread and move around in the same way.So if people smell

    your cologne,they are also picking up your pheromones.

    As for mixing.Take your time to figure out each product

    on its own merrits first,then start playing mad scentist trying to take over the world.Since you have already

    figured out that these things take alittle time to realy kick in,it stands to reason that you should give each

    product a chance to show you what it does for you and then start tweaking it according to the results.If NPA is

    alittle too aggressive,temper it with alittle SoE,etc...Most of the mixes that realy work are the result of many

    trials with different amounts and combinations.But just because it worked for me doesnt mean it will work for you.So

    its important to find your special brew.But that begins with knowing the products individualy.

    Many times,you

    can gauge what sort of reaction you will get based on what you got from one product and comparing it to the

    reactions that other people got from it and what they got from something else as well.If NPA is to much,we can

    already see that others have seen that too and tried something like SoE or WAGG or Chikara with better results and

    that may be true for you as well.Others have recieved great results with NPA all by itself.Thanx to these forums

    there is a huge body of information to help us with those sorts of decisions.

    And on the subject of customer

    service.These people are awesome.Tammy has always been great about getting things right for me and Bruce does an

    awesome job of running a business that you can count on.

  9. #9
    Stranger hatch's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by tim929
    In regard to the

    delayed effect of pheromones,there have been a number of posts in regard to that aspect.There doesnt seem to be much

    of a consensus on exactly why they take alittle while to realy kick in but it does seem to be a fairly common

    occurence.There have also been a number of posts reporting that in the first contact with a "target" (that sounds

    kinda cold) there was no reaction.But the next day,the target was talkative and flirty and so forth.Indicating that

    it took alittle time for her subconsious to kick in and give her a clue that your attractive from a scent point of

    view.Part of the issue of mones taking a while to kick in may be that pheromones build up on the skin,even with

    regular bathing and many times people have reported "over dose" responses even though they have not used and

    unusualy large amount of pheromones that day or didnt use them at all and are just getting the response from the

    build up.Many people will take breaks for a day or two every week to give the pheromone build up a chance to

    disapate.But not everyone has this issue.It probably has more to do with your own body chemistry than anything else.

    You also mentioned giving each product a trial period so to speak, I can't agree more,

    but what kind of time frame do you have in mind. 2 weeks, a month...? I know there's no clear cut answer here,

    but you were in my shoes at one time or another. How long did you experiment with each one? (I realize that this

    can vary based on one's level of social activity, changing amounts of 'mones used, etc...) I'm not necessarily

    trying to mimick someones good results out of the hope that it will work for me, but the more I learn from others

    like you, the better chance I have of finding whats right for me.
    <-----I dig the smileys
    "I 'mone, You 'mone, make her moan with pheromones!"
    -Me (I jes made that up)

  10. #10
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    But is it not that some 'mones

    just are not standalone products? I mean, is there a point, for example, to wear AA314 or A1 alone to figure it


  11. #11
    Phero Dude
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    The time frame for trials varies

    from person to person and depends uppon your exposure to others as well.In my case,I found out that Alter Ego/M

    works realy well.But it took about a month and a half to figure that out.Partly due to sporadic exposure to lively

    targets and partly due to sporadic use.Once I settled into a routeen of use and exposure the hits were fairly

    predictable.There is a reason that Bruce offers such a generous money back guarantee.Give it as much time as it

    takes.Your body chemistry will effect the way the pheromones work for you.Some people will get hits right

    away...others take a month or so...I realy does just depends on all the little variables of you and your life.

  12. #12
    King of the coupons!
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    Quote Originally Posted by tim929
    I found

    out that Alter Ego/M works realy well. O
    nce I settled into a routeen of use and exposure the hits were fairly

    How many drops/dabs are you wearing, Tim?

    Never argue with ignorant people! They pull you down to THEIR level, and then they BEAT YOU with experience. Who said that!? I don't know, but tis gold I tell'ya!!

  13. #13
    Phero Dude
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    Usualy two drops.One on each side

    of my neck smeared from behind the earlobe down the sides.Once in a while just for extra kick I would put a third

    drop on my neck but usualy just the two.The effects were usualy mild but very noticeable.Any more than two or three

    drops tends to have a negative effect on me especialy.I spilled my little bottle of AE so I never realy got a chance

    to try it with SoE gel packs.Thats one that I intend to try as soon as money and opportunity permit.

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