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  1. #121
    Kodachrome Forever! Gegogi's Avatar
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    "I don't know if there is

    a relationship between bad-Alphaness in monkeys and sociopathy or anti-social behavior in humans..."

    sure there is. Some of our highest ranking political and business leaders certainly are now treading this path.

    However if being highly promiscuous is a sociopathic trait, I guess I have some of those genes.
    "I'm just a dirty hornytoad" -Gegogi

  2. #122
    Banned User
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gegogi

    promiscuous is a sociopathic trait, I guess I have some of those genes.
    I dont know about sociopathic

    for you Gegogi but I definately think you fit into the nimpho category. lol.

  3. #123
    Phero Enthusiast
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    Wink being a Man Ho isn't enuf....

    read the book if you want detailed information. Guys who have some of the sociopathic cluster will appear to the

    naive outside world as the greatest pick up artists, they will have exactly what it takes... complete lack of self

    consciousness, not embarrassable (real 'paths simply lack the mechanism to be embarrassed, they have never

    experienced the feeling), very good at sensing the weaknesses of their targets, intensely charming, temporarily make

    others feel special or unsually alive, seem to have a magical sense of rapport... face it, these persons (there are

    numerous women who fit this category too) don't need pheromones or pick up manuals, they have all they need walking

    in the door. They are nature's born masters of the pick up. All those how-to flip books for horny guys are

    lets-pretend-we're-marginal-sociopath cartoons. According to Stout, only a small percentage are the stereotype

    crazed violent axe murderer, most of them have fit smoothly and invisibly into society and are experts on doing

    their business on the sly... think about the stats here, 1 in 25 is in some way, shape, or form... thus if you go

    into a large crowded hump bar on Happy Hunting Hump Nite and there's 200 people in there, the numerical odds are

    that 8 of them will be the slickest pros you ever laid eyes on... and you may be wondering, how the hell does that

    guy do that ???... is is it always a guy, cause, 4 of 'em might be women who are experts at picking out the rich

    fishies they want to hustle then giving them the illusion that they're such incredible man things...

  4. #124
    Bad Motha Holmes's Avatar
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    Default The real question is...

    How does

    one learn to become a true sociopath?

    Would NYU offer night classes?
    If a guy's a cocksucker in his life, when he dies, he don't become a saint. - Morris Levy, Hitmen

    Holmes' Theme Song

  5. #125
    Phero Enthusiast
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    Cool YES!!! They sure do ! Apply to the Stern Business School!

    there's also the School For Continuing Education.... maybe something in healthcare

    administration would get you on your way...

  6. #126
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    i thought any good law school

    would do.

    \this ends my weak attempt at humor.

  7. #127
    Bad Motha Holmes's Avatar
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    Default I was thinking Tisch


    was only half-joking, actually. If only there were some way to disable that embarrassment mechanism...


    stepfather was (and probably still is) a textbook sociopath. A flaming asshole to those who've known him more than

    a week, but boy does he work magic on strangers! Unreal. Actually pisses me off just thinking about it.

    Sociopathic souls are generally in a state of constant torment, but if you're a walking pheromone

    generator, who needs a soul anyway?
    If a guy's a cocksucker in his life, when he dies, he don't become a saint. - Morris Levy, Hitmen

    Holmes' Theme Song

  8. #128
    Phero Enthusiast
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    Wink there is some suggestion that they may produce high levels of pheromones too

    this is a most interesting area for researchers to look into... women

    who have worked with prisoner populations have reported becoming intensely aroused during interviews with prisoners,

    even those with known horrendous deeds right before them in their files... and 'paths have a well established track

    record of an irrrational charisma that takes hold of those in their presence, as well as high promiscuity, and

    initially people report "wanting to believe them"... so possibly if you're emanating 10x or 100x the normal waft of

    pheromones, others will tend to react in unusual, automatic ways around you.... imagine how your personality would

    be shaped if everyone you met went DIHL and offered to give you what you wanted.... also interesting is sociopathic

    personalities usually appear with the onset of puberty, although there are other early behaviors such as facility

    with lying...

    Another point to consider is that sociopaths are exceedingly effective in certain types of

    interaction, they are known to be fantastic seducers; with sex, business deals, politics... there is some

    misconception about how they accomplish this... it appears that they don't just go out and start hitting on people,

    far from it... they are masters at reading people, picking up on subtle cues, minor tells, flinches, eye blinks,

    head nods, postural shifts that signal availability, skepticism, vulnerability, arousal, disgust.... their attitude

    about it is that these signals are obvious but most people are incompetent and can't read them right... which tells

    us what ?

    Sociopaths most probably have exceptional "empathy" skills, the same ones that the best

    psychologists and detectives have, they can zone in and take the precise emotional temperature of who they are

    dealing with... so this changes the whole seduction theory totally, they don't go out and blindly do stuff to

    people, it's more that they are gifted with intense listening and watching skills, like a hawk can see as well as a

    human with a pair of 6 power binoculars or a shark can sense minute changes in the electrical current in the water

    ... the problem for everyone who has to deal with this
    personality type is that it is "broken empathy", they

    have way turned up sensing-detection skills but absolutely no shared feeling with who they are sensing... sort of

    like other humans are sophisticated plastic dolls and nothing more...

    so, here's the laundry list of what

    might make them function in part:

    high pheromone production

    exceptionally fine emotional

    (or, the other way, most of us are laughably incompetent)

    complete lack of


    the pheromones you can supplement

    you can gain improved emotional

    perception through many forms of study: NLP, Meisner technique acting, Improv, pair dancing, communication


    you can reduce self consciousness through many schools of acting...

    and, teee heee, you can

    squirt a lotta mones on yourself before acting class and really cut loose, plus you will learn about 3 times more

    than you would otherwise.... for example, when I've been working with a scene partner and the -mones kick in some

    magic happens, even is the scene is low key and there isn't much expectation that it is going anyplace special...

    and the room starts paying real close attention, they can sense the attunement and it intrigues them....


    that leaves us where ?

  9. #129
    Banned User
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    Smile got me all fired up

    on self improvement and growth and adventure. I am allllllll pumped up. In fact I am close to scrapping my

    plans to move to Austin and thinkin about going to the west coast and pickin up a job at a restaurant a couple self

    improvement classes and a surf board man! Yea!!

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