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  1. #1
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    Default Need some serious help!

    Hi, ok this

    might not be that serious, but its pretty serious to me. Ok, im new here, and I just got NPA and Chikara yesterday

    in the mail. I bought them JUST for this one girl, my ex. I wanted to know what else I would need and what would be

    a good mix. Yesterday I when I tried it on the for the first time (2 sprays Chikara(I think the new bottle, not beta

    old) and about 2-3 dabs and then 2 more later of NPA). I got two hits, one from this asian girl, and another from

    this white girl.

    I tried the same combo today, and I didn't notice any hits, but then again I wasn't around

    many girls for a long period of time.

    Ok, about me:

    Im 19 years old
    Im around 230 Ilbs with a good

    Im South Asian(India).

    Ok, now I broke up with my ex last year, but I still have strong feelings for her,

    that was one girl I really loved. It was over a small argument with had about kids.

    Now, I want to really get

    back with her, and right now she goes to a college 80 miles away from mine, but back home she lives 6 blocks from

    me, and in December, when college is over, we will be around the same area again, and I need some extra help from

    pheromones to attract her to me and keep her interest in me.

    Whats a good mix, with the NPA and Chikara I have,

    and if there is anything else I might need. (I also spray a little bit of Curve Crush and I also smoke Ciggarettes,

    hopefully they dont change results that much)

    BTW, she is 18 years old, and is half Spanish(Ecuadorian), and half


    Much much help is appreciated, and if there is anything wrong with my post, just let me know, and

    I will fix it.

    Thank you so much guys. BTW, I have read alot of these posts and stuff in the library, and I got a

    good idea of some stuff, but I just need a little bit more advice, I couldnt find certain topics about average

    results towards mixed women.

  2. #2
    Phero Dude gfunk's Avatar
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    2 sprays of Chikara and 2-3 dabs of NPA sounds good, but I don't

    think I would have added more dabs later, this coming from someone ten years older than you, with less natural mone

    production going on.. Also, seems good to mention that the NPA goes first, covered by the Chikara.

    Seems like the

    mones are working for you already so just do some testing with different applications, that's always the best way

    to get things right.

    I tried the same combo today, and I didn't notice any hits, but then again I

    wasn't around many girls for a long period of time.
    I hope you were'nt looking for hits from the

    furniture...! But then again, you could have encountered social and business hits from other


    If you broke up with your gf over an argument like that you might have to reconsider the fact that this

    might actually be a HUGE thing in her eyes. She might still like you just the same, even no need for mones or other

    improvements, but this may be the breaking point for her.

    Good luck to you!

  3. #3
    Phero Dude
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    Quote Originally Posted by gfunk
    If you

    broke up with your gf over an argument like that you might have to reconsider the fact that this might actually be a

    HUGE thing in her eyes. She might still like you just the same, even no need for mones or other improvements, but

    this may be the breaking point for her.

    Good luck to you!
    if you broke up over an argument

    about the desire to have children then the mones may help a tiny bit. in the long run it is your viewpoint on the

    whole kids debate that will change things. this is assuming the argument was over wanting chilkdren in the future.

    most women are really set in their viewpoint over having children. if a guy doesnt agree the women usually high tail

    outta there and fast. in that situation the only thing you can do is sincerely change your view point.

    if she

    still has feelings for you the mones may help. if you still talk from time to time then there is possibility of

    getting back together. usually in the cases of ex gf's and mones, they usually aren't a solution as it is normally

    something about one's ways or behavior that needs changing.

    it is kind of hard to really give good feedback

    without knowing the nature of the argument. best bet would be find hapiness with another girl and maybe you and

    your ex could patch things up at some point. ex's going away to different schools are normally recipe for

    heartbreak if you dont let go.

  4. #4
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    Ok, the argument was about us

    getting married after college and having kids, and she didnt know I was high at the time, so I said pretty stupid

    things like, "Kids, I hate kids, who wants kids?" and "I dont want my kid to be mixed from three different races,

    beside did I tell you, I hate kids?", and more stupid things like that. After that conversation, she walked out on

    me forever, I tried explaining I was kidding and I was high as hell, but she said "dont give me that bull, I used to

    smoke weed, I know your true feelings come out when you are high, I dont ever want to be with you again!" I said

    sorry a hundred times, and and all she ever said was, im not interested in your sorrys. She also said she feels mad

    uncomfortable around me after the breakup. A friend of hers did tell me 3 weeks ago that she seems mad unstable

    nowadays, as she never keeps a BF over 2 weeks, and they always seem to break up. I don't know if she is like that

    cuz of something else or me, I dont know.

    I would love to get back with her, I just need mones to help me a

    little bit, make her feel interested in me again, and not feel uncomfortable around me. I take everything back, I

    dont care if she wants to have a hundred kids, I just want to be with her and support her with that.

    I would

    still like to find out a good mix I should use when I approach her again, and also for other girls I guess.

  5. #5
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    try less dabs of NPA when your

    using 2 sprays of chikara...if you use 2 sprays chikara try just 1 or 2 dabs of NPA..and don't reapply the NPA

    within the same day/night. If you know you are going to meet her try the 2 sprays of Chikara and maybe 1 dab of

    NPA..if she seems like she is willing to reconcile or open too..the next time you see her try 2 dabs unless you got

    really good results with just the 1 NPA dab.

  6. #6
    Kodachrome Forever! Gegogi's Avatar
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    Lordy, if you cross a woman over

    the children it's really hard to fix. I've made that mistake a several times and got crossed off their list

    forever. Basically they think you're a selfish twit. My wife divorced me for that (among a few other things). They

    were ready to settle down and make babies and I wasn't serious enough so good-bye. The funny thing is that issue

    comes up with nearly every woman I've been involved with. The "test" must be an instinctive thing for females.
    "I'm just a dirty hornytoad" -Gegogi

  7. #7
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    Although its gotta suck when u are

    in love with someone and you plan on getting married and one of you wants children and the other


  8. #8
    Moderator belgareth's Avatar
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    Thankfully, my SO is no more

    iterested in raising kids than I am in raising more. She gets along with mine well but has no desire to create

    To compel a man to subsidize with his taxes the propagation of ideas which he disbelieves and abhors is sinful and tyrannical.

    Thomas Jefferson

  9. #9
    Phero Enthusiast phersurf's Avatar
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    I'd like to make a few comments

    unrelated to mones.

    First of all I think 19 is way too young to even consider having a serious relationship.

    At 19 you begin to think you know who your are, but you really have no clue. Most people change so much between

    20-30 that they usually have a good laugh at who they were at 19. Now, take that and multiply it by 2 people

    drastically changing and you have the formula for disaster. I don't know about Australia, but in the US, the

    divorce rate among people that marry under the age of 25 is 70%! Even if you don't want to marry this girl, that

    statistic should tell you how much people change in their early 20's, especially after they go to


    It sounds like you have "one-itis". That's when you get hung up on one particular girl at a

    detriment to the rest of your social life. The best cure for one-itis is to date other gilrs (without getting

    serious!) and have fun. We've all been there, thinking that this one girl is our one and ony true love, until we

    move on and find another girl that is also amazing in her own way.

    If you still want her back, ler her see

    you dating other girls and having a good time without her. Be friendly to her and even tease her a little. When she

    sees that you have a life without her and other women are attracted to you, she may begin to have interest again.

    Women want guys that other women are attracted to, this is called social proof and increases your


    This exact thing happened to me a year ago. I dated this girl I work with (I know, not good). She

    dumped me right when I started tinking "this could be the one". I started dating again and she saw me with a couple

    of other women, and now she is totally showing interest again.

  10. #10
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    Women want guys that other

    women are attracted to, this is called social proof and increases your status.
    I once herd a saying to the

    liking of that men are like restuarants in that a woman isn't going to likely eat at a restuarant that doesn't

    have many people in it, but everyone wants to eat at that restuarant that is jam packed. It's proof that the food

    and atmosphere are good. The same applies to women and men..probably more so with women viewing men. I get a lot

    more girls wanting to date me or get my number when I'm in a relationship and have a girlfriend than I do single.

  11. #11
    Kodachrome Forever! Gegogi's Avatar
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    "but everyone wants to eat

    at that restuarant that is jam packed. It's proof that the food and atmosphere are good."
    Or that it's

    at a prime location in a tourist area. I've eaten at some pretty terrible restaurants while traveling that were

    standing room only! Of course, I think it's true when it comes to many women, although I've known exceptions.
    "I'm just a dirty hornytoad" -Gegogi

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by pyrojedi
    Ok, the

    argument was about us getting married after college and having kids, and she didnt know I was high at the time, so I

    said pretty stupid things like, "Kids, I hate kids, who wants kids?" and "I dont want my kid to be mixed from three

    different races, beside did I tell you, I hate kids?", and more stupid things like that. After that conversation,

    she walked out on me forever, I tried explaining I was kidding and I was high as hell, but she said "dont give me

    that bull, I used to smoke weed, I know your true feelings come out when you are high, I dont ever want to be with

    you again!" I said sorry a hundred times, and and all she ever said was, im not interested in your sorrys. She also

    said she feels mad uncomfortable around me after the breakup. A friend of hers did tell me 3 weeks ago that she

    seems mad unstable nowadays, as she never keeps a BF over 2 weeks, and they always seem to break up. I don't know

    if she is like that cuz of something else or me, I dont know.

    I would love to get back with her, I just need

    mones to help me a little bit, make her feel interested in me again, and not feel uncomfortable around me. I take

    everything back, I dont care if she wants to have a hundred kids, I just want to be with her and support her with


    I would still like to find out a good mix I should use when I approach her again, and also for other girls

    I guess.
    Unless your Hudini your finished man...sorry

  13. #13
    Phero Dude
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    Quote Originally Posted by DUKE3100

    your Hudini your finished man...sorry
    i agree. your ship is sunk. the mones may make her feel even more

    uncomfortable around you as giving off the horny vibe could very well make her think your saying whatever you can to

    get back into her pants.

    her being unstable well that could be anything. the quicker you accept the fact that

    it is over the less pain you will go through. women take children thing to heart. she isnt going to listen to your

    apologies she has already made up her mind that you dont want children.

    the mones arent going to help you one

    bit. she's lost the attraction. using them on her will probably drive her away further. plus they are just going

    to give you false hopes of getting her back thus dragging out your pain and suffering even more.

    if she wants

    to get married and have children after school then obviously she is looking for somebody she can do so with. even

    if you're the luckiest man on earth and somehow get her back than in a few years you'll only lose her again when

    the issue resurfaces. at that point it will hurt even more and you'll have thrown away some of the more free

    memorable years of both of your lives. you're only bringing more pain and regrets to your future life if you

    keep pursuing her.

    i only wish at your age i had people giving me such advice. i didnt listen to the few who

    did and years later i still have to live with the regret of wasting my college years when i couldve been so much


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